View Full Version : WTB convertible parts...door panels and other trimmings..

01-17-2010, 02:27 AM
i need convertible door panels in good or decent condition...and need the plastic piece where the visors bolt up to...and rear seat panels...

01-17-2010, 11:14 AM
I have the rear panels, but its not a convertible. Its from a 95 se s14. complete rear panels $20

01-17-2010, 11:27 AM
Those won't work. He needs S13 panels, and the convertible has unique panels among S13s.^

Courtesy's parts fiche still lists the rear panels available new, although they are very, very expensive. They list the other parts as being out of production and not in stock, but that they might still be available as new old stock from dealers. You could try contacting them.

That fiche lists the sun visor clips as being the same clips as a non-convertible S13 uses. You might want to look into that, unless you mean the piece that goes all the way across the top of the windshield.

985 Convertible Interior & Exterior :: Miscellaneous :: Genuine Nissan Parts :: 240SX Parts (S13) 1989-1994 :: Nissan Parts, NISMO and Nissan Accessories - Courtesyparts.com (http://www.courtesyparts.com/240sx-parts-s13-1989-1994/genuine-nissan-parts/miscellaneous/985-convertible-interior-exterior/-c-1418_1419_1578_1583.html)

01-17-2010, 02:21 PM
Those won't work. He needs S13 panels, and the convertible has unique panels among S13s.^

Courtesy's parts fiche still lists the rear panels available new, although they are very, very expensive. They list the other parts as being out of production and not in stock, but that they might still be available as new old stock from dealers. You could try contacting them.

That fiche lists the sun visor clips as being the same clips as a non-convertible S13 uses. You might want to look into that, unless you mean the piece that goes all the way across the top of the windshield.

985 Convertible Interior & Exterior :: Miscellaneous :: Genuine Nissan Parts :: 240SX Parts (S13) 1989-1994 :: Nissan Parts, NISMO and Nissan Accessories - Courtesyparts.com (http://www.courtesyparts.com/240sx-parts-s13-1989-1994/genuine-nissan-parts/miscellaneous/985-convertible-interior-exterior/-c-1418_1419_1578_1583.html)

thanks and yes i ment the piece that goes across the top of windshield.

01-17-2010, 02:27 PM
May have those for you just give me a week. I'm replacing my doors to a lighter manual type and I'm having a cage installed on the vert so those parts will be available soon.

Top Down with the A/C & 500whp....thats !GANGSTER!

01-17-2010, 02:48 PM
May have those for you just give me a week. I'm replacing my doors to a lighter manual type and I'm having a cage installed on the vert so those parts will be available soon.

Top Down with the A/C & 500whp....thats !GANGSTER!

haha...i was gong to replace my doors but i thought it was to much of a headaache... got pics by any chance? and a price....lol and you got me with your "slogan" lol...dam now i feel like a chump.. =[