View Full Version : looking for paint scheme pics

06-13-2003, 03:15 PM
Ok I tried this in the chat section but got no responses, so I'm hoping I can get some help here. My cousin works at a nissan dealership in Orlando and he tells me they have a poster there of an s13 with the red/white/blue nissan racing paint scheme. He says it looks great on the car and I was wondering if anyone might have a pic of this car. I have searched the net but only found one pic and was a small pic of the side of the car, was hoping for some difrent angles. Thanks in advance for any help guys.

06-13-2003, 03:21 PM
its a race car w/ wide body iirc. my friend has it in his garage. i forget the exact shceme but looks good for a race/track car, NOT a street car..

06-13-2003, 03:57 PM
well the thing is I left my fastback at my cousin's for a bit and he's nuts about painting cars. my other cousin left his civic there and came back in a few months to find it had ghost flames done across the hood. He keeps asking me how long I'm leaving my car there so I can guess what he has in store. But if it looks too overboard i'll tell him to forget it. Driving a stock 91fb with a racing paint scheme sems sort of insane to me but then again it would be free and some day i'll manage to get enoug money to actually make her worthy of the paint.