View Full Version : please read... i dont know what to do

01-09-2010, 10:37 PM
in august 2006, my dad , sister and i were involved in a car accident in westmister CA. A kid ran through a stop sign in a pre-runner type toyota and T-boned us. my dad broke 2 of his lumbar vertibrates( sorry if incorrect ) and bruised his kidney. since the kid driving the truck that hit us was driving his dads vehicle (whom is illegal) my dad recieved nearly nothing from the incident. he has always been very tolerant with pain, so, being the strong willed person he is, he went back to work. not long after the accident he was working on a ladder when it pulled out from the wall and he fell and broke/fractured (im not too sure) one of his bones in his neck. he walks very slow and he cannot turn his neck without moving his upper body. ever since then he has been living off of his disability checks until they ran out... now his workmans comp has been cut down to $200 a month with no benefits and he has been trying to get his settlement for about a year now but he has got nothing. This coming friday (jan 15th) is his forclosure date, he plans on going to jail to live because its his ''only option'' i dont know what to do because he has given up because he hasnt recieved any help from the government , and all the help he has tried to get has turned around and screwed him. any ideas/help??? thanks guys:(

01-09-2010, 10:48 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your father's misfortune. I really don't know anything about this sort of thing, but has this issue been taken to court yet? Why hasn't the settlement been given/resolved? Did the gov. agree to a certain amount per check only to alter that amount now? I think I personally would be looking for a good lawyer to represent your father and take the issue to court and try and get the full settlement and maybe then some for all the trouble.
I hope everything works out man.

01-09-2010, 10:49 PM
so the car that hit you was uninsured? for the most part, it needs to be, or it to be registered and such, unless he just straight out took the car on the street without any paperwork done. i was hit by an illegal too, but luckily they had insurance.

did you not have uninsured motorists accident coverage on your plan?

try talking to a free employment lawyer?

01-09-2010, 10:54 PM
Sorry about your dad's situation. I do not believe that jail is a proper place to go for help.

On the foreclosure, does he live alone? Can he move in with any family members?

01-09-2010, 11:11 PM
thanks for all your guys advice. he has had nearly 3 lawyers but they all screwed him.just took his money and did nothing... i dont understand how the state can just let this happen.. i try talking to him and telling him to move in with my grandmother [his mom] but he says no because he would have no place to put all of his stuff that he has worked for his whole life... he is telling me that if he cant have all the stuff he has worked for than nobody can. he ''isnt going to let the state take all of his stuff and give it away for free''.... his plan is very stupid and all of his belongings will be gone by friday, and the result is him going to jail.

01-10-2010, 01:41 AM
If you cannot convince him then perhaps bringing in a family member that he listens to and trusts would be in order.

01-10-2010, 01:59 AM
haha... he trusts no one. honestly he can be a real a$$hole sometimes. its alll his pain pills he takes lol. thanks for the advice though =)

01-10-2010, 08:38 AM
Hmmm this really is a tough situation.

My suggestion, pay for a storage container to put all your father's stuff in and convince him to move in with momdukes till he finds some work to live off of.

01-10-2010, 11:19 AM
Hmmm this really is a tough situation.

My suggestion, pay for a storage container to put all your father's stuff in and convince him to move in with momdukes till he finds some work to live off of.

I agree with you. As his son, get a part time job. Let him know your going to use that money to rent a storage for his belongings. This way he has nothing to say about losing his belongings and will have no choice but to listen to you since your helping him. Some times throwing help in their direction is the only way to conquer the stubborness.

Always note you cant help someone who doesnt want to help themselves. Throw your pride aside.

01-10-2010, 12:10 PM
Storage isn't cheap.
7x10x10 = $50-70
10x10x10 = $80-120

It would be hard to imagine all your dad's stuff jam packed in there. With a part time job your looking at spending 50-75% of your check on just rent itself. Don't take this like I'm putting you down, I rent a storage and I hate paying the monthly although I need it so I have no other choice.

01-10-2010, 01:26 PM
Shit, you should be making $100 a week easy from a part time job. I think the storage idea is a good plan, just show him you're still there for him.

I was also wondering what happened to your uninsured motorist insurance.

01-10-2010, 01:33 PM
Storage isn't cheap.
7x10x10 = $50-70
10x10x10 = $80-120

It would be hard to imagine all your dad's stuff jam packed in there. With a part time job your looking at spending 50-75% of your check on just rent itself. Don't take this like I'm putting you down, I rent a storage and I hate paying the monthly although I need it so I have no other choice.

i hear ya there but thats the only option he has, i do have a storage also and i pay $75 per month and its only 7x10x10. shit is small and i dont think that is enough for all your dad's things can fit. but do what u gotta do good luck on convincing your dad.

01-10-2010, 01:44 PM
i was hit by an illegal too, but luckily they had insurance.

how does an illegal even get insurance? fake paperwork?

01-10-2010, 02:07 PM
Did he file for Social Security Disability? Has he notified his congressman about his foreclosure?

He should be getting at least 900 a month for SS disability. If you can, take ALL his medical records when he applies. He also MUST(I can't stress this enough) talk about any and all depression and financial hardship due to his disability. social Security must understand his dire need for assistance. Also ask for presumptive disability status, he'll get paid sooner that way.

You may have to act as his advocate on his behalf if he is unwilling to reach out for help on his own.

Definitely let me know if you have any questions on Social Security Disability. That goes for every one.

01-10-2010, 09:40 PM
thanks for all the help guys. the guy had minimal insurance, so thats why my dad got hardly anything for that. mainly he got screwed when he fell at work and broke/fractured his neck.

01-10-2010, 09:52 PM
can't do much. sell stuff to make payment for this month. then sell the house and relocate to something cheaper/rent a place. don't let him go to jail. its the easy way out. sell the house, or pull equity to delay the foreclosure. then have him take care of his health and work towards working again, or finding a stay at home business.

01-10-2010, 10:20 PM
There is such a thing as workers comp. As for help, I'll give you my suggestion. If you are in fact 18 yrs old, offered help to him already? Offered to have him move in with you or you move back in with him to make it through this tough time? I personally think you have several possibilities to turn this around, you yourself doesn't seem to want to offer your dad assistance.

01-10-2010, 11:36 PM
haha. ive helped my dad. ive given him money and do not expect to get it back. trust me ive given him more money than the amount ive put into my car.

01-10-2010, 11:38 PM
and yes. he is collecting workmans comp

01-10-2010, 11:43 PM
Family members help seems like the best option at this point.

01-11-2010, 08:28 AM
If the guy that hit you had minimum, it is your responsibility to file a personal suit to claim the rest of the damages. Its not your fault the guy had insufficient coverage. Also, you declined Uninsured/Underinsured coverage on your policy?

Honestly, it seems like some misfortune and bad decision-making on your dads part that he is in this situation. Im sorry for all his bad luck, but giving up and going to jail when there are options (mothers house) just seems a bit ridiculous.

Someones suggestion of storage is a great one I think. Maybe get rid of/sell some of his stuff/furniture and take what he really wants and put it into storage! I personally fit a 1 bdrm apt (living room, dining table, bedroom) into a unit at Mini-U (Goldenwest, just south of Garden Grove Blvd) for little over $40/mo. They even provide you a box truck to borrow for free and its close to your home I assume...

Good luck with everything, I hope your dad can get out of this okay...

01-13-2010, 11:03 PM
yea. my grandpa is telling him to sell his stuff and my grandpa will buy a mobile home for the both of them.... he said he could take out 100,000 for a mobile home , but my dad suggested that my grandpa just put out 22,000 an save the house. [grandpa used to live with us, but is not atm]

01-13-2010, 11:39 PM
good luck man! i hope the best for your pops. this story reminds me how sick i am about these dumbfucks on the road..

01-14-2010, 12:44 AM
Tell him to apply for social security disability. It is a whole different ball game compared to workman's comp.

01-14-2010, 12:49 AM
damn i hope the best for your fam, but i think the best thing to do is talk to a lawyer

01-14-2010, 12:50 AM
yeah your pops is loosing motivation and depressed.. Gotta cheer him up and let him know everything will get better. Its a new year after all.

01-14-2010, 01:03 AM
gotta help him apprecciate what he does have...family, food, shelter, you and your sis..people in this world have it alot worst

01-14-2010, 11:00 AM
Storage isn't cheap.
7x10x10 = $50-70
10x10x10 = $80-120

It would be hard to imagine all your dad's stuff jam packed in there. With a part time job your looking at spending 50-75% of your check on just rent itself. Don't take this like I'm putting you down, I rent a storage and I hate paying the monthly although I need it so I have no other choice.

C'mon why kill the idea.... even if so dude this is for your own father... how many years do parents take care of you??? this will probably be only temporary anyway.

Shit, you should be making $100 a week easy from a part time job. I think the storage idea is a good plan, just show him you're still there for him.

I was also wondering what happened to your uninsured motorist insurance.

I agree this is a great idea

01-14-2010, 05:38 PM
your dad realizes that he will have less space for his stuff in jail than he will in jail?