View Full Version : i hate the government

02-14-2010, 12:20 AM
well i hope the rest of you actually get a refund this year. me? not so much. apparently my wife and I made "too much" money last year. usually having a baby means a tax credit, but since we got bumped to such a high bracket we didn't get that break. so we owe $3900 to federal and $792 goes to the black hole known as the california state franchise tax board...it would have been over $2000 we'd have to pay for state but luckilly we were able to write off a new energy efficient fridge. this is on top of $400 taken out for state/fed taxes EVERY WEEK when i get paid. :rant: do you know what i could do with an extra 400 bucks a week? i hate california and if it weren't for my family being here i'd pack up and get as far away from this toilet as possible...makes me want to blow up the whole goddamn welfare system, the sacramento legislature, and all the useless cubicle workers in the public sector that get massive pensions and healtcare benefits.

I might as well quit my job and just live off the government teet.:rl::rl::rl::rl::rl:

02-14-2010, 12:22 AM
wow bro sorry to hear that. I'm with you on this tho, sometimes I think they don't know what the fuck they're doing.

02-14-2010, 12:46 AM
have you talked to a tax lawyer about this?
hopefully some might give free advice...

02-14-2010, 01:24 AM
I'm in the same boat as you, fucking obama's grand idea to take less payroll taxes out each month. Last year I got a bit back, this year I got nothing, and it looks like I owe a bit.

02-14-2010, 10:02 AM
have you talked to a tax lawyer about this?
hopefully some might give free advice...

i think tax lawyers are for people who owe because they've screwed up and now owe the IRS. for us it's the tax bracket we're in that killed us...because of this bracket the deduction you get to use when you have a kid didn't apply (such BS). Don't get me wrong i feel very fortunate to have a job especially in this economy-but when so much gets taken it just angers me to no end. especially when i consider how much of a welfare state Cali is...and how our politicians spend the money like water.

drift freaq
02-14-2010, 02:18 PM
Try working for yourself aka self employed. You wind up paying them money. Tax return? the concept is non existent to the self employed.

02-14-2010, 02:28 PM
Thread title should read "i hate california."

02-15-2010, 07:12 AM
The State's ("State" meaning government, both state and federal) place is to steal from you at the barrel of the gun and give some of your taxes back to someone who "needs" the money more.

You complain about not getting a refund, but how about paying taxes in general? We live under a system of coercion the likes of which the Founders had not even taken into consideration. If you don't pay, if you won't pay for an offensive war or a budget with $1.4 trillion in deficit spending, then you can be arrested, fined, imprisoned, or, if you refuse to leave your house, if you refuse to give up your money when force is initiated against you, you die. Is this any way to live, being forced to give up the fruits of your labors depending on how successful you are, being punished for being successful when others are not?

There's a concept in government: OPM, other peoples' money. You gave sanction to the government by paying its extortionate fees, thus the State feels it can dole out the product of your work, of your intellectual and physical capacity, wherever and whenever it sees fit.

This is but one issue. The farther you go, the more reason you have to hate the government for its corrupt, inept tyranny. This is no time to sign your life away to an organization which regards you as a number to be squeezed until so-called "humanitarian" needs are met.

Bring it all down and start again.

02-15-2010, 05:52 PM
Thread title should read "i hate california."

You think the federal government isn't wasting our money too?

Most years taxes don't seem like such a big deal, but this year they suck. They're getting more money while everything that taxes supposedly go to is getting a big fat pile of shit dumped on "because of the economy."

Hey somebody has to pay for these wars "we" are fighting.

Here's an idea, stop paying them. How much time can they spend tracking us down and putting us in jail when they're paying the police and military with IOUs?

02-15-2010, 06:59 PM
You know, I hate taxes as much as the next guy...

But, we have no one but ourselves to blame.

It's YOUR government; take charge.

Fact is, most Americans love to bitch about their government, which is their good right. However, when it comes to actually elicit change - you know, actually do something - most Americans are wholly apathetic.

Afterall, it's soooooo much easier to scarf down another $0.99 cheeseburger and watch reruns of the Jersey Shore...

02-16-2010, 03:41 AM
well it certainly helps to know what you can write off.
I do agree tax brackets are completely counter-intuitive.
I'm making approx $300 less/month now b/c my monthly paycheck increased by $500.
Guess that 'raise' wasn't so great after all.

02-16-2010, 09:52 AM
For all those people that sit there and bitch and complain about where we live or who runs our government.... stop bitching and do something.....

the way I see it...there are three options...

1: Stay where you are and keep bitching....so nothing amounts.
2: Do something...anything... Become a politician, make a change, start a movement...You are one person with a voice! That already make a difference.
3: Pack your shit and leave....if you don't like it...you have free will to move....

Your life was given to you in this state to make something...if God didn't think your life was valuable, you could have been born in north korea. As someones ass slave. Be thankful.

02-16-2010, 12:04 PM
The only real reason to have a centralized government is for civil defense. That is kind of the idea that our founding fathers had for the US. Through lobbyist, croockedness, and selfish regime our rights as citizens to own the government that was designed for us was quietly stripped away. I'm harboring the idea of starting a movement to boycott elections.

Of course it won't make immediate change, but if enough young people jump on the bandwagon of it then maybe a voice or two can be heard. Something has to change. It pisses me off to know that politicians that WE elected to lead us are sitting back not having to worry about pay cuts, or getting laid off while the people that employ their asses struggle through life.

Simply following the system isn't going to get us anywhere. We need a good coup.

02-16-2010, 01:52 PM
just curious...boycott elections? where would that put us if elections weren't available? nominee?

02-16-2010, 02:00 PM
All the people that say "Its 'your' government."

Are you completely happy with the way things are being done? What have you done?

"our" government has evolved into a huge entity that is more concerned with self preservation than it is with being a government for the people. We as individuals have nothing to offer that other huge self preserving entities can't offer more of.

I'd love to be out fighting agains "the man" but the truth is I need him more than he needs me. I have to take care of my own shit the best I know how because thats what I know. Right now I can only complain because the best I can hope for now is for a couple more people to realize that right now things aren't right.

and I really can't complain that much about taxes because right now $320 is a bargain for the things that I do get from the government. I do complain because there's room for improvement.

02-21-2010, 11:37 AM
For all those people that sit there and bitch and complain about where we live or who runs our government.... stop bitching and do something.....

the way I see it...there are three options...

1: Stay where you are and keep bitching....so nothing amounts.
2: Do something...anything... Become a politician, make a change, start a movement...You are one person with a voice! That already make a difference.
3: Pack your shit and leave....if you don't like it...you have free will to move....

I go out and protest. I hold a sign, I try to get the word out that we're subjects of a tyranny. I wear a gun sometimes, not as a defense measure but as an exercise in freedom; of what little freedom we still have. I vote for the most liberty-minded choice; but the right choices lose out 100:1 or even 1000:1.

Become a politician? In order to get elected, you have to follow the rules... their rules. Want to get on the ballot? You have to do things the way of the party, or you don't get funding, you don't get support, you just pay your way to failure.

Why is "leave" always an option? I was born here, I was born in a country which was supposed to be free, in a country which was supposed to be run by politicians elected by us to do the right thing. I'm not leaving this country just because others are letting it go to shit.

We can start by refusing to pay our taxes. The easiest way to take down a government is to deny it the money it needs to run. They'll come knocking on our doors and threatening to garnish our wages, but we'll pull money out, we'll leave them no choice but to be the robbers they are and steal our money by force. We'll increase inflation and decrease our own purchasing power, but it'll prove the point that the Federal Reserve is an enemy of the free market and we'll take away their power to prosecute.

Next, we deny the police the support they need to believe what they do is right. We force them to face the fact that they destroy rights, that they are incorrect in their actions and they will not be backed by the public any longer.

Then we change the lawmakers and we change the laws, removing whomever needs to be removed and cleaning the filth out of office. We do this within the original framework, not the perverse intricacy we have now. We do it by force, if necessary.

We do not need "the man." Look at your streets, look at your neighborhoods, look at your schools. We need to take care of ourselves, and we need to bring "the man" to his knees. We are all born free men, then we are socialized into believing government is a necessity and that everyone strives for the "greater good;" we lose our freedom, we give it up for the "greater good" and because it's easier that way, and we die as slaves to a corrupt system which has stolen from us all our lives, we die as slaves because it was the easy thing to do.

What kind of country do we live in where the just must conduct their business in alleys and darkened warehouses, and thieves wear badges and steal in broad daylight?

02-21-2010, 11:41 AM
so judgin from your original post you make roughly 2k a week? thats not alot at all to owe taxes

imotion s14
02-21-2010, 04:27 PM
I go out and protest. I hold a sign, I try to get the word out that we're subjects of a tyranny. I wear a gun sometimes, not as a defense measure but as an exercise in freedom; of what little freedom we still have. I vote for the most liberty-minded choice; but the right choices lose out 100:1 or even 1000:1.

Become a politician? In order to get elected, you have to follow the rules... their rules. Want to get on the ballot? You have to do things the way of the party, or you don't get funding, you don't get support, you just pay your way to failure.

Why is "leave" always an option? I was born here, I was born in a country which was supposed to be free, in a country which was supposed to be run by politicians elected by us to do the right thing. I'm not leaving this country just because others are letting it go to shit.

We can start by refusing to pay our taxes. The easiest way to take down a government is to deny it the money it needs to run. They'll come knocking on our doors and threatening to garnish our wages, but we'll pull money out, we'll leave them no choice but to be the robbers they are and steal our money by force. We'll increase inflation and decrease our own purchasing power, but it'll prove the point that the Federal Reserve is an enemy of the free market and we'll take away their power to prosecute.

Next, we deny the police the support they need to believe what they do is right. We force them to face the fact that they destroy rights, that they are incorrect in their actions and they will not be backed by the public any longer.

Then we change the lawmakers and we change the laws, removing whomever needs to be removed and cleaning the filth out of office. We do this within the original framework, not the perverse intricacy we have now. We do it by force, if necessary.

We do not need "the man." Look at your streets, look at your neighborhoods, look at your schools. We need to take care of ourselves, and we need to bring "the man" to his knees. We are all born free men, then we are socialized into believing government is a necessity and that everyone strives for the "greater good;" we lose our freedom, we give it up for the "greater good" and because it's easier that way, and we die as slaves to a corrupt system which has stolen from us all our lives, we die as slaves because it was the easy thing to do.

What kind of country do we live in where the just must conduct their business in alleys and darkened warehouses, and thieves wear badges and steal in broad daylight?

Yeah people think voting actually works as a system of accountability. But yet look at the congress. It's been nearly the same for the last 30 years. The 2 major parties control the election laws and they make it tough for 3rd party to even get on the ballot and they use their party coffers to fund their chosen candidate making it hard to go up against a major party AND an incumbent.

What we need to do is round up all Baby Boomers and make them walk the plank into a giant meat grinder.

02-21-2010, 04:35 PM
Ill gladly pay taxes if we start seeing some improvement lol

02-21-2010, 04:42 PM
Obama sucks and so do higher taxes. End of story.

OP, just think of how good you must feel to be "sponsoring" some unemployed moron out there :-)

You are such a kind heart

02-21-2010, 05:52 PM
^lol yeah thanks, it just warms my heart :P

02-21-2010, 08:21 PM
Obama sucks and so do higher taxes. End of story.

OP, just think of how good you must feel to be "sponsoring" some unemployed moron out there :-)

You are such a kind heart

Right. Cause everyone who got laid off asked for it.

Stupid ppl.

02-21-2010, 09:07 PM
Right. Cause everyone who got laid off asked for it.

Stupid ppl.

Obviously not, I am not that naive, but even if 1 or 2 out of 10 people who are going to get their healthcare paid for or are getting welfare money or tax credits are driving around in $30,000+ cars and spending the money on drugs/gambling/god knows what, then that is 1 or 2 out of 10 people too many.

Surely, not all or not even MOST of the people out there are like this, but there definitely are a good number that do.

02-21-2010, 09:19 PM
<~~~~~ $3,000 + in returns

02-21-2010, 09:22 PM
i can't stand this state for all the welfare programs it supports also...i've heard some unemployed people purposely NOT taking a job because they get 300 a week sitting on their ass all day.

Society should be more like nature. Every man/women for him/herself, if you don't work and eat you die. Simple as that.

02-21-2010, 09:31 PM
Society should be more like nature. Every man/women for him/herself, if you don't work and eat you die. Simple as that.

anarchy does not work lol

02-21-2010, 09:42 PM
well this system we have now sure isn't working lol

a multi-trillion dollar deficit that over doubles after a couple years

02-21-2010, 09:57 PM
why doesn't anarchy work? Why can't we just make this government OUR government again? I live in the delta of Mississippi, and if you know anything about politics around here, it's f'n pitiful. There is a lot of "you're white so you get to pay for the african american people that don't feel like working in this county because Emmit Till got killed 10 miles up the road a billion years ago." I f'n HATE our political system. I don't believe in anarchy, because most people don't have the ability to govern themselves, but I do firmly believe in social Darwinism. Why help the people that want to be helpless? I think there should be drug testing for anyone to get any benifit from the government. There should also be a cap on welfare if you have more than one illegitimate child. This country could be som much more without lobbyists.

02-21-2010, 09:58 PM
Obama sucks and so do higher taxes. End of story.

OP, just think of how good you must feel to be "sponsoring" some unemployed moron out there :-)

You are such a kind heart

uhh I'm pretty sure that pple who live off welfare checks, get the money from what was slowly taken from them check by check. Or am I wrong?

02-21-2010, 11:23 PM
why doesn't anarchy work? Why can't we just make this government OUR government again? I live in the delta of Mississippi, and if you know anything about politics around here, it's f'n pitiful. There is a lot of "you're white so you get to pay for the african american people that don't feel like working in this county because Emmit Till got killed 10 miles up the road a billion years ago." I f'n HATE our political system. I don't believe in anarchy, because most people don't have the ability to govern themselves, but I do firmly believe in social Darwinism. Why help the people that want to be helpless? I think there should be drug testing for anyone to get any benifit from the government. There should also be a cap on welfare if you have more than one illegitimate child. This country could be som much more without lobbyists.

Agreed 100%. I would like to see the stats for the % of people who are currently on welfare that uses drugs versus the rest of the population.....same for number of illegitimate children.

Guaranteed it's at least 3x higher than the national average. And you and I get to support these people.

Again, I stres that there are people who truly need it and are NOT taking advantage of the system, but their needs to be a better way than simply saying "let's help everyone"

02-21-2010, 11:24 PM
why doesn't anarchy work? Why can't we just make this government OUR government again? I live in the delta of Mississippi, and if you know anything about politics around here, it's f'n pitiful. There is a lot of "you're white so you get to pay for the african american people that don't feel like working in this county because Emmit Till got killed 10 miles up the road a billion years ago." I f'n HATE our political system. I don't believe in anarchy, because most people don't have the ability to govern themselves, but I do firmly believe in social Darwinism. Why help the people that want to be helpless? I think there should be drug testing for anyone to get any benifit from the government. There should also be a cap on welfare if you have more than one illegitimate child. This country could be som much more without lobbyists.

Agreed 100%. I would like to see the stats for the % of people who are currently on welfare that uses drugs versus the rest of the population.....same for number of illegitimate children.

Guaranteed it's at least 3x higher than the national average. And you and I get to support these people.

Again, I stress that there are people who truly need it and are NOT taking advantage of the system, but there needs to be a better way than simply saying "let's help everyone"

02-22-2010, 12:17 AM
uhh I'm pretty sure that pple who live off welfare checks, get the money from what was slowly taken from them check by check. Or am I wrong?

not necessarily. There are women that come here with anchor babies, don't have to pay for medical bills of course(having a baby costs about 10,000 dollars IIRC) then they CONTINUE to have children because that's more dependents and more dependents = more money/aid from the government. Not being race specific, there are U.S. citizens milking the system also (of course) But can you blame these people, no. It's part of human nature to do what is easiest and comfortable, so I blame the system that makes it possible for this to take place.

02-23-2010, 07:36 AM
Don't blame the system.

Blame the people.

Then destroy the system.