View Full Version : Mag

01-06-2010, 02:15 PM
another fps (first person shooter). PS3 exclusive

main attraction: 256 players online at ONCE 128 vs 128

public beta/demo is available

P.S it a LONG download ~280 MB then an update that 1829.70MB

soooo go do something else while it downloads


01-06-2010, 02:39 PM
Looks awesome. I've always wanted to play a game with huge teams and huge maps. CODMW2 didn't cut it. Sucks I don't have a PS3 lol.

01-06-2010, 03:18 PM
how you're going to cordinate with that many people sounds pretty troublesome. Also with everyone respawning it should be quite difficult to make any real headway on a map other than pure deathmatch. Camping should also be a huge problem.

01-06-2010, 03:33 PM
The game sucks in my opinion...ill stick with MW2

01-06-2010, 05:14 PM
how you're going to cordinate with that many people sounds pretty troublesome. Also with everyone respawning it should be quite difficult to make any real headway on a map other than pure deathmatch. Camping should also be a huge problem.

IIRC the game breaks players up into Squads (like 16ish members). Each squad has a leader of sorts that coordinates with other leaders creating a chain of command. I believe there is a heirarchy to the game as players rank up they become eligiable for those positions of power. The game is interesting to say the least. I myself worry about the servers required to house 256 players in a single game and for that matter the speed at which the game runs. I'm sure it will certainly test the PS3's hardware with explosions and gunfire from 256 players.

Camping is an issue in everygame (along with respawns). If anything I picture there being kind of objective based points that serve for respawns like points on either side that are progressed and captured, otherwise respawning back by the main stronghold or camp.

Either way I don't own a PS3 and this game won't convince me to purchase one but I am interested to see how the game fairs either way.

01-06-2010, 05:36 PM
Sounds like a crazy game. IMO 128 players- on each side :eek2:- is pure overkill. As mentioned before, camping will pose quite a problem. I can't even imagine implementation of base capture, trying to kill 50 soldiers on one flag just to capture it...

If anything, 40 vs 40 sounds more realistic.

01-06-2010, 06:57 PM

this video sort of goes over the game-play.

01-07-2010, 01:27 AM
IIRC the game breaks players up into Squads (like 16ish members). Each squad has a leader of sorts that coordinates with other leaders creating a chain of command. I believe there is a heirarchy to the game as players rank up they become eligiable for those positions of power. The game is interesting to say the least. I myself worry about the servers required to house 256 players in a single game and for that matter the speed at which the game runs. I'm sure it will certainly test the PS3's hardware with explosions and gunfire from 256 players.

The REAL question is, are the people in the squads going to listen to the squad leader bark orders?

I sure as hell won't be if I'm playing, I just wanna killkillkill.

01-07-2010, 03:02 AM
been waiting for this game for a while now. hopefully zipper wont f*** this up like they did socom =/

01-07-2010, 03:11 AM

I'm going to bet all my money on AOEs all day long.

01-07-2010, 06:57 AM
Why can't they make a 128v128 game where once you die. Poof. Your done. No respawn. Then there would be less bunny hopping grenede chucking noobs bouncing around. Then you'd have to be tactical and have some sense of self preservation. Or maybe like a minute respawn timer. Without something, It would be like wave after wave of the living dead as you got close to their side of the map. Then you'd run out of ammo.

01-07-2010, 11:44 AM
gonna set this to dl before i go to work, rad

01-07-2010, 12:03 PM
Why can't they make a 128v128 game where once you die. Poof. Your done. No respawn. Then there would be less bunny hopping grenede chucking noobs bouncing around. Then you'd have to be tactical and have some sense of self preservation. Or maybe like a minute respawn timer. Without something, It would be like wave after wave of the living dead as you got close to their side of the map. Then you'd run out of ammo.

i like the idea of that, but general gamers are not patient to wait for however long the round is. =( Im kinda upset alot of games dont do that anymore though, you respawn after a few seconds.

but maybe limit respawns to like 3 per round or something would be cool.

I left my ps3 on last night to dl it, so Ill try it later. Is it gonna be purchasable on PSN or will it be disc based? Ill try it and see what I think, I still prefer my FPS shooters on pc though and will take alot of innovation for me to buy one since they all feel teh same at this point.

I have a friend who bought 1943 and i only seen him on it 1 day and that was it lol.

They better have host servers, imagine how laggy it would be if they where private hosts lol

01-08-2010, 12:37 AM
So i played the beta today, the graphics are great, remind me of Crysis on pc, but i can see myself getting borred of it real fast. lol

01-08-2010, 07:18 PM
waste of space on the HD and waste of time downloading the huge ass file.

game sucks.

01-08-2010, 08:50 PM
As mentioned before, camping will pose quite a problem. I can't even imagine implementation of base capture, trying to kill 50 soldiers on one flag just to capture it...

If anything, 40 vs 40 sounds more realistic.

imagine if it were a real life battle. would you camp if you saw an army coming your direction? i would. hahahahahha.

but i think they SHOULD make it no respawn. how awesome would that be if you were the last person on your team and you just camp somewhere with silenced weapons? yeayuh

01-08-2010, 09:46 PM
i always played in socom servers where their wasnt a respawn
id have all silenced weapons and sneek around in the oddest of places
i miss my high ass rank
hell i miss my ps3

01-27-2010, 11:04 PM
So, now that it is out...

Thoughts? Who has it and how is it?

01-27-2010, 11:44 PM
That game seems like it would be lag city with 128 vs 128.

01-28-2010, 10:10 AM
Worth buying?

I was really looking forward to this.

01-28-2010, 10:20 AM
Why can't they make a 128v128 game where once you die. Poof. Your done. No respawn. Then there would be less bunny hopping grenede chucking noobs bouncing around. Then you'd have to be tactical and have some sense of self preservation. Or maybe like a minute respawn timer. Without something, It would be like wave after wave of the living dead as you got close to their side of the map. Then you'd run out of ammo.

mw2 has a mode similar to this except its only 8 vs 8 i believe..

once you die you watch the match and you could talk to the fallen enemys and teammates. Alive players cannot hear you.

01-28-2010, 10:32 AM
That game seems like it would be lag city with 128 vs 128.

They said there is NO lag. They actually solved that problem before they even started on the game.

But I have not played it so I can only tell you what I've read.

01-28-2010, 11:32 AM
Well, around the gaming community -

The buzz seems to be that most people like this game. Some reviews have been on the average side, which angers owners of MAG considering these reviews are based off of the BETA/Demo and not the full game.

None of the BIG sites have given their review yet, besides IGN UK, which based their review off the Demo.

IGN = ESPN of gaming world. Seriously starting to doubt them as a legit source.

No huge reviews will pop up for a few days atleast, while reviewers much like gamers continue to see how this game will play out. Seems interesting to me, hope it is all it was hyped to be.

been waiting for this game for a while now. hopefully zipper wont f*** this up like they did socom =/

? Isn't Zipper credited with making the best Socom games ever made? Not an old Socom player myself, but I believe most in the Socom community believed their Socoms were the best.

The newest Socom, Confrontation, was not developed by Zipper. It was /6. Too much hate on that game, I was one of the very few who was PLEASED with the game after they fixed what needed to be fixed. I think it was bandwagon hate, people just jump on what reviews say. Not saying Socom:Confrontation (or any game for that matter) is perfect, but I don't think it was as bad as people like to say. After they got through with the updating, the game felt rather epic and had that sense of group play that most games (see Call of Duty) lack. No run and gun = more fun.

01-31-2010, 12:05 AM
lvl 54 right here...played the beta too.

256 players and crazy explosion everywhere barely lags at all. although, there's still bugs in this game.

cons, i would have too say... lmg's are retarded in this game. h*mo's that team kills you so, they can get the points (from planting demo or repairing). even if you're the platoon leader or company commander. (there is a auto kick if you hit a certain amount of tk)

but, i think team kill should increase everytime you do it, like -5, -10,-15 ...etc. i'm going to complain they should do that. or a huge penalty if they TK you while arming or disarming demos, repairing, etc things that are productive.

i think its a love or hate...people will get lost and feel overwelmed at first... like these douchbags i was playing with kepting complaining about the game and the squad sucks. i kept telling them to to get a rpg to blow up the turret then destroy the bunker. of coarse, they did not listen. kept getting killed and left. then new people showed up which eventually knew what they were doing, we destroyed the turret and blew up the bunker. we lost as we ran out of time but, we got thru the last objectives. its all about working together and knowing what needs to be done.

i hope they come out with a dlc later this year.

01-31-2010, 12:12 AM
Sorry had to post this, I love it.


01-31-2010, 12:28 AM
mw2 has a mode similar to this except its only 8 vs 8 i believe..

once you die you watch the match and you could talk to the fallen enemys and teammates. Alive players cannot hear you.

mag, everybody can hear each other if your close enough, not dead though. call out your squad for a medic if your wounded, other squad wont hear you unless they're near by. when you wound the opponent you can also talk trash to them as you finish him off or bleed off.

01-31-2010, 04:36 PM
I DO NOT recommend this game.

I've been playing since private beta and it only got worse. Some of the same ol glitches are still around.

SVER. Strongest armor in the game. They gave 'em that because they where the least played, but now they are the most played, followed by Valor and nobody plays as Raven. You're bound to lose a majority of the time against SVER.

The lag, it's just horrible now. The game isn't even fluid/smooth either.

There's not really any spam, which is a shocker. Missiles, air strikes and artillery can only be called in so many times. It takes a while for it to recharge.

The game -can- be fun, but time to time. Oh yeah, no mute function either = ftl.

I am thinking about selling it for 50$ or trading it for Fallout 3.

01-31-2010, 08:15 PM
hah that's funny because you'll have constant freezing in fallout 3.

dude , i dunno where you heard that from but all armors are the same in all factions... light, med, hvy. just looks different and the svers have the most ghetto looking armor sets. anyways that sver has better armor is complete BS. also that goes to weapon too.

btw i dont know if you know but, the svers are just damn good. also i see often is valor with light armors with the usual lmg.

i still don't notice any lag. i have no idea what you're talking about. i do rarely get a game which is laggy. i just exit and try another game and wala no lag. and i'm on a weak dsl.

ooh yea, have you tried the directional button. for mute.

02-01-2010, 02:50 AM
I've tried, but I want to mute a single person. I have yet to see that option.

02-02-2010, 03:14 PM
i still don't notice any lag. i have no idea what you're talking about. i do rarely get a game which is laggy. i just exit and try another game and wala no lag. and i'm on a weak dsl.

Just because I want to clarify...

Actually, DSL is better for gaming. It is a remote server for your internet unlike cable which is a shared connection.

You don't share your DSL.

DSL>Cable for gaming.

And also, I have not heard of lag problems much with this game either. I mean, obviously when you have 256 people with all different connections, there is a greater chance of imperfection, but most people seem satisfied with the servers.

02-02-2010, 08:01 PM
i get .97 mb/s... that's way below avg. if my wife uses the computer, i'm in lag heaven.

04-30-2010, 02:01 PM
haha, look how i was taking about there's no lag on mag. but, there is!

anyways, anyone playing it? we are getting new maps this may.

i just wanted to post this. because the mag forums mods wont let me.

06-18-2010, 10:15 AM
finally, MAG dlc on this 22nd
3 pmc battling all at once