View Full Version : rb20det s13 problems

01-20-2010, 11:51 PM
ok i cant get my car running for my life i almost to the point of sell it all but i what to drive it so bad :)

i got a 5speed shell 91

and got a Rb20det swap with sub and all mounts and stuff

all mounted in good

but wire harness was fucked up that came with it
so i order one that was converted for s13 pluged it in

all it does it turn over that it..

I get spark
fuel pump wont work i hard wired to see if it would start nope and i hear the injecter working :)

I dont know what going maybe bad 240sx shell wiring?

alll it does is crank crank and crank i Did compression check and got 145 on all 6 and got new ecu new igniter chip new cas

01-20-2010, 11:55 PM
Your car needs three things to run properly.


Make sure you are getting all three. Check all your grounds and make sure you are getting spark to the cylinders. Number one electrical problem is shitty grounding.

01-21-2010, 12:16 AM
Your car needs three things to run properly.


Make sure you are getting all three. Check all your grounds and make sure you are getting spark to the cylinders. Number one electrical problem is shitty grounding.


I did Check my fuel and pump doent what to turn on it own so i wire to stay on for a test and car still doesnt what to start :(

Ground alll good and i added more to block and tranny :)

does ECU light stay on when cranking engine red light inside of ECU

Mine turns off during start and is on when key is on

I know my car getting Air fuel i think is my problem fire i know i get

Should i change out my car cabin harness to Get everything working? ?

01-21-2010, 12:23 AM
i bet you its one of these:
MAF wired wrong
injectors not getting pulse

01-21-2010, 12:56 PM
Make sure pin 43 on the ecu b/y goes to orange wire on the dash plug.
Also make sure injectors are wired to constant 12 not switched.
Pin 43 is start signal it fattins fuel for starting.Like a cold start injector does.
If the injectors are on switched then when you start the car it will not have power until it gets in the 2nd start position.
Hope this helps.

01-23-2010, 12:31 AM
ok thanks everyone for help so far

i still not getting fuel pump to come on in car :( and i will check wire on ecu

MAF i will check...

anyone know the wire colors on stock Rb20det harness for wiring to dash plug

water temp
start wire

i thinking i may have that wrong.....

and on car next to fuse box

Gray plug
brown plug

What wire do i tap into the fuse box?

could one let me know i good pin out on dohc shell and what i need to check i going to try to double check all the wiring maybe i did something Wrong .......

01-23-2010, 12:36 AM
Make sure pin 43 on the ecu b/y goes to orange wire on the dash plug.
Also make sure injectors are wired to constant 12 not switched.
Pin 43 is start signal it fattins fuel for starting.Like a cold start injector does.
If the injectors are on switched then when you start the car it will not have power until it gets in the 2nd start position.
Hope this helps.

Also make sure injectors are wired to constant 12 not switched.

what color is the wire so i can check...

I feel Stupid when i working on this car now :(

I come from honda to 240sx and this is my 3rd 240 and i finely get the courage to do swap and it FAILED BAD :(

oo and this shell i have had rb20det in it befor i got it
guy had some problems saying it was start cutting out and stop running and then stopped working so he sold motor and i got the shell

01-23-2010, 01:11 AM
inspect the fuel pump or check continuity at the ecu pin and fuel pump side for voltage, see if there is a short in the line. if you have a modified rb20det harness it should plug right into a stock chassis harness.

there should be two green relays under or near your glove box, do you have these?

01-23-2010, 01:25 AM
inspect the fuel pump or check continuity at the ecu pin and fuel pump side for voltage, see if there is a short in the line. if you have a modified rb20det harness it should plug right into a stock chassis harness.

there should be two green relays under or near your glove box, do you have these?

Fuel pump no power to pump and i dont know where the pump wire taps into ecu at or into harness at!!!

yes it still has the green relays

when i got this rb20det swap it came with 2 harness 1 modded for s13 but all plug was cut off and all kinds of home made wiring another OEM uncut wire harness

unless someone know a really good diy to Mod stock rb20det harness for 240sx