View Full Version : Battery Relocation Help!!!

01-27-2010, 10:16 PM
So I'm trying to finish this car and get power to it after finishing the relocating but I need to figure out what this is?
I bought the shell seperate and motor seperate from the car so I don't know if the prevouis owner removed something or what? sorry for being a newb I kept searching for information but couldn't find it. Maybe somebody here can help.


And if it goes into these plugs by the fuse box??? Because both of these plugs go into only one of them.

And do I need to run a power wire from the the above picture to the starter?


01-30-2010, 11:13 AM
I'm not too sure what exactly you are asking here. Maybe you could be more specific.

Make sure you have the fusible link connected, it is red and takes 2 plugs, and connects directly to the positive battery terminal. without it your car will not start.

Those plugs could be connectors for auto trans, so if you are running 5 spd, they wouldn't be connected to anything. I might be able to swing by my garage later and identify those plugs for ya, but chances are someone else will know off the top of their head.

Good luck!

01-30-2010, 03:09 PM
that's exactly what i was looking for, the weird thing is, only one of the plugs from the positive battery terminal goes into the plug; not both of them like they should

01-30-2010, 07:03 PM
here is info from my write up on the installation

the connector you hold looks to be the one I highlighted with the green box. However my write-up was done for a S-13


Biggamehit's Write-ups and Installs (http://240sxdrifter.tripod.com/writeups/batteryrelo.html)

02-01-2010, 10:59 PM
so is that connected to a distributer block or something? Sorry I'm new to this.

02-02-2010, 01:00 PM
so is that connected to a distributer block or something? Sorry I'm new to this.
the harness and it connects to your power source or the postive on the battery.

02-02-2010, 11:18 PM
I think what I'm missing is, the green labeled fuse, only 1 out of the 2 plugs fit right in there? I have no idea why... both do not fit into the fuse *I took a pic of it up top

02-04-2010, 07:51 PM
I guess I'm going to try a different route and try to buy a plug from someone and see if that fits... so anybody have a plug that fits into the 3rd picture that I uploaded? it should look like the first 2 pics I took but mine might be from an auto or something... i got it used with my car so it might not be the right one...