View Full Version : George Hotz hacks the PS3

01-25-2010, 01:29 PM
BBC News - PlayStation 3 'hacked' by iPhone cracker (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8478764.stm)

A US hacker who gained notoriety for unlocking Apple's iPhone as a teenager has told BBC News that he has now hacked Sony's PlayStation 3 (PS3). George Hotz said the hack, which could allow people to run pirated games or homemade software, took him five weeks.
He said he was still refining the technique but intended to post full details online soon.
The PS3 is the only games console that has not been hacked, despite being on the market for three years.
"It's supposed to be unhackable - but nothing is unhackable," Mr Hotz told BBC News.
"I can now do whatever I want with the system. It's like I've got an awesome new power - I'm just not sure how to wield it."
Sony said it was "investigating the report" and would "clarify the situation" when it had more information.
'Open curiosity'
Mr Hotz said that he had begun the hack last summer when he had spent three weeks analysing the hardware.
After a long break, he spent a further two weeks cracking the console, which he described as a "very secure system".
He said that he was not yet ready to reveal the full details of the hack but said that it was "5% hardware and 95% software".

"You can use hardware to inject an insecurity and then you can build on that," he said.
He admitted that he had not managed to hack the whole system, including the protected memory, but had worked out ways to trick the console into doing what he wanted.
Mr Hotz said that he was continuing to work on the hack and, once finished, would publish details online in a similar way to his previous iPhone exploits.
In particular, he said, he would publish details of the console's "root key", a master code that once known would make it easier for others to decipher and hack other security features on the console.
He said his motivation was "curiosity" and "opening up the platform".
"To tell you the truth, I've never really played a PS3," he said. "I have one game, but I've never really played it."
Opening the system could allow people to install other operating systems on their console and play homemade games, he said.
In addition, he said, the hack would allow people to play older PS2 games on their consoles.
Recent versions of the PS3 do not have the ability to play PS2 games after Sony controversially removed a piece of hardware.
He admitted that it could also allow people to run pirated games.
"I'm not going to personally have anything to do with that," he told BBC News.
Gaming firms do not take the issue of game piracy and console modification lightly. Recently, Microsoft disconnected thousands of gamers from its online gaming service Xbox Live for modifying their consoles to play pirated games.
Mr Hotz said that the nature of his PS3 hack means that Sony may have difficulty patching the exploit.
"We are investigating the report and will clarify the situation once we have more information," said a Sony spokesman.
Mr Hotz rose to fame in 2007 at the age of 17 when he unlocked the iPhone, which could only be used on the AT&T network in the US at launch.
The hack allowed the popular handset to be used on any network.
He has since released various other hacks, allowing people to unlock later versions of the popular handset.

Jesus this guy doesnt stop

01-25-2010, 01:33 PM
LOL Kid has balls...ill tell you that much...

01-25-2010, 01:37 PM
Is it legal to modify sony's software/hardware?

Once you buy it, it's yours.....right?

Vision Garage
01-25-2010, 01:38 PM
I say sony throws him a few mil to keep this under wraps! Good way to stick it to the man!

01-25-2010, 01:44 PM
isnt this the kid who got a 350z and 2 more iphones for his hacking team from apple?

01-25-2010, 01:49 PM
I say sony throws him a few mil to keep this under wraps!

I dunno... that seems pointless to me. Even if he never reveals how he did it, other ppl will achieve it too, now that they know it's possible...

Vision Garage
01-25-2010, 01:53 PM
yea i think we all knew its possible. but for being out 3 years and having nothing, the information he has is very valuable to Sony as well a the game makers

01-25-2010, 01:59 PM

Pretty nerdy dude. He's a dumbass for going public with his name/exploits, he doesn't live in Russia where hacking is legal. Its like the first rule of hacking...

01-25-2010, 02:08 PM
Its like the first rule of hacking...

You watch too many movies.

01-25-2010, 02:14 PM
I remember when he had cracked the iPhone with the physical unlock, he traded the details and three unlocked phones for a 350Z and $20K.

Well it took 3 years to crack the PS3 (congrats to the Playstation system developers). Now here's the problem. It's a brand new hack, there are no apps written for it yet. As mentioned, he hasn't retrieved the keys yet, so it's entirely possible we might have to wait another year or two (though he certainly works fast!) before this becomes useful at all.

When Team Twiizers announced they hacked the Wii, it took quite a long time (I think about six months?) for them to get a working version of HBC released to the public, and even longer for there to be apps to be converted over to its format, or created in the first place.

01-25-2010, 06:54 PM
This kid is getting annoying. Why doesn't he just invent shit instead of fucking around. If he's so smart why doesn't he find a way to time travel, and go to a time where some one gives a fuck.

IDK this annoys me.

01-25-2010, 09:03 PM
i'm surprised he hasn't been assassinated yet. i'm sure big companies like apple and sony stand to lose millions with this guy's mischief.

i also expected him to look not as nerdy and more sophisticated, but i'm not surprised at all.

01-25-2010, 09:27 PM
You watch too many movies.

Says the 1 post n00b. :rolleyes:

01-25-2010, 09:37 PM
Is it legal to modify sony's software/hardware?

Once you buy it, it's yours.....right?

Hardware, yes. Software, not so much.

Two issues:

1) If the hack contains Sony code in it it can be blocked by Sony. Why you could buy mod chips for the original xbox but the rom was harder to find. If it just does injection(modifying code) with no Sony code it will be harder to block.

2)If the hack bypasses any copy protection on the PS3 it can be blocked.
Digital Millennium Copyright Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Millennium_Copyright_Act)

01-25-2010, 11:06 PM
if its software, sony will eventually kill it in a firmware update =(
Not to mention if they could than detect it and band your system from the PSN.

I want to see how this turns out though, should have kept it low key though, announcing it means Sony will start firing back. But than again, he might be in the game for fortune and fame.

01-26-2010, 07:46 AM
My two cents, this guy should be working for the CIA, the NSA, or DARPA.

01-26-2010, 08:52 AM
^i agree

if my brain worked as good as his, i would probably do the same.

01-26-2010, 08:59 AM
Even if we agree that cracking an Apple is different from cracking a PS3, you don't usually sign a half-hearted crack. Once your reputation goes down, nobody will take you seriously again. Sure, it may not be 100% reliable, but again, 3 years and this is the most relevant PS3 cracking news?

His latest comment:

"Everyone can already run unsigned code, it's called OtherOS"

Responding to questions if he has unsigned code running.

A bit facetious, no?

I don't think he has unsigned code running yet, but he doesn't want to say anything explicit on it until he DOES have it running and can say he has it running. He doesn't want to say 'no, I don't'. I'm not saying he can't do anything with that, but I'm becoming more optimistic that this hack isn't going anywhere any time soon.

01-26-2010, 11:35 AM
His OG post:
On the PlayStation 3: Hello hypervisor, I'm geohot (http://geohotps3.blogspot.com/2010/01/hello-hypervisor-im-geohot.html)

01-26-2010, 11:41 AM
Says the 1 post n00b. :rolleyes:

Yeah, he should go hack the Gibson or something.

My two cents, this guy should be working for the CIA, the NSA, or DARPA.

That is usually what happens to these people who aren't completely broken outside of just computers.

01-26-2010, 12:04 PM
Yeah, he should go hack the Gibson or something.

Huh? :confused:

01-26-2010, 04:47 PM
Yeah it's cool and all, but honestly to me a wast of time.

Wow now I can play backed up games on my ps3. Hacking a PS3, for what... to make it a slow ass computer. :ghey:

You want a computer build a computer.

You can build a stupid cheap computer now a days that can play and do pretty much anything with a lot more power.

I built a stupid fast cheap media PC (HTPC) that I have hooked up to my living room TV. I can play tons of emulated games for almost every system. Can watch videos from online, TV shows, blue rays, dvds, play music, surf the net, etc etc. I built this years ago and it took all of a couple hours to build.

Oh but I can't play PS3 games on my HTPC, oh the horror of having to use a PS3 to play PS3 games.


I understand he wanted to do it as a challenge, but really who cares.

If he created a PS3 emulator that could play all PS3 games on a PC, now that would be cool.

He needs to start using his incredible brain power for something actually useful.

01-26-2010, 05:24 PM
^good for you.

im curious to see where this goes.. Ill admit i love me some hacked consoles.. ps2, ds,psp etc.. but than again it does hurt the community.

PS3 slim owners probably have to wait out since they dont have the option for OtherOS. Looks like he released the exploit on his site.

01-26-2010, 05:29 PM
from my understanding, the early PS3 NON Slims, allowed you to install OtherOS, like Linux, and he found how to get full access to the hardware, since Sony crippled that OtherOS side..

s13 @ fullboost
01-26-2010, 05:43 PM
there prob is a hit out on this guy.

01-26-2010, 05:49 PM
im curious to see where this goes.. Ill admit i love me some hacked consoles.. ps2, ds,psp etc.. but than again it does hurt the community.

I am all for hacking also. Trust me on that. My PS2, xbox, DS and PSP are all hacked.

iPhone, PSP, DS all useful hacks. Yeah I can do pretty much everything on my HTPC that a hacked iPhone, PSP, DS can but I am not going to drag my PC tower around in my backpack. See what I am getting at? PS2, xbox, ps3 not really useful. Yeah it's cool and all but you are just making a slow computer. I have a hacked xbox and PS2 and never use it's hacking capabilities any more now that I am running a HTPC.

Like I said for a challenge and/or having sony cut you a massive check to be hush hush, cool.

For actual usefulness, meh...

01-26-2010, 06:26 PM
If my brain worked as well as his, I would devote my life to hacking 8 bit nissan ecus.

01-26-2010, 06:38 PM
he was in my class at school. the kid is a total tool. he got expelled for hacking the university id cards. he had access to every building. he also drove a bright orange convertible 350z. lol

01-26-2010, 07:00 PM

On the PlayStation 3: Here's your silver platter (http://geohotps3.blogspot.com/2010/01/heres-your-silver-platter.html)

not too sure what this means in nerdspeak but looks like hes already released his findings for all the other super nerds to exploit so somewhere down the line I can buy a mod chip.

01-26-2010, 07:27 PM
he was in my class at school. the kid is a total tool. he got expelled for hacking the university id cards. he had access to every building. he also drove a bright orange convertible 350z. lol

Sounds like your full of haterade... kid will eventually get picked up by a tech company and make millions (or not) however he has still made history2x.

You sure it wasn't the stock 350z orange your laughing at?

01-26-2010, 09:44 PM
Yeah it's cool and all, but honestly to me a wast of time.

Wow now I can play backed up games on my ps3. Hacking a PS3, for what... to make it a slow ass computer. :ghey:

You want a computer build a computer.

You can build a stupid cheap computer now a days that can play and do pretty much anything with a lot more power.

I built a stupid fast cheap media PC (HTPC) that I have hooked up to my living room TV. I can play tons of emulated games for almost every system. Can watch videos from online, TV shows, blue rays, dvds, play music, surf the net, etc etc. I built this years ago and it took all of a couple hours to build.

Oh but I can't play PS3 games on my HTPC, oh the horror of having to use a PS3 to play PS3 games.


I understand he wanted to do it as a challenge, but really who cares.

If he created a PS3 emulator that could play all PS3 games on a PC, now that would be cool.

He needs to start using his incredible brain power for something actually useful.
[email protected] - FAQ-PS3 (http://folding.stanford.edu/English/FAQ-PS3)
[email protected] - FAQ-highperformance (http://folding.stanford.edu/English/FAQ-highperformance)

The PS3 is a powerful system for scientific calculation. Its Cell processor has the potential to be very powerful. In many ways, the Cell (and therefore the PS3) sits in between GPU's and multi-core CPU's. It is more flexible than GPU's, but less flexible than CPU's in the calculations it can perform. Consequently, it is more powerful than CPU's, but less powerful than GPU's. In the balance between flexibility and speed, the Cell makes a natural middle path. Other benefits are the uniformity of PS3's (all have the same processor, GPU, RAM, etc) and the ability to stream data quickly to the GPU, allowing for real time visualization.

01-27-2010, 07:19 AM
sits in between GPU's and multi-core CPU's

In between a dual core or quad? I'm 99% sure a dual core and those are stupid cheap.

Anyways this is exactly my point, you can build a quad core even a dual core that will out preform it all day.

Just seems like a big waste of time.

All this said, realize I will hack my PS3 as soon as it's possible.

01-27-2010, 08:01 AM
theres going to be very little piracy on the ps3.

its a pain as it is to download 7gig xbox 360 games. now imagine download a 24 gig ps3 game. not to mention bluray burners are not cheap yet either.

i dont really see this becoming even close to as popular to 360 modding.

01-27-2010, 09:05 AM
theres going to be very little piracy on the ps3.

its a pain as it is to download 7gig xbox 360 games. now imagine download a 24 gig ps3 game. not to mention bluray burners are not cheap yet either.

i dont really see this becoming even close to as popular to 360 modding.

Actually blu-ray burners can be had for ~$150 now. If you're familiar with HD loader for the PS2, we'd be more concerned with bigger HDDs rather than burners.

01-27-2010, 10:17 AM
S14DB is actually right. The technology in the PS3 is far beyond any of the x86 based systems out now. It just hasn't been fully exploited. If you want tot read up on the Cell architecture you can read this.
