View Full Version : mass effect 2

01-31-2010, 11:45 PM
soooo ive played this game for like.....sixteen hours within the last two days. just wondering if anyone else has caught the ME2 bug

02-01-2010, 03:21 AM
Yes, honestly the Bioware team took everything "wrong" with ME and fixed it in ME2. Even on 360 the graphics are improved, but play this game on a higher end PC and it looks AMAZING. Either way I think its going to contend for multiple GoY awards from websites.

02-01-2010, 03:35 AM
I have the game and have yet to play it.

02-01-2010, 03:52 AM
Yes, honestly the Bioware team took everything "wrong" with ME and fixed it in ME2. Even on 360 the graphics are improved, but play this game on a higher end PC and it looks AMAZING. Either way I think its going to contend for multiple GoY awards from websites.

yea my roommate is playing it on his laptop and it looks almost smoother than on the 360 and it's definitely gonna be in goty contention. there's so much stuff to do in me2 and i feel like the Bioware team did a great job in making all the alien races distinct from generic aliens that we think of as well as each other. the only thing that im not liking as much as in Me1 is that i don't have very many weapons right now and im pretty far in the game =p. other than that this is looking like one of my all time favorites

02-01-2010, 03:53 AM
I have the game and have yet to play it.

sorry to double post but PLAY IT

02-01-2010, 07:34 AM
^You can just edit your post and add it next time.

I love this game, its a lot more intense than the first one. I don't feel like a one man army plowing through tons of cannon fodder.

02-01-2010, 07:46 AM
This game rocks. Definitely harder than the first one and I love it even more.

Spent the whole weekend playing it on the new 47" and it's like watching a movie.

I definitely spent 6 hours just watching my friend play it.

02-01-2010, 10:45 AM
what class did you guys starts off as ? who's in your party ?
for me i imported my me1 data and used infiltrator again...it's fun but i never use cloak so on my second play through i might use vangaurd or something else =p
right now im getting everyone's loyalty, just got to the part where legion joins your party, usually use thane and samara right now.

02-01-2010, 11:29 AM
Should I get ME1 and play that first?

Also do you think my laptop will be able to handle it? Its a mid 2009 macbook pro 15"

2.8gigz duo core,
9800 GTS 512MB DDR3
4GB DDR3 ram
9600 GT 256MB


02-02-2010, 10:20 AM
i just finnished mass effect 1 over durring christmas, It was one of my favorite games. I have 2 but havent started it yet due to school.

02-02-2010, 01:30 PM
I knew I had to do something on my 360. I'm going to finish up the first one (I think I have just a few more missions) then jump into the second one...

02-02-2010, 01:56 PM
Should I get ME1 and play that first?

Also do you think my laptop will be able to handle it? Its a mid 2009 macbook pro 15"

2.8gigz duo core,
9800 GTS 512MB DDR3
4GB DDR3 ram
9600 GT 256MB


yea it should run it okay. i would definitely recommend playing the first one just to get familiar with the story and the different characters cause itll make seeing some of them in ME2 a lot more meaningful.

i just beat the game last night...wow the ending was nuts. too bad i lost a party member =(. im starting it again on new game+ on hard and im getting killed on the first mission haha

02-02-2010, 03:14 PM
mass effect 2 is awesome. i myself lost 2 members in the final battle. doing a bunch of re-playthroughs.

last boss was a bit cheezy. don't know what bioware was thinking there. but i do thank the bioware gods for the tali romance. shit was hilarious and she was by far my favorite character from mass effect 1. oddly enough my girlfriend is crushing hard on ... garrus?

my only gripe about the game is the combat was almost too streamlined. on hardcore/insanity difficulties the combat in me1 gets super strategic. alot of ability rationing, buffing/debuffing/damping and biotic crowd control. i haven't done insanity in me2 yet but i don't see how the combat could hit that level, with the squadmates having only 2-3 abilities each.

02-02-2010, 07:15 PM
mass effect 2 is awesome. i myself lost 2 members in the final battle. doing a bunch of re-playthroughs.

last boss was a bit cheezy. don't know what bioware was thinking there. but i do thank the bioware gods for the tali romance. shit was hilarious and she was by far my favorite character from mass effect 1. oddly enough my girlfriend is crushing hard on ... garrus?

my only gripe about the game is the combat was almost too streamlined. on hardcore/insanity difficulties the combat in me1 gets super strategic. alot of ability rationing, buffing/debuffing/damping and biotic crowd control. i haven't done insanity in me2 yet but i don't see how the combat could hit that level, with the squadmates having only 2-3 abilities each.

yea i kinda agree with what you said about the skills...it's a shame that they had to get rid of some of them in order to improve the combat =p
hahaha tali was the one that died for me ! i hate her ! garrus is the man..err turrian on the other hand
what class did you end up choosing to play as ?

02-03-2010, 07:46 AM
my first playthrough i went infiltrator, just to be consistent as my dude was infiltrator in ME1. little did i know how much the class had changed. not having ammo hurts too. in ME1 i basically used sniper rifle for all situations. in me2 that's not possible until late game, and even then you will still run out of sniper ammo. at least the cloak is cool.

i have two new games going. one is a new game + with the infiltrator, another is a soldier playthrough (with ashley / council survives) just to see how much it changes the game. i'm also being a dick to everybody, which is hilarious. renegade shepard is comic genius, seriously.

02-03-2010, 10:14 AM
my only gripe about the game is the combat was almost too streamlined. on hardcore/insanity difficulties the combat in me1 gets super strategic. alot of ability rationing, buffing/debuffing/damping and biotic crowd control. i haven't done insanity in me2 yet but i don't see how the combat could hit that level, with the squadmates having only 2-3 abilities each.

I guess it depends on how you look at it. I like the fact that streamlined abilities, because lets face in ME there were a ton of USELESS SKILLS. Also my second playthrough is currently on Insanity and it is quite difficult. It might have something to do with me playing an Adept though. Insanity is really about maximizing your squad for the mission. IE Not using Miranda or Grunt for every mission. You really need to use say two techs sometimes, or 2 biotics. My only real complaint with the game is when it comes to equipment, I actually enjoyed gearing up the characters similar to other RPG games.

02-03-2010, 11:38 AM
we may have had different ME1 strategies, as i used practically every skill i brought. emphasis on damping + warp + overload + damage buffs + direct damage (i.e. carnage) for tanks (esp krogans), biotics + sabotage for crowd control.

i agree with respect equipment. they didn't need to axe inventory... just streamline the inventory interface. group the same item into stacks and break it down by item type, instead of that list- everything-you-have-individually-in-a-giant-list system. don't get me wrong. i love the research system they have in place... very x-com-ish! i just think it should be there alongside inventory, rather displacing it altogether.

with respect to guns, i liked the first game's gun customization bit with trade offs to emphasize cooling, damage, etc. however, ammo switching on the fly is definitely an improvement. similarly, the thermal clip system seems like a step backwards technologically. it would make alot more sense if guns still cooled automatically, and you had the option to eject and replace a thermal clip at will.

02-03-2010, 12:52 PM
my first playthrough i went infiltrator, just to be consistent as my dude was infiltrator in ME1. little did i know how much the class had changed. not having ammo hurts too. in ME1 i basically used sniper rifle for all situations. in me2 that's not possible until late game, and even then you will still run out of sniper ammo. at least the cloak is cool.

i have two new games going. one is a new game + with the infiltrator, another is a soldier playthrough (with ashley / council survives) just to see how much it changes the game. i'm also being a dick to everybody, which is hilarious. renegade shepard is comic genius, seriously.

sounds about the same as me, using my Me1 infiltrator on a new game+ but im thinking of making either a vanguard cause my sister swears its the best, or maybean adept for the challenge. yea i agree with the ammo thing, i always run out on hard difficulty no matter how many headshots i rack up =p. as for cloak i never used it my first run through but on hard its actually pretty useful for getting under cover and taking a few goons out without them blasting you. i went max renegade my first play through following what i did in Me1, i.e. letting the council die and sacrificing stupid ashley, definitely good times