View Full Version : A How-To Guide for using iTrader

09-02-2008, 06:18 AM
First off, mods i have no clue where i should post this, i was thinking the FS section since that is where it is applicable but i figured you can move it to wherever you would like.

I apologize ahead of time for some of the images being so damn huge but if i make them any smaller you wont really be able to see the text and i want people to grasp how to use this thing without having to ask too many questions.


It seems as though there has been a lot of confusion lately as to how the iTrader system actually works. i have been on boards before that use iTrader so in an attempt to avoid 1,000 different threads titled "How do i leave feedback?" i am creating this guide. It is fairly simple so if you just follow these easy steps you wont have any problems.

1. The easiest way to access a person's iTrader Feedback screen is to click the little rating number located under their avatar titled "Trader Rating."


2. Once you have accessed the person's iTrader Feedback screen you will see a link that is titled "Submit Feedback For *Insert User Screen Name Here*" Click on this link to access the next page.


3. Now you have reached the actual page where you submit your feedback. In order to leave a rating you will need to fill in all of the applicable fields. Refer to the picture below for what needs to be done.


4. Once you have filled in all of the applicable fields (as i have done in the example below) you will need to click the "Submit Reply" button to submit your rating into the system.


5. Once the system has accepted your feedback it will apply it to that person's Trader Rating and you will be able to view it. An example of what a person's iTrader Feedback screen will look like, once feedback has been submitted, is shown below.


6. In the event that the other party involved in your transaction has left you feedback first, there is a much easier way to submit feedback for them. You just need to click the little Post-It note look icon as shown in the example below.


7. If you feel that the feedback you were left by someone else is false you are also able to contest that rating with the moderator staff by clicking the Caution Sign looking icon near the rater's name as shown below.


Please realize that the iTrader system is supposed to be a good thing for those that buy/sell items on the Zilvia forums. It is not intended to be used like a rep system where you rate people whenever you feel like doing so. Please keep the iTrader system clean and fun so that those of us who actually utilize it for what it's meant for can do so without having any BS to deal with along the way.

01-04-2010, 11:40 AM
Copied this out of Off-Topic and put it here without all the responses in it.