View Full Version : S13 SR Into S14 Chassis Starting Problem
02-04-2010, 02:28 AM
So I put my S13 SR in my S14 and the harness is all wired etc. My 14 was a Auto Chassis. I Jumped the two wires on the top plug to complete the starting Circuit. I Cant get the motor to crank. I used the same Lower harness Theres some plugs not plugged in. Theres no where to plug them into though? Also after the swap should none of my harness be plugged into the fuse box????? Sorry For the Punctuation.
02-04-2010, 05:06 AM
Heres pics of the plugs that I don't know where to plug in.
This is part of engine harness.
This is part of engine harness too comes off of maf i beleive its powersteering though.
and these two which are coming off my lower harness but have no where to plug in.
02-04-2010, 08:16 AM
boost control plug on top and bottom I think is abs. Use only the battery harness that was in the car originally.Everything must plug into the fuse box.The 3 plugs on the side are shift lock,reverse and neutral.Noneof that is needed except for the shift lock.
02-07-2010, 03:59 AM
You have to have the 2 fuse box plugs plugged in for the lower harness. Those are for your alternator and starter signal. I just got done redoing my friends lower harness, I took it down to like 4 or 5 wires using the s13 plugs. The plugs in your top 2 pics dont matter for start up.
02-10-2010, 04:29 AM
Problem Solved Thread Can Be Closed Now
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