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02-23-2010, 01:19 PM
well i called alot of things this last year...

Steelers missing the playoffs

Saints winning it all

Tomlinson being released

But Brian Westbrook being released...well i wasnt really expecting that, i thought he would atleast get his contract restructed or something...apparently McCoy is the guy

well as for my Ravens nothing yet but i cry in my sleep wishing for a WR..

anything you guys hoping for this offseason? any expectations?


02-23-2010, 02:25 PM
I think the Saints will do well again this year. The superbowl win had to have helped their confidence level...I just hope it doesn't go to their heads.

02-23-2010, 03:01 PM
I hope that the Chargers draft Jonathan Dwyer or Jahvid Best, and a big boy at DT. Although this draft is very thin on people who could potentially be starting 3-4 DT's, especially out of the 1st round.

It will be interesting to see if we go with a Lineman or a RB in the first round.

02-23-2010, 03:08 PM
what happened with jamal williams?

iam 95% sure theyre going RB 1st round 25pick

02-23-2010, 03:11 PM
I think the Saints will do well again this year. The superbowl win had to have helped their confidence level...I just hope it doesn't go to their heads.

shit it better boost their confidence!! its a superbowl dammit

that would give me more confidence than angelina jolie desperately wanting to have sex with me:drool:

02-23-2010, 03:18 PM
what happened with jamal williams?

iam 95% sure theyre going RB 1st round 25pick

Dude's old as shit, has bad knees, and by the time next season starts won't have played for a year. We may be able to make due with him and the rotation at DT we used last season, but sooner or later he is going to be worthless and my bet is on sooner.

We made it through this season without any star power at DT and if we could do it again we could wait till next year to draft a stud int he 1st round.

I really think Dwyer or Best would be a nice asset especially since they are only Juniors and have one less year of wear and tear. The 28th pick is rough though and Best will probably be gone so it will be Dwyer or Spiller and Spiller will not be an every down back in the NFL.

02-23-2010, 03:59 PM
the Pats need to pick up Pepper from the Panthers.

The Pats need to stop using old ass players.

The bucs need......god damn they need everything.

the bengals need to pick up T.O. in absence of Henry, and fill in what little holes they have left.

Manning needs to.....stop choking under important circumstances. hahahahah

02-23-2010, 04:09 PM
You know what could potentially give LT a second wind?!?! Mike Shanahan's Zone Blocking Scheme. 1 cut and go thru the hole...Have LT and Portis carry half a load each.

Also, as a Broncos fan...I'd drool if LT goes to Denver. He can teach Moreno a lot, plus they both have similar running style.

02-23-2010, 04:29 PM
Peppers would be a good fit in new england since he does want to play in a 3-4 defense...i dont understand why he is SOOO successful in the 4-3 formation, and its also been proven that not many players are able to make that transition

02-23-2010, 04:33 PM
Also, the Pats need to step up and resign wilfork.

JayDee M Rolly
02-23-2010, 04:41 PM
the colts need a runningback...

02-23-2010, 05:00 PM
You know what could potentially give LT a second wind?!?! Mike Shanahan's Zone Blocking Scheme. 1 cut and go thru the hole...Have LT and Portis carry half a load each.

Also, as a Broncos fan...I'd drool if LT goes to Denver. He can teach Moreno a lot, plus they both have similar running style.

I really hope he doesn't go to a division rival... :(

02-23-2010, 05:05 PM
they need consistency

02-24-2010, 09:53 AM
Hoping my JETS can come close to repeat the success we had last season. Hopefully Sanchize learns to protect the ball better and we get him a nice slot receiver in the draft (Shipley or Freddie Barnes) and just watch the magic happen. Also i hope we draft another CB (Kyle Wilson or Kareem Jackson) to make our defense that much better. I think Indy is going to win it this season assuming they get offensive line help and a quicker #2 CB. Dunta Robinson would be a perfect fit for them and would help them tremendously.

Soup Nazi
02-24-2010, 11:25 AM
Hoping Miami gets a damn receiver

02-24-2010, 03:29 PM
I hope Al Davis dies and the Raiders get a new owner. I also want the Vikings to move to LA.

02-24-2010, 06:55 PM
I hope Al Davis dies and the Raiders get a new owner. I also want the Vikings to move to LA.

i tell this to EVERYBODY but no one believes me...Al Davis is shit, he doesnt draft right, misses out in free agency, and brings in pathetic coaches..

how is it that the minute players leave oakland they have intstant success somewhere else?

teams that have the possibility of coming over are jags and bills...there was a 3rd but i forgot, apparently these teams are struggling with lease

i'd be down for the jags...but fuck the bills haha

02-25-2010, 07:31 PM
The Jaguars aren't a possibility anymore as they have signed a new lease at their current stadium, or
something like that. I heard it on the news awhile back. Minnesota and Buffalo are the front runners. I hope
and pray Minnesota comes to LA...

02-25-2010, 07:47 PM
Hoping my JETS can come close to repeat the success we had last season. Hopefully Sanchize learns to protect the ball better and we get him a nice slot receiver in the draft (Shipley or Freddie Barnes) and just watch the magic happen. Also i hope we draft another CB (Kyle Wilson or Kareem Jackson) to make our defense that much better. I think Indy is going to win it this season assuming they get offensive line help and a quicker #2 CB. Dunta Robinson would be a perfect fit for them and would help them tremendously.

and hopefully rex ryan will learn to shut the fuck up.

el ocho
02-26-2010, 12:47 AM
i tell this to EVERYBODY but no one believes me...Al Davis is shit, he doesnt draft right, misses out in free agency, and brings in pathetic coaches..

how is it that the minute players leave oakland they have intstant success somewhere else?

teams that have the possibility of coming over are jags and bills...there was a 3rd but i forgot, apparently these teams are struggling with lease

i'd be down for the jags...but fuck the bills haha

u must not talk to anyone that knows anythings....everyone knows Davis is a fuckin retard. Proof is here, raider fans bought billboard to tell davis

02-26-2010, 12:49 PM
The Jaguars aren't a possibility anymore as they have signed a new lease at their current stadium, or
something like that. I heard it on the news awhile back. Minnesota and Buffalo are the front runners. I hope
and pray Minnesota comes to LA...

damn im down for the vikings, they just need a QB...im sure they're gonna pick one up in the 1st or 2nd round in this draft...Tebow?

u must not talk to anyone that knows anythings....everyone knows Davis is a fuckin retard. Proof is here, raider fans bought billboard to tell davis

WOW...i honestly thought i was one of a few that thought, well KNEW that he was garbage...i honestly wouldnt even trust him on hiring a GM haha..so many coaches/players that just flew right by us..

Mike Shanahan as free for 2yrs
Rex Ryan
Norv had shitty players
Drew Brees..no he wanted Aaron Brooks
Adrian Peterson Clavin Johnson..i knew Russell was no good
Kurt Warner
Jay Cutler..a safety?
Philip Rivers, Ben Roethlesberger, Larry Fitzgerald..apparently Gallery is the key to rebuildin the franchise...?
Darren Mcfadden...i didnt want this guy i honestly thought Fargas and Bush were good enough
Heyward-Bey...what in gods name made him do this instead of Crabtree??

im sure theres more this is just from the top of my head...but its been ridiculous

oh well my fuckin Ravens are gonna smash this year =]

02-26-2010, 01:15 PM
damn im down for the vikings, they just need a QB...im sure they're gonna pick one up in the 1st or 2nd round in this draft...Tebow?
The Vikings will have a late pick, so there's no way Tebow will still be available.

02-26-2010, 01:43 PM
The Vikings will have a late pick, so there's no way Tebow will still be available.

I highly doubt Tebow will go in the 1st round. He's a waste of a 1st round pick.

I think he will go in rounds 2-4.

02-26-2010, 01:56 PM
i'd say 3rd rounder, vikings will have an opportunity...wouldnt be surprised if they do too

02-26-2010, 02:47 PM
Patriots may be the only team that would take a chance on Tebow before round 3 since they have 3 2nd round picks. That being said Vikings should go after Dan Lefevour from CMU if he's still around in rd 3 when they choose or jump up some spots to get him. He would be an excellent fit for their offensive scheme. Chad Pennington-like smarts and accuracy with Favre-like heart and determination. Not a cannon for an arm but between Harvin, Rice, and Peterson they have the weapons available that can stretch the field. Too bad the Vikes didn't make a deal with the Jets last draft so we could've had Harvin as well. Would've been awesome to see Sanchez to Harvin all season and then for the next 4-5 after that. LA will prob get the Jags though since Jax is by far the smallest market in the NFL as well as the murder capital of FL.

02-26-2010, 04:12 PM
LA will prob get the Jags though since Jax is by far the smallest market in the NFL as well as the murder capital of FL.
Like I said above, Jacksonville just signed a new lease, so there's not a chance they're moving now.

02-26-2010, 04:40 PM
Like I said above, Jacksonville just signed a new lease, so there's not a chance they're moving now.

I completely forgot about that. You are correct I read about that. Well it won't be the Bills that move because they continually sell out all games played regardless of how garbage the team is. I could see KC leavin but I'm not sure of their contract situation with the city. Im sure we'll find out more as time goes on but until then there's always speculation.

02-26-2010, 04:50 PM
u must not talk to anyone that knows anythings....everyone knows Davis is a fuckin retard. Proof is here, raider fans bought billboard to tell davis
I DONATED TO THAT!!! haha i would love to see Al Davis DIE! Raiders have a pretty good running game, McFadden sucks. Russell needs to go somewhere else. Better o-line, and more beef in the LB position.

02-26-2010, 09:52 PM
I DONATED TO THAT!!! haha i would love to see Al Davis DIE! Raiders have a pretty good running game, McFadden sucks. Russell needs to go somewhere else. Better o-line, and more beef in the LB position.

their LB setup is pretty sick already...Thomas Davis is amazing, and Kirk Morrison is one of thee best MLB in the NFL..Ricky Brown is rising from where he once stood a few years back, i honestly think the Raiders defense is almost complete..only reason they play like shit is because they're always on the damn field

the offense is full of 3 and outs..i think Russell needs some serious coaching, if he doesnt progress this season hes definitely gone..Alex Smith was in a similar situation but he saved his own ass

03-05-2010, 04:59 PM
damn bears are on the move picking up chester taylor and shooting for julius peppers..

broncos only tender a 2 for brandon marshall meaning he could be traded...if the ravens dont hop on him or anquan boldin ima be pissed

04-12-2010, 10:13 PM
I gotta say it is fucking good being a JETS fan right now. Cromartie, LT, Poole, and now Holmes. Jets vs Vikings super bowl this season I'm calling it right now.

04-12-2010, 10:28 PM
I gotta say it is fucking good being a JETS fan right now. Cromartie, LT, Poole, and now Holmes. Jets vs Vikings super bowl this season I'm calling it right now.

They are just loading up on big name has-beens for HBO's Hard Knocks.

I would only be excited about one of them.

04-12-2010, 11:36 PM
no vikings..jets, hmm idk dont get all wet just yet..but hats off to them for what they've done

and i cant believe the steelers let him go for a 5th round pick, that is just ridiculous

Soup Nazi
04-13-2010, 06:21 AM
Hope the Jets win it all this year, for the sake of the owners lol. Can't wait to see the Jets after the uncapped year is over

04-13-2010, 07:23 AM
Redskins went from pretenders to contenders...Shanahan will invest his draft picks heavily on the O-line and maybe pick up better 2nd string defenders. I cant wait for the draft so we can all move on and be one step closer to the season...

04-13-2010, 07:58 AM
I'm an Eagles fan, I'm not watching football this year...

04-13-2010, 09:23 AM
Redskins went from pretenders to contenders...Shanahan will invest his draft picks heavily on the O-line and maybe pick up better 2nd string defenders. I cant wait for the draft so we can all move on and be one step closer to the season...

This, I can't wait.

The real question will be, will Snyder really let Shanahan run the team. I sincerely hope so.

04-13-2010, 10:09 AM
I gotta say it is fucking good being a JETS fan right now. Cromartie, LT, Poole, and now Holmes. Jets vs Vikings super bowl this season I'm calling it right now.

Pssssht, Rogers and the Pack are gonna have it together this year. Just watch.

04-13-2010, 01:58 PM
I'm an Eagles fan, I'm not watching football this year...

im glad hes gone, that way all the philli fans can start cryin and complaining they want him back..McNabb is the shit and they're going to regret the trade

This, I can't wait.

The real question will be, will Snyder really let Shanahan run the team. I sincerely hope so.

of course he is, look at shanahan's history with RBs, just let him do his thing and the skins take that division this year...yeah thats right cowboy fans, hats off to the skins this year

Pssssht, Rogers and the Pack are gonna have it together this year. Just watch.

haha no

04-13-2010, 02:31 PM
I'm a Chargers fan. We'll win the AFC west. My speculation stops there.

04-13-2010, 03:11 PM
I'm a Chargers fan. We'll win the AFC west. My speculation stops there.

I'm with you on that one. It's hard to say what's going to happen beyond that...

04-13-2010, 03:24 PM
NY GIANTS (if we all stay healthy i hope) should have a better season this year but no matter what i'll be wearing my Giants Cap n jersey every sunday no matter what

04-13-2010, 03:38 PM
I realllllly hope Ryan Matthews is there at #28. I feel like if we reach for him and trade up he will be a bust, call me superstitious.

Then a NT at #40.

Can't wait for the draft.

04-13-2010, 03:38 PM
I'm a Chargers fan. We'll win the AFC west. My speculation stops there.

well fuck its the afc west they better win it

04-13-2010, 11:42 PM
I realllllly hope Ryan Matthews is there at #28. I feel like if we reach for him and trade up he will be a bust, call me superstitious.

Then a NT at #40.

Can't wait for the draft.

If Mathews is there you'd have no choice but to take him. It would be like you never lost LT. All you need is for him to get past NE and your golden as every other team has needs that are higher than RB. Then I'd hope and pray that Cam Thomas/Linval Joseph fell to 40 and your draft would instantly be one of the best of all teams. Than maybe a CB in the mid rounds to fill up on depth. Someone like Brandon Ghee or Javier Arenas. Just sucks the draft is thurs/fri/sat no good time to through a proper draft party.

Soup Nazi
04-14-2010, 06:24 AM
Hoping Miami gets a damn receiver

Finally.....Welcome Marshall

04-14-2010, 07:06 AM
Well, Broncos are officially deep sixed...guess now its time to watch what Shanahan is doing in DC instead of watching Denver this year.

04-14-2010, 02:18 PM
damn what are the broncos thinking, last 2 offseasons have been ridiculous, well eddie royal is a good reciever and all, but you cant compare to marshall..oh well dont matter cuz Ravens are tearing up the AFC this year =)

04-14-2010, 10:42 PM
I gotta say it is fucking good being a JETS fan right now.

WTF, you're living in Coral Springs how can you be a Jets fan?

Anyways, with the Dolphins having took Brandon Marshall we finally got a WR. All we need is to D up with Dan Williams. :snoop:

04-15-2010, 02:38 PM
WTF, you're living in Coral Springs how can you be a Jets fan?

Anyways, with the Dolphins having took Brandon Marshall we finally got a WR. All we need is to D up with Dan Williams. :snoop:

Thats a good question and I have a very simple answer..... I'm actually smart. Only a fuckin idiot is a Dolphag:wackit: fan.

04-15-2010, 06:20 PM

well im in LA and im a ravens fan...growing up ray lewis was my idol

04-15-2010, 07:16 PM
...I just wanna see the giants play well again.

04-15-2010, 09:32 PM
Thats a good question and I have a very simple answer..... I'm actually smart. Only a fuckin idiot is a Dolphag:wackit: fan.

Ehh, I root for the hometeam. I'm not a fairweather bandwagoner like the rest of Miami. This is the worst place for sports teams in that respect. But it just seems weird that of all the teams its the Jets for you...

04-15-2010, 11:58 PM
Ehh, I root for the hometeam. I'm not a fairweather bandwagoner like the rest of Miami. This is the worst place for sports teams in that respect. But it just seems weird that of all the teams its the Jets for you...

It's actually quite easy how it happened.... Grew up around em. Dad, my childhood best friend's entire family, few other people I used to know. They were the ones I watched football with and all were NYJ fans. Meant to happen. I became a gigantic Dooshfin hater all on my own by seeing how fucking retarded the entire fanbase is. That and that fucking piece of shit Marino strutting around So FL like hes fuckin God's gift to football. From the above post I can tell your smarter than most Fuckfin fans hop off that train and pick any other team. Don't dumb yourself down to fit in with the hometown crowd only makes you look worse.

Soup Nazi
04-16-2010, 07:01 AM
It's actually quite easy how it happened.... Grew up around em. Dad, my childhood best friend's entire family, few other people I used to know. They were the ones I watched football with and all were NYJ fans. Meant to happen. I became a gigantic Dooshfin hater all on my own by seeing how fucking retarded the entire fanbase is. That and that fucking piece of shit Marino strutting around So FL like hes fuckin God's gift to football. From the above post I can tell your smarter than most Fuckfin fans hop off that train and pick any other team. Don't dumb yourself down to fit in with the hometown crowd only makes you look worse.

LOL, like the JETS have done anything great in their History. Still butthurt over the Fake spike? Nevermind you weren't even watching football then. Namath the most overrated QB in NFL History, not to mention a bumbling drunk (Thanks for the Laughs Joe on MNF)

Namath 65 QB Rating to Marino's 86.

And retarded fans? Look at your post. I've been to Jets, Dolphins games. Yeah Jets fanbase is definitely something, what a bunch of losers. Jets fans are the reason they stop selling beer after a certain quarter.

FWIW I've been a Dolphins fan since for most of my life. And I've been through all the shitty seasons. So where you get this elitist attuide, like the Jets are the best ever I have no clue.

Speaking of jumping off that train, I see you weren't around too much after that Sweep.

04-16-2010, 11:49 AM
LOL, like the JETS have done anything great in their History. Still butthurt over the Fake spike? Nevermind you weren't even watching football then. Namath the most overrated QB in NFL History, not to mention a bumbling drunk (Thanks for the Laughs Joe on MNF)

Namath 65 QB Rating to Marino's 86.

And retarded fans? Look at your post. I've been to Jets, Dolphins games. Yeah Jets fanbase is definitely something, what a bunch of losers. Jets fans are the reason they stop selling beer after a certain quarter.

FWIW I've been a Dolphins fan since for most of my life. And I've been through all the shitty seasons. So where you get this elitist attuide, like the Jets are the best ever I have no clue.

Speaking of jumping off that train, I see you weren't around too much after that Sweep.

If I'm not mistaken Namath HAS a ring right? Marino being the so called "best QB ever" doesn't. Correct me if I'm wrong. Never said the Jets were the best ever but they are certainly better than the Fins. So you guys got the sweep on us last season. One game you guys deserved the win and the other you scored 3 non-offensive TD's to squeak it out. Where'd it all get you? Choking at the end of the season losing your way out of the playoffs and sitting on your ass while the Jets were playing in the AFCCG. Not to mention Jets own the Fins over time. We've won the last 17 of 22 games against your crappy team and faggot fanbase. Enjoy your small victory over the Jets this past year cuz I GUARANTEE like my buddy Broadway Joe that it will not happen again this year. And don't think getting Marshall makes you better cuz Revis will shut him down each and every time we play so don't even bother going with that argument.

04-16-2010, 12:14 PM
If I'm not mistaken Namath HAS a ring right? Marino being the so called "best QB ever" doesn't.

Tsk tsk tsk. For a second I thought you where actually knowledgeable about football. But with that weak argument I don't know if I should even bother with you.

I'll make it short.

Marino was loyal to the Dolphins, almost too loyal for his own good. The Dolphins f'ed him out of a ring. He would have easily gotten a ring on any other team.

04-16-2010, 12:22 PM
So if you don't have a ring, you're not a good quarterback?


04-23-2010, 09:59 AM
So 1st round of the draft is over, by the way, who's fucking great idea is it to make it a 3 night event?!?! Honestly, who the fuck cares after the first and second round?!?!

Anyway, like I said, Shanahan will spend his pick on retooling the O-line picking up a good OT in Williams. Hopefully he can cover McNabb's blindside...

Denver picked up Tebow. Now answer this question...why did Tebow get picked in the first round and Jimmy Clausen is still sitting at home? I think Clausen is a better, smarter player. Tebow just screams "jock" to me...I dont think he will be quick enough mentally to play Pro.

04-26-2010, 09:17 PM
i think tebow is gonna be awesome, his work ethics is what attracted everyone..

fuckin raiders are disappointing..1st round pass up anthony davis when our line sucks nuts...2nd round pass up taylor mays, guy is gonna be a fuckin beast..3rd pass up Colt McCoy, russell isnt gonna last..

well atleast the ravens filled up some needs

04-26-2010, 10:47 PM
Despite the fact that we didn't get someone who can be an every down NT, I loved the Chargers draft.

Let's just hope Ryan Matthews can produce.

04-26-2010, 11:45 PM
So 1st round of the draft is over, by the way, who's fucking great idea is it to make it a 3 night event?!?! .

It was Roger Goodell's idea, and apparently it made them a lot of money. I'm with you on that one though, after the first 2 rounds just give me a damn summary.

i think tebow is gonna be awesome, his work ethics is what attracted everyone.

I just hope he shuts everyone up. Geesh do people love to hate this guy.

04-27-2010, 02:10 AM
It was Roger Goodell's idea, and apparently it made them a lot of money. I'm with you on that one though, after the first 2 rounds just give me a damn summary.

I just hope he shuts everyone up. Geesh do people love to hate this guy.

I dont hate Tebow, but something about him just aint quite right. I get this sense that there is nothing humble about him. Its this whole sense that he's a cocky SOB. Remember when Jamarcus Russell got drafted?!?! I'm getting that same cocky attitude off him but without him being actually being cocky. Like him trying to be humble is fake...kinda hard to explain...

04-27-2010, 02:14 AM
He just reminds me of someone that would be in a southern methodist church rendition of the Dukes of Hazard.

I don't know, but I know we wouldn't get along.

04-27-2010, 02:25 AM
The shitty part is how do you think Orton is gonna play considering he knows he's expendable and you got a 3rd string QB that will more than likely make more money than you?

04-27-2010, 02:25 PM
what happened with jamal williams?

iam 95% sure theyre going RB 1st round 25pick

damn im good

Despite the fact that we didn't get someone who can be an every down NT, I loved the Chargers draft.

Let's just hope Ryan Matthews can produce.

i think hes gonna be good..he's falling into an offense that already has talent, putting less of a load on him and the running game..

as far as NT, they're gonna play williams there most likely...

04-28-2010, 01:00 AM
damn im good

i think hes gonna be good..he's falling into an offense that already has talent, putting less of a load on him and the running game..

as far as NT, they're gonna play williams there most likely...

The Chargers cut JWall like a month ago. He's on the Broncos now.

I'm actually kind of excited to see what Cam Thomas can do though. He has the ideal size for a 3-4 NT, but his work ethic seems to be in question and much like Cody struggles with his weight which caused him to slide all the way to the 5th round. If he can buckle down and actually try and make it in the league I think he has all the tools, size, and raw power to be a dominant NT. We'll see, at the 5th round though it's hard to argue with the pick up. If he does well it's a total steal if he doesn't, oh well it's a 5th round pick.

04-28-2010, 01:10 AM
do they have any veteran in that position?

04-28-2010, 01:54 AM
do they have any veteran in that position?

We have Ian Scott, I think he has been around 8 or so seasons. He's just a rotational guy though and not really a true NT. Most of our veterans on the line are DE's. With a looot of youth who proved themselves last year.

Should be interesting to see how it all pans out with the NT rotation in full effect again this season. I fully expect to see Cam Thomas in on obvious run plays though. The guy is the size of a house.

04-28-2010, 01:57 AM
wow Ian Scott, havent heard from him in a while..he was a Bear last i heard, and a DT which is alot different than playing NT..i think you guys are gona have a bit of an issue there

04-28-2010, 02:35 AM
wow Ian Scott, havent heard from him in a while..he was a Bear last i heard, and a DT which is alot different than playing NT..i think you guys are gona have a bit of an issue there

Well it was Ian Scott, Alfonso Boone, Ogemdi Nwagbou, Vaughn Martin, Antonio Garay, and Travis Johnson on rotation all last year after JWall got hurt in the first game. For a bunch of scrubs they played admirably.

I suspect we will cut 2 of those guys and it should make a bit of a difference having a body there that actually fits the position.

05-20-2010, 12:48 PM
poor Jamarcus Russell hahaha

Well it was Ian Scott, Alfonso Boone, Ogemdi Nwagbou, Vaughn Martin, Antonio Garay, and Travis Johnson on rotation all last year after JWall got hurt in the first game. For a bunch of scrubs they played admirably.

I suspect we will cut 2 of those guys and it should make a bit of a difference having a body there that actually fits the position.

i honestly think the AFC West is now up for grabs from any of the 4 teams..

Broncos arent much of a bad team at all..

Chargers are a bit overrated..

Raiders are looking really good on paper, well they have before so lets see what they make of it

Chiefs, well i think they just had a bad season last year..now with Jamaal Charles starting along with Thomas Jones back there I think they may compete..Charles helped me win $400 in fantasy football last year so im rooting for him ha

06-21-2010, 09:39 PM
Been seeing a lot of niners at the local supermarket lately. My GF has gotten a lot of rental inquiries at the apartment complex she leases at from niners.

I'm gettin super excited in anticipation of this season. MMMM HMMMM!

06-21-2010, 09:56 PM
The stars just couldn't line up for the Chargers, with having a potential run game, and an established passing game.

Fucking VJ and Marcus McNeil won't play till the 10th or 11th game this season it's looking like.

06-22-2010, 09:49 AM
because of contract issues right?

06-22-2010, 09:40 PM
The stars just couldn't line up for the Chargers, with having a potential run game, and an established passing game.

Fucking VJ and Marcus McNeil won't play till the 10th or 11th game this season it's looking like.

WOW...either the Chargers are really fuckin stupid, or Jackson and McNeil are..can't decide

06-22-2010, 10:02 PM
vikings may win this year if farve comes back and have a tremendous year like last year with the help of gherhart. i think they need improvements on their safety first then linebackers and those stupid off. linemen need to open up a hole for ap. i know he is training with a medicine ball specially made like a football so when regualr season come around he dont fumble as much... oakland will have a better year as said in earler post al davis does need to die really soon, saints wont win this year, jets will diffenitly be a contender again this year, i hate titans hope they shit this year, colts are so so, they need better running game still cowboys are whatever they are a choke every year. chargers are dumb enough said...

06-23-2010, 12:28 AM
WOW...either the Chargers are really fuckin stupid, or Jackson and McNeil are..can't decide

It is just a really stupid ordeal.

Especially with the impending lock out next year.

06-23-2010, 12:33 AM
Lets go niners!!!

07-23-2010, 11:27 PM
Go fins! Btw anybody semi local that wants to be the DD for the Dolphins vs Bengals game hit me up.

07-27-2010, 02:43 PM
So what do you guys think of Terrel Owens teaming up with Chad Ochocinco? :eek:

Now the Jets are also showing interest in TO. Its going to be a very interesting either way it turns out.

07-29-2010, 08:13 PM
I think T.O is going to Cinnci. Does he want second year QB Sanchez throwing him passes or pro bowler Carson Palmer? Something tells me this wont be his last year, so the only way for him to prove that is to make plays

07-29-2010, 08:28 PM
I think T.O is going to Cinnci. Does he want second year QB Sanchez throwing him passes or pro bowler Carson Palmer? Something tells me this wont be his last year, so the only way for him to prove that is to make plays

T.O. already signed the contract like 3 days ago bro. Where you been?

07-29-2010, 08:30 PM
you sure? i didnt see anything about it on the NFL channel this morning. Shit well i havent really been around much haha

07-29-2010, 09:11 PM
you sure? i didnt see anything about it on the NFL channel this morning. Shit well i havent really been around much haha

Old news it wouldn't be on the NFL Channel anymore LOL. Trust me I'm always sure when it comes to football I know all that happens around the league.

Mi Beardo es Loco
07-29-2010, 09:18 PM
It's not going to matter where T.O. goes. The Chargers are going undefeated this year. bank it.

Mi Beardo es Loco
07-29-2010, 09:24 PM
I hope that the Chargers draft Jonathan Dwyer or Jahvid Best, and a big boy at DT. Although this draft is very thin on people who could potentially be starting 3-4 DT's, especially out of the 1st round.

It will be interesting to see if we go with a Lineman or a RB in the first round.
well, first off I want to be a dick and say that a 34 doesn't have a DT, it has a 0 technique Nose Tackle. A 5 technique DE is more similar to what a DT does in a standard 43. Ok, dickness is done.

You were actually dead on. Instead of Best we got Mathews and we got an absolute STEAL in Cam Thomas. He is a big big dude. Also, Vaughn Martin has been the most impressive DLinemen thus far in the offseason. His willingness to learn and ability to absorb is crazy. OG, Cam and Vaughn Martin will probably be the rotation at NT. Castillo, Travis Johnson, Alphonso Boone and Cesaire will rotate in at DE. Looks like Ron Rivera is looking for more speed and will be rotating a lot of players on the DL. Also, expect a TON of movement and confusing packages. Those who know the 34 and are 1 gap purist will be pissed. lol

Mi Beardo es Loco
07-29-2010, 09:33 PM
WOW...either the Chargers are really fuckin stupid, or Jackson and McNeil are..can't decide
Jackson is. McNeill, not so much. Jackson has a TON of off the field problems. Why ask for a new contract when you're suspended for the first 4 games? I would think that he would want to keep his nose clean to prove to the team that he can and then ask for a new contract. Now, with Big Mac, his play has regressed but has a ton of talent. He proved that he COULD be a top LT in the league if he stays healthy and gets his weight down. He has spinal stinosis and a pinched nerve in his neck so it's been difficult for him on both his weight and health. His contract is mostly going to be performance based. Even though he was overweight last year he was one of the best pass protectors but his run blocking sucked because he got tired. He DOES deserve a new deal, but there's no guarantee that he'll ever get back to rookie form.

Also, the Chargers have nothing to do with these players holding out. They are asking for top dollar while AJ Smith is trying to sign his TE and his rookie draft picks. After they're all signed then he could work on his disgruntled players. Now that Gates is signed, Mathews is next, then McNeill, then VJ. VJ signing could boil over into the season since he wants Brandon Marshall type money (lol, yeah right)

07-30-2010, 12:36 AM
well, first off I want to be a dick and say that a 34 doesn't have a DT, it has a 0 technique Nose Tackle. A 5 technique DE is more similar to what a DT does in a standard 43. Ok, dickness is done.

True but we also play a 3-4/4-3 hybrid and are thusly listed as DT's. It just makes it easier to list shit. Technically you are right though.

Only a few more weeks, I can't wait.

07-30-2010, 11:50 AM
Ny giants all the way baby!!!!!!!!

07-30-2010, 11:54 AM
Packers start camp Sat. It's about that time of the year. It's bitter sweet for me. Sweet because it's Packer season, and bitter because that means the bitter ass cold is coming and summer is winding down.

07-30-2010, 06:36 PM
Guess we know what "step 2" is....

07-31-2010, 05:24 PM
God I love this time of the year. I started playing ball at school again and it feels good to come home after practice and watch the training cramps.

07-31-2010, 11:26 PM
cant wait for this season.
a semi-paid man is a happy man.

08-06-2010, 04:19 PM
Feeling bad for the Redskins and the shit they have to put up with, fuckin Haynesworth.

08-08-2010, 06:19 PM
Anyone watching this meaningless game in Canton?

Big Wade lost 40lbs. Must be from stress worrying about his job.

Dez Bryant already looks like he got hurt? lawlz.

08-08-2010, 07:27 PM

09-12-2010, 07:56 PM
Go Dolphins!

09-12-2010, 08:05 PM
Holy shit we're actually beating Dallas. I don't think it will last, but at least we've demonstrated that we're a real football team this season.

09-12-2010, 08:45 PM
Holy shit we're actually beating Dallas. I don't think it will last, but at least we've demonstrated that we're a real football team this season.

Well, considering Dallas looks like absolute shit, I wouldn't count my blessings just yet.

09-12-2010, 09:06 PM
Anyone else think the Lions got robbed?

09-12-2010, 10:30 PM
Anyone else think the Lions got robbed?

All I really care about is that the redskins won

09-12-2010, 10:59 PM
Anyone else think the Lions got robbed?

straight shafted. basically had full control with one hand the whole time.

hopefully CJ can break sanders record. just 3 more games with 100+ yards.

won my fantasy by 50+pts and titans won. good start to the season.

09-12-2010, 11:10 PM
You guys are underestimating the Redskins. And i think that call on Calvin Johnsons catch is BS.

Well, lookin forward to tomorrow.

09-13-2010, 02:12 AM
last minute of that cowboy/redskin game was intense.
i thought dallas had it won, then i see that yellow flag hahaha.

09-13-2010, 06:53 AM
I hope the Jets play like shit today

09-13-2010, 07:27 AM
All I really care about is that the redskins won


We won because Dallas made a ton of mistakes, but we also forced a lot of those mistakes. The Skins had moved Orakpo over to Barron's side on purpose, and Haslett had been telling his defense for weeks that "drawing holding calls is as good as a sack"

Our offense obviously isn't up to snuff yet, however. No TD's, 3-for-13 on 3rd down conversions, and only about 250 total yards. Cooley had a good game, but I didn't see anyone else standing out. McNabb apparently only targeted Galloway ONCE. I need to see that guy catch some passes, I'm very wary of a 38 year old wideout.

Still very encouraging though, Shanahan has accomplished quite a bit in a short time, especially on defense and offensive line.

09-13-2010, 07:31 AM
Favre and the Queens 0-1.

Rodgers and the Pack 1-0.

I couldn't have asked for a better start to the season. Although Rodgers didn't have the best game. Jitters looked to be gone late in the game though.

09-13-2010, 10:17 AM
The niners make me want to kill myself sometimes. I know they can do better than that.

Chargers better win tonight...

09-13-2010, 12:22 PM
The GIANTS looked really good yesterday completly dominated the Panthers kinda started weak in the first half but finished on a fury GO G-MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-13-2010, 02:52 PM
The niners make me want to kill myself sometimes. I know they can do better than that.

Chargers better win tonight...

figured out why 9ners lost...
mike greeny picked em to go to the superbowl!!

tonight i hope to see floyd/jamaal charles do well since i have them for FF. feel out process since its week 1.

09-13-2010, 05:04 PM
I was really surprised by the way the Seahawks played yesterday. Defense really held up. Not expecting too much out of them this season, but nice to start out the season 1-0 to a division rival. NFC West is wide open again, and yes our division does suck, lol.

09-13-2010, 05:06 PM
BTW, I hate Arian Foster. Played against him and cost Andre Johnson any additional fantasy points with that monster running game.

09-13-2010, 09:29 PM
I hope the Jets play like shit today

That's exactly what happened.

09-13-2010, 11:11 PM
That's exactly what happened.

No the Ravens are just that good. If it was any other defense we would of had a double digit lead.

09-13-2010, 11:28 PM
The Chief's fans are insanely loud. Great game.

09-13-2010, 11:30 PM


09-13-2010, 11:35 PM
The rain fucked us pretty hard today.

Matthews had 2 pretty big mistakes this game too

09-14-2010, 12:10 PM
Fins win and Jets lose. All is well in the Dolfan universe. :)

09-17-2010, 11:23 AM
^ yes sir

If Harvin does not dress, Farve will have a tough time passing the ball.

09-21-2010, 10:41 AM
I attended the niners game last night.

Best NFL experience I've ever had. Even though the niners beat themselves last night, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

09-21-2010, 11:41 AM
Allow me to reiterate my status from Facebook on Sunday...


09-21-2010, 01:15 PM
i would appreciate it if the NFL commentators and the rest of sports nation could kindly remove the New Orleans dick from the mouths. Its embarrassing.

Niners should have and could have won last night. So many bonehead mistakes. Still a great game though. I dunno about you guys, but i wasn't impressed by the saints at all.

10-10-2010, 10:35 AM
Moss back to Vikings O_o

Anyone else surprised?

10-10-2010, 03:03 PM
The Charger's special teams unit is horrible. LET's GO RAIDERS!!!

10-10-2010, 06:00 PM
Raiders won..:cry::fruit:

10-10-2010, 06:17 PM
The Charger's special teams unit is horrible. LET's GO RAIDERS!!!

Seriously. As a charger fan, i'm outraged. This shit is unacceptable.

I know a team is a team and there are tons of plays that go into getting a win or a loss, but seriously all 3 of the Charger losses lie HEAVILY on the special teams' lack of execution.

@ KC - 2 punt returns for TD's

@ Seattle - a kick return and a punt return for TD's

@ Oakland - 2 blocked punts for a safety and a TD.

They're directly responsible for giving up 37 points. Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK?

10-10-2010, 10:56 PM
49ers you're breaking my heart. You're going down a path I cannot follow!

10-11-2010, 01:02 AM
49ers you're breaking my heart. You're going down a path I cannot follow!
Raiders/Niners this week... Bay Area battle!

10-11-2010, 01:30 AM
titans =D.

10-11-2010, 03:23 AM
titans =D.

Will loose to the Jaguars next week...

10-11-2010, 10:39 AM
Raiders/Niners this week... Bay Area battle!

I'm gonna lynch myself if the Niners lose this game.

10-11-2010, 12:34 PM
49ers you're breaking my heart. You're going down a path I cannot follow!

I'm gonna lynch myself if the Niners lose this game.

HAHAHA :rofl:

Dont worry they'll win, eventually.

10-11-2010, 01:03 PM
Niners.... Man they are looking like ass.... Man seriously how Alex Smith got up in Singletary's face.... I saw that arguing on TV and for sure they saw it on the big screen there. If that were to happen to any other team, fuck Alex be on his ass for the rest of the season.... There was no respect there and he looked like shit out of there....

I am not vouching for Carr in any way and I doubt he would do any better but yeah, stupid mistakes and he's been in the league for how long???

Raiders is always my team cause I live 2 freeway exits from the Stadium and I like them and the fans a LOT... Never give up and I mean its not a classy team but the represent Raiders hard!!!..... I really hope the Raiders win the Niners next week and Campbell should be in. Gradkowski should just sit is old ass down.... Let Campbell with the arm throwout....

LOL.... Gooooo Raiders...

10-11-2010, 01:22 PM
and I like them and the fans a LOT...

Wow. How could anyone like Raiders fans?

10-11-2010, 02:23 PM
Wow. How could anyone like Raiders fans?
Because I'm one. :rofl:

Campbell deserves the start. His confidence is now at an all-time high right now and he actually brings some offense to the table.

10-11-2010, 02:52 PM
Wow. How could anyone like Raiders fans?

Better than fucking bandwagoning niners fans.... PFFFT.... probably 50% of niners fans are fucking bandwagoners.... Not saying you are... but just saying and I grew up in SF watching them.... Disgusts me how Alex Smith can be screaming with Singletary on game day. F... that....

and I agree Campbell brings together the team a lot better....

10-11-2010, 02:59 PM
and I agree Campbell brings together the team a lot better....
I'm not saying Gradkowski sucks, because he showed heart out there by going back in after his injury, but he couldn't have made those passes Campbell did, he's too careful of a QB.

10-11-2010, 03:18 PM
I'm not saying Gradkowski sucks, because he showed heart out there by going back in after his injury, but he couldn't have made those passes Campbell did, he's too careful of a QB.

He doesn't have the arm that campbell has.... thats for sure. Gradkowski though has great vision down the field vs campbell, I think campbell would get owned. He's pretty predictable and plays are designed for him... So he doesn't improvise too well, but he is young. We'll see this Sunday against the Niners.... God hte raiders better win this too! hahahah

10-11-2010, 03:23 PM
My Giants are lookin good again solid last 2 games , so happy our defence is healthy again.. GO G-MEN!!

10-11-2010, 03:28 PM
My Giants are lookin good again solid last 2 games , so happy our defence is healthy again.. GO G-MEN!!

Well they can't hit it the 2nd base any more.... I dunno... I dun think they can beat the phillies though...

10-11-2010, 03:53 PM
My Giants are lookin good again solid last 2 games , so happy our defence is healthy again.. GO G-MEN!!

i agree...d-fence is pretty solid this past 2 games specaily against the BEARS, 9 sacks in the first half of the game. Eli is getting his accuracy back. i cant say too much right now coz we all know that the real game starts in the playoffs. GO G-MEN!!!!!!!!

to the 49ers..they should do something about smith i hate to see this team fall apart just bcoz their quarterback sucks. 49ers have good recievers and running back only problem i see is the quarterback. they should have let CARR played yesterday enough with SMITH. should have got MICHAEL VICK when he was free. imagine if the 49ers have MICHAEL VICK as a quarterback.

10-11-2010, 04:04 PM
Well they can't hit it the 2nd base any more.... I dunno... I dun think they can beat the phillies though...

yeeeah i'll take it tho a win is a win lol , but i just happen to like both the NY & SF GIANTS lol

10-11-2010, 04:33 PM
Well they can't hit it the 2nd base any more.... I dunno... I dun think they can beat the phillies though...
I think he was talking about the NFL... not MLB, lol.

10-11-2010, 10:02 PM
I think Cambell is back on track and is ready to be the leading guy. Man the year of the QB this year or wahh?

What do you guys think of Kolb? Starter or back on bench?

10-11-2010, 11:56 PM
I think Cambell is back on track and is ready to be the leading guy. Man the year of the QB this year or wahh?

What do you guys think of Kolb? Starter or back on bench?

Kolb was freaking CRAZY!!! What a way to step in for the Eagles... Geezus... He fit like a glove, had great feel for the receivers.... He was AWESOME!!!! But he ain't no Michael Vick though

10-12-2010, 12:04 AM
i think the 49ers need a few more people but they are getting there

10-12-2010, 12:07 AM
i think the 49ers need a few more people but they are getting there

circa 1999. Repeat for 10 years.

10-12-2010, 12:23 AM

10-12-2010, 11:03 AM
kolb can only do short passes! he is only good as a back up for vick!

great game last night between the jets and vikings! jets diffense win it for them.

10-12-2010, 11:16 AM
kolb can only do short passes! he is only good as a back up for vick!

great game last night between the jets and vikings! jets diffense win it for them.

yeah deffinitly but when brett gets on target with harvin and moss its gona be bad for teams d brett missed harvin like 5 or 6 times last night

10-12-2010, 12:01 PM
thats not the brett farve that i know that i watched for years. maybe that big problem that he has is really bothering him.

10-12-2010, 03:40 PM
Hes fuckin old. Any sack can can turn him into a pile of dust. Nah honestly though, i would be shocked to see him start every game this year, hes gonna hurt.

10-12-2010, 09:33 PM
Hes fuckin old. Any sack can can turn him into a pile of dust. Nah honestly though, i would be shocked to see him start every game this year, hes gonna hurt.

yeah me 2 but he proved last year he still has it and i know that elbow is hurting him 2 that tendanidous injury is no joke

10-12-2010, 09:50 PM
I'm happy new orleans is losing, I'm over the "It's a miracle and god sent." b.s.

The jets will live and die by their defense this season, I think we all saw last night that Favre is still Favre he can play at a high level but he still does those little "Favre." Things, I've been a niners fan my whole life and caught alot of shit for it living in Tampa Florida. I'm disappointed in them but still rooting for them too. How about those Bucs though, I felt they'd be much improved this season but I didn't expect them to be playing with as much heart and determination as they have been. 4-1 after 5 weeks and only losing to the lights out Steelers, The win in Cincinnati was impressive to say the least.

10-12-2010, 10:11 PM
did you forget two fumbles in the red zone ? QB forced fumble to end the game ? 15 points off special teams...where did the other 20 come from ?Seriously. As a charger fan, i'm outraged. This shit is unacceptable.

I know a team is a team and there are tons of plays that go into getting a win or a loss, but seriously all 3 of the Charger losses lie HEAVILY on the special teams' lack of execution.

@ KC - 2 punt returns for TD's

@ Seattle - a kick return and a punt return for TD's

@ Oakland - 2 blocked punts for a safety and a TD.

They're directly responsible for giving up 37 points. Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK?

10-13-2010, 12:31 AM
did you forget two fumbles in the red zone ? QB forced fumble to end the game ? 15 points off special teams...where did the other 20 come from ?

I'm not saying the loss to the raiders was entirely special teams' fault, but it can not be ignored that because of they're spectacularly shitty play, they have put a lot of unnecessary pressure on the defense and the offense in all the losses this season.

I don't agree with some of our offensive and defensive play calling. And they have definitely both made mistakes, but special teams is the GLARING weakness of this team.

10-13-2010, 09:01 AM
The bucs played so awesome. I only saw snippets of the game, but it looked like a great game.... This year seems like a pretty good year to watch football actually. Teams seem to be pretty evenly matched so far. Like every team has their sort of kinks that they need to work out. It awesome!!! Thank god for football.....

Yeah but raiders played with a lot of heart though something like 12 pens for 64 yards LOL!!! WTF..... Most teams would have tossed in the towel, but Cable is really giving that team hope.... FU Al Davis....

10-13-2010, 11:13 PM
yeah i use to live in south tampa and the bucs have very loyal fans but how about that little white dude that plays for the browns i think he is a fb he is seariously beating down teams by himself

10-18-2010, 11:05 PM
Will loose to the Jaguars next week...


10-19-2010, 02:42 AM
Hahha good Thread...im just gonna Say im a STL Rams Fan and last year they sucked ass like 1 win only and i got bagged on like crazy=((( but i stick by my TEAM! haha...and this year they doin some wins evening out so im happy i see Change not asking for a SuperBowl but atleast PLAYOFFS! an we'll see from there on...Bradford was a Good thing

10-19-2010, 04:13 PM
cant wait till this weekend my giants vs the cowgirls i want Aaron Ross to give romo a concussion like he did cutler

10-19-2010, 04:39 PM
cant wait till this weekend my giants vs the cowgirls i want Aaron Ross to give romo a concussion like he did cutler

You might as well be a Raiders fan. I don't want any players to get injured. As a fan I'd want to know that we beat a team because we were better, not because we played dirty and hit some fucker in the knees or gave half their O-line concussions.

Gj courtland finnegan clone. Go you.

10-19-2010, 05:59 PM
so whats everyones take on this whole "illegal hit" shit?

10-19-2010, 06:12 PM

Oh god that was the worst BS game ever. how can they beat the colts solidly and just not show up to the titans game.. they should sell the team now because everyone was so pumped for that and of course they just blew it big time.. people were so pissed they bought tickets.. the rest of the season will be blacked out for sure.

10-20-2010, 12:11 AM
You might as well be a Raiders fan. I don't want any players to get injured. As a fan I'd want to know that we beat a team because we were better, not because we played dirty and hit some fucker in the knees or gave half their O-line concussions.

Gj courtland finnegan clone. Go you.

Fucking SERIOUSLY!!! You see the hit in the falcon's game, wtf... guy was freakin out on the floor... Looked like he died... GEEZUS.... Heavy concussion and loss of memory so bad....

There was another hit which was also helmet to helmet as well....

And finally over the weekend, a high school kid is paralyzed from the neck down as well from a hit... Getting hurt like that is not fun to watch and not what football is about...

AND I AM a raiders fan.... THeir game was horrible against the niners, but Campbell didn't help either....

10-20-2010, 10:07 AM
You might as well be a Raiders fan. I don't want any players to get injured. As a fan I'd want to know that we beat a team because we were better, not because we played dirty and hit some fucker in the knees or gave half their O-line concussions.

Gj courtland finnegan clone. Go you.

really? did you see that rant on sportcenter on these illegal hits? take a joke, i mean im for a clean hard hit, yes im not for helmet to helmet decapitations but if theres no hard hits in football then whats the point in wearing pads? might as well be flag football maybe you can play Qb? that's what these players are train to do hit hard and make sure the opposing players A: dosent make a play and B: force a fumble Ross's sack on cutler was clean as was most of these Illegal hits last week except for 1-2 of them. Football is a full contact sport, i honestly started watching it about 8 yrs ago didnt really follow it as you can probally see from my Sig.or avatar but the hits was what attracted me to this sport.
GO GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-20-2010, 10:24 AM
You obviously don't get the point BRO.

Hard hitting, and taking hard hits is what football is all about. Hoping that your team gives other players concussions and other potentially career ending life altering injuries is disgraceful.

Fucking grow up.

10-20-2010, 10:36 AM
look i hope no one gets hurt honestly, but its a part of the game, would still like for the Giants to get a good CLEAN hits on dallas no helmet to helmet just good ole fashion hard hits that made this sport.

is that okay BRO??

10-20-2010, 10:43 AM
cant wait till this weekend my giants vs the cowgirls i want Aaron Ross to give romo a concussion like he did cutler

Cool story bro

10-20-2010, 11:16 AM

Where's the helmet to helmet BRO????? like i said this sport has risk's these players know about, O-line should have covered cutler better.

10-20-2010, 11:21 AM
[y ]6obsl qKmpgI&feature=related[/yt]

Where's the helmet to helmet BRO????? like i said this sport has risk's these players know about, O-line should have covered cutler better.

no one said anything about helmet to helmet. nice try. go fish. you're obviously too ignorant to get my point. i wipe my hands of you.

Moving on. Cali football sucks this year. What's going on?

10-20-2010, 11:35 AM
That wasnt a dirty hit either just a clean hit, its kool man i gotta get back to work hope u team makes the playoffs.

10-20-2010, 12:09 PM
All those hits that went on this week were illegal. But they cant completely eliminate ALL big hits, i mean really. Thats what this sport is based on, hard hitting, smash mouth attitude.

10-20-2010, 12:20 PM
All those hits that went on this week were illegal. But they cant completely eliminate ALL big hits, i mean really. Thats what this sport is based on, hard hitting, smash mouth attitude.

Exactly my point. What I think needs to be changed is the malicious intent demonstrated by some fans who just want people to get injured.

10-20-2010, 01:50 PM
All those hits that went on this week were illegal.

the Robinson hit on jackson was legal. go watch it.

10-20-2010, 03:02 PM
He lead with the crown of his helmet on a defensless reciever, clearly illegal and understandably dangerous.

10-21-2010, 03:13 PM
Magic Johnson is interested in bringing the NFL back to Los Angeles....

10-21-2010, 03:16 PM
1) Does the NFL have room to accommodate more expansion teams

2)If not, what team would potentially go to LA?

10-21-2010, 03:20 PM
1) Does the NFL have room to accommodate more expansion teams

2)If not, what team would potentially go to LA?
It wouldn't be an expansion team. One team would have to move.

Los Angeles Football Stadium (http://www.losangelesfootballstadium.com/)
Los Angeles Football Stadium | Taylor Talt on Fox LA (http://www.losangelesfootballstadium.com/news/112-taylor-talt-on-fox-la.html)
Los Angeles Football Stadium | John Semcken on Fox Business (http://www.losangelesfootballstadium.com/news/111-john-semcken-on-fox-business.html)

There has also been talks of AEG (owns STAPLES Center/LA Live) building a stadium right by STAPLES Center. I'm more on that idea than of the link I posted.

10-21-2010, 04:33 PM
We should send these god forsaken raiders down to LA.

10-21-2010, 04:59 PM
We should send these god forsaken raiders down to LA.
I hope they do come back.

10-21-2010, 05:39 PM
Cool, then maybe we niners won't have to "potentially" share this new stadium with them.

10-21-2010, 08:09 PM
Theres been talk of a new stadiun for a while, blue prints, models and everything

10-22-2010, 04:13 AM
Theres been talk of a new stadiun for a while, blue prints, models and everything
Yeah. It's all in the links I posted. I really hope this happens. LA needs an NFL team.

10-22-2010, 01:31 PM
From what i remember correctly, there were 3 teams that could possibly come over. Viking, Bills, or Jaguars. That was like 18 months ago though not sure about now. I remember we almost got the Saints after Katrina. =(

10-22-2010, 07:36 PM
49ers going all the way

10-23-2010, 04:03 PM
49ers going all the way to the #1 draft pick

Fixed for you.

10-23-2010, 07:36 PM
49ers going all the way to the bottom


10-23-2010, 10:38 PM


10-24-2010, 12:57 AM
haha. my bengals ain't doing too hot either tho..

10-24-2010, 01:16 PM
Fuckin ravens....

10-24-2010, 03:50 PM
Wtf is going on with the broncos right now? Total implosion.

10-24-2010, 04:49 PM
FUCKIGN RAIDERS!!!!!!! I think they are going to make 70 points today LOL

Denver fans started leaving middle of the 3rd quarter lol

10-24-2010, 05:00 PM
I can't believe the beat the Bears.

Most turnovers of any game so far this season, lol. Both sides played terribly.

10-25-2010, 04:41 PM
Wow wtf is going on in the NFL these days haha. Any given sunday.....

10-25-2010, 09:12 PM
FUCKIGN RAIDERS!!!!!!! I think they are going to make 70 points today LOL

Denver fans started leaving by end of 1st quarter lol

Fixed that for yah...thank God they didnt show that game on AFN. I would have fucking thrown my laptop at my TV. Hopefully Bowen follows suit, everytime the Broncos get blasted this badly, they get a new head coach. Shanahanan was let go after the Chargers stomped on them 52-21 (well another 8-8 season didnt help and missing the playoffs). Wade Phillips and Dan Reeves before him were all fired after getting burnt for almost as much as that.

10-25-2010, 09:38 PM
Speaking of Wade Phillips...holy fuck balls, what the hell is up with the Cowboys?!?! You're down 18 pts half way thru the 4th, you have Jon Kitna for your QB who hasnt played in over 2 yrs, kick the damn kick field goal and still be a 2 possesion game. They showed a shot of Jerry Jones after Kitna threw the ball away on 4th down, he was pissed, hand trembling like he's ready to run downstairs and choke the shit out of Jason Garrett and Wade Phillips.

10-25-2010, 11:46 PM
Fixed that for yah...thank God they didnt show that game on AFN. I would have fucking thrown my laptop at my TV. Hopefully Bowen follows suit, everytime the Broncos get blasted this badly, they get a new head coach. Shanahanan was let go after the Chargers stomped on them 52-21 (well another 8-8 season didnt help and missing the playoffs). Wade Phillips and Dan Reeves before him were all fired after getting burnt for almost as much as that.

Yeah to get beat that bad, that is really a bad bad thing... If that happened, man people would have their heads... It was a bad coaching decisin period. Play callin was horrible, I can't blame the players, it was all the coaches and the O-Line was hella over...

Speaking of Wade Phillips...holy fuck balls, what the hell is up with the Cowboys?!?! You're down 18 pts half way thru the 4th, you have Jon Kitna for your QB who hasnt played in over 2 yrs, kick the damn kick field goal and still be a 2 possesion game. They showed a shot of Jerry Jones after Kitna threw the ball away on 4th down, he was pissed, hand trembling like he's ready to run downstairs and choke the shit out of Jason Garrett and Wade Phillips.

Yeah WHAT IS UP with the cowboys, yeah what is up with coaching lately in the NFL... man.... 49ers too, FUCK MAN... make post season my ass they just lost to the FUCKING PANTHERS!!!! they were 0-5.... WTF!!!!

10-26-2010, 02:26 AM
Yeah to get beat that bad, that is really a bad bad thing... If that happened, man people would have their heads... It was a bad coaching decisin period. Play callin was horrible, I can't blame the players, it was all the coaches and the O-Line was hella over...

Yeah WHAT IS UP with the cowboys, yeah what is up with coaching lately in the NFL... man.... 49ers too, FUCK MAN... make post season my ass they just lost to the FUCKING PANTHERS!!!! they were 0-5.... WTF!!!!

I just saw the highlights off the Chicago/Washington game...Cutler got a new favorite reciever, his name is DeAngelo Hall. Holy fuck, I cant even call that game sloppy. I hate watching College football game cuz its always sloppy, but this game was worst. Its like watching the junior varsity game in my old HS.

10-26-2010, 02:48 AM
If you were to tell me the Raiders would have a better record than both Minnesota and Dallas after Week 7, I would have laughed at you...

10-26-2010, 07:12 AM
If you were to tell me the Raiders would have a better record than both Minnesota and Dallas after Week 7, I would have laughed at you...

You should laugh because the Rams have a better record than those 2 teams...

10-26-2010, 10:09 AM
My GIANTS yet again destroy the cowboys god it was fun to watch took Eli a sec to adjust but as soon as that happend game over, great D Solid O-line allowed us to pick n' choose our plays seemed too easy at times. Eli is one of the Best Qb's in the league and will only get better!!


10-26-2010, 10:55 AM
All I can say is, basically who can have the better of the worst game in their franchise... Geezus, throw Mike Ditka or like John Madden in there or something..... Coaches I swear are panzies nowadays....

I think there needs to be more dicipline in the game... I mean seriously though, Cable is doing a damn good job for what and who he has to work with.....

Someone slap Alex Smith in the Mouth PLEASE!!!!

Cutler is a great quarter back and so is Kolb.... Those guys know how to sling a fucking football.... Everyone else stay home... AND GOD what happened to the Saints!!!

11-01-2010, 02:42 PM
This season is just damned weird:

Minnesota Vikings waive Randy Moss - NFL News - FOX Sports on MSN (http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/Randy-Moss-waive-Minnesota-Vikings-after-Patriots-rant-110110)

11-01-2010, 09:26 PM
Yeah what a crazy ass year.

11-01-2010, 09:31 PM
The next Raiders game will be huge for the AFC West standings. I was pissed that the Chiefs won on a game-winning FG, because it kept them atop the division.

11-01-2010, 10:06 PM
Dude its going to be in oakland lol.... maybe I can get some tickets since I live 2 exits from the stadium LOL... I can ride my bike there but probably won't too scared to get shot... BUt still!!! RAIDERS!! After bye-week :(......

11-07-2010, 06:19 PM
Raiders showed a lot of heart today beating the Chiefs. Ford made some amazing catches in the 4th and OT. They're only half a game behind them for AFC West leader.

11-07-2010, 06:44 PM
Yeap and they sure have brought the rest of the fan base back asswhale.
Some good games today though and maybe the Cowgirls can finish the day off and make this a somewhat competitive game

11-07-2010, 08:27 PM
Cowboys are just pathetic, Lions are playing better than them. Cant believe i just said that.

11-07-2010, 09:47 PM
Well, after years and years of sucking and picking up top draft picks, it was bound to happen.

11-08-2010, 07:45 AM
Packers look like they are back on track. And that's with us having the most number of injured starters in the league.

Some good games today though and maybe the Cowgirls can finish the day off and make this a somewhat competitive game

How funny is that comment in hindsight?

11-08-2010, 10:05 AM
Packers looked ok, but really the cowboys just straight suck.... Their o-line d-line, fucking is a joke.... Its sad watching this franchise gone down in the toilet.... But oh wellz...

RAIDAssss!!! Forde was sick, especially that catch he ripped out of the secodary's hand.... I was like OH NO an INT! Then I said WHAT??? He came up with it... HOW? lol....

Amazing game... it was super close and with 4 huge mistakes (INT, MISSED FG, INT, Crossed up Secondard for KC TD) by the raiders they were still able to win... amazing

11-08-2010, 10:08 AM
This is one of the few times of the year that I rooted for the Raiders. Now the Chargers have a better chance of clinching the division again. Woot.

11-08-2010, 11:04 AM
i heart miami dolphins

11-08-2010, 01:48 PM
Packers looked ok, but really the cowboys just straight suck.... Their o-line d-line, fucking is a joke.... Its sad watching this franchise gone down in the toilet.... But oh wellz...

RAIDAssss!!! Forde was sick, especially that catch he ripped out of the secodary's hand.... I was like OH NO an INT! Then I said WHAT??? He came up with it... HOW? lol....

Amazing game... it was super close and with 4 huge mistakes (INT, MISSED FG, INT, Crossed up Secondard for KC TD) by the raiders they were still able to win... amazing

Three words...Clay Fucking Matthews.

We're going to have the defensive player two years in a row.

God I wish we had all our 1st stringers playing right now.

11-08-2010, 01:59 PM
I must admit its been the best year of football watching in a long time. Super close games.... It surprised me how good KC is though.... Hope KC loses to Denver....

Wow spoke too soon

Cowboys fire Wade Phillips as head coach, promote Jason Garrett

11-08-2010, 02:39 PM
This is one of the few times of the year that I rooted for the Raiders. Now the Chargers have a better chance of clinching the division again. Woot.

The Chargers destiny is in their own hands now. Especially with everyone coming back from injuries after the bye. I'm excited.


11-08-2010, 02:47 PM
The Chargers destiny is in their own hands now. Especially with everyone coming back from injuries after the bye. I'm excited.


Me too. If they can some how fix their special teams then they should be ready to roll out.

If they're doing that well with Tutu and McMichaels....imagine what it'll be like once they get Gates, Nanee, Floyd, Davis, and VJ back in the game later this month.


11-08-2010, 03:48 PM
Wade got shit canned hahaha. I think Garret can bring in 4-5 wins the next 8weeks.

11-08-2010, 04:00 PM
i heart miami dolphins

11-08-2010, 04:46 PM

I like the guy, but he's just defeated.

Not that I mind the Cowboys losing of course, it's been terrific to watch.

11-08-2010, 06:13 PM
I love seeing Cowboy's fans in my city (Oxnard, where their training camp is) distraught over their team.

11-15-2010, 08:40 PM
Jesus Michael Vick is a fuckin animal....hahaha

11-15-2010, 10:03 PM
This is what they call, beast mode .

11-22-2010, 12:05 PM
The Pack is on fire. First the Cowboys coach and now Childress! This season has been fantastic!

Favre isn't sure he's going to finish the season either. Hahahahha! So perfect.

If we can get a Super Bowl this will be THE most satisfying season of football ever.

12-06-2010, 11:55 AM
photoshopped this....


12-06-2010, 03:21 PM
hahaha my lil bro kept saying it wasnt broken. I was like really...?

12-06-2010, 09:41 PM
Patriots had some nice plays against the Jets.

01-06-2011, 02:37 PM
Damn its playoff time and no post??

01-06-2011, 03:08 PM
No Chargers, no care.

I will however casually watch the Ravens vs Chief game and hope the Ravens brutally neuter them.

01-08-2011, 07:07 PM
Let post season begin with the biggest story. One of the crappiest team to make the playoffs with Seattle knocking out the defending champs Saints!!! Who the fuck saw that coming?

01-08-2011, 07:34 PM
I sure as hell didn't but i'm glad it happened. Fuck the Saints.

01-08-2011, 07:43 PM
EAGLES all the way!

01-08-2011, 07:45 PM
WOO! So glad my Seahawks came through and took that game :) Was looking for this thread

01-09-2011, 07:07 AM
Let post season begin with the biggest story. One of the crappiest team to make the playoffs with Seattle knocking out the defending champs Saints!!! Who the fuck saw that coming?
hell yeah. Although it wasn't looking good when the saints were starting to make a comeback in the 2nd half. I was worried but am glad that the Aints are out of it this year. I wonder where all of their bandwagon fans will throw their support behind now

01-09-2011, 07:16 PM
Two divisional games coming on up. Should be super interesting.

01-09-2011, 07:50 PM
EAGLES all the way!
Not! :D

I say GB beats Baltimore in the SB.

01-10-2011, 08:29 AM
Not! :D

I say GB beats Baltimore in the SB.

Woot Woot!

So glad the Pack came out with the win yesterday even if it was a nail bitter.

We'll see how we do against the Atlanta on Sat. The last time we only lost my 3.

Our RB Starks finally got to play and dude snapped! I heard this kid was supposed to be good.

01-10-2011, 08:51 AM

01-10-2011, 09:12 AM
Im happy that the eagles lost to bad my giants didnt make it =(. Going for jets now

01-10-2011, 09:13 AM
Daaaa bears!!!!!!

01-10-2011, 09:31 AM
Dude my god what happened to the Saints!! To the SEAHAWKS.... WTF....

01-10-2011, 11:23 AM
EAGLES all the way!

I was going for them too :(

Oh well, it was a pretty decent game

01-17-2011, 08:31 AM
Who was fortunate enough to watch the Falcons/Packers game Sat night?

You take away the rare Jennings fumble and the Falcons Kick return and we would have put up over 50 points.

Rodgers, Williams, Matthews, Jennings, Jones...these guys put on a fuckin CLINIC. You could be the biggest Pack hater out there but you would have to admit we played an absolutely stellar game. WE DIDN'T PUNT THE WHOLE GAME. lol

The Packer fans at the stadium were so loud that they had to start pumping out more music and noises into the sound system to cover it up.

Rodgers must be taking it personal that he didn't get selected for the pro-bowl.

Only the Bears stand in our way now. What a great way to add some fuel to the long rivalry we've had with Da Bears.


01-17-2011, 08:53 AM

01-17-2011, 09:08 AM
The Packers played well.
The Bears played well.

This sunday is going to melt my face off when the Bears kick the fuck out of Aaron Rodgers.

01-17-2011, 09:10 AM
The Packers played well.
The Bears played well.

This sunday is going to melt my face off when the Bears kick the fuck out of Aaron Rodgers.

Hahha. We will see brother. We will see.

01-17-2011, 09:21 AM
The Packers played well.
The Bears played well.

This sunday is going to melt my face off when the Bears kick the fuck out of Aaron Rodgers.

i like the way you think. GO BEARS!