View Full Version : Super Bowl XLIV: Saints vs. Colts

02-07-2010, 07:58 PM
Most of us saw the game, what do you guys think?

IMO, it was a boring game and the commercials sucked (except Doritos) lol

There were a few passes that would have been game changing had the Colts completed them.

Anyways, congrats to the Saints.

I'm heated I lost my bet by two points and I'm a Colts fan lol

02-07-2010, 08:01 PM
the doritos commercials were awsome but the rest sucked.

02-07-2010, 08:02 PM
Ninja Star Dorito FTW!!! LOL

02-07-2010, 08:03 PM
didnt watch the game no need to when i only watch the commercials

here is a link to all the add's

Hulu - AdZone 2010 (http://www.hulu.com/adzone)

the best one


02-07-2010, 08:04 PM
in my opinion, wayne lost the game for the colts, he just wasn't playing at his max it seemed. the colts have so much more potential than that.

02-07-2010, 08:05 PM
i liked the budlight commercials

well i just won 30 bucks because i bet the saints would win by one or more touchdowns-final score 31-24

close enough for me haha

florante rea
02-07-2010, 08:08 PM
i won 50 bucks, i'm so happy right now.

02-07-2010, 08:14 PM
the bridge is down!....... but the bud light truck is on the other side!! lol

02-07-2010, 08:20 PM
Yah, it seemed slow. I thought this game was gonna be more exciting...figured 2 of the better offensive teams with both having mediocre defense...didnt turn out to be the high scoring game that I thought it would be. I was thinking we were gonna something of like 34-45 scoring range.

02-07-2010, 08:23 PM
e-trade babies were hilarious..

game was OK. until the saints started whoopin ass, then colts just showed the face of defeat and gave up.

02-07-2010, 08:24 PM
Saints defense was not mediocre, ranking second in total takeaways is pretty good

the way i saw this game was saints have more ofensive weapons giving them the opportunity to score whem they get those takeaways..reason why i put my money on them =]

drift freaq
02-07-2010, 08:31 PM
hahahaha I think you guys are just adrenaline junkies. The game was not that bad. In fact the second half was the great part. Oh and like lluvmys13 said the Saints Defense was not exactly mediocre.

Truthfully the Saints played hard and even made a couple of mistake themselves. Though given everything the Colts played decent as well. A few mistakes by the Colts pretty much gave the Saints all the incentive they needed to complete it.

I am happy Drew Bree's played well the Saints played it there way. Don't get me wrong I like Peyton Manning but seriously guys this was the Saints time. Not Indy's.

Well deserved on the Saints part.

02-07-2010, 08:33 PM
Game sucked. Commercials sucked. End thread

drift freaq
02-07-2010, 08:34 PM
Game sucked. Commercials sucked. End thread

I bet you were rooting for the Colts. LMAO

02-07-2010, 08:38 PM
hahahaha I think you guys are just adrenaline junkies. The game was not that bad. In fact the second half was the great part. Oh and like lluvmys13 said the Saints Defense was not exactly mediocre.

Truthfully the Saints played hard and even made a couple of mistake themselves. Though given everything the Colts played decent as well. A few mistakes by the Colts pretty much gave the Saints all the incentive they needed to complete it.

I am happy Drew Bree's played well the Saints played it there way. Don't get me wrong I like Peyton Manning but seriously guys this was the Saints time. Not Indy's.

Well deserved on the Saints part.

EXACTLY, idk i liked the game...everyone was expecting a high scoring game i guess..but none the less i liked it along with the commercials

02-07-2010, 08:48 PM
the bridge is down!....... but the bud light truck is on the other side!! lol

budweiser but still funny commercial lol

02-07-2010, 08:51 PM
You guys are retarded that was definitely one of the better Super Bowl games I've ever seen. Both teams played pretty well, and either team could have won up until Manning through that last interception.

Brees played amazing. Reggie Bush didn't do shit, but he does get to go home and stomp on Kim Kardashian tonight.

02-07-2010, 09:01 PM
Sucks that the colts lost, but I hit a $500 square at work FTW :fawkd:

02-07-2010, 09:03 PM
On the whole, it was a good game...
Commercials sucked, Peyton went back to "Old Peyton" and choked.

02-07-2010, 09:25 PM

Choke Peyton, choke. :fawk:

02-07-2010, 09:26 PM
On the whole, it was a good game...
Commercials sucked, Peyton went back to "Old Peyton" and choked.

its doesnt matter if Peyton chocked .. He is the best QB in the NFL

02-07-2010, 09:33 PM
^BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah with ONE superbowl to show for it? please. He's a choke artist. Great QBs don't consistently choke under pressure.

And the only reason Manning has that superbowl ring is because they played the fucking Bears.

02-07-2010, 09:43 PM
1999: 13-3, first round bye, lose to Tennessee
2000: 10-6, lose wildcard to Miami
2001: 6-10 record, including a 40-21 loss to the 49ers, lmao... Long vacation
2002: 10-6, murderized by the Jets in the wildcard
2003: MVP season, 12-4, killt by the Patriots
2004: another 12-4 MVP season ending getting killt by Tom Brady
2005: 13-0 to start the season (sound familiar?), ends in another playoff loss

Peyton Williams Manning, choke artiste extraordinaire.

02-07-2010, 09:49 PM
the game wasnt terrible, way better then i expected. Just fucking glad the stupid colts lost.

yea Doritos def took the cake for commercials, few other funny ones. But nothing crazy good like back in the old days.

02-07-2010, 09:49 PM
my post from the other thread*

Good job saints. America got the storybook ending it so desperately wanted. :rolleyes: Now we can all FINALLY move the hell on. I was going for the colts, but after thinking about it, i'm glad the saints got it this year. Now we don't have to hear that annoying ass "redemption" story ALL next season AGAIN.

Go bolts for 2011!

02-07-2010, 09:50 PM
Yea i thought the game was an excellent game. you cant play the Colts any better than the Saints did tonight. They essentially were mistake free from start to finish and just showed that they wanted it more. The Doritos dog commercial and Lebron/Dwight Howard commercial were probably my favorite ones.

02-07-2010, 10:19 PM
My brother won a grand off this game, and was seriously in tears. This family has been a long time Saints fan, and will continue to be! Holy shit, that dogpile after half time....wtf fight? lol Oh and Whoever booked The Who to play halftime should be shot.

02-07-2010, 10:25 PM
won 177 so happy

02-07-2010, 10:28 PM
1999: 13-3, first round bye, lose to Tennessee
2000: 10-6, lose wildcard to Miami
2001: 6-10 record, including a 40-21 loss to the 49ers, lmao... Long vacation
2002: 10-6, murderized by the Jets in the wildcard
2003: MVP season, 12-4, killt by the Patriots
2004: another 12-4 MVP season ending getting killt by Tom Brady
2005: 13-0 to start the season (sound familiar?), ends in another playoff loss

Peyton Williams Manning, choke artiste extraordinaire.

my post from the other thread*

Good job saints. America got the storybook ending it so desperately wanted. :rolleyes: Now we can all FINALLY move the hell on. I was going for the colts, but after thinking about it, i'm glad the saints got it this year. Now we don't have to hear that annoying ass "redemption" story ALL next season AGAIN.

Go bolts for 2011!

Facebook Copypasta *cough*cough*

I'm really proud of the Saints. It's only taken them 43 years to get there!

I think it was an exciting game, and I wasn't counting the Colts out until their very last play. I know the Saints have a knack for fucking things up, but Sean Payton really squared them away this season. Bush was ho-hum for this game, but Brees was excellent.

I thought it was a great game (without regard to teams) Both teams played tight with minimal fumbles, INTs or penalties, and there were a few amazing drives and plays.

Halftime show sucked.

02-07-2010, 10:33 PM
I guess I dislike the saints so much because of that dumbass "who dat" phrase. Shit is annoying

JayDee M Rolly
02-07-2010, 10:34 PM
1999: 13-3, first round bye, lose to Tennessee
2000: 10-6, lose wildcard to Miami
2001: 6-10 record, including a 40-21 loss to the 49ers, lmao... Long vacation
2002: 10-6, murderized by the Jets in the wildcard
2003: MVP season, 12-4, killt by the Patriots
2004: another 12-4 MVP season ending getting killt by Tom Brady
2005: 13-0 to start the season (sound familiar?), ends in another playoff loss

Peyton Williams Manning, choke artiste extraordinaire.

yeah ive been a colts fan since 03 (epic comeback game against the bucs). i love peyton manning and what he does, but the team just made mistakes that gave the game and a well deserved win to the saints.


and 1 eli manning spotting during the game hahaha.

02-07-2010, 10:46 PM
2006: Definitely no "murderer's row" in beating Miami in the wildcard, ZERO touchdowns against the Ravens, though I WILL credit him for the comeback in New England, but offer NOTHING for having beaten the fucking Bears.

2007: Choke out to the Chargers.

2008: Chargers again

2009: MVP season, another post season choke.

Peyton is great in the regular season, but the magic apparently dies when there is a legitimate challenge in his face.
I am no Saints fan, not even a little bit. I just love how Peyton chokes once more and preserves the value of Joe Montana's legacy.

02-07-2010, 11:00 PM
Facebook Copypasta *cough*cough*

Not really sure what you're implying here??

And yeah, the halftime show was a joke. No disrespect to an iconic band, but The Who aren't even relevant anymore! I bet half the stadium and half the people who watched at home were like "oh hey thats the song from CSI. Who are these old guys?" There were at least 5 people who i was watching the game with that said that. lol

Ever since the timberlake/janet jackson fiasco, hip hop is totally not allowed. lol I say Foo Fighters for next years show. That would rule!

02-08-2010, 03:24 AM
At least you guys got to watch the commercials. In Hong Kong, after waking up at 5:30am, two of my friends and I went to Lan Kwai Fong to watch the game. We were stuck watching the same 3 commercials for the ASN over and over again. Seriously, you'd think that the ASN (Asian Sports network or Another Shitty Network?) has heard of selling airtime, but I guess not.

The onside kick at the start of the second half was fucking awesome. From that point on the Saints were dominating. Needless to say, I'm a very happy Saints fan after that performance.

02-08-2010, 05:38 AM
Who won.....?

02-08-2010, 07:36 AM
it was a great game. saints did exactly what they did all season played the second half like no tomorrow.

02-08-2010, 08:17 AM
My brother won a grand off this game, and was seriously in tears. This family has been a long time Saints fan, and will continue to be! Holy shit, that dogpile after half time....wtf fight? lol Oh and Whoever booked The Who to play halftime should be shot.

You watched halftime?:confused:

The game was ok. I have seen more exciting superbowls, but I am not calling it a bad game. The commercials were terrible though, there was only one that made me laugh, can't remember which.

02-08-2010, 08:33 AM
yeah the commercials were pretty weak.

the game wasen't have bad.

i'm glad that the saint's won. seems like there are/were way to many Colt bandwagon goes since they are a "good team"

02-08-2010, 08:39 AM
Not really sure what you're implying here??
I don't know that he was implying anything, any more than noticing that both of us had posted what we JUST had on facebook minutes before we posted here.
I dunno about yours, but to my credit, it was a C/P from my own facebook, lol. I took nothing from it, as my intent was the same.

imotion s14
02-08-2010, 08:55 AM

I'm glad they won, a bright spot for one of the suckiest shittiest states in the Union and after Katrina and everything.

Nice goin, NOLAs. :bigok:

02-08-2010, 09:30 AM
yeah I like the saints thing, but I really am not too into their whole ghetto "Who dat" image

02-08-2010, 09:33 AM
I guess I dislike the saints so much because of that dumbass "who dat" phrase. Shit is annoying


Props to Brees playing an almost perfect game.. 32/38 completion attempts

Anybody catch Megan Foxs commercial with the stunt thumb LOL.

02-08-2010, 09:43 AM
i saw about 5 min of the game, just not a football fan. i'm waiting for olympic hockey

02-08-2010, 09:47 AM
wait...so the superbowl was this weekend...?

02-08-2010, 10:00 AM
yeah I like the saints thing, but I really am not too into their whole ghetto "Who dat" image

Yea, I'm not a fan of that "who dat" slogan too. I'm not even sure how it started but it does come off as ghetto IMO.

02-08-2010, 10:01 AM
after Katrina and everything.

And that's why I wanted the Colts to take it.

02-08-2010, 10:03 AM
I am so tired of the Katrina shit.

A) Even if the federal gov't didn't do the "best" job possible, the local and state governments are a bunch of corrupt morons and handle the situation even 100X worse

ray nagan, are you fucking kidding me, what a joke.

B) They should either rebuild the city ABOVE sea level, or actually put some REAL engineering into their shit, like the Dutch do.

02-08-2010, 10:12 AM
I guess I dislike the saints so much because of that dumbass "who dat" phrase. Shit is annoying

I didn't pick it. Sounds better than 'Who is that?' in terms of a rallying cry.

Not really sure what you're implying here??

And yeah, the halftime show was a joke. No disrespect to an iconic band, but The Who aren't even relevant anymore! I bet half the stadium and half the people who watched at home were like "oh hey thats the song from CSI.

Only that you and Phil cross posted your facebook postings to here.

The Who was a shit choice, but made sense in terms of the audience AT the game. Consider that most of them will be 40+ years old (given that there won't be many under 40 that can afford to buy tix for the Super Bowl), and it's a perfect choice. They sounded bad, but a fan of them wouldn't care.

Also, duh, network that shows CSI has the theme song band play... :rofl:

Drift N Dragg
02-08-2010, 10:16 AM
The Halftime show did Suck.. But the Stage was Kick ass... that was the only part of it I liked.. watch the stage like up and do crazy things..

02-08-2010, 10:20 AM
WHO DAT!!!!! saints whooped that ass and our rookie kicker garrett hartley sets records in superbowl history and what does the colts kicker do??......MISSES!

02-08-2010, 10:30 AM
True, the kicker for the Saints was quietly amazing and kept them in it early

02-08-2010, 12:49 PM
I am so tired of the Katrina shit.

A) Even if the federal gov't didn't do the "best" job possible, the local and state governments are a bunch of corrupt morons and handle the situation even 100X worse

ray nagan, are you fucking kidding me, what a joke.

B) They should either rebuild the city ABOVE sea level, or actually put some REAL engineering into their shit, like the Dutch do.

+2 all they say its katrina shit

02-08-2010, 12:53 PM
WHO DAT!!!!! saints whooped that ass and our rookie kicker garrett hartley sets records in superbowl history and what does the colts kicker do??......MISSES!

If they didn't pick Brees for MVP, Hartley definitely should have been next in line for MVP.

The Colts did play a pretty good game, but from the 3rd qrtr on it was all NO baby.

02-08-2010, 12:55 PM
WHO DAT!!!!! saints whooped that ass and our rookie kicker garrett hartley sets records in superbowl history and what does the colts kicker do??......MISSES!

ace ventura status "LACES OUT!!!"

02-08-2010, 01:50 PM
wait...so the superbowl was this weekend...?
LOL This is exactly what I said to my friend when he asked me if I knew who won the game.

Had no clue who was playing. Didn't pay attention nor watched any NFL game at all this season.

02-09-2010, 07:47 PM
Peyton Williams Manning, choke artiste extraordinaire.

So what does that Make Dan Marino?

EDIT: I think everyone is really giving Manning way to much of a hard time. This guy is easily one of the top 5 of all time. Wow he doesn't win Superbowls. As above, neither did Marino. Should that *really* discredit them?

02-09-2010, 08:28 PM
So what does that Make Dan Marino?

EDIT: I think everyone is really giving Manning way to much of a hard time. This guy is easily one of the top 5 of all time. Wow he doesn't win Superbowls. As above, neither did Marino. Should that *really* discredit them?

How about he is an elite quarterback who digresses in the playoffs?
9-9 record in the playoffs, 23-18 TD-to-INT ratio, and a dropoff of more than 10 in his QB rating. He did NOT have a good game in the superbowl win, not in any stretch of the imagination.

Compare him to the alternatives who are often placed into the conversation:

Kurt Warner: 9-3 record, 31-13 TD-to-INT, 93.7 to 104.6 QB rating.

Tom Brady: 14-4 record, 28-15 TD-to-INT, 93.3 to 85.5 QB rating.

Brett Favre: 12-10 record, 39-28 TD-to-INT, 86.6 to 85.2 QB rating.

Dan Marino: 8-10 record, 32-24 TD-to-INT, 86.4 to 77.1 QB rating.

John Elway: 14-8 record, 27-21 TD-to-INT, 79.9 to 79.7 QB rating.

Joe Montana: 16-7 record, 45-21 TD-to-INT, 92.3 to 95.6 QB rating

Peyton matches most closely with Marino...
By comparison to all the others, Marino comes out of this conversation, as another individual who seemed to shut it down in the playoffs, but let us not forget that the teams he FACED were his albatross, not teams that he came in with a higher seed over. Keep in mind as well that the only player I can think of off the top of my head that played with the Dolphins while Marino was there was Reggie Roby, and I only remember that because he was black and so am I. The man had NO help.
[Phlip note - not really, more because he was the only black punter I have EVER seen]
The best of the best, Elway and Montana, held pat or stepped it up on the big stage, and Elway would have been better under a different set of circumstances -- such as a miscarriage by Montana's mother.
Using numbers, here, we COULD remove Favre from the conversation as well, based upon that won/loss record and interceptions, and lord knows I want to as much as my distaste is for THAT self-serving assclown. So we stop and look at the fact that he had like NO support EVER except for Reggie White, and whaddyaknow, they won it when they were supposed to that one time.
Numbers don't lie, homie... And losing as many playoffs games as you have won is not G.O.A.T. material, you don't even get an invite to the party.

02-09-2010, 08:48 PM
How about he is an elite quarterback who digresses in the playoffs?
9-9 record in the playoffs, 23-18 TD-to-INT ratio, and a dropoff of more than 10 in his QB rating. He did NOT have a good game in the superbowl win, not in any stretch of the imagination.

Compare him to the alternatives who are often placed into the conversation:

Kurt Warner: 9-3 record, 31-13 TD-to-INT, 93.7 to 104.6 QB rating.

Tom Brady: 14-4 record, 28-15 TD-to-INT, 93.3 to 85.5 QB rating.

Brett Favre: 12-10 record, 39-28 TD-to-INT, 86.6 to 85.2 QB rating.

Dan Marino: 8-10 record, 32-24 TD-to-INT, 86.4 to 77.1 QB rating.

John Elway: 14-8 record, 27-21 TD-to-INT, 79.9 to 79.7 QB rating.

Joe Montana: 16-7 record, 45-21 TD-to-INT, 92.3 to 95.6 QB rating

Peyton matches most closely with Marino...
By comparison to all the others, Marino comes out of this conversation, as another individual who seemed to shut it down in the playoffs, but let us not forget that the teams he FACED were his albatross, not teams that he came in with a higher seed over. Keep in mind as well that the only player I can think of off the top of my head that played with the Dolphins while Marino was there was Reggie Roby, and I only remember that because he was black and so am I. The man had NO help.
[Phlip note - not really, more because he was the only black punter I have EVER seen]
The best of the best, Elway and Montana, held pat or stepped it up on the big stage, and Elway would have been better under a different set of circumstances -- such as a miscarriage by Montana's mother.
Using numbers, here, we COULD remove Favre from the conversation as well, based upon that won/loss record and interceptions, and lord knows I want to as much as my distaste is for THAT self-serving assclown. So we stop and look at the fact that he had like NO support EVER except for Reggie White, and whaddyaknow, they won it when they were supposed to that one time.
Numbers don't lie, homie... And losing as many playoffs games as you have won is not G.O.A.T. material, you don't even get an invite to the party.

As I said before, the guy is easily top 5 of all time. I'm not one to get to caught up on numbers. The guy is a professional, isn't in the news for beating his wife, isn't some crack addict, and helps out his local areas. He's darn near the perfect 'player' if you ask me...does the 'right thing' while faced with so many other easy options. So he looses a few playoffs games...so does our local 'guy' Donovan...Donovan's stats rank up there iwth the best of them (another guy I admire, always doin the right thing)...but is it fair that he won't ever even be in the same breath as Manning, Montana, Bradshaw, etc because of his lack of wins?

There is somethign to be said abotu having a stellar career, and a good playoff career. Remember, Trent Dilfer has a ring...in no way could we ever soley use numbers to rank players, nor coudl we ever rank wins. It takes a combination. I'm a consistancy fan - guys like Manning, McNabb, Favre, fit that bill for me. I'd rather have 10 good seasons than 3 good, 1 championship and 6 crappy.

02-11-2010, 12:01 PM
Revisiting this, I am not calling Peyton top 5, though he IS in my top 10, for better or for worse. A better clutch presence in games that actually matter make a difference in placement.
An article I was just reading (http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/lists/top-10-qbs-all-time) actually is close on what I thought, though I would not have put Elway at #1, especially not ahead of Montana. As stated in the article, Peyton could move up the list with some work.

02-11-2010, 12:14 PM
i think you guys are bashin on manning a lil too much..yes bad throw, unfortunately the one that ended the game..but who let the saints score? who dropped passes? shit who dropped the interception to end a saints td drive?

its the indianapolis colts not indianapolis manning

but he surely tainted his chances of being the best ever, but hes got about another 6 to go..we'll see

my top 5 would have to be montana, bradshaw, marino, maybe favre idk, and aikman..not in that order but just listin names

02-11-2010, 01:08 PM
i think you guys are bashin on manning a lil too much..yes bad throw, unfortunately the one that ended the game..but who let the saints score? who dropped passes? shit who dropped the interception to end a saints td drive?

its the indianapolis colts not indianapolis manning

but he surely tainted his chances of being the best ever, but hes got about another 6 to go..we'll see

my top 5 would have to be montana, bradshaw, marino, maybe favre idk, and aikman..not in that order but just listin names

Don't get it wrong, I concede that Peyton is one of the tops in the league right now, but with the onus of earning the praises bestowed upon him in the league as currently presented -- meaning one has to apply for clearance to BREATHE on a quarterback without it costing his team 15 yards -- he has no excuse for playoff exits with his presented rate of frequency.
For that, I can NOT call him top 5 dead or alive. I will give him top 5 in the league, with him and Brady in the top spot right now. How many 3-and-outs were there? What about that missed field goal, why did the great playcaller not get them those first downs? The onus of having lost the game lies in the defense for letting New Orleans back in the game, and special teams for letting that surprise onside kick get by them, but if the Colts had won then all the praise would have been heaped on Peyton, deserved or not, so it is only fair that he be the pariah when they don't. Comes with the territory.
And Troy Aikman... I am on the fence about him. He had a stellar career built on the achievements of OTHER hall of famers who were head and shoulders better than THEIR contemporaries, while he had the problem of being in the league with Marino, Elway, Montana and THAT class. Not exactly fair to him, but he will serve as proof of how a QB can be given credit for simply following instructions and watching other people be great.