01-07-2010, 07:28 PM
I have an S13 with an RB25. As usual after doing the swap the S13 tach read high but worked fine otherwise, I didn't have a GTS-T tach to swap in so screwed around with the S13 tach to get it to read right, after removing the needle and putting it back in it began to read slowly... I noticed that it has more resistance to rotation than it did before I messed with it. When I would pull it out lightly it would work fine for a second then get stuck/slow again... pretty annoying.
I said screw it and found a GTS-T tach. When I swapped in the GTS-T tach I had to remove the needle and change the plastic thing that directs the light, now it does the same thing the S13 tach did. It is still able to do a full sweep from 0-redline but takes a while.
For example if I am idling then bring the engine to 4,000rpm and hold it there the tach will take 2 or 3 seconds to rise up to it. Gets pretty annoying when trying to accelerate to redline, I have to go by the speedometer or exhaust note.
Anyway, anybody have an idea? I'm sure I screwed something up from removing/installing the needles, but from what I've read you just pull them out and push them back in so I am confused.
I said screw it and found a GTS-T tach. When I swapped in the GTS-T tach I had to remove the needle and change the plastic thing that directs the light, now it does the same thing the S13 tach did. It is still able to do a full sweep from 0-redline but takes a while.
For example if I am idling then bring the engine to 4,000rpm and hold it there the tach will take 2 or 3 seconds to rise up to it. Gets pretty annoying when trying to accelerate to redline, I have to go by the speedometer or exhaust note.
Anyway, anybody have an idea? I'm sure I screwed something up from removing/installing the needles, but from what I've read you just pull them out and push them back in so I am confused.