View Full Version : LSD question

05-26-2003, 02:34 PM
ok, i was wondering what the difference is between, lets say a 180sx LSD and a 1.5way kaaz LSD.. i really dont know how to search for sometihng like that, i tried looking on howstuffworks.com but nothing to avail... could someone clue me in, and would a 180sx/silvia LSD be just as good... im planning on doing some autox depending on how much i like it i might get into it more.. and also it will be a daily driver w/ occasional drag races

05-26-2003, 02:49 PM
u can search for it on here...there are hundreds of threads about LSD and the difference etc etc

180sx LSD = VLSD
kaaz 1.5way LSD = LSD

i think a 1.5way would be good for u if ur doing autoX

EDIT: so by asking this question u already know the difference between 1way, 1.5way, and 2way?

VLSD engages a lot slower then real lsd. but it can still do its trick. VLSD is good platform to start practcing on if ur afradi to mess up ur real lsd.

05-26-2003, 05:47 PM
im not possitive on the differences but kinda got the jist i think, i think its something like 1ways are best for drag, 1.5 for road racing, and 2way for drifting...if not i will find out, cuz im gonna read up some more when im not too lazy, thanx!!

o so a VLSD is better for someone like me probably, since i am just getting started?

05-26-2003, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by TheSparo
... when im not too lazy ...
