View Full Version : PCV whine?

12-15-2009, 11:15 PM
okay i bought my car with an annoying whine. the mechanic says he thinks its a bearing in the pulley. i bought it and took it home. i took out the stethoscope and started poking around. turns out its from the pcv system pictured here: http://is.rely.net/3-99-6460-l-M27FJ9P449KRsks3md2BmA.jpg

anyways the noise is a constant whine. it goes away when you blip the throttle but it comes back right away. when you hold the throttle, or when its idling, it makes an embarassing whine. not a really good way to impress anyone. anyways what could be causing this whine? any ideas of what it may be and how to fix it? i live in cerritos so if any of you guys want to come over and take a look at it let me know. thanks

12-20-2009, 01:35 AM
anyone? would rather fix than replace but if it comes down to it ill try to replace it.

12-20-2009, 10:10 AM
sleep more justin

12-20-2009, 06:55 PM
eff my life