View Full Version : LSD problem? Pulls to left and right. HELP!

02-03-2010, 10:33 AM
Saturday night, going home from work i noticed i had to struggle to keep my car to go straight. i didn't think nothing and drove home but i constantly had to fight to keep the car going straight. i've done no changes to the car, suspension or anything, and its been fine every other day but the problem wont go away now so i decided i can get some help here.

I noticed when i accellerate, it pulls to the left and when i decellerate, it pulls to the right. and i can feel all this comming from the back. almost feels like a hicas gone wrong but it's a S14 and i dont have hicas.

I do have a cusco 2way lsd. maybe that has something to do with it? what happens when LSD clutches wear? anyone else have this problem or know what i can do? please give me your 2cents. thanks in advance.

02-03-2010, 01:13 PM
When was the last time you changed the diff fluid? Can try changing it out and see if that helps. I know with my Carbonetics 2-way I feel some slight pulls every now and then. Goodluck!

02-03-2010, 01:18 PM
check tire pressure before u go any further

02-03-2010, 01:19 PM
check tire pressure before u go any further

+1 million

02-04-2010, 09:01 AM
+1 on tire pressure.

As a side note though, if your rear toe got out of wack the same symptoms can be notices especially if you have an lsd. Check the eccentric bolts (if your on stock toe arms) or your locking nuts if your on aftermarket ones.

02-04-2010, 11:27 AM
turns out it was the air pressure. my left rear tire was flat. only 12psi due to a nail but it looked perfectly fine. didnt even look flat and i drove on it for over 40 miles without any damage. weird.

thanks zilvians.

02-04-2010, 11:35 AM
thats great "bestint" must have awsome tires lol but if you continue experiencing that issue later on down the road it will be needing some servicing so just change the fluid out and you should be good to go, same pulling effect happened to my buddy with a Tomei technical trax 2 way we serviced the diff and then it was perfect and back to normal.

02-04-2010, 11:36 AM
actually ended up changing the LSD to a newer CUSCO off one of my other cars just for the hell of it. lol

02-04-2010, 07:39 PM
turns out it was the air pressure. my left rear tire was flat. only 12psi due to a nail but it looked perfectly fine. didnt even look flat and i drove on it for over 40 miles without any damage. weird.

thanks zilvians.

same thing on my g20 i it gets down to 15 psi and wont go lower than that. i drive that shit like that all the time, but when u look at it, it dont look flat. lol