View Full Version : S14 OBD2 5 speed swap

01-19-2010, 09:19 PM
Ive searched and cannot clearly find the answer.

I cannot find an s14 tranny so I am using and s13 one in an obd2 car.

Question is... I read that the CAS does not need to be plugged in or installed on OB1 s14's but it IS needed in OBD2 s14's

I thought it was just a diagnostic tool? Any info to clear this up for me is appreciated.

BTW how do I go about wiring speed sensor? Use the s13 one?

01-19-2010, 10:07 PM
S13 speed sensor will cause your speedo to read double. Ive heard of others using the s14 sensor and machining the housing to fit it. I have never done that so im not sure of the validity or how to do it, im just letting you know that ive heard of it. Are you doing an auto to manual swap, or just changing trannys, cause that makes a difference in wiring and effects on the system.