View Full Version : removing a door.. troubles..

06-13-2003, 03:52 AM
i was trying to remove my doors so it'll be easier to work on the inside of my car but it seems like i can't get them out. i unbolted the 4 bolts holding the door hinges but when i opened the door, the door was still attached by the piece that keep the door from opening too wide. i dont know what its called, but i can't get the pin out. the pin has a slit and its flared but i couldn't squeezed the pin smaller to get it out or anything else. how do you remove the pins? the fsm doesn't explain how but shows that the pins can be lifted out.

06-13-2003, 10:42 PM
no one has taken out a door before? :confused:

06-13-2003, 11:00 PM
ive taken out doors in other cars and i always take that pin out first

try putting some bolts back on and then pull that pin.
my guess is that it has too much pressure in it

06-14-2003, 01:39 AM
thats weird.. b/c the pins on the 240 doors are flared on teh top and bottom.. there is litterally no space to smash it thin with pliers or any other feasable method i can think of to remove it. would you guys suggest cuttin the flares off and then slide it out?

06-14-2003, 02:06 AM
I've taken the doors off my s14 like 3 times. You have to stick someting small and narrow over that pin, like a nail, and bang it out with a hammer, then unbolt the 4 bolts, while a jack supports the door, unless you wanna hold it. I tried both ways, a jack helps ALOT. good luck.

06-14-2003, 10:43 AM
stick a nail in there and bang it out.. hmm.. sounds like it will work. i hope it doesn't enlarge or ruined the hole where the pin goes through. i'll give it a try. thanks.

Bill Roberts
06-14-2003, 11:39 AM
You can take a dremel tool and grind the bottom flange down some and then tap it upward...would seem like the way to go.

Just don't force anything. and the jack or some concrete blocks with a floor mat on them may be good at holding the door.

06-14-2003, 07:17 PM
Anyone have pics?

06-14-2003, 10:23 PM
be sure to remove your door wiring (speakers, mirrors, electric). you should have just tapped the pin out with a hammer or hammer w/wooden block before you took off the bolts. if you have been prying on it, its probably not going to come out the way it is, just cut the flare off the top and tap it out. i would use a die grinder or dremel