View Full Version : Initial D series order

05-28-2003, 12:45 PM
Ok. I just got done watching my box set of initial D second stage and Im confused about the order of the series and what goes next.

Ive seen the movie for sale but have no idea where it fits in. I have a casset of the Extra stage and agian have no idea where that fits in and Ive also seen for sale a set called the battle stage. Someone who knows this stuff fill me in. Whats the sequence and what comes after 2nd stage? is there anything? Does he get to Boink Natzuke? I NEED TO KNOW!!!!

05-28-2003, 01:23 PM
i haven't seen initial d in awhile, but the order i watched it in was:
1st stage
2nd stage
the movie
special stage

i think i watched it a little out of order, but it still made alot of sense. I believe the right order is:
1st stage
2nd stage
special stage
the movie

if i were you i wouldn't even bother with the battle stage. it really sucks(very vague on the races and made me mad for buying that POS). Actually the whole series is vague, but still very entertaining, if you want to know the ends and outs of the anime series you should buy the manga's.

05-28-2003, 01:40 PM
i have some of them but it sucks to translate and the english version is slow coming out

but thanks

05-28-2003, 01:48 PM
special stage? :confused:

Man..guess I missed that.

Anywho Takumi races Natzuke again in Stage 3(the movie).

05-28-2003, 02:40 PM
are they still making initial d or is it over?

05-28-2003, 02:59 PM
I heard its been over for years..but i don't know :confused:

05-28-2003, 03:55 PM
Battle Stage was a recent release, but the show itself is a bit older.

They could make more episodes, as the manga continues beyond where the movie leaves off AFAIK. A lot of that later stuff is in the arcade game.

I heard from somewhere that there was a live action movie coming out. I also heard that there was going to be a cheesy English dub of the series with altered names.

05-28-2003, 04:00 PM
yeah, english one is going to suck. . . i heard the most recent one bunta races takumi in a wrx. .