View Full Version : THE BIG QUESTIONS: think outside the box

12-23-2009, 02:37 PM
So I would like to get everyones thoughts on this!....we have a thread for "what is heaven"....

Okay....so if there is a GOD....where did he come from?

If there are angels and demons...where do ghosts/spirits stand?
(where do they come from? why are they here?)

If a vampire is a made up charecter that sucks blood and lives forever....where did that come from?

I would like to see...what kind of answers we get from people...and if you have a question...that you can't find an answer on...I would like to see people post their ideas or facts if they have them.....

Here is my question......if god exists....who is his creator? He had to have come from somewhere. Is there more than one god? Is that why our god shows jealousy in the bible towards other gods? If he created the heavens and earth.....and satan created hell...why doesn't he just make hell dissappear? no one has more power than the almighty!? Are we pawns in "gods world"? Could we possibly be "his game" where he plays life and death...and controls where we go afterlife? For those not "godly"....where did life begin? (big bang)an explosion coming from knowhere...absolute knowhere...like...no spec of life and then bam...(i'm laughing right now)....all kinds of life without any meaning? If the universe is truely infinite........there is no end...then the big bang...couldn't actually be the only big bang....there could be more.... thinking of how infinite the universe is... our world...our galaxy...is a spec of nothing compared to the size of possibilities that are in the universe...so life could exist outside of our galaxy...

lets hear some far fethced ideas and possibilities..as well as some unknown questions....lets be serious though...no...well where did the chicken come from...hen or egg.


12-23-2009, 02:39 PM
The Bible states that God always was, and always will be. Whether you believe it or not, that's up to you, obviously; but that's what it says. I can't really fathom how or why, though.

12-23-2009, 02:54 PM
The Bible states that God always was, and always will be. Whether you believe it or not, that's up to you, obviously; but that's what it says. I can't really fathom how or why, though.

if he is...and always will be...the creator...then why would he smite his own creation for sinning? and damn them to perril....when he loves us so much to sacrifice his son for our sins?

That is like me raising my child, and having all the money in the world...yet I buy a house in the ghetto and let him hangout with gangmembers. I have a choice to move in a better environment...taking him out of a situation where he would be more likely to get involved in a "wrong" crowd. And then I would feel sorry for him dying at 21 because it was my choice to put him there. Not saying that he couldn't ahve eventually got into gangs...but the choice I made...does determine his future to an extent.

12-23-2009, 03:10 PM
Well, because we have a choice, don't we?

12-23-2009, 04:05 PM
Well, because we have a choice, don't we?

what is choice? because I can purchase alcohal at a ralphs...and you can't. c'mon...that was the lamest answer I have seen in a thread that requires thinking. Choice is only as capable as the person that controls it. Your choice to live...ends where one chooses to take it. Elaborate on your well thought out answer....since you are only 19.

12-23-2009, 04:14 PM
Allow me to expand on his response. We all have a choice between heaven and hell. When God created the world (again, if you believe in it, I'm just answering from what I believe) he created as "perfect." There was to be no sin. However, he had ONE stipulation, Adam and Eve are NOT to eat of the forbidden fruit. Then Satan came to earth in the form of a snake with legs (IIRC) and persuaded Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit. Therefore they broke God's one command and he filled the earth with sin, pain and so on.

By the way, age has NOTHING to do with this. I'm 18 and I went through 1st-12th grade in a Christian school, so I've heard it all.

12-23-2009, 04:34 PM
Do you guys believe in FATE?

I mean are we destined to do something, meet people, be successful, go through hardships, and eventually die "when our time comes"?

I don't wanna believe it cuz I feel like I have control over my life but sometimes I feel like things happen for a reason.

12-24-2009, 01:20 AM
fate is a convenient way to deprive yourself out of responsibility, imo.
it's just a superstition imo, nothing more than trying to make sense out of mere coincidence.
I think it is natural for humans to have the drive to figure things out.

occasionally (more often than not, to be honest),
I am tempted to be believe in bad luck.
but then again, that's just another superstition.

However, for the sake of discussion, let's say that fate does infact exist.
So what?
Unless you have the ability to see the future,
it really changes nothing.

12-24-2009, 06:02 AM
So I would like to get everyones thoughts on this!....we have a thread for "what is heaven"....

#1) Okay....so if there is a GOD....where did he come from?

#2) If there are angels and demons...where do ghosts/spirits stand?
(where do they come from? why are they here?)

#3) If a vampire is a made up charecter that sucks blood and lives forever....where did that come from?

#1) Interesting question. I believe that God always was as well. IMO the idea that all things must have come from something else is a human/ scientific concept. We are bound to that concept through science; in a closed system, matter and energy are conserved, neither created nor destroyed, only changed. But I mean, if it's possible for God to create humans, would it really be a stretch of thought to have to consider his/her omnipresence?

#2) Not too sure how to answer this one. I suppose one could say spirits/ ghosts are trapped in limbo.

#3) I think vampire stuff was of sexual origin. A (presumably male) vampire roaming around at night into people's bedrooms- tell me that doesn't sound romanticized. Sucking of blood seems like a very sensual (albeit painful) type of kissing- cue twilight fans.

On the fate issue: seems pretty trivial to me. I mean, of course we as humans will always try to seek knowledge, but what will you have then? If we can somehow prove fate, you can't do anything about it. And if we've somehow disproved it, now what?

I've got a question, and of course it is subject to one's own opinion: Do you believe there is an equation or mathematical explanation for everything (disregarding divine entities)? For example, do you believe there is a complicated equation to predict/ simulate exactly how the waves of the ocean will move and the direction its spray will float and the path the wind that carries it, takes, etc etc?

Another, more applicable example would be: Do you believe it's possible to predict/ simulate the way a person will feel if you stimulate their emotions? We've got the science behind it; genome maps, hormone levels, but is it really random?

12-24-2009, 02:25 PM
didnt the whole vampire thing come from dracula? which in turn came from vlad the impaler?

12-24-2009, 02:57 PM
Do you guys believe in FATE?

Without getting a little bit spiritual, yes I believe in fate.

Imagine a pool table with only 2 balls, a cue ball and the 8 ball. The cue ball is flying towards the 8 ball at an off angle, with a little bit of information and a reference you can determine where they will both be at any time in the future. And even if you don't have the information to figure out where they will be, once they are in motion their "fate" is determined as long as you don't introduce any motion or interferences onto the table.

Now add more balls, and new forces moving the balls, and let the balls do all sorts of cool things when they contact each other. "Fate" becomes a hell of a lot more complicated and there aren't any simple formulas to make a very good prediction of what a system will look like at a specific time, but every particle around us is moving with some amount of energy in some direction. and they should be reacting with other particles around us in a consistent manner.

To me "God" is whatever force it is allowing us to have some sort of outside influence on all the crap going on inside our bodies, because I certainly can't fathom how we manage to do it in some small range of complexity in our system. Its at this level that fate disappears and we are responsible for our own actions.

And now I'm confused about it all again.

12-24-2009, 03:55 PM
1) From a scientific point of view, this is an impossible question to answer, since something cannot be created from nothing. From the whole God point of view, as people have stated, God always was and always is. To me, I'm perfectly content with not knowing the answer to this question

2) Historically, Ghosts are simply spirits who are unable to pass on to the afterlife (ex. Heaven, Nirvana, etc) due to unfinished business, or any other multitude of reasons. They differ from Angels in that Angels were a specific race of people different from Humans, they were a race God created specifically to exist in servitude to God. Human spirits who pass on to the afterlife have to coexist with an alien race in this new world known as (insert popular term here)

3) Historically, the origins of Vampires can be traced back to the one known as Vlad the Impaler, one who was particular brutal in his practices dealing with traitors. This story of him was passed on through stories and word of mouth like a game of telephone and probably became a bed time story to scare children into being good "If you're bad, Vlad will come and get you!" type mentality. Then, after Vlad died, the stories had to keep existing, so eventually he became immortal, and since he's now an immortal, he got uber stronger etc.

The second popular story of the origin of Vampires goes back to Judas, the betrayer of Jesus Christ. Although, this variation of a Vampire goes against Bram Stoker's version of the Vampire by suggesting Vampires are vulnerable to silver (Judas was paid 50 silver to betray Jesus Christ). I'm honestly not sure who came up with this variant of Vampires, but IMO it seriously derails the mythology surrounding Vampires and as such you get Sparkle-pyres (Twilight's vampires), Underworld and Blade.

Going back to the whole God theory, is there really any reason why other religions can't compare with the typical Catholic / Christian monotheistic idea? Virtually all Polytheistic religions (or Mythologies, whatever term you want to use) all subscribe to the idea of 1 Overgod and several lesser Gods (Zeus to the Greeks, Odin to the Norse). What's to say that Zeus / Odin / God were all the same people, and all the lesser deities were angels? Basically, you have Angels who represent the same ideologies of the lesser deities of Polytheistic religions, and each deity / angel represents an ideal that was held in high regard by the society at the time. Aries/Mars/Thor were all icons of pure strength, in essence the idea that all Men should strive for. While I'm not completely up on the Monotheist religions, I'm sure there's an Angel out there that symbolizes strength as well, no?

What's to say that (assuming there is a God, and assuming their are Angels/Lesser Gods) Thor, Aries, Mars, etc are not all the same person? Sure there are minor discrepancies between their stories and such, but fundamentally they are all the same in terms of what they represented to the people. Also, God's/Angels are assumed to be unable to die of old age. Personally, there are plenty of things in my 26 years of life that I pretend never happened and never tell new people about, what's to say that all the stories about Thor/Aries/Mars are all the same, he just chose not to tell the Greeks a story that he told the Romans? What's to say he decided not to tell about that ugly ass fat ho he screwed back in 20,000 B.C. who was a symbol of pure hawtness back then? I mean come on, there are girls we've dated that we like to forget, and we all have em, right? I mean it's not like Driftfreaq is sitting there telling us about the girls he nailed because he thought bell-bottoms were hot. And that's just what, 30-40 years? You're an Angel/God, you've been alive for tens of thousands of years, of course there's things you won't admit to :P

12-24-2009, 03:56 PM
Oh, and to answer someone earlier. Technically, yes, everything that happens on this planet can be explained mathematically. Go random mathematical functions :P

12-24-2009, 04:20 PM
The Bible states that God always was, and always will be.

if i wrote a book about myself, i'd probably talk myself up too

12-24-2009, 04:25 PM
^I must have missed where god wrote the bible... *finds bible*

12-24-2009, 04:54 PM
God is from a dimension of no time, no beginning no end, no cause no effect,no will and no was

12-24-2009, 04:59 PM
oh yeah...i think OP was high out of his mind in his 1st post haha

12-24-2009, 05:50 PM
God is from a dimension of no time, no beginning no end, no cause no effect,no will and no was

OP is asking for evidence of this but as we all may or may not know, you cannot test something that doesn't exist.

LimeLite Racing
12-24-2009, 05:55 PM
1) From a scientific point of view, this is an impossible question to answer, since something cannot be created from nothing. From the whole God point of view, as people have stated, God always was and always is. To me, I'm perfectly content with not knowing the answer to this question

2) Historically, Ghosts are simply spirits who are unable to pass on to the afterlife (ex. Heaven, Nirvana, etc) due to unfinished business, or any other multitude of reasons. They differ from Angels in that Angels were a specific race of people different from Humans, they were a race God created specifically to exist in servitude to God. Human spirits who pass on to the afterlife have to coexist with an alien race in this new world known as (insert popular term here)

3) Historically, the origins of Vampires can be traced back to the one known as Vlad the Impaler, one who was particular brutal in his practices dealing with traitors. This story of him was passed on through stories and word of mouth like a game of telephone and probably became a bed time story to scare children into being good "If you're bad, Vlad will come and get you!" type mentality. Then, after Vlad died, the stories had to keep existing, so eventually he became immortal, and since he's now an immortal, he got uber stronger etc.

The second popular story of the origin of Vampires goes back to Judas, the betrayer of Jesus Christ. Although, this variation of a Vampire goes against Bram Stoker's version of the Vampire by suggesting Vampires are vulnerable to silver (Judas was paid 50 silver to betray Jesus Christ). I'm honestly not sure who came up with this variant of Vampires, but IMO it seriously derails the mythology surrounding Vampires and as such you get Sparkle-pyres (Twilight's vampires), Underworld and Blade.

Going back to the whole God theory, is there really any reason why other religions can't compare with the typical Catholic / Christian monotheistic idea? Virtually all Polytheistic religions (or Mythologies, whatever term you want to use) all subscribe to the idea of 1 Overgod and several lesser Gods (Zeus to the Greeks, Odin to the Norse). What's to say that Zeus / Odin / God were all the same people, and all the lesser deities were angels? Basically, you have Angels who represent the same ideologies of the lesser deities of Polytheistic religions, and each deity / angel represents an ideal that was held in high regard by the society at the time. Aries/Mars/Thor were all icons of pure strength, in essence the idea that all Men should strive for. While I'm not completely up on the Monotheist religions, I'm sure there's an Angel out there that symbolizes strength as well, no?

What's to say that (assuming there is a God, and assuming their are Angels/Lesser Gods) Thor, Aries, Mars, etc are not all the same person? Sure there are minor discrepancies between their stories and such, but fundamentally they are all the same in terms of what they represented to the people. Also, God's/Angels are assumed to be unable to die of old age. Personally, there are plenty of things in my 26 years of life that I pretend never happened and never tell new people about, what's to say that all the stories about Thor/Aries/Mars are all the same, he just chose not to tell the Greeks a story that he told the Romans? What's to say he decided not to tell about that ugly ass fat ho he screwed back in 20,000 B.C. who was a symbol of pure hawtness back then? I mean come on, there are girls we've dated that we like to forget, and we all have em, right? I mean it's not like Driftfreaq is sitting there telling us about the girls he nailed because he thought bell-bottoms were hot. And that's just what, 30-40 years? You're an Angel/God, you've been alive for tens of thousands of years, of course there's things you won't admit to :P
I've got to wave my bullshit flag here. Besides this entire post being a quick google search, vampires totally exist. Hasn't anyone seen Twilight for fuck's sake?!

12-24-2009, 08:16 PM
I've always wondered if some people stoned out of their minds in the first years of civilization said to each other "LOL how funny would it be if we told everyone there was a person who created us but doesn't exist lololol" and next thing you know you have god.

I personally just think god/religion is what it is because without people would be lost/alone in the rougher times in life.

If someone believes god exists...they haven't met him or seen him nor shaken hands with him. I just never understood it?

12-25-2009, 12:12 AM
^it's called faith, jesus came to earth to teach people about god, forgiveness and sin

i think our minds are just too tiny to understand the concept of god being "always there." We just can't comprehend something w/out a beginning and not having an end. This can go both ways, even if you were an athiest it fucks w/ your brain thinking about how everything began and where space ends. It has been known that the universe is expanding, stars and galaxies are getting farther away from us in all directions..if you could travel at amazing speed through space will you ever come to the end? How can it just keep going forever?

i am NOT stoned i swear

12-25-2009, 08:27 AM
I've always wondered if some people stoned out of their minds in the first years of civilization said to each other "LOL how funny would it be if we told everyone there was a person who created us but doesn't exist lololol" and next thing you know you have god.

I personally just think god/religion is what it is because without people would be lost/alone in the rougher times in life.

If someone believes god exists...they haven't met him or seen him nor shaken hands with him. I just never understood it?

YouTube - Patton Oswalt - Sky Cake (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55h1FO8V_3w) <-- Origin of religion explained

I mean there's lots of reasons religion exists, mostly as an explanation to sate people who need that assurance. Some people need to know what's at the end of the tunnel for them after they're done living here. Some people need an explanation of where the world came from, or even why bad things happen to them. Religion, historically, was a way the powerful were able to control the weak. Almost every monarch ruled because God gave them the power to. Now, there were hundreds, if not thousands of cultures world wide pulling that. Do you really believe God came down and hand picked each monarch that ruled over each culture, especially when most of the time these rules claimed they were Gods? I mean technically, everyone who swore fealty to their king was a sinner. Everyone worshipped a false god!

12-27-2009, 05:36 PM
There are alot of things in this world that I dont get, and more than straight up confuse me. But I think the fact I'm even here, and we're all here is just amazing.

So often people start thinking of the big things too much. How about you just walk outside, and marvel at the wonder of what you see. The beauty of such ordinary things as grass, water, the night sky. So simple, yet so complex. But the beauty in the world is how you see it. Sometmes its important to just stop thinking of the how and why, and just look at it and enjoy it. Philosophy 101 over lol

12-28-2009, 03:18 PM
promise you...I wasn't stoned writing this...I like many others I have talked to regarding these questions...come from just what ifs. One day a friend and I starting talking about everything we could think of....this is where god came in. Talking about poverty and the wealth. Like there are children in 3rd world contries dying for what reason? because the 100's of people born before them screwed it up, and now they suffer...I mean...i'm completely happy that I was given life in the lifestyle my family has set before me....but like people I question God.

For the simple sake of God, being as powerful as he is....lets things slide by. Some of you can't fathom past god always will be and is the only creator. I can't fathom why he would let his greatest creation suffer through pain...day to day...in a world full of sin...and just sit by as we condemn ourself. I look at a human being like a computer. If i were god...and I made a computer...I would not allow it to crash. It would never be slow, it would always work (people wouldn't have the urge to kill another man....temptation would be a program that didn't exist...and "hell" is not downloadable). So why are we soo messed up? Okay so eve took a bite from an apple....why? cause satan talked her into it...i'm sorry but for god to be so powerful....why would he create a tree to doom our existence...am I the only one wondering this?

I understand free will...I also understand creation.... so if I were god, making a clay model of mankind...and I didn't want mankind to be blue...I wouldn't make it...why isn't it that simple?

As far as the vampire thing...I was more so looking at it like how myths are created. Warewolves, aliens, dragons....did at one point...they exist for these stories to be made...i couldn't imagine someone making up a story about a man changing into a dog....I mean...it was less than a 1000 years ago when we realized the earth was indeed round.

12-28-2009, 03:19 PM
There are alot of things in this world that I dont get, and more than straight up confuse me. But I think the fact I'm even here, and we're all here is just amazing.

So often people start thinking of the big things too much. How about you just walk outside, and marvel at the wonder of what you see. The beauty of such ordinary things as grass, water, the night sky. So simple, yet so complex. But the beauty in the world is how you see it. Sometmes its important to just stop thinking of the how and why, and just look at it and enjoy it. Philosophy 101 over lol

I walk outside and look at the ocean...and wonder how life sustains itself...thinking that our selfishness will destroy the world since we think so little about the future.

12-28-2009, 03:31 PM
I was more so looking for answers/ opinions...I know one cannot prove god exists....What can be proven is ghosts...So for the scientific people....where ghosts are trapped untill the pass over...how does that work. I mean...if you say there is no god...then what happens when you die...and how do you explain ghosts/spirits?

these are the questions I ask myself looking for a solution. I believe everything was created...yet I am not happy with God being the answer...for the simple fact that if I were to create a world...that I cared about...I wouldn't allow something as simple as "life and death". This is probably the biggest question I have. Probably cause it just doesn't make sense. Why allow us to live in sin...and be condemned for eternity...if you are the one writing the rules...? To give freewill? then don't be surprised when we shoot our neighbor...I mean...I didn't put myself here...god put me on this earth...

12-28-2009, 06:41 PM
I was more so looking for answers/ opinions...I know one cannot prove god exists....What can be proven is ghosts...So for the scientific people....where ghosts are trapped untill the pass over...how does that work. I mean...if you say there is no god...then what happens when you die...and how do you explain ghosts/spirits?

these are the questions I ask myself looking for a solution. I believe everything was created...yet I am not happy with God being the answer...for the simple fact that if I were to create a world...that I cared about...I wouldn't allow something as simple as "life and death". This is probably the biggest question I have. Probably cause it just doesn't make sense. Why allow us to live in sin...and be condemned for eternity...if you are the one writing the rules...? To give freewill? then don't be surprised when we shoot our neighbor...I mean...I didn't put myself here...god put me on this earth...

The supernatural does not exist; therefore, science cannot prove it. I am sure when you die it will be a lot like before you were born. Enjoy life, live it to the fullest, because there isn't another life waiting for you when you die.

12-28-2009, 07:29 PM
Dude, this goes in line with the age old question:

"Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot that he himself could not eat it?"

The world will simply never know.

12-29-2009, 10:30 AM
The supernatural does not exist; therefore, science cannot prove it. I am sure when you die it will be a lot like before you were born. Enjoy life, live it to the fullest, because there isn't another life waiting for you when you die.
YouTube - Ghost Hunters - Pensacola Lighthouse [4 of 4] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6Cmg1JJPWg)

fast forward to 5 minutes. Science can never prove anything they cannot touch.

12-29-2009, 12:54 PM
For the simple sake of God, being as powerful as he is....lets things slide by. Some of you can't fathom past god always will be and is the only creator. I can't fathom why he would let his greatest creation suffer through pain...day to day...in a world full of sin...and just sit by as we condemn ourself. I look at a human being like a computer. If i were god...and I made a computer...I would not allow it to crash. It would never be slow, it would always work (people wouldn't have the urge to kill another man....temptation would be a program that didn't exist...and "hell" is not downloadable). So why are we soo messed up? Okay so eve took a bite from an apple....why? cause satan talked her into it...i'm sorry but for god to be so powerful....why would he create a tree to doom our existence...am I the only one wondering this?

I understand free will...I also understand creation.... so if I were god, making a clay model of mankind...and I didn't want mankind to be blue...I wouldn't make it...why isn't it that simple?
On the suffering issue, according to beliefs, that's just a part of "life". All things experienced in life are trials and tribulations. The ultimate reward for surviving the temptations of sin is heaven. Now quite sure what that will be like, but it's what I infer from the good book. See it this way, several people have won the Nobel peace prize. Now, although they may not have been born in the same region, ethnicity, parents, etc, they still work towards a common goal- to which they are rewarded.

And onto the Eve question. I believe this is partly the problem from the writers of genesis, or the bible in general. Take this opinion how you want to, but I believe that the bible truly cannot be taken literally in alot of its stories. I feel that too much of it is symbolic, hence the numerous hypocritical and contradicting information in it. I believe they are a set of stories that bring forth values and morals to which we can guide our lives by peacefully. Of course it isn't scientifically possible for Noah to have collected every animal on the planet, or for a man to turn water into wine, but why do we have to take things so literally? In contrast, if it was possible for God to make angels, the world, man, why would it be such a stretch of thought to believe Jesus rose on 3rd day?

these are the questions I ask myself looking for a solution. I believe everything was created...yet I am not happy with God being the answer...for the simple fact that if I were to create a world...that I cared about...I wouldn't allow something as simple as "life and death". This is probably the biggest question I have. Probably cause it just doesn't make sense. Why allow us to live in sin...and be condemned for eternity...if you are the one writing the rules...? To give freewill? then don't be surprised when we shoot our neighbor...I mean...I didn't put myself here...god put me on this earth...
Again, my post above should answer that. Life is supposedly a test, with unequal dispositions, that we must pass in order to achieve heaven, nirvana, etc. I know taking the life of your neighbor is such a big idea, but it looks very miniscule to the idea of life in heaven. I don't know if I'm explaining myself right, so bear with me :wiggle:
The supernatural does not exist; therefore, science cannot prove it. I am sure when you die it will be a lot like before you were born. Enjoy life, live it to the fullest, because there isn't another life waiting for you when you die.

I agree with living life to its fullest. However, science and the supernatural should almost never mix! The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. Just because we cannot prove/see something does not mean it does not exist (cue the 5th grader comparing God to wind). I mean, a few hundred years back, humans were unable to prove alot of things, but that didn't discredit them, we just haven't the technology to provide us the data.

What science cannot test, it cannot dis/prove. Ultimately we cannot test God, so we stand at a stalemate. We have bibles, korans, the jewish scroll thingy (sorry I forgot what it's called), but these are human written things, and as you all know, we are very prone to error.

12-29-2009, 02:55 PM
YouTube - Ghost Hunters - Pensacola Lighthouse [4 of 4] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6Cmg1JJPWg)

fast forward to 5 minutes. Science can never prove anything they cannot touch.

LOL, interesting choice for your video. Pensacola is like an hour drive from where I live. I think I will check this place out tomorrow.


12-30-2009, 10:02 AM
LOL, interesting choice for your video. Pensacola is like an hour drive from where I live. I think I will check this place out tomorrow.

There's A Wetness Coming From My Pants - Clips - South Park Studios (http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/251866)

it's my favorite episode....just because they were able to chase this thing up the stairs.....still no proof though.

12-30-2009, 10:08 PM
About fate,

Whenever something happens, and people want to believe in fate/destiny, they twist their reasoning around to make it seem that way.

If it's a bad experience, most people think "It must've been destiny for me to experience this so I can learn a lesson."
If it's a good experience, people can think "This path must have been meant for me since it was so lucky."

I think people look at the consequence, and call that fate.
Stuck in a loop that basically says "Something happens, therefore it's fate."

Same with a lot of religious people, including my close friend, who say "It was a test from God." If a baby dies or a family gets murdered or if anything horrible happens.
Then if something good happens "Oh, it was a blessing from God."
Another loop that basically means "Something happened, therefore a God exists."

Open your eyes and stop putting yourself in this pointless loops of childish, close minded ideas.

12-31-2009, 12:26 AM
About fate,

Whenever something happens, and people want to believe in fate/destiny, they twist their reasoning around to make it seem that way.

If it's a bad experience, most people think "It must've been destiny for me to experience this so I can learn a lesson."
If it's a good experience, people can think "This path must have been meant for me since it was so lucky."

I think people look at the consequence, and call that fate.
Stuck in a loop that basically says "Something happens, therefore it's fate."

Same with a lot of religious people, including my close friend, who say "It was a test from God." If a baby dies or a family gets murdered or if anything horrible happens.
Then if something good happens "Oh, it was a blessing from God."
Another loop that basically means "Something happened, therefore a God exists."

Open your eyes and stop putting yourself in this pointless loops of childish, close minded ideas.

Like dividing by zero.

01-06-2010, 12:26 PM
OP is asking for evidence of this but as we all may or may not know, you cannot test something that doesn't exist.

alternate dimensions have always been a theory in physics...many topics in astro physics have not been proven, but neither have they been thrown out

01-06-2010, 02:10 PM
@fckillerbee: Go read Descartes.

He authored Discourse on the Method (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discourse_on_the_Method), in which he touches on a lot of the issues you've brought up in your posts.

He's also the guy responsible for the Cartesian Coordinate System (x,y,z axes in mathematics).

Brilliant mind.

01-06-2010, 02:57 PM
alternate dimensions have always been a theory in physics...many topics in astro physics have not been proven, but neither have they been thrown out

If he is everywhere all the time, why is he in all the other dimensions or just that one, except for yours? Is your god too good to live in a dimension he created for you?

By your logic, according to multiverse m-theory, your creator in its alternate dimension would have to have a creator, more powerful and complex then yours. Their creator would also have to have a creator more complex and powerful than that one etc. So, Who/what created your creator?

You brought up facts in the topic of physics, but you didn't provide any evidence for your argument.

01-06-2010, 03:23 PM
many things in science dont have evidence, its about bringing up theories/ideas and having them thrown out....evolution has ALOT of insufficient evidence, dont ask me what cuz im not gonna explain it all, just take physical anthropology at a cc..

like i said before there is no evidence to prove this it was an idea by several physicist..and i never stated that i believed in it so dont say "YOUR" god

01-06-2010, 03:54 PM
About fate,

Whenever something happens, and people want to believe in fate/destiny, they twist their reasoning around to make it seem that way.

If it's a bad experience, most people think "It must've been destiny for me to experience this so I can learn a lesson."
If it's a good experience, people can think "This path must have been meant for me since it was so lucky."

I think people look at the consequence, and call that fate.
Stuck in a loop that basically says "Something happens, therefore it's fate."

Same with a lot of religious people, including my close friend, who say "It was a test from God." If a baby dies or a family gets murdered or if anything horrible happens.
Then if something good happens "Oh, it was a blessing from God."
Another loop that basically means "Something happened, therefore a God exists."

Open your eyes and stop putting yourself in this pointless loops of childish, close minded ideas.

yeah people like this are ignorant and believe what they want to believe..

free will

01-06-2010, 04:05 PM
many things in science dont have evidence, its about bringing up theories/ideas and having them thrown out....evolution has ALOT of insufficient evidence, dont ask me what cuz im not gonna explain it all, just take physical anthropology at a cc..

like i said before there is no evidence to prove this it was an idea by several physicist..and i never stated that i believed in it so dont say "YOUR" god

Ok, I see what is going on here. You are confusing theory with scientific theory. What you ended up doing was use the general term for theory, which is basically speculation, in place of a scientific theory, which is the careful examination of existing facts to explain things. The scientific theory of evolution has provided a reasonable analysis of facts that explain how organisms evolve overtime. With all the information gathered today, it’s impossible to ignore the scientific theory of evolution as anything other than fact, but only the ignorant will see otherwise.

I would like to know what exactly you think constitutes as insufficient evidence for evolution. I can see how pseudoscience such as creation science will think there is insufficient evidence. If you cant explain in your own words then you truly don't have an understanding of the subject, therefore, your reasoning is biased and your showing true ignorance.

01-06-2010, 06:36 PM
Ok, I see what is going on here. You are confusing theory with scientific theory. What you ended up doing was use the general term for theory, which is basically speculation, in place of a scientific theory, which is the careful examination of existing facts to explain things. The scientific theory of evolution has provided a reasonable analysis of facts that explain how organisms evolve overtime. With all the information gathered today, it’s impossible to ignore the scientific theory of evolution as anything other than fact, but only the ignorant will see otherwise.

I would like to know what exactly you think constitutes as insufficient evidence for evolution. I can see how pseudoscience such as creation science will think there is insufficient evidence. If you cant explain in your own words then you truly don't have an understanding of the subject, therefore, your reasoning is biased and your showing true ignorance.

Once again, you cannot prove what you cannot test. Essentially we could test evolution via an experiment that lasted billions of years, but that's not really possible.

Fact of the matter is, there are still several holes in the evolution theory. We make educated assumptions that creature A could have possibly branched off of creature B, but we have no hard evidence that it happened. Science can come 99% of the way to proving something, benefit of the doubt, but that 1% is all it takes to discredit the theory.

01-06-2010, 07:58 PM
Ok, I see what is going on here. You are confusing theory with scientific theory. What you ended up doing was use the general term for theory, which is basically speculation, in place of a scientific theory, which is the careful examination of existing facts to explain things. The scientific theory of evolution has provided a reasonable analysis of facts that explain how organisms evolve overtime. With all the information gathered today, it’s impossible to ignore the scientific theory of evolution as anything other than fact, but only the ignorant will see otherwise.

I would like to know what exactly you think constitutes as insufficient evidence for evolution. I can see how pseudoscience such as creation science will think there is insufficient evidence. If you cant explain in your own words then you truly don't have an understanding of the subject, therefore, your reasoning is biased and your showing true ignorance.

:duh:.....really?.....i guess evolution is complete right?.....

the ignorant sure as hell aint me

ok so there are 2 types of evolution- macroevolution and microevolution..ok..microevolution (variation) is real part, we can clearly see it every day, the color of birds, size of legs, etc...this is something even creationist can agree with because we see it in everyday life, but there are strict limitations that are never crossed...whenever the limitations are pushed beyond there limits by selective breeding (plants and animals) the line dies out or is sterile,one characteristic may increase, but others will diminish(example:donkey+horse=mule, cannot mate)..according to evolution changes continue, merging new creatures gradually together or apart..

so do big changes really happen?(macroevolution)..it took tens of thousands of years for our becoming correct? yet we do not see this problem in bacteria, who form new generations within 12 minutes..there are more bacteria on your body than there are on all the beaches in the world, it lives in just about any environment..i understand that bacteria is a single celled organism and all but what keeps us from costantly evolving? bacteria does it (Pulmonary tuberculosis)..according to evolution change is constant..

-what is the common ancestor between apes and humans?
we dont know..but supposedly its there...oh yea we need evidence right?

-what happened to Cro-Magnun?
supposedly they died off in the homo sapien subfamily..but wait, how did we interbreed? ex:horse and donkey

-what happened to Homo floresiensis?
we dont know..

-Ardipethicus Ramadus is suppose to be an ancestor, yet it looks nothing like the previous hominans

-Homo erectus had femurs that were the size of Shaqs, a 12yr old was averaging 6'1..yet we're getting shorter, why? availability to protien is better today than back then

-why are our heads getting bigger and our pelvises stay the same? according to evolution the mothers should have died at birth not allowing it to pass on its genes..

- we are the only hominan with a chin, yet it serves no purpose...

so basically overnight, literally, these changes occured..and i dont buy it,but like i said i dont lean entirely on the religious side eitherr because they too have their gaps...no matter what somehow we came from absolute nothingness

you cant make something out of nothing because nothing, really is just nothing, but even with nothing, there is always something-quote my philosophy professor Clayton Kradjon

01-06-2010, 08:01 PM
Once again, you cannot prove what you cannot test. Essentially we could test evolution via an experiment that lasted billions of years, but that's not really possible.

Fact of the matter is, there are still several holes in the evolution theory. We make educated assumptions that creature A could have possibly branched off of creature B, but we have no hard evidence that it happened. Science can come 99% of the way to proving something, benefit of the doubt, but that 1% is all it takes to discredit the theory.

thank you:wavey:

01-06-2010, 08:05 PM
Once again, you cannot prove what you cannot test. Essentially we could test evolution via an experiment that lasted billions of years, but that's not really possible.

Fact of the matter is, there are still several holes in the evolution theory. We make educated assumptions that creature A could have possibly branched off of creature B, but we have no hard evidence that it happened. Science can come 99% of the way to proving something, benefit of the doubt, but that 1% is all it takes to discredit the theory.

Evolution is the observation of facts. You don't need a test that last a billion years if the evidence is already here. More recently, evolution has been observed in the lab and in the field on much smaller organisms.

The fossil records show evidence of organisms evolving. Genetic mutations occur over time, and natural selection picks the fittest mutation to ensure the survival of the organism. We have evidence for organisms evolving, whales with legs, hands, fingers, dinosaurs with feathers, teosinte etc.

Your "creature AB" scenario is flawed and doesn't show any evidence to discredit the theory. All it shows is your lack of understanding.

01-06-2010, 09:25 PM
Evolution is the observation of facts.
Observation is the key word here, evolution is based off of the facts. We observe that bats, whales, humans, etc have analogous body parts, this is an observation. To say that they had a common ancestor, however, is a theory.
You don't need a test that last a billion years if the evidence is already here. More recently, evolution has been observed in the lab and in the field on much smaller organisms. Evidence....that we still can't seem to piece together, at least not entirely. I merely threw in that "test" scenario because ultimately, that's the only way we will know (unless Jesus comes back before that or something).

The fossil records show evidence of organisms evolving. Genetic mutations occur over time, and natural selection picks the fittest mutation to ensure the survival of the organism. We have evidence for organisms evolving, whales with legs, hands, fingers, dinosaurs with feathers, teosinte etc.

Now we're talkin'. Yes, selection of the fittest makes perfect sense, I have no arguments there. It is somewhat like (pure) capitalism- the weaker businesses fade out while the better businesses survive to "pass on" their legacy. When you say "whales with legs" I'm assuming you mean a different species. We have no proof that whales come from them! We can only infer that because they had similar structure of bones, very similar DNA, etc that they must have been their ancestors.

Your "creature AB" scenario is flawed and doesn't show any evidence to discredit the theory. All it shows is your lack of understanding.Whoa, I am not trying to discredit the theory. I am just saying that we make these inferences that A came from B, where logically, we cannot be 100% sure. 80%, 99%, 99.99999999%, but never totally sure. I never said evolution doesn't exist, or God shall smite you for the evil you have brought upon this damned forum in the form of this discussion on evolution. I'm just trying to convey the fact that THERE ARE holes in the theory.

01-06-2010, 09:29 PM
:duh:.....really?.....i guess evolution is complete right?.....

the ignorant sure as hell aint me

ok so there are 2 types of evolution- macroevolution and microevolution..ok..microevolution (variation) is real part, we can clearly see it every day, the color of birds, size of legs, etc...this is something even creationist can agree with because we see it in everyday life, but there are strict limitations that are never crossed...whenever the limitations are pushed beyond there limits by selective breeding (plants and animals) the line dies out or is sterile,one characteristic may increase, but others will diminish(example:donkey+horse=mule, cannot mate)..according to evolution changes continue, merging new creatures gradually together or apart..

so do big changes really happen?(macroevolution)..it took tens of thousands of years for our becoming correct? yet we do not see this problem in bacteria, who form new generations within 12 minutes..there are more bacteria on your body than there are on all the beaches in the world, it lives in just about any environment..i understand that bacteria is a single celled organism and all but what keeps us from costantly evolving? bacteria does it (Pulmonary tuberculosis)..according to evolution change is constant..

-what is the common ancestor between apes and humans?
we dont know..but supposedly its there...oh yea we need evidence right?

-what happened to Cro-Magnun?
supposedly they died off in the homo sapien subfamily..but wait, how did we interbreed? ex:horse and donkey

-what happened to Homo floresiensis?
we dont know..

-Ardipethicus Ramadus is suppose to be an ancestor, yet it looks nothing like the previous hominans

-Homo erectus had femurs that were the size of Shaqs, a 12yr old was averaging 6'1..yet we're getting shorter, why? availability to protien is better today than back then

-why are our heads getting bigger and our pelvises stay the same? according to evolution the mothers should have died at birth not allowing it to pass on its genes..

- we are the only hominan with a chin, yet it serves no purpose...

so basically overnight, literally, these changes occured..and i dont buy it,but like i said i dont lean entirely on the religious side eitherr because they too have their gaps...no matter what somehow we came from absolute nothingness

you cant make something out of nothing because nothing, really is just nothing, but even with nothing, there is always something-quote my philosophy professor Clayton Kradjon

and these are jut a few of the many holes within this THEORY

01-06-2010, 09:43 PM
:duh:.....really?.....i guess evolution is complete right?.....

the ignorant sure as hell aint me

The truth is more appealing than intellectual dishonesty. Scientist nor I have never claimed it to be complete, but it provides a hell of a lot more evidence than creation science.

ok so there are 2 types of evolution- macroevolution and microevolution..ok..microevolution (variation) is real part, we can clearly see it every day, the color of birds, size of legs, etc...this is something even creationist can agree with because we see it in everyday life, but there are strict limitations that are never crossed...whenever the limitations are pushed beyond there limits by selective breeding (plants and animals) the line dies out or is sterile,one characteristic may increase, but others will diminish(example:donkey+horse=mule, cannot mate)..according to evolution changes continue, merging new creatures gradually together or apart..

so do big changes really happen?(macroevolution)..it took tens of thousands of years for our becoming correct? yet we do not see this problem in bacteria, who form new generations within 12 minutes..there are more bacteria on your body than there are on all the beaches in the world, it lives in just about any environment..i understand that bacteria is a single celled organism and all but what keeps us from costantly evolving? bacteria does it (Pulmonary tuberculosis)..according to evolution change is constant..

Negative, microevolution and macroevolution both happen the same way for the same reason. There is no reason to differentiate them. You except microevolution, therefore, you except macroevolution.

-what is the common ancestor between apes and humans?
we dont know..but supposedly its there...oh yea we need evidence right?
Plenty of transitional fossils to support the evidence.

-what happened to Cro-Magnun?
supposedly they died off in the homo sapien subfamily..but wait, how did we interbreed? ex:horse and donkey
Cro-magnun is a out dated, non relating word for something I think your suggesting. Be more specific.

-what happened to Homo floresiensis?
we dont know..

What do you mean what happen?

-Ardipethicus Ramadus is suppose to be an ancestor, yet it looks nothing like the previous hominans

Ardipithecus ramidusis a hominid.

-Homo erectus had femurs that were the size of Shaqs, a 12yr old was averaging 6'1..yet we're getting shorter, why? availability to protien is better today than back then

5'10" is the average height. That one may have been a result of genetic mutation in a bad way. Resulting in a early death at the age of twelve. Sort of like Gigantism.

- we are the only hominan with a chin, yet it serves no purpose...

nor does it have any adverse effects.

so basically overnight, literally, these changes occured..and i dont buy it,but like i said i dont lean entirely on the religious side eitherr because they too have their gaps...no matter what somehow we came from absolute nothingness

Nothing in evolutionary theory suggest this happen over night.

01-06-2010, 09:59 PM
The truth is more appealing than intellectual dishonesty. Scientist nor I have never claimed it to be complete, but it provides a hell of a lot more evidence than creation science.

Negative, microevolution and macroevolution both happen the same way for the same reason. There is no reason to differentiate them. You except microevolution, therefore, you except macroevolution.

Plenty of transitional fossils to support the evidence.

Cro-magnun is a out dated, non relating word for something I think your suggesting. Be more specific.

What do you mean what happen?

Ardipithecus ramidusis a hominid.

5'10" is the average height. That one may have been a result of genetic mutation in a bad way. Resulting in a early death at the age of twelve. Sort of like Gigantism.

nor does it have any adverse effects.

Nothing in evolutionary theory suggest this happen over night.

if you look at the pictures you will see dark brown and blue fillings those are sections of the skull that scientist think it MAY have looked like..alot of species were only discovered through postcranial remains and were basically thought up..i dont remember which species it was but all that was found was an endocast, thumb, and an m3 molar fossil..it was declared a species

macro isnt as evident as micro evolution..as i just partially presented


you should stop using google and read a book..homo erectus wa in fact big ass creatures

cro magnun was a species...dated 200,000bp to 50,000bp? according to geology and anthropologist they just suddenly disappeared in europe

ardipithecus was a hominid but NOT a hominan..the subgroupings is pretty confusing

and the chin is showing you how we just obtained it for no specific purpose...evolution favors attributes to survive

01-06-2010, 10:02 PM
Ok Pactin, I retract my previous statment about your understanding. My main point is evolution has more evidence than theology.

01-06-2010, 10:06 PM
This explain some of it.


01-06-2010, 10:07 PM
i havent seen it haha

01-06-2010, 10:09 PM
if you look at the pictures you will see dark brown and blue fillings those are sections of the skull that scientist think it MAY have looked like..alot of species were only discovered through postcranial remains and were basically thought up..i dont remember which species it was but all that was found was an endocast, thumb, and an m3 molar fossil..it was declared a species

macro isnt as evident as micro evolution..as i just partially presented


you should stop using google and read a book..homo erectus wa in fact big ass creatures

cro magnun was a species...dated 200,000bp to 50,000bp? according to geology and anthropologist they just suddenly disappeared in europe

ardipithecus was a hominid but NOT a hominan..the subgroupings is pretty confusing

and the chin is showing you how we just obtained it for no specific purpose...evolution favors attributes to survive

Going by memory, I haven't touched on this subject since freshman year high school nearly ten years ago. I'm certain my memory and information is a bit "dated."

01-06-2010, 10:16 PM
yeah i know what you mean, i just took this course so i'm pretty up to date..this information can change literally over night
ardy was discovered less than a year ago and it completely altered the order

01-07-2010, 05:48 PM
Ok Pactin, I retract my previous statment about your understanding. My main point is evolution has more evidence than theology.

No worries, internet debates get hectic. Yes you're right, evolution has more tangible evidence than theology.

01-26-2010, 10:44 PM
WE cannot fathom why or how God created us, assuming that you beleive this, that is why God is God and we are who we are.

How boring would life be if we couldnt make decisions on our own? That is probably why God made us the way he [just using a general pronoun] did, to see how we would act and what decisions we would make.

In my opinion we should all live our lives to the fullest like each day is our last, and to me living my life to the fullest includes helping others and doing good things. Not to gain access to heaven but just to good for another human being.

02-04-2010, 11:18 AM
Homo floresiensis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homo_floresiensis)

for those lazy people. Honestly, I think all these types of humans lived at once...and it was survival of the fittest as to how they were extinct. We have still a lot of information to find out about ourselves that we really don't know much about. I've been on this pyramid tangent for a long time....i wont get zilvia involved...yet lol.

02-04-2010, 11:24 AM
WE cannot fathom why or how God created us, assuming that you beleive this, that is why God is God and we are who we are.

How boring would life be if we couldnt make decisions on our own? That is probably why God made us the way he [just using a general pronoun] did, to see how we would act and what decisions we would make.

In my opinion we should all live our lives to the fullest like each day is our last, and to me living my life to the fullest includes helping others and doing good things. Not to gain access to heaven but just to good for another human being.

You cannot fathom.....I understand that anything is possible. Literally.

02-04-2010, 06:43 PM
One question that I have wondered is how could something as complex as a seed or organism be created by a large explosion aka the big bang? Maybe someone can shed some light on this for me

02-04-2010, 08:50 PM
One question that I have wondered is how could something as complex as a seed or organism be created by a large explosion aka the big bang? Maybe someone can shed some light on this for me

There is not supporting evidence to say we know for sure how it happend, so in the mean time read up on abiogenesis and cosmology.

02-05-2010, 01:43 AM
One question that I have wondered is how could something as complex as a seed or organism be created by a large explosion aka the big bang? Maybe someone can shed some light on this for me

Been a long time, but HS biology taught me that these molecules (organic molecules or something like that) formed which allowed organelles to behave the way they do in a cell. Elements >organic molecules >cells >multicelled organisms.

Still amazing how these elements and energy combine to construct consciousness and "higher thinking".

02-16-2010, 10:06 AM
so I have a very curious question....and this is for someone who has been in this study for years.

meditation. I would like to know the different types of meditation, as well as how to begin. I know this will be alot to talk about...but I'm referring to the meditation that isn't just for inner piece...i'm talking about the more interesting things...out of body experience, stuff like that.

Anyone shed any light on this?

02-16-2010, 07:51 PM
I think the story or stories that are religion worked for the first part of human existence here on earth but now that we are becoming a more technologically advanced civilization, science is just going to prove there is no god. Its going to happen....

I can also understand why religion was created, to help simpletons and people who are not good at making decisions for themselves survive in this world.

But the only thing that is complete bullshit is killing or going to war because of religion.

02-16-2010, 11:35 PM
Science can't prove or disprove the existence of "God" because you can't even define God.
Science can only hope to explain the laws that explain the universe, either the laws that god set in place, or whatever did.

02-17-2010, 12:03 AM
I think the story or stories that are religion worked for the first part of human existence here on earth but now that we are becoming a more technologically advanced civilization, science is just going to prove there is no god. Its going to happen....

I can also understand why religion was created, to help simpletons and people who are not good at making decisions for themselves survive in this world.

But the only thing that is complete bullshit is killing or going to war because of religion.


this will NEVER happen bro

02-17-2010, 05:20 AM

this will NEVER happen bro

haha? Ok, you are right. :wan:

02-17-2010, 08:29 AM
Just to answer the original question.

Anything that is taken on faith cannot be proved or it will cease to be faith and become fact.

If we could explain God as He is defined in the Bible, He would cease to be God and no longer be worthy of worship. The fact that He is not completely comprehended is a reason given for Him to be revered.

Science can be used to support or refute God's existence. But in reference to the first point you cannot draw a complete conclusion.

The gods reffered to, are anything that is placed in front of God the "creator". Anything from an object to a person, real or fictional.

02-17-2010, 08:32 AM
Religion and Faith are two different things. Religion is the primary problem in the world today. Men have used religion as a weapon for centuries. Faith is constructive.

Can you use a solution to a math problem to define the original equation? (there would be an infinite number of possibilities.)

02-17-2010, 08:52 AM
One last point there has been a star discovered (I cant remember the name right now.) But it is so large that by Physics theories that we have held as fact for quite some time now suggest that it is physically too large to exist.

Our knowlege is too miniscule to even begin to explain our own bodies.

Save this picture and zoom in to read. It's mind blowing.


02-17-2010, 11:16 AM
The only reason why we cannot prove "gods" existance is the simple fact that we as "scientist" need tangible evidence. In order to prove creation, we have to be there when it forms. As scientist, we are still learning of new properties of physics. We were the same scientists that at that time thought the world was flat, as well as we are the center of the universe. Yet through time we were proved wrong. We are the same scientist that believe in the big bang theory, yet we can't prove it. Why would it be so hard to fathom a god, or multiple gods, or multiple dimensions.

You might laugh at the thought of mulitple dimensions.....however I laugh at black holes consuming mass without gaining mass. Unfortunately the possibilities are endless....any conspiracy you have ever heard of could possible be true....with that said...what is real and what isn't.

02-17-2010, 11:25 AM
and here is why I say this. anyone study the human brain?

example: say we have a handicap kid, who in their eyes, in their brain, has a dog. this dog can run around everywhere this kid runs around, and the kid is completely content with his friend dog, and you could not tell this kid it does not exists...for existance is only fathomable to this child....
Now you and I don't see this dog....as scientist, we cannot touch this dog, yet this child, when he touches the dog, nueroligically his brainwaves show something is there. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is my ideal image for our human existance, time, space, matter....could this possible be just a dream, or a thought...our brains are powerful enough to make us see, feel, breath, even die in a dream, what is to say that our whole existance is but a dream, or image. Cause when it all comes down to it...we are just energy.

02-17-2010, 07:53 PM
haha? Ok, you are right. :wan:

god cannot be tested so you cant disprove it...

One last point there has been a star discovered (I cant remember the name right now.) But it is so large that by Physics theories that we have held as fact for quite some time now suggest that it is physically too large to exist.

Our knowlege is too miniscule to even begin to explain our own bodies.

Save this picture and zoom in to read. It's mind blowing.


this shits old there are stars bigger...the laws of physics never define a stars limitation...theres so much space that the possibilities are endless, just imagine this..the big bang was estimated to have occured 12- billiob years ago, since then the universe has been expanding faster than the speed of light, and is expanding faster and faster

02-17-2010, 07:58 PM
and here is why I say this. anyone study the human brain?

example: say we have a handicap kid, who in their eyes, in their brain, has a dog. this dog can run around everywhere this kid runs around, and the kid is completely content with his friend dog, and you could not tell this kid it does not exists...for existance is only fathomable to this child....
Now you and I don't see this dog....as scientist, we cannot touch this dog, yet this child, when he touches the dog, nueroligically his brainwaves show something is there. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is my ideal image for our human existance, time, space, matter....could this possible be just a dream, or a thought...our brains are powerful enough to make us see, feel, breath, even die in a dream, what is to say that our whole existance is but a dream, or image. Cause when it all comes down to it...we are just energy.

this is trippy shit but definitely makes sense..your right about us being energy, everything around us and that exist is made of energy...matter and energy are the same thing just different ways of saying them

02-17-2010, 09:47 PM
god cannot be tested so you cant disprove it...

this shits old there are stars bigger...the laws of physics never define a stars limitation...theres so much space that the possibilities are endless, just imagine this..the big bang was estimated to have occured 12- billiob years ago, since then the universe has been expanding faster than the speed of light, and is expanding faster and faster

what is even creepier in my opinion is that we can see where the expansion ends...not saying it isn't getting bigger, but we can see where the farthest amount of matter, and beyond that.....is just empty space...and it doesn't end. If this is true....there is no life, no matter beyond that....just emptyness....reminds me of the depths of the ocean as if we are looking into it...just abyss....fucking scary....but... I also know, we can only see as far as the eyes we are using.....so until we have a more powerful, or more useful equiptment, we are wrong. Wrong as in...we could still think the world is flat. (not literally but along those lines)

02-17-2010, 09:48 PM
this is trippy shit but definitely makes sense..your right about us being energy, everything around us and that exist is made of energy...matter and energy are the same thing just different ways of saying them

I have wondered....and tried to find reason for our existance....even to the extent that we could have been created by aliens. lol....dont get me started on that thought. lol

02-17-2010, 10:17 PM
Just to answer the original question.

Anything that is taken on faith cannot be proved or it will cease to be faith and become fact.

If we could explain God as He is defined in the Bible, He would cease to be God and no longer be worthy of worship. The fact that He is not completely comprehended is a reason given for Him to be revered.

Science can be used to support or refute God's existence. But in reference to the first point you cannot draw a complete conclusion.

The gods reffered to, are anything that is placed in front of God the "creator". Anything from an object to a person, real or fictional.

I don't know if this is even possible, but I think you're overestimating God.

If we figured out how to send a spaceship to heaven, and get an astronaut to talk to God, and God confirms that he is indeed omnipotent and all knowing, then what does this take away from God?

02-17-2010, 10:32 PM
I have wondered....and tried to find reason for our existance....even to the extent that we could have been created by aliens. lol....dont get me started on that thought. lol

i know how you feel man believe me, i can literally debate for DAYS about an existance of a God..reason im agnostic, so much evidence on both sides..what pisses me off about athiest or religious people is that they refuse to understnad the other side of the spectrum, athiest not reading the bible or quran, or a priest taking a physics class..shows ignorance

i hate how people say god is real end of story, or he just does..i hate how athiest say evolution is true, so much evidence to prove it, ive only pointed out the FEW facts in page 2 of this thread that strongly contradicts evolution..or how athiest say there is no evidence pointing towards the existence of a god whe indeed there is..or how religious people just completely stop listening when the word evolution is mentioned, or how ignorant they can be period..idk if any of this makes sense im fuckin tired haha

but please tell your alien theory i've actually heard arguments like this before believe it or not

02-17-2010, 11:01 PM
i know how you feel man believe me, i can literally debate for DAYS about an existance of a God..reason im agnostic, so much evidence on both sides..what pisses me off about athiest or religious people is that they refuse to understnad the other side of the spectrum, athiest not reading the bible or quran, or a priest taking a physics class..shows ignorance

i hate how people say god is real end of story, or he just does..i hate how athiest say evolution is true, so much evidence to prove it, ive only pointed out the FEW facts in page 2 of this thread that strongly contradicts evolution..or how athiest say there is no evidence pointing towards the existence of a god whe indeed there is..or how religious people just completely stop listening when the word evolution is mentioned, or how ignorant they can be period..idk if any of this makes sense im fuckin tired haha

but please tell your alien theory i've actually heard arguments like this before believe it or not

I completely agree with you....not seeing all views is ignorance....but for those ingnorant people....the word of the day is "source".

To most people...they have a god, or gods....in all reality...god is just another word for creator...or the source. Which at this moment, we cannot prove...so ignorant people say we cannot fathom the idea. I am religious to the extent that I do believe in a creator, however...i also don't believe it ends there....which is alos why I do believe that all this...all life..is just made up. Made up in the sense that it is energy, and the energy that our brain produces on such high levels, can make us believe exactly what we are trying to reach for. heaven, hell, big bang, everything....could be just energy in 1 mans brain...controlling our very existance....enough on that though...it could keep going.

I was hoping to hear someone tell me I'm full of shit regarding the alien theory, which is something I have actually thought up on my own...

So we as humans...god fearing humans...have come to the conclusion that we aren't god, however...we being "simpletons", we have been able to clone a sheep for example. Now you brain is thinking...hmmm....Now think of this...we have also been able to "add" specific genes from one species and adding it to another. With that said....here goes it.

Aliens....as much as we think we know about them....are a smarter "race". They fly through galaxies at light speed, found ways to defy gravity. With that being said....what is to say that they haven't already cloned themselvs....

So we cannot prove many things...."crystal skulls" "building of the great pyramids" "mayan temples" yada yada...yet we as humans are saying that we have created these things (because aliens don't exist) yet with todays modern technology, we cannot replicate these oddities. Yet according to "science" we are far more advanced now, then ever before.

So these aliens....have experimented like we have with replication of a species, altering dna, yada yada.....so along those lines....there was an experiment. The experiment was to create "life" on a sustainable planet. Not too far out there....right....the odds of us being alone in this infinite universe are far more slim than another human being born exactly the same. I mean...we as humans, will populate certain lakes with fish for life to thrive and we monitor it...

Now these aliens...all they are doing is monitering life....which imo would explain why we can't find our existance...If we make man...then we make a woman...there is no "god"...just the start i guess you could say. As with an alien species, they probably have animals and so forth. Now as the experiment...the hardest part is to make life adapt to its environment....which would explain why we have "evolved" throughout the years....we have just been better engineered. (that is a little farther out there)...but none the less possible.

This to me has a better explanation of the great pyramids, and so forth...we are lab rats....and they are scientist...and we are just one big antfarm...watching life be created....all I'm wondering now is....the mayan calender....talks about the end....which the end could be mis interpreted as the beginning( in order to start...there was a finish)..and that is what it is....who knows. My theory.

with all that being said....it would now make sense why we are closely related to what people call "the grays"....and maybe why our organs are closely related to a pig....all could be relavent.

I hope you guys enjoyed the read....I am crazy btw.

02-17-2010, 11:07 PM
and for those thinkers out there.....if we are the antfarm (which according to ants....doesn't know there is more out there) what is to say that our entire universe itself...isn't also an experiment. I once put it this way....If god loves us so much to give his only son for our sins...then why would he let us condemn ourselves to hell...right? Or maybe god is a child playing "sims" getting bored with the perfect world...so he creates distruction...and anarcy....and every calender....he just hits the reset button...and starts over...lol... God I need to stop thinking soooo damn much.

and no...i'm not stoned.

02-17-2010, 11:24 PM
hmm well wasnt exactly the same story i heard but pretty close haha

well i dont believe aliens are anywhere near us, but im posotive there is life out there somewhere

Drakes Equation, check it out and you do the math and research..its a trip

02-17-2010, 11:29 PM
so I'm sure you know that gravity has the ability to bend light....and if you can bend, or alter matter around you...you essentially can become invisible....that is one theory on why we can't see a spacecraft normally... I have already done extensive research on "lift" using ati-gravity.... all I have to say is "bob lazar" lol. Dont knock it till you research it.

and curious...what are the ideas that you have heard?

02-17-2010, 11:37 PM
Earth is so tiny and insignificant in this ever expanding universe. We had to have made that shit up. People make shit up all the time. There is and have always been people that made shit up. Not every Honda owner has a 10 second car built by VTEC that can eat Subarus all day long.

As for the alien theory. It could very well be a possibility just like God. Maybe Scientology isn't a load of shit :P

02-17-2010, 11:50 PM
yep gravity is definitely capable of doing just that (black holes)

but im sure aliens would be giving off some type of frequency that we'd pick up..and i doubt aliens would have tha capacity to bend light..that type of power would cause them to collapse within themselves..i doubt aliens would also be able to travel at the speed of light which in fact is impossible for any type of matter besides light, light is both a partical and a wave...70% of the universe is filled with dark matter, and a collision with a single part of that would have the energy equivilance to a nuclear explosion

i'll check out bob lazar and let you know when im done..

i gotta find it again, but it was talking about how one pair of our chromosones are so unique that evolution could not have done that and it "must have been intelligent design"..i'll let you know more when i find that

02-18-2010, 12:01 AM
yep gravity is definitely capable of doing just that (black holes)

but im sure aliens would be giving off some type of frequency that we'd pick up..and i doubt aliens would have tha capacity to bend light..that type of power would cause them to collapse within themselves..i doubt aliens would also be able to travel at the speed of light which in fact is impossible for any type of matter besides light, light is both a partical and a wave...70% of the universe is filled with dark matter, and a collision with a single part of that would have the energy equivilance to a nuclear explosion

i'll check out bob lazar and let you know when im done..

i gotta find it again, but it was talking about how one pair of our chromosones are so unique that evolution could not have done that and it "must have been intelligent design"..i'll let you know more when i find that

ahh...my friend....you are still thinking tooooo small....we know it is very possible...since we can see stars behind the sun. And if the sun in essence was made....then we can replicate it....maybe not with our resources...but who's to say another planet doesn't have those resources. And light travel...to you is only possible cause of light...but if light can be bent....then matter itself can be altered...with that in mind....think of a black hole....

imagine this.... imagine light as a sphere. We only see what is on our side...what we cannot see is on the other side...now imagine if we could pull it in two....what is in the middle...well nothing...not time...not space...not matter( according to us...light is the fastest object)...now if you were to put your hand through that empty space...at no give time...it would be on the other end. understanding that simplicity...take gravity into account. if we could alter the gravitational field...(black hole) light does not escape it...yet it is the fastest known...so with that...now you know light isn't the fastest thing that can travel...it is the abscense of. Following me?

02-18-2010, 12:06 AM
YouTube - Bob Lazar and Area 51 - 1 of 20 (Top Secret UFO Conspiracy) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmJIhQSICSc)

20 episodes....really intersting.

02-18-2010, 12:27 AM
heres that vid i finally found it
Planet X Nibiru - Planet X Video (http://www.planetxvideo.com/)

ignore the planet x crap and just watch the vid

02-18-2010, 12:35 AM
ahh...my friend....you are still thinking tooooo small....we know it is very possible...since we can see stars behind the sun. And if the sun in essence was made....then we can replicate it....maybe not with our resources...but who's to say another planet doesn't have those resources. And light travel...to you is only possible cause of light...but if light can be bent....then matter itself can be altered...with that in mind....think of a black hole....

imagine this.... imagine light as a sphere. We only see what is on our side...what we cannot see is on the other side...now imagine if we could pull it in two....what is in the middle...well nothing...not time...not space...not matter( according to us...light is the fastest object)...now if you were to put your hand through that empty space...at no give time...it would be on the other end. understanding that simplicity...take gravity into account. if we could alter the gravitational field...(black hole) light does not escape it...yet it is the fastest known...so with that...now you know light isn't the fastest thing that can travel...it is the abscense of. Following me?

no not really please elaborate more...

dude i googled bob lazar and a bunch of fraud crap popped up, but i'll have to look more into that

02-18-2010, 12:56 AM
no not really please elaborate more...

dude i googled bob lazar and a bunch of fraud crap popped up, but i'll have to look more into that

okay....as simple as I can explain this....a black hole is not measured by what we can see...but what we can't see. And what we can see....is that it consumes all matter...even light. If this gravitational "hole" can consume light....then light...is not fast enough to escape it.

What most people think of gravity...is what we assume on earth...but physics leads us to believe that gravity is everywhere. our feet push down on the floor...the floor pushes back. well....what has the ability to stop light from reaching our eyes. The abscense of gravity....

Now think of a magnet...even better..think of our planet. north and south pole...this is where our gravity keeps us on earth. what if they were switched....instead of attracting it would repel....
So we know a magnet could attract a certain area and repel as well...now what if the "repel" consentration was great enough that instead of pushing something away....it alters space. (black hole). so if there is a side A to a whole...then side B. would be on the other end....getting there...wouldn't even take time...since matter doesn't exist in this "hole". There you have traveling faster than light.

Only thing now...is how to create such a gravitation field that instead of supporting something....it does the opposite....

Bob Lazar doesn't expand on this subject...but only touches the idea. what he does talk about...is...well...its more interesting if you heard it yourself...

I posted the youtube clip above.

02-18-2010, 01:13 AM
interesting video....now I have to research the sumarian race...guess I'll be doing that alllll day tomorrow. lol

02-18-2010, 08:00 AM
Wow, my brain hurts. I like this thread.

It all boils down to...No one knows enough to reach a factual conclusion. Agnostic, Creationalist, Big Bang whatever, it's all taken on FAITH.

02-18-2010, 10:14 AM
Wow, my brain hurts. I like this thread.

It all boils down to...No one knows enough to reach a factual conclusion. Agnostic, Creationalist, Big Bang whatever, it's all taken on FAITH.

yes....faith. Cause as much as we can prove....later in time...we seem to dissaprove of that original theory...to only find another way. Which is also why I have wanted to know more information about meditation... I have a theory behind it, but would like some answers. Preferred from someone soooo knowledgeable in this subject.

03-28-2010, 07:24 PM
One last point there has been a star discovered (I cant remember the name right now.) But it is so large that by Physics theories that we have held as fact for quite some time now suggest that it is physically too large to exist.

Our knowlege is too miniscule to even begin to explain our own bodies.

Save this picture and zoom in to read. It's mind blowing.


This thread has got some pretty trippy stuff in it. Is there a way I can zoom in on this without blurring it?

04-04-2010, 09:18 PM
This thread has got some pretty trippy stuff in it. Is there a way I can zoom in on this without blurring it?

Let me google that for you (http://lmgtfy.com/?q=WASP-18b)

04-14-2010, 02:32 AM
I got a questions!!!

Why is it everytime you wake up you can't go back?Why is it you wake up and think about the past?Why is it you sleep and live in the dream but when you up your still dreaming?

Answer that and tell me what's tripping!

04-14-2010, 02:59 AM
ahh this thread again....

speaking of dreams, i had one last night it was SOO fuckin real, or felt like it..never experienced one like that

the visual, emotion, thought, even touch...i had kissed a girl, felt so real, her lips, her cheek

i swear when i woke up i looked around for her for a sec

04-14-2010, 04:46 AM
it was your mom.....weird. anyways, dreams are awesome, i love a good dream, sometimes it can really set the day up right.

04-14-2010, 11:54 PM
You guys should try Lucid dreaming.It takes practice but it basically let's you do whatever you want in your dream.Your body will know your dreaming and you can fly around if you like, be superman, screw the girl of your dreams (wake up wet ha ha), and stuff like that pretty crazy.Dreams are the best and always set the day right but dreams also mean your feelings.Like when your feeling depressed you'll have a dream of a lost one or a friend that you no longer talk to.Make sense?

Well dreams are dope now to sleep and dream about being president hahaha.