View Full Version : I am way too sensitive...

Bill Roberts
06-06-2003, 11:38 PM
Tonight I get home from a night of cruising and watching all the ricers get busted by the cops and all, I look at my door and see a baby lizard on the door. I do not want to kill them as they eat all the bugs and stuff. I open the door and the lizard ducks in between the door jab to hide. If I close the door (Jab side) it is certain death for it, and I try to shoo it away. About that time I see where their are many dead lizards I have crushed by not paying attention.

Why am I this sensitive...I actually feel quite sad I killed all those lizards and did not know. They actually did not need to die..I just did not pay attention.

To all those folks that say...it is just a lizard, well, maybe think deeper. We should pay attention to everything we do and try to be the best.

Sorry for the sad story...but damn. I did not like the feeling I got when I peeled away all those dead lizards that did not have time to escape.

I guess I am a sick indivigual. I does hurt my feelings, they are not a fly or a gnat...they are my friends and keep bugs away.

Damn, sorry to go there but either I need to toughen up or realize their is more to what we do than meets the eye.

I actually am out of words now about that.

The contrast is....

It is fate.

No need to hold my hand or tell me it is just a lizard, it is something to think about.

My point is: driving. When you drive without total attention, someone may become that or those lizards.

Over 50 thousand people get killed on the streets per year. 12 times that of the WTC. We need to be very observant in everything we do.

I actually am saddened by the site of those lizards that got crushed. I did not know. I will look from now on. Honestly.

Think that what you do not think about may save your butt or others.

Sorry this is a pitiful post, just food for thought. I get this way since I am single. I dont like the idea of killing something and not knowing until later. :wtc:

Thrill Capsule
06-07-2003, 12:21 AM
It was not intentional and you are going to try and respect them now that you are aware of their presence. I would feel horrible too, it saddens me to see any animal senselessly killed. Humans are far too ingnorant of their surroundings.

Lizards rock, see attached pic...

06-07-2003, 12:34 AM
"they are not a fly or a gnat...they are my friends and keep bugs away."


It is noble to not want to kill god's creation "just because".
But don't place too much emphasis because I don't think animals have souls. I would hope you care about how precious human life and how people senselessly die more than animals.

Hey, you're in Florida- did you hear about that baseball pitcher and the bird?

06-07-2003, 08:12 AM
I can't help but agree with what you said, Bill... I have those sorts of 'revelations' (not to exaggerate too much; I can't think of a better word short of 'epiphany') occasionally as well. Flies, mozzies, ants; sure, I'm (strangely)not bothered when they die... but lizards and 'most any other verterbrate (living things with spines) I generally can't bring myself to harm.

Don't worry, you're not the only one who is sometimes bothered by these seemingly little things.

radiationman - yes, a lot of humans die needlessly too, but then again you have to think; a lot of humans probably 'deserve' to die more than many animals that do. We, being the only ones who are likely to have a soul/spirit/'conscience' etc are also the only ones who can knowingly and intentionally choose to do "bad" things (read: 'evil'). But whatevers, I think I'm already taking this thread a little too far/seriously/heavily/... :)

All I can say is to try not to let this stuff bother you too much; yes, the romantics in us will come out to play once in a while, but when it comes down to it, we live in a very realist world.

edit: ATTENTION ALL (SINGLE) FEMALES ON THIS BOARD... BILL ROBERTS AND I ARE SENSITIVE GUYS. :D Re-reading this post/thread, I thought that might be appropriate. Heh heh.

06-10-2003, 11:17 AM
Everything living in this world is connected (eventhough we dont realize it (yet)) so it makes sense to be sadden or upset by things like that. We are all one organism.

06-10-2003, 11:42 AM
i completely agree with feeling bad about such things..

if more people took your point of view there would be much much less animal cruelty and needless death in this world..

as for people..i have to agree with Adey..we could choose not to kill eachother..we just don't..

i have similar feeling when i see an animal killed on the side of the road..laying there with it's eyes still open in shock..but with nothing behind those eyes..that always makes me very sad..

06-10-2003, 07:28 PM
You think that's sensitive? I feel sorry for the end pieces of sliced bread loaves cuz everyone always picks the ones in the middle. =(

06-10-2003, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by goodjuan
You think that's sensitive? I feel sorry for the end pieces of sliced bread loaves cuz everyone always picks the ones in the middle. =( lol, thats funny :D

Anyway, I know how you feel. I used to be the kid that got mad at all the other kids when they pulled their tails off or whatever. I try to dodge toads that are crossing the road at night when I'm driving, and especially when it rains! Reptiles and amphibians are my freinds! I love all animals...but I really don't like bugs!

See, I'm a sensitive guy too! and a goofy guy,etc. :D

PS: you've got PM Bill!

06-11-2003, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by Bill Roberts
I get this way since I am single. I dont like the idea of killing something and not knowing until later. :wtc:
If I was married and had a family ...or if I knew what I was doing...it would rock to kill them little fuggers!

Yes, Bill.....quite a sad...sad story.:)

Go drink a couple of Coronas and fergit them little ****s.

06-11-2003, 04:34 PM
damn.. well last night i walked out of my house to go get something out of my car.. and i kicked a big *** ****in toad.... like half the size of my foot... i wasnt trying to kick it... i just wasnt looking... well anyways... it died... so i pushed it off to the grass a lil... :axe: :mepoke:

06-11-2003, 04:59 PM
Bugs suck. Lizards are cool.

06-11-2003, 05:02 PM
I get all emotional over stuff like that too. Mowing the lawn yesterday I had to stop about 20 times to let toads hop out of the way back to the woods. I'm also single (always have been :wtc: , wonder if that has anything to do with it. The way I see it, they have just as much a right to live here as we do.. what right do I have to take that from them? They're not hurting me or anyone else. Moths on the other hand :mad:. They fly in my house everytime I open the door and try to fly in my hair, I smash them real good. :coolugh: