View Full Version : how did noah get 2 of every animal onto a boat?

06-05-2003, 02:53 PM
How did noah fit 2 of every one of 1,470,000 documented species into his arc?
That makes 2,940,000 animals.
the elephant and rhino species alone would weigh enough to sink the titanic, how many different species of buffalo, feline or canine are there? they weigh a fair bit too.
Noah's arc must have had wheels and breathing appartus and crawled along on the 'sea' bed.

Considering his only materials were wood, a bit of rope and possibly some nails.., now the boat would have had to be some sort of raft as it would required about 4x the contact area with the water than the area the animals take up on the surface to maintain boyancy, to make something this vast he would have had to cut down the entire Amazon and nail it together.

this post was taken from another forum, but I cant remember what it was called :bash:

06-05-2003, 02:54 PM
oh yeah, and what about fish? the bible says every animal, not every land faring animal.

06-05-2003, 02:58 PM
my brothers and sisters, the loooord works in mysterious ways!
amen! preach on!

religion is something that gets people's panties in a twist...

here comes the war..........

06-05-2003, 03:18 PM
You dont even have to try to prove the bible wrong, it does that on its own. Dunno why people still go on about stuff like this.

06-05-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by RBBaby
oh yeah, and what about fish? the bible says every animal, not every land faring animal.

the world was flooded. wats the point of bringing fish onto a boat when they can already swin? [im buddhist]

06-05-2003, 05:09 PM
Think for a minute how many species adapted to their environments, mated with other similar animals or were simply mutated by recent human developments... Why would they need "different species" of a particular animal. How many of these went on to be something different later in life. I have a problem when people try to discredit the bible too, for whomever it was that mentioned that.

06-05-2003, 05:19 PM
1) The bible isn't literal. 40 days just was thats times way of saying "A long F---ing time".

2) Bouancy can be maintained by DISPLACMENT not contact patch. Noah could have had a 10x10 raft that was 1,000 stories high which woul accomodate the animals. You get the drift.

3) Let people believe what they want. Anyone who starts discrediting people religions needs to be shot at dawn. It's called "FAITH" for a reason.

06-05-2003, 05:25 PM
one thing i cant get around on the bible is...where the hell do they mention dinosaurs :confused:? they dont do they...intresting. i think the bible has a lot of:bs:

hehe i just wanted to use one of the new smileys

Bill Roberts
06-05-2003, 06:22 PM
I generally stay clear of politics and religion on public forums, that said, I don my flame resistant suit.

First of all, they mention UFO's in the bible. WOW...well they do.

As far as mistakes go, God made no mistake in creating the Dinosaur, we get all the gas to run our Nissans from "fossle fuel" and it is the dying of the dinosaurs that creates oil so we could let our cars live, so actually, when you drive your car, the dinosaurs are talking to you.

Remember, Energy is neither created or destroyed.

So, you take a dude that can bench press 400 and he suddenly dies in an auto accident (due to a gay ricer LOL) suddenly all his strength is converted energy to what? It is neither created or destroyed...it just "IS" and is converted to another form.

Now, all funness aside. IF all Noah had on the Ark was Women, a Dog, himself, and a wheel........then its all good..

Seriously, it is all "it is" and God is "I am"

We are the likeness of God, it is a waste of time to question it actually.

Do the best with what you have, to work with, at all times.

Don't make the same mistake twice.

All that matters is LOVE.

Nothing else really matters at all.

06-05-2003, 07:22 PM
The Bible in my personal opinion is a book to teach people how to live. of course we all have own opinions. I have to agree, its tiring to argue about religion. We do it too much as a society. why argue that leads to hate. up liftment should be man's and woman's goal.

06-05-2003, 09:14 PM
religion is just a set of believes for the unkown, people shouldn't take it too seriously, look at people in the middle east, they're dying and killing themselves in a daily basis. of course there are other reasons, but :gives:

06-06-2003, 06:33 AM
Quite honestly, for someone to care enough about something, such as religion, to go thru what some people have gone thru down thru the years. Remember, just about EVERY war that has taken place in human history has been related to one of 2 things: money and religion, more have been over religion, trust... My stance is that I know what I believe, and I leave each of you to believe what you believe, but for those that have no faith in anything, please leave your ignorant comments to yourselves.

06-06-2003, 01:32 PM
I leave each of you to believe what you believe... but for those that have no faith in anything, please leave your ignorant comments to yourselves.
you're contradicting yourself my friend. or maybe I misunderstood you but people don't have to belong to any religion to have values and believes.

06-06-2003, 03:19 PM

Like said earlier Noah didn't have to take 2 of every single species, cross breeding and mutation can take care of that. Also, the Bible says nothing about how old these animals were, it would make more since to take a baby elephant than a full grown Adult. As far as what these animals ate, I don't know. But if you believe that God is God and he could feed 5,000 from 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes, than somethings are just left up to faith.

As far as dinosaurs in the Bible, I think that somewhere in Job he talks about an animal called "laviathan(sp?)" that sounds like it could be a dinosaur.

I don't understand why prople think the Bible contadicts itself. I have heard the arguments, but I have also heard the counterarguments which make much more sense to me. I am by no means a Biblical Scholar, but it bugs me when people say "the Bible contradicts it self" when they don't try to understand these apparent contradictions. I have heard stories of some of the bigest athiests who made it their mission to disprove the Bible, but they couldn't and instead became believers.

I think Islam gets a bad rap by Westeners. What we see on tv is the radicals which is only a small percent of what Muslims are really like. I just wish people would try to understand things before they instintantly lable them as bs or sterotype all people as being that way.

Just thought I would throw some more wood on the fire, I'll get off my soap box now.

06-06-2003, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by logo20
you're contradicting yourself my friend. or maybe I misunderstood you but people don't have to belong to any religion to have values and believes.
No contradiction, my stance is that I will believe what I believe and anyone else can believe what they do, but you won't find me talking down on what anyone else believes and it would be nice if we could all show the same consideration...

06-06-2003, 06:08 PM
back in medieval times, the church officially decreed that it was heretical to attempt to prove (or especially, disprove) the bible based on logic. people were killed.

don't even bother trying to logicially figure it out. you can't. either just accept it on faith (what you're supposed to do anyways) or realize it's impossible and stop believing in it.

06-07-2003, 01:27 AM
cause it never happened.

06-07-2003, 07:47 AM
Originally posted by Sabertooth
cause it never happened.

Yea...so,anyway... My turn on the soap box. I say you all should watch Discovery channel sometimes. And History channel. I think it was Discovery that did this "Finding Noah's Ark" thing just the other day, and it was really great.

I also think that you all are wasting your time and ruining the condition of my soap box. But then again, this is off-topic. Whoever said that you either believe it or you don't said it right. Religion is religion for a reason. It makes ZERO sense to try and prove certain things. It's like looking for heaven and hell. It's stuff you believe in.Or don't. And quit talking about it, I went through a civil war over religion once already,don't start another one on here.

06-07-2003, 07:56 AM
Because I come from a predominantly Christian family, let me just say that "dinosaurs" fit in the "dark ages". That's one of the most common, basic questions that get asked when one tries to disprove the bible. Come on; you could've done something be tter than that. :) (bah, what could I have expected? I'm on a car forum!)

No soap boxes for me. I don't care one way what most of y'all think anyway. :p To each their own! ... as long as it doesn't encroach on my own. (or "others'" owns, as far as the rest of y'all are concerned!)

06-07-2003, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by S13Grl
Yea...so,anyway... My turn on the soap box. I say you all should watch Discovery channel sometimes. And History channel. I think it was Discovery that did this "Finding Noah's Ark" thing just the other day, and it was really great.

no generalizations were made on that program. merely theories and speculations.

and you do know that the discovery channel aires origin of the universe theories?

all in all, theyre all theories. the viewer is responsible for believing or disbelieving.

06-07-2003, 12:45 PM
btw, heres someting to think about"

"The more a man is imbued with the ordered regularity of all events the firmer becomes his conviction that there is no room left by the side of this ordered regularity for causes of a different nature. For him neither the rule of human nor the rule of divine will exists as an independent cause of natural events. To be sure, the doctrine of a personal God interfering with natural events could never be refuted [italics his], in the real sense, by science, for this doctrine can always take refuge in those domains in which scientific knowledge has not yet been able to set foot. But I am convinced that such behavior on the part of representatives of religion would not only be unworthy but also fatal. For a doctrine which is to maintain itself not in clear light but only in the dark, will of necessity lose its effect on mankind, with incalculable harm to human progress. In their struggle for the ethical good, teachers of religion must have the stature to give up the doctrine of a personal God, that is, give up that source of fear and hope which in the past placed such vast power in the hands of priests. In their labors they will have to avail themselves of those forces which are capable of cultivating the Good, the True, and the Beautiful in humanity itself. This is, to be sure, a more difficult but an incomparably more worthy task..."

Baka Sama
06-08-2003, 01:32 AM
One thing I cannot stand is for people to talk about the bible when they havent even read it before!! Then they hear one thing from the bible and start to pick it apart saying it never happened! Well I for one have actually read the bible from cover to cover. I was tryin to stay away from this post cause I new I would get mad if I read it..

RBBaby: What the hell you bring this here for? First dont take everything so literally! 2 of every animal doesnt mean 2 of ever animal we have now! i.e. 2 spiders doesnt mean 2 of every different kind of spider in the world!
Also... There were no birds or fish on the ark..common sence...

Bill Roberts: What the fawk are you talkin about?? The bible has never mentioned UFO's.. Ever! I really hope that was a joke...

NZO: The bible has never proved its self wrong.. Maybe if you take the time to read it instead of just following what other people say u would know that.

minime686: The bible wasnt written to tell you every single thing about life! It doesnt out right say "adam named the big green one T-Rex" But that doesnt mean its saying there was none!

huevos: laviathan is used as another name for satan (the serpent) Not as a dinosaur...

Anyways the point of this is: Dont make freakin speculations about sh*t you never read! Its like a newbie talkin smack about the 240 base on stuff other people say with out takin the time to drive it and find out for himself. :mad:

06-08-2003, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by Baka Sama
One thing I cannot stand is for people to talk about the bible when they havent even read it before!! Then they hear one thing from the bible and start to pick it apart saying it never happened! Well I for one have actually read the bible from cover to cover. I was tryin to stay away from this post cause I new I would get mad if I read it..

RBBaby: What the hell you bring this here for? First dont take everything so literally! 2 of every animal doesnt mean 2 of ever animal we have now! i.e. 2 spiders doesnt mean 2 of every different kind of spider in the world!
Also... There were no birds or fish on the ark..common sence...

Bill Roberts: What the fawk are you talkin about?? The bible has never mentioned UFO's.. Ever! I really hope that was a joke...

NZO: The bible has never proved its self wrong.. Maybe if you take the time to read it instead of just following what other people say u would know that.

minime686: The bible wasnt written to tell you every single thing about life! It doesnt out right say "adam named the big green one T-Rex" But that doesnt mean its saying there was none!

huevos: laviathan is used as another name for satan (the serpent) Not as a dinosaur...

Anyways the point of this is: Dont make freakin speculations about sh*t you never read! Its like a newbie talkin smack about the 240 base on stuff other people say with out takin the time to drive it and find out for himself. :mad:
BTW, we'll be down you guys' way weekend after next, on the 20th-22nd.

06-08-2003, 11:36 AM
I've read the stories (7 years of catholic school). I've always thought the leviathan as a big *** whale. Or maybe it was too much AD&D.

06-08-2003, 11:39 AM
you guys should really read the bible before you talk smak about it. also if you knew anything about anything, the dinosaurs were BEFORE CHRIST hence the acronym (say it with me...... "aakro- nim") B.C. this means that barney and aaalllll his little friends lived before christ and his followers. since this happened BEFORE how in the hell was anyone supposed to write about it if they were'nt even there?! makes sense doesn't it


as for baka sama :goyou:


06-08-2003, 02:43 PM
Just one of every species huh. Sounds like some evolution took place after that huh. But The Bible is a must have for convicts and murderers or just ppl that have no morals and values. If you need to be told how to be good and behave then so be it... I for one know what is right from wrong. I'm also strong enough to have faith in myself and my family and friends, dont need a higher being. So the truth is, what ever tickles your pickle(works best for you). For those of you that stress:bash: over the bible http://www.zilvia.net/f/images/smilies/gives.gif Let ppl believe what they must and you believe what you must.

Overall, as people become more educated, the number who believe in god goes down... I am not implying anything :boink: (gota love the smiley's)

06-09-2003, 12:49 AM
If you guys are really intrested in the bible and truth in the bible, check out this website www.drdino.com it has some pretty good information. this guy has downloadable real videos explaing the age of the earth, Noahs ark, dinosaurs, and some other stuff.....check it out if you really want a scientific perspective of the bible. Also dont knock things that you dont know about...like most ppl would say on this board, get informed before u start passing judgement on things.

06-09-2003, 04:42 AM
Noad's Ark real? Who cares? The story was fun, as kids' picture books depict them. Colorful pictures with all the animals were interesting to keep my little A.D.D. self occupied, trying to find the other animal once i found one of the species. I got to read all the sound effects the animals made. "The pigs oinked, the lions roared, the sheep baa'ed....and the whistles go WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Heheh, but really, cool story. Every kid should read a Noah's Ark picture book. :)

06-10-2003, 12:52 AM
The part about the chariot of fire coming down out of the heavens as being the ufo. I used to go to church every wednesday, thursday, and sunday, but haven't been in a good while (god forgive me). I see it as this "I would rather believe in something because what do you have to lose if you were wrong.....nothing." I believe because I would have died a long time ago, but I had alot of people praying when I was born (I got deathly sick). I have done some stupid things in my cars that could have killed me, but here I am today. There is a scripture iirc that says "do not tempt the lord thy god." Just remember that. People these days are grown up to believe nothing until something that happens in there life opens the eyes to belief.

Have you ever been in an accident and question yourself "how did I survive this." I have seen wrecks that did nothing major to their rigg, but takes their lives. It's really a scary thing how fragile we really are. We are put on this earth for a reason that is not found out until something in life awakens this knowledge.

Sorry for preaching to the choir, but I felt that I had to. I believe that this thread should be closed soon or some peoples feeling are going to be hurt. Mods please do so.

06-10-2003, 08:59 AM
Good job Baka Sama....
Like to mention though that Laviathan is the Lock Ness Monster, a enormous sea serpent..............just like my trouser snake.... lol

06-10-2003, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by wingsnthangs
Noad's Ark real? Who cares? The story was fun, as kids' picture books depict them. Colorful pictures with all the animals were interesting to keep my little A.D.D. self occupied, trying to find the other animal once i found one of the species. I got to read all the sound effects the animals made. "The pigs oinked, the lions roared, the sheep baa'ed....and the whistles go WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Heheh, but really, cool story. Every kid should read a Noah's Ark picture book. :)

pop-up books!!!!!

06-10-2003, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by Baka Sama
One thing I cannot stand is for people to talk about the bible when they havent even read it before!! Then they hear one thing from the bible and start to pick it apart saying it never happened! Well I for one have actually read the bible from cover to cover. I was tryin to stay away from this post cause I new I would get mad if I read it..

I believe thats a response to my post.

FYI, I grew up a Catholic and went to Catholic school until J.H. I have searched for other religions, then converted to Mormonism. So yes, I have read the bible cover to cover more than once.

In my opinion, the bible is a collection of fairy tales that keeps us straight. It's the "Santa Claus" that makes us "kids" good little boys and girls. It works very well but its truth only can hold itself in the past.

06-10-2003, 02:37 PM
Has anyone else notice that this threas has succeeded in making a lot of people mad over something that they likely will not be able to change and the person that started it hasn't bothered to post on it again yet... If there is a mod paying attention, please lock this nonsense.

06-10-2003, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by dousan36
pop-up books!!!!!
For sure. :D

06-10-2003, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by PHLIP
Has anyone else notice that this threas has succeeded in making a lot of people mad over something that they likely will not be able to change and the person that started it hasn't bothered to post on it again yet... If there is a mod paying attention, please lock this nonsense.

I like bringing stuff up and letting people discuss among themselves. as youc an tell, I am quite obviously a tremendous gaping asshole.