View Full Version : Clutch problem

01-21-2010, 09:53 AM
im having trouble putting the car into gear, i just switched the master and slave clutch cylanders to new units, and used a vaccume to bleed the system. should i just bleed it more?

went into gear, ran/drove fine before being parked.
started having problems when i was backing into my driveway AFTER the short trip (less than 2 min) around my block.

things that have changed,

new clutch, new master/slave cly
new tranny oil, newly welded dif.

S13 Charlie
01-22-2010, 02:19 PM
Did you leave the clutch damper loop in place, or did you remove it and connect directly from the hardline to the slave cyl.? Most people buy a braided SS clutch line and bypass the factory clutch damper, since it robs you of pedal feel, and it also makes bleeding the system infinitely more difficult. If you left it in place, then you probably have air in the system. Do a search on "clutch damper removal" and you should find the how-to thread.


01-22-2010, 04:45 PM
did u change out ur pilot bearing? and wut kind of clutch did u put in??

all stock
01-22-2010, 10:29 PM
did you replace TO bearing?