View Full Version : has any1 fought a ticket b4? need advice

12-08-2009, 07:16 PM
i got a ticket for crossing the double yellow line.... i crossed them like a little b4 they open up.... my concern is that i have no money to pay for the ticket cuz no job.... but i was going to see if i can fight it cuz i didnt cross them big time just by a little bit...but i mostly concern about if the cop shows up or not... i really dont want him to show up so my ticket gets dismissed and i dont pay nothing... i only fought a ticket once when i was in high school for a stupid ass Jwalking ticket the cop was on something... so my question is how many have fought a ticket and was the cop likely to show or not... im thinking he wont show for a single dumb ticket... but if he does show i dunno what happens if i lose do i just pay the ticket and thats it?

12-08-2009, 07:19 PM
the cop will most likely show, if your hoping for him not to then just keep rescheduling your court date. if you lose, then yes you'll pay for it and maybe get some points on your license.

12-08-2009, 09:53 PM
i got a ticket for crossing the double yellow line.... i crossed them like a little b4 they open up

You just admitted guilt and convicted yourself.

Just prepay the ticket and move on with your life.

12-08-2009, 10:00 PM
Just make payments on the ticket. You are stupid to try and fight it even though you admitted to it. You can't win by just telling the just "I didn't do it." You have to actually PROVE you didn't do it.

12-08-2009, 10:03 PM
in cali its hard to fight a ticket i got one because it was rainy and my beck tires locked up and my car got a lil sideways . do not fight it .. you will lose

beeracing s14
12-08-2009, 10:09 PM
i kept on extending and extending my ticket until the cop came to the court, she couldnt recall my case i got dismissed lol

12-08-2009, 10:15 PM
Do a trial by written declaration. You post the bail fee, write your side of the story, and the cop writes his. Chances are he doesn't write his, or if you can write well enough you can win. There's tips about writing your statement. Look up "ticket assassin" and you'll get the idea. Good luck.

12-08-2009, 10:16 PM
You just admitted guilt and convicted yourself.

Just prepay the ticket and move on with your life.

There you have it.

You broke the law. Man up and deal with it.

12-09-2009, 07:45 AM
i got a crossing the double yellow here in NY, it was a 4pt violation, but they reduced it to a 2pt cause the DA liked my story

12-09-2009, 08:31 AM
Otherwise delete this thread and get a lawyer. Done.

12-09-2009, 08:43 AM
Do a trial by written declaration. You post the bail fee, write your side of the story, and the cop writes his. Chances are he doesn't write his, or if you can write well enough you can win. There's tips about writing your statement. Look up "ticket assassin" and you'll get the idea. Good luck.

Yup. basically when you fight the ticket its a gamble.. you still gotta pay the ticket and youre playing with your money basically. If he shows and you lose or writes out his story you lost your money, if not you win. Chances are he will because at the end of the day... he still gets paid.

Drift N Dragg
12-09-2009, 08:47 AM
You can only Extend Once in Cali Traffic Courts Systems.. Own up, You admit you crossed a Double Yellow, Even for a Tab bit, You still Crossed it.. That's breaking the Law..

Sorry I can't offer no Other way out But, Since you do not have a Job, the Judge will accept Payments of 20 Dollars a Month ( There is no Interest, just court Fee's, which is like 25 Dollars extra ) and pay it off over time... Go Dumpster diving and get cans, You will get your 20 Dollars everytime ... LOL

I tried Fighting a ticket Once, and only Once.. I Extended the Ticket out 90 Days and hoped the Cop Did not show ( Without heeding the warning from my Bro-N-Law, who is a CHP ) .. Cop's get paid regardless, They get paid to show up.. It's like a Mandatory Medical Appointment or something.. ( That was an example ) .. If they do not show, It has to be for a REALLY good reason...

Besides a double yellow line is Not that expensive.. and as alot of other people wrote.. You fight it, You will lose... Reason = You admit you crossed it, But only a little.. Your eyes no biggie... Judge's eyes = Your STILL Guilty of Crossing it...

Sorry Buddy for the Bad news and I hope Court goes well..

12-09-2009, 02:20 PM
Fight it through the mail like someone state before.

There is NO reason NOT to fight a ticket...the worse thing that could happen is that you loose...

Overtime is paid to appear in court, however they have to submit a written reply to your written declaration on their OWN time...if they dont reply by the deadline, you auto win...and if you loose the ticket through the mail...u can still opt to go to court and fight it again in person...

Every ticket that i get i fight, put your tax dollars to work! Dont pay attention to this "you got caught, pay it and move on" crap...why pay for a ticket when you have an chance of avoiding it? regardless whether or not your guilty DO IT...

Good luck, and if you do fight it you cant ever admit guilt...and if you do it must be justified with a specific reasonable stipulation...not "i went over it a lil bit" you gota sound a little more professional...say the same thing but indirectly...that helps

12-09-2009, 02:31 PM
There is NO reason NOT to fight a ticket...the worse thing that could happen is that you loose...


Be a man and take the responsibility for your actions.

12-09-2009, 02:40 PM
Fight it through the mail like someone state before.

There is NO reason NOT to fight a ticket...the worse thing that could happen is that you loose...

Overtime is paid to appear in court, however they have to submit a written reply to your written declaration on their OWN time...if they dont reply by the deadline, you auto win...and if you loose the ticket through the mail...u can still opt to go to court and fight it again in person...

Every ticket that i get i fight, put your tax dollars to work! Dont pay attention to this "you got caught, pay it and move on" crap...why pay for a ticket when you have an chance of avoiding it? regardless whether or not your guilty DO IT...

Good luck, and if you do fight it you cant ever admit guilt...and if you do it must be justified with a specific reasonable stipulation...not "i went over it a lil bit" you gota sound a little more professional...say the same thing but indirectly...that helps

Stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard.

You broke the law.

Even "by a little bit".

Pay your dues and don't fuck up again.

12-09-2009, 02:44 PM
you know, the rules on this vary from state to state. maybe you'd be better served in regional?

for instance, I have had over two dozen tickets, vast majority speeding tickets. when i get a ticket, i take it to a lawyer, usually my uncle, who magically turns the offense into a non-moving violation, keeping points off my license. i then pay the fine, usually about $150ish, and then go about my business. I call it speeding tax.

12-09-2009, 05:01 PM
I fought a speed contest ticket back in 98 when i was young and stupid and actually got the ticket dismissed. Anyway just pay for the dam thing. First off you will have to pay the full bail amount regardless if you want to fight it. You will go to court and tell them you want to fight the ticket, then they will tell you havet o pay the bail amount, then they will give you a court date. Chances of cop showing up are very high. Cops are given court appearence days off paid... so you do the math day off + paid day= cop showing up specailly if he is a dick.... and for what he got you for something that lame he will probably show up for sure just to be a dick. Just pay for the shit and get it over with.

12-09-2009, 05:59 PM
Stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard.

You broke the law.

Even "by a little bit".

Pay your dues and don't fuck up again.

I never said that he didn’t break the law, he did...he admitted it...

HOWEVER. every law is written to allow some sort of leniency, basic speed laws don’t mention anything about actual speed, they reference things like "exceeding maximum speed for prevailing conditions" So LEGALLY, depending on visibility and traffic, you are technically allowed to go past the speed limit (or well below it)...there is no law in the vehicle code handbook that gives a specific speed...its ALL discretionary...This is a bit OT from the OP’s actual violation, but you get my point...there is always a way to exploit any of these traffic violations to allow for some mistakes...especially if it was "Even 'by a little bit'"

If you have the opportunity to get away with something petty like OP's traffic ticket by utilizing tools that are GIVEN to you, why NOT take it??

It’s not like you killed someone and you have to look at it from a moral standpoint...he crossed 2 yellow lines OOOOooooOOOO, god forbid it wasn’t 3 yellow lines! Seriously dude...

I fight all my tickets; I personally think everyone should utilize their resources regardless of the circumstance. So, to each their own...

FYI : I’m in CA, and it might be different in other states like someone previously mentioned…

12-09-2009, 07:08 PM
thanks for all the advice. i really just crossed it right b4 it open thinkin it was not a big deal... cop just had to make his quota so he pulled me over.... im going to fight it i have a witness so if cop does show up and doesnt remember cuz he gives out to many ticket... i would man up to it but not this time i man up to all my other ones... but this one is stupid and worth fighting for...

12-09-2009, 07:56 PM
What is the number of the code that he cited you for?

12-09-2009, 10:03 PM
thanks for all the advice. i really just crossed it right b4 it open thinkin it was not a big deal... cop just had to make his quota so he pulled me over.... im going to fight it i have a witness so if cop does show up and doesnt remember cuz he gives out to many ticket... i would man up to it but not this time i man up to all my other ones... but this one is stupid and worth fighting for...

lol, quotas.

He was doing his job.

You violated a law, man up and pay it. It might be a stupid ticket, but you did put yourself in the position to get a stupid ticket.

12-09-2009, 10:32 PM
thanks for all the advice. i really just crossed it right b4 it open thinkin it was not a big deal... cop just had to make his quota so he pulled me over.... im going to fight it i have a witness so if cop does show up and doesnt remember cuz he gives out to many ticket... i would man up to it but not this time i man up to all my other ones... but this one is stupid and worth fighting for...

Let me guess, your witness was in the car with you. :ghey:

Give it up, you broke the law, just admit fault request a reduced fine and pay it off.

You're better off.

12-09-2009, 10:47 PM
I never said that he didn’t break the law, he did...he admitted it...

HOWEVER. every law is written to allow some sort of leniency, basic speed laws don’t mention anything about actual speed, they reference things like "exceeding maximum speed for prevailing conditions" So LEGALLY, depending on visibility and traffic, you are technically allowed to go past the speed limit (or well below it)...there is no law in the vehicle code handbook that gives a specific speed...its ALL discretionary...This is a bit OT from the OP’s actual violation, but you get my point...there is always a way to exploit any of these traffic violations to allow for some mistakes...especially if it was "Even 'by a little bit'"

If you have the opportunity to get away with something petty like OP's traffic ticket by utilizing tools that are GIVEN to you, why NOT take it??

It’s not like you killed someone and you have to look at it from a moral standpoint...he crossed 2 yellow lines OOOOooooOOOO, god forbid it wasn’t 3 yellow lines! Seriously dude...

I fight all my tickets; I personally think everyone should utilize their resources regardless of the circumstance. So, to each their own...

FYI : I’m in CA, and it might be different in other states like someone previously mentioned…

lol, quotas.

He was doing his job.

You violated a law, man up and pay it. It might be a stupid ticket, but you did put yourself in the position to get a stupid ticket.
Like previously stated some laws are vague and you should try to fight it. I fought a speeding ticket in which i was going 85 on a 65, so i went to the court carefully wrote out that since the traffic was going the same speed, i was only going with traffic and therefore it was my legal right to drive at the speed that i was driving. You can look at it in many ways, if you know how to word it correctly without obviously incriminating yourself you can rid your self of paying that ticket.:trogdor:

experience: I've done this twice and its quite easy. Its not the same situation but i suggest reading what law you broke and how it is written.

12-10-2009, 09:27 AM
Like previously stated some laws are vague and you should try to fight it. I fought a speeding ticket in which i was going 85 on a 65, so i went to the court carefully wrote out that since the traffic was going the same speed, i was only going with traffic and therefore it was my legal right to drive at the speed that i was driving. You can look at it in many ways, if you know how to word it correctly without obviously incriminating yourself you can rid your self of paying that ticket.:trogdor:

experience: I've done this twice and its quite easy. Its not the same situation but i suggest reading what law you broke and how it is written.

EXACTLY! I have had 2 Speeding tickets that i have beat thru written declaration as well. there are many circumstances that you can use to justify WHY you crossed the lines, all of wich will alow some wiggle room to have it dismissed.