View Full Version : Windows Phone 7 Series

02-15-2010, 08:13 PM

Official webste: Windows Phone 7 Series (http://www.windowsphone7series.com/)

I'm surprised no one has made a post yet on this new mobile phone OS coming from Microsoft. This is big news (IMO) , because its a complete overhaul of the Windows mobile phone OS.

I'm definitely liking what I see so far on the prototype they have on demo and I can't wait to try it come holiday season. I want to see how this OS handles notifications and multi-tasking (idk if that will be there).

The UI is very similar to the Zune HD. I played with the Zune HD and I was an instant fan of the UI.

It's rather impressive to see Microsoft take a bold move that will ultimately be a success or a disaster.

Here's a lengthy vid of the unit being demoed: First Look: Windows Phone 7 Series Hands on Demo | Laura Foy | Channel 9 (http://channel9.msdn.com/posts/LauraFoy/First-Look-Windows-Phone-7-Series-Hands-on-Demo/)

Photos: http://www.engadget.com/photos/windows-phone-7-series-interface/#2710476

What do you guys think?

JayDee M Rolly
02-15-2010, 08:17 PM
if it isnt as laggy as previous windows series then im game.

02-15-2010, 08:26 PM
whats dope about windows phones is the third party support and mods for them.. like people always making updates and mods to the rom that you can flash.

02-15-2010, 08:29 PM
Ive been eyeing this OS only because if been waiting for the HTC hd2 to come out with t-mo. Im glad microsoft is coming out of their shell on this one. Being this late into the game with android symbian and apple os taking a large share of the market microsoft has no excuse to not come out with an os that shouldnt top those unless theyre still fckin incompetent or blind.

02-15-2010, 08:52 PM
Finally I can get rid of this shit iPhone.

drift freaq
02-15-2010, 10:11 PM
Ive been eyeing this OS only because if been waiting for the HTC hd2 to come out with t-mo. Im glad microsoft is coming out of their shell on this one. Being this late into the game with android symbian and apple os taking a large share of the market microsoft has no excuse to not come out with an os that shouldnt top those unless theyre still fckin incompetent or blind.
Honestly Zune is a failure, XBox is successful only because Microsoft took losses on it big time for years to get it to the point where it was finally selling.

Now Windows 7 is decent and its about time they got that right but it still is straight a copy of Apples OSX . In my opinion.

People can hate all they want the Iphone does what it does pretty damn well and tons of people make killer apps for it.
Android itself is not far behind either at this point. Symbian remains to be seen only because its big in Europe but no so much here.

Windows Mobile OS 6.5 blew chunks. According to what I have read Microsoft has been doing a terrible job on the so called Zune phone and I am not expecting the operating system to be that ground breaking.

Microsoft tends to take other OS's copy them and sell them. Microsoft of late has spread itself way to thin in trying to take on all markets and feeling threatened by Apple. It has no reason to feel that way but they do. Its laughable.

Microsoft should be afraid of Google. Google wants to unseat Microsoft in many ways.

In the end, give me an Ipod over a Zune any day of the week, fucking MP3's sound like shit. Either full wave file or Apple lossless ACC audio codecs are the only way to go for good sound.

Go love your Zune go love Wndows Mobile 7 I do not see them being successful at all. Its to late for both Items. The war has been won. if it was even a war. LOL

Iphone, Android followed closely by Symbian. Windows mobile= fail.

02-15-2010, 10:26 PM
you just said it ^^..
android will pass up the iphone shit very soon.
thank god they decided to make the new htc fones not have apps store on the actually ram.
fuck my htc hero.. shits ghey. but kewl.

02-16-2010, 12:00 AM
I think its a good time for microsoft to reinvent themselves as for the war its not over, As long as companies are competing i hope they continue to one up each other to keep themselves on their toes. I do admit i dislike microsoft, time will tell with this OS. I do hope windows 7 mobile is a success, we will see.

02-16-2010, 12:09 AM
killer. nice to see competition. the winmo out there is just godawful and has been for years. Android, Palm's WebOS, and even iPhone OS are all just too good.

02-16-2010, 03:18 AM
I'm not too enthusiastic about this.
I've played with a couple other phones in the past that ran the MS Mobile OS.
Mainly Motorola phones, which I like, and the fancy Sony-Ericsson Xperia X1.
The phone manufacturers were fairly solid, consistent & reliable.
When running MS Mobile OS, everything was terribly buggy.

I don't dislike MS as a company.
Windows 7 has been fairly reliable since I've played with it.
Vista really wasn't that bad towards the last 2-3 years in term of reliability imo.
Rip-off or not, I find it far more intuitive to use that the Apple OS.
The Xbox/360 has been kind to me.

With smart-phone OS, I'm moderately satisfied with the I-phone.
I 'think' I'd be happier with Google Android (I just need a few of the basic apps).

02-16-2010, 03:30 AM
In the end, give me an Ipod over a Zune any day of the week, fucking MP3's sound like shit. Either full wave file or Apple lossless ACC audio codecs are the only way to go for good sound.

Sorry to get OT, but I'm tempted to respond here.

Well most Mp3 players pretty much all support lossless/low compression music files.
It's actually a slight hassle that you have to convert regular FLAC files into ALAC's to have it work with the i-pod/i-phone.

Think with Mp3 players,
it's just a matter of whether or not you like the interface, features, & software.
to each & their own, but not everyone is going to warm up to i-tunes & i-pod's interface (incl. myself).
Zune I've had no direct experience with,
but I do applaud them for their music discovery feature (likewise haven't used it, but sounds like a good idea)

I think that's a bit harsh to call Mp3's sounding bad.
For most ppl, given audio equipment, & listening environments, it's actually sufficient to play some 320kps mp3.
For a sound engineer and/or audiophile with good equipment, the difference would be the there.
For the rest of us, the likelihood would be much lower perhaps.

02-16-2010, 05:38 AM
I used that OS once and sent the phone back. I like my BB and dont think id ever buy another type of phone.

02-16-2010, 06:57 AM
I think the reason no one made a post about it is because it's not due out till CHRISTMAS on maybe one to two phones. Go microsoft. Announce your new OS then hit them with the punchline. "And we're shipping it... in 10 months... hopefully."

The real questions haven't been answered and they should have. Microsft had to show up with SOMETHING at the WWDC and I think that's what they did. They showed up with something. I think this product is really still in the working stages and definitely shouldn't have been shown.

Name change (Windows Phone 7 Series premium ultimate 345i hybrid isn't the shortest thing)
Different browsers/email readers (ie mobile sux ballz could either make or break)
Legacy Apps. (so far I see very little in how winmo 6.0 and 6.5 apps are going to function)
Office Apps? The idea isn't to load full apps but lets face it you'll need to go into apps.
Keyboard? Onscreen keyboard? buttons only?

02-16-2010, 03:53 PM
I used that OS once and sent the phone back. I like my BB and dont think id ever buy another type of phone.

What OS are you talking about? Because Windows Phone 7 has not been released yet.

Office Apps? The idea isn't to load full apps but lets face it you'll need to go into apps.
Keyboard? Onscreen keyboard? buttons only?

I'm pretty sure this phone will support Office Apps. It wasn't demoed, but the VP did mention it.

In the video, the VP stated that the OS will come on phones that have a slide out qwerty keyboard and phones with just an onscreen keyboard. That part is all dependent on the manufacturers.

02-16-2010, 04:18 PM
In the video, the VP stated that the OS will come on phones that have a slide out qwerty keyboard and phones with just an onscreen keyboard. That part is all dependent on the manufacturers.

Since no skins will be allowed on windows 7.. like touchflo and senseui... "onscreen keyboard" is probably going to be a MS thing which will be make or break depending on how they do. I understand MS is trying to provide a consistent user interface. I will be convinced when I can give this to my techno illiterate dad who loves his iphone because "it's simple, has one button, and has big numbers". consistancy and complexity don't always have to compete with each other but if they can coexist then life is good.

02-16-2010, 06:02 PM
What OS are you talking about?
Windows mobile

02-16-2010, 06:54 PM
I don't like the home screen, but otherwise it looks very good. I'm surprised how microsoft fell behind so fast, but like it was said earlier, they have way to many thing to deal with right now.

02-17-2010, 12:09 AM
i LOVE the Android OS. but after installing 7, i'm really looking forward to anything new MS pushes out. they took the hint and have really turned their shit around. they're like Ford.

02-17-2010, 12:28 AM
I don't buy phones based on their OS, I buy based on the brand. So, if Samsung has a phone with Phone 7, I might consider it. Having mobile Outlook that good would kick ass for work, though. And, although I was never interested in Zune, I love the look of the interface and how rich the layouts are.

02-17-2010, 01:07 AM
it's a really nice mp3 player. if it had come out a couple years earlier, the ipod probably wouldn't have the same foothold. i had a first gen one.

02-17-2010, 08:15 AM
i'll admit that it does look very nice. the biggest issue for me however, is the fact that i'm not a big tech geek. and being that i look at this every day:


and the fact that i am very satisfied with it, i probably will never consider another phone. truth be told, Microsoft sat on their thumbs for too long. if you ask me, it's too late for them. and get this, after owning my iphone 3gs 32g for about 6 months, i decided to take a chance. i also now have a 27" imac, and am saving my pennies for a macbook.

i guess what i'm getting at is that Microsoft has been too quiet for too long. i also feel that people that are not big time tech people constantly looking for the latest and greatest may already be loyal to another company. if and when they find something they like, they will more than likely be customers for life. my mom for example, she has the same phone as me. the first week with it, she was really afraid that she'd never figure out how to work her phone. going from a sprint flip phone to an iphone was a HUGE step. she was very overwhelmed that first week, but now she's got the facebook app, she's sending me text messages and emails all the time. she claims its EASIER to use than her old flip phone. it is crazy, and i can assure you that she's much less afraid of technology now. i guess what i'm getting at is that "average Joe" that has an iphone, will probably always have an iphone. sorry microsoft, i think you're just too late. :(

and i do feel bad that i just got rid of my 22" LG monitor, and my powerspec pc is just sitting in the corner now, collecting dust... the only thing i'm waiting for as far as smartphones go, is the OS update that is supposed to happen for the iphone some time this year.