View Full Version : Q45 Calipers need rotors

12-07-2009, 05:56 PM
Ok i have been searching around for replacement rotors for my q45 set up. I know that j30 are the same, 300zx and altima are the both 11 inches but different thicknesses. Is there anyone running the altima rotors and have you had any problems? I am looking to change out the rotors and am try to see what my price options are. I am 4 lug so i like the altimas for the fact that they will bolt up but i can have rotors drilled if necessary. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

12-07-2009, 06:17 PM
do the stock 10inches not work

12-07-2009, 06:22 PM
best bet is to redril the altima ones.

No the stock ones wont work.

12-07-2009, 06:24 PM
I have q45s on there right now but i have a feeling that they are warped as i have a shake. The altima ones are 22mm thick and the q45 are 28mm so ijust wanted to see if there were any long term ill effects of running the altima ones.

12-07-2009, 07:19 PM
Man there are some idiots in this thread.

One guy is asking if stock rotors will work? COME ON

Another guy is tell you to redrill 4 lug altima rotors to go on a 4 lug car.

Quit being a cheapass and buy the q45 rotors and take them to a machine shop to redrill them. Shop around too. Some machine shops try to charge way too much.

And I seriously doubt altima and 300zx are the same diameter. I've never compared but altima would definately be a thinner rotor which means you shouldn't run them on a q45 brake setup.

12-08-2009, 07:24 AM
They have the same diameter 11 inches. Stock 240sx is 10 inches based on the research that i have done. The difference is in the thickness. I do not want to prematurely kill the calipers due to over extending them. The reasion i started the thread was that if i could save some money getting something that would do that same job then great but if i can't of course i will buck up and get the q45/j30 ones.

12-08-2009, 09:02 AM
'Bucking up' requires more than paying an extra $10.

Rotors are cheap. Anyone with a drill press can drill them. You're making an extremely simple solution incredibly hard for no reason.

Steve Lloyd
12-08-2009, 02:09 PM
circuit sports sells them pre-drilled......

12-08-2009, 03:15 PM
When i got my rotors i drilled them to 4 lug and i think that they are now warped or i have a serious problem up front. I am replacing everything in the front this weekend and hopefully the shake was bad bushings cause if it is not then it has to be the rotors cause it is only under braking that it happens. If it is the rotors i just wanted to be prepared as to what i will need to do.

S13 Charlie
12-18-2009, 09:48 AM
I gotta add my two cents here.. Warped Rotors is the biggest farce in the history of automotive repair. Vibrations under braking are almost always bad ball joints, bushings or other worn suspension parts. It is practically impossible for someone to heat their brake rotors to the temperatures necessary to warp them during daily driving. For example, how many times have you heard someone say that they had their rotors replaced because they were "warped" and then still had the vibration problem under braking? "Oh, gee, it must be something else, let me check your suspension bushings.."
