View Full Version : 2010 gadgets

02-09-2010, 10:35 PM
just wonder what 2010 or future gadgets are you looking forward too.:hyper:

here's mine: nvidia GT300
i have 4870. i had planned to get the 5870 so this will definitly drop ati price down. but, i'm swaying torwards to nvidia. then again if ati drops 5870 cards price hardcore. i'll probably get it.

3d tv
probably my next tv... wireless hdmi and 3d. i still want oled.


asus g73
with mobility 5870 rebadged with 5770 specs. starting at $1,500

02-09-2010, 11:06 PM
Im actually looking forwards to getting rid of my internet savy, PDA, whatever phone, and saving my ass $50 a month by not having that 3G bullshit.

02-10-2010, 12:06 AM
sweet now you can save up for the 4g phones.

but, seriously how handy has your 3g phone been to you?

my iphone has been handy...its my sm texting,navi,mp3,radio,internet surfing,info on the fly,calculating,gaming,kid shut your mouth bcos your bored,remember shit notes,restuarant finding,bodybuilding,movie, camera... phone.

bullshit? i know you don't mean that.

02-10-2010, 12:28 AM
sweet now you can save up for the 4g phones.

but, seriously how handy has your 3g phone been to you?

my iphone has been handy...its my sm texting,navi,mp3,radio,internet surfing,info on the fly,calculating,gaming,kid shut your mouth bcos your bored,remember shit notes,restuarant finding,bodybuilding,movie, camera... phone.

bullshit? i know you don't mean that.
Naw, I dont got the Iphone, just the palm centro.
So its not as fast.
But I usually only use it if I need to check email at work.

But I dont really need to do that most times.
Its not worth the $50 a month.
I know how to get around LA, and have a Garmin.
Never Bored.

I just decided i didnt need to pay $600 a year, just for mobile internet on a phone. :)

02-10-2010, 12:57 AM
When the hell is 4g coming out?!

I'd kinda have to agree that 3g (on my i-phone w/ at&t) is a bit worthless.
I run edge most of the time & it's perfectly sufficient.
It's only useful for pinpointing my location when using the Google Map function.
Still, Googlemaps on the iphone isn't anywhere as useful as a dedicated GPS device.
I suppose it's also good for running internet radio (I use pandora and KCRW music/news).

Few of the apps NEED the underwhelming 3G.
All it does is drain your battery life faster.

Net surfing with 3G is comparable to 56k dial up speed.
The i-phone screen is really too small for meaningful web browsing

I love smart-phones.
The main appeal to me is the apps.
I'm just not convinced 3G is needed.
I don't really like my i-phone that much either,
but it serves it purpose well enough for the time bieng,
and my company pays my phone bill.

BTW, God-damn i-tunes!
Words cannot express my frustration.

02-10-2010, 08:08 AM
Zomg nerd pronz. :wackit:

I'd kinda have to agree that 3g (on my i-phone w/ at&t) is a bit worthless.
I run edge most of the time & it's perfectly sufficient.
It's only useful for pinpointing my location when using the Google Map function.

Net surfing with 3G is comparable to 56k dial up speed.
The i-phone screen is really too small for meaningful web browsing

BTW, God-damn i-tunes!
Words cannot express my frustration.

Perhaps it is the area you stay. Edge and 3G here are like night and day. If I am browsing zilvia and there is a thread with lots of pics, edge will take forever. 3G will muscle right through it. Yes it does drain like hell though. I've found turning off wifi when not using it helps a lot.

Combine the Iphone, the G1 and the droid into one phone and you have the greatest device ever. I would stomp and entire kennel of puppies for that.

02-10-2010, 09:21 AM
BTW, God-damn i-tunes!
Words cannot express my frustration.
"best friends" on 3?
1-2-3 BEST FRIENDS *hi five*

02-10-2010, 12:01 PM
4g probably wont happen until 2011...AT&T selects LTE equipment suppliers, 'commercial deployment' planned for 2011 -- Engadget (http://www.engadget.com/2010/02/10/atandt-selects-lte-equipment-suppliers-commercial-deployment-pl/) well for att that is.

besides that i'm pretty excited about this ...USB 3.0 Finally Arrives - PCWorld (http://www.pcworld.com/article/186566/usb_30_finally_arrives.html) USB 3.0 5Gbps!!! thats fucken fast.

02-10-2010, 12:17 PM
same here... back in nc i was getting horrible connection. edge is slo-mo face melting.
but, here in cali ive been getting 3g and i multi page browse. it's pretty quick.

i-tune... i barely really use it. i use the "other" i-tune. i only use it when i'm out without a comp access. desktop apps is kind of annoying also.

02-10-2010, 12:24 PM
i'm looking forward to the Motorola Opus One, which will be the first Android phone on a pay-as-you-go service (boost). 50/mo for unlimited everything? done.

02-10-2010, 12:50 PM
more powerful external gpu for pc or laptops

the tech has been out with ati xgp. but, this with a
5830 eyefinity & dx11. external power= no heat. or external power + external super cooling = badass card. it 's gonna cost more but, its a awsome idea.

02-10-2010, 10:06 PM
I am really liking the idea of the box, though for a desktop. I can just see building a custom case where two or more of these fit on the outside.

02-11-2010, 10:44 AM
4g probably wont happen until 2011...AT&T selects LTE equipment suppliers, 'commercial deployment' planned for 2011 -- Engadget (http://www.engadget.com/2010/02/10/atandt-selects-lte-equipment-suppliers-commercial-deployment-pl/) well for att that is.

besides that i'm pretty excited about this ...USB 3.0 Finally Arrives - PCWorld (http://www.pcworld.com/article/186566/usb_30_finally_arrives.html) USB 3.0 5Gbps!!! thats fucken fast.

Well I guess that's not horrible news.
If one were to get a new '3g' phone this year,
it might be compatible w/ 4g when it tentatively arrives next year.

might stick w/ at&t another year & replace my i-phone 3g with the one coming out.

Great news w/ USB 3.0.
With 5Gb/sec, imagine transferring 1 tb of data within 5 mins (as opposed to several hours).
Hope there won't be any compatibility issues w/ existing external hd's.