View Full Version : sr sensors?!?! help!!

12-08-2009, 09:19 PM
i bought an sr motor very cheap couldnt pass it up but the only problem is i got it with no sensors. i dont even know where to start trying to find them all if anyone knows where i can find these or anyone has a sr laying around that they could sell me the sensors off of anything. this is the only thing holding me back from getting this car on the road....HELP!! :bite:

12-08-2009, 09:58 PM
im sure theres an FSM floating around here to help you out. and with all the sensor. S13 SR20's are same as the SE-R iirc. but correct me if im wrong.

12-08-2009, 10:05 PM
FRsports.com is a good place to start...

12-09-2009, 12:23 AM
i think out the top of my head there is a temp sensor, knock sensor, oil pressure, and o2 sensor lol everything else is on the actual harness. there also some sensors on your intake. try to find a fsm.

12-09-2009, 12:30 AM
Knock sensor, Ecu Temp Sensor, Cluster Temp Sensor, Cam Angle Sensor, O2 Sensor, Injectors(not really a sensor), MAF Sensor, Speed Sensor, Reverse Light Switch, Neutral Switch(not needed), IACV, Power Steering Switch, A/C Sensors, TPS,I think thats about it, but i may be missing a few...

Edit: added a few more sensors i thought of...

12-09-2009, 01:05 AM
Knock sensor, Ecu Temp Sensor, Cluster Temp Sensor, Cam Angle Sensor, O2 Sensor, Injectors(not really a sensor), MAF Sensor, Speed Sensor, Reverse Light Switch, IACV, u cant remember anything else...
well done, i knew i forgot something :duh: lol..

steve shadows
12-09-2009, 01:57 AM
Make sure you have an oil pressure sender on your block as well, goes where the oil filter tap is on the side of the block.

You will need some parts that are Nissan specialty only

- TPS sensor
- CAS Sensor
- Knock Sensor
- IACV - which you probably have
- MAF sensor (you can use a KA single cam for this one but will have to wire up the KA plug to the SR harness side)
as well as a few others.

12-09-2009, 12:31 PM
ok thanks A TON everyone!! that really helped me get started hunting these sensors down. atleast now i know what im looking for and i do have the harness and you said some of the sensorsare on that so i guess im not completely screwed