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View Full Version : Need help zilvia members

12-06-2009, 11:44 AM
Hey I have a s14 with stock engine ka24de and was wondering if you could help me out with what's wrong with my car because usaully in the mornings is when it does it the most, when I frist start my car I hear a rattle noise by the front of the engine and it goes away after like 10 seconds or so. Just wondering if you guys might know what could be the problem with my car I was thinking it could may be The rockers or sticky valves but before I go into to it I need more advice on What could be the problem because I don't want to spend uneccesary money??? Thanks

12-06-2009, 12:44 PM
All the Oil runs to the bottom so your hearing your valve train ie..Chain rattle....mine does it also...I used an oil additive so its barely noticeable now....

12-06-2009, 01:13 PM
How many miles?
Ever service the Timing chain?

12-06-2009, 01:23 PM
It has about 125000 miles on it

12-06-2009, 01:49 PM
I think it's time for a timing chain service.

12-06-2009, 02:34 PM
I think it's time for a timing chain service.

Thanks but do I have to remove my engine to change the timing chain? And where is the best place to get a timing chain, do I also need the guides too left and right and balencer?

12-06-2009, 02:44 PM
FSM has how to do the service step by step.

You will be doing the 120k service. The difference is in the build date of your car(in the door jamb) between the 3 kits.

Timing Chain Kits :: Maintenance :: 240SX Parts (S14) 1995-1998 :: Nissan Parts, NISMO and Nissan Accessories - Courtesyparts.com (http://www.courtesyparts.com/240sx-parts-s14-1995-1998/maintenance/timing-chain-kits/-c-3690_7647_7648.html)

12-06-2009, 06:46 PM
Or to begin with, you could grow a brain and just remove the upper and top chain guides, the ones we ALL have removed as they're not needed, the ones that cause 99% of the rattling you're hearing. We've known this since 1997 when Nissan deleted them from production and probably every single forum on Earth has a thousand threads detailing the removal.

But that would be too easy. If you have to ask if the engine needs to be removed to service the chain, you sure as fuck don't need to be touching it with even a screwdriver.

12-06-2009, 07:31 PM
Or to begin with, you could grow a brain and just remove the upper and top chain guides, the ones we ALL have removed as they're not needed, the ones that cause 99% of the rattling you're hearing. We've known this since 1997 when Nissan deleted them from production and probably every single forum on Earth has a thousand threads detailing the removal.

But that would be too easy. If you have to ask if the engine needs to be removed to service the chain, you sure as fuck don't need to be touching it with even a screwdriver.

what ever dude people like you don't need to be giving advice on what to do if you are going to be an ass hole like that

12-06-2009, 07:36 PM
Or to begin with, you could grow a brain and just remove the upper and top chain guides, the ones we ALL have removed as they're not needed, the ones that cause 99% of the rattling you're hearing. We've known this since 1997 when Nissan deleted them from production and probably every single forum on Earth has a thousand threads detailing the removal.

But that would be too easy. If you have to ask if the engine needs to be removed to service the chain, you sure as fuck don't need to be touching it with even a screwdriver.

what ever dude people like you don't need to be giving advice on what to do if you are going to be an ass hole like that

12-06-2009, 07:41 PM
FSM has how to do the service step by step.

You will be doing the 120k service. The difference is in the build date of your car(in the door jamb) between the 3 kits.

Timing Chain Kits :: Maintenance :: 240SX Parts (S14) 1995-1998 :: Nissan Parts, NISMO and Nissan Accessories - Courtesyparts.com (http://www.courtesyparts.com/240sx-parts-s14-1995-1998/maintenance/timing-chain-kits/-c-3690_7647_7648.html)

Thanks bro for the help unlike other people

12-07-2009, 10:57 AM
what ever dude people like you don't need to be giving advice on what to do if you are going to be an ass hole like that

Why? I answered your question.

The timing chain service interval is a suggested guide. True, Nissan would like people to bring their cars in to get raped every 100k miles, but in reality a chain does not wear like a belt. I've seen engines with the original parts last 300k miles, some even under boost, but I've also seen them last 40k miles due to the top guide breaking off and wedging into the chain, shearing the cam sprockets off. This is experience gained from tearing down, stripping, rebuilding, and/or boosting over 100 of these engines in the past 15 years. I'm not just guessing because I read a blog where some kid's neighbor's brother's uncle said it because he heard voices while jacking off to chicken porn. If you don't want an experienced answer, don't ask the question.

It is common knowledge that both the top and upper guides be removed from any running KA before they break or begin to wear excessively on the upper chain, which in turn could do more damage and require you to rebuild if not replace the entire engine due to interference from piston/valve contact and such. Since this is such common knowledge, and it's also the obvious culprit of the noise you hear, why not remove them both first (and visually inspect the upper chain, cam sprockets, idler sprocket, and tensioners) and then decide if a chain job is even needed?

You can call me names all you want, it doesn't change the fact that you are ready to do a job that you're certainly not capable of, thus costing you more time and money than you can afford, when you can do a much easier, lighter job that you might actually be able to handle by yourself and save that time and money that you really can't afford to spend in the first place.

12-07-2009, 11:16 AM
Werd, Russ.

Listen to him, he's right.

He may hurt your feelings by getting his point across but, almost everyone that's been here on Zilvia for the past 5 years or so has had the infamous Russ badgering at one point or another. We all ask stupid questions, be prepared for the consequences. But he does know his shit.

So yes, pull your valve cover and upper chain cover off, remove the two useless guides, and while you're in there replace your upper chain tensioner. It's a cheap part to get and is only a couple extra minutes of work.

A tip, use black RTV to seal up those covers, and take your time to do it right. Or you will have a new problem, an oil leak.


12-07-2009, 01:57 PM
Why? I answered your question.

The timing chain service interval is a suggested guide. True, Nissan would like people to bring their cars in to get raped every 100k miles, but in reality a chain does not wear like a belt. I've seen engines with the original parts last 300k miles, some even under boost, but I've also seen them last 40k miles due to the top guide breaking off and wedging into the chain, shearing the cam sprockets off. This is experience gained from tearing down, stripping, rebuilding, and/or boosting over 100 of these engines in the past 15 years. I'm not just guessing because I read a blog where some kid's neighbor's brother's uncle said it because he heard voices while jacking off to chicken porn. If you don't want an experienced answer, don't ask the question.

It is common knowledge that both the top and upper guides be removed from any running KA before they break or begin to wear excessively on the upper chain, which in turn could do more damage and require you to rebuild if not replace the entire engine due to interference from piston/valve contact and such. Since this is such common knowledge, and it's also the obvious culprit of the noise you hear, why not remove them both first (and visually inspect the upper chain, cam sprockets, idler sprocket, and tensioners) and then decide if a chain job is even needed?

You can call me names all you want, it doesn't change the fact that you are ready to do a job that you're certainly not capable of, thus costing you more time and money than you can afford, when you can do a much easier, lighter job that you might actually be able to handle by yourself and save that time and money that you really can't afford to spend in the first place.

im not a dumb ass in cars yea it was a stupid question to ask, but i just wanted to know because i usually dont work on 240 because i just recently bought my 240 about 2 months ago, and i love them now, i usually work on honda which is totally different because of the rwd and fwd cars but i might not know more than you about 240's but im no dumb ass when it comes to putting one together

12-07-2009, 02:08 PM
im not a dumb ass in cars yea it was a stupid question to ask, but i just wanted to know because i usually dont work on 240 because i just recently bought my 240 about 2 months ago, and i love them now, i usually work on honda which is totally different because of the rwd and fwd cars but i might not know more than you about 240's but im no dumb ass when it comes to putting one together

Honestly, ridiculous run-on sentences in like this don't help your cause any with the crowd on Ziliva. Just a head's up.

12-07-2009, 02:27 PM
im not a dumb ass in cars yea it was a stupid question to ask, but i just wanted to know because i usually dont work on 240 because i just recently bought my 240 about 2 months ago, and i love them now, i usually work on honda which is totally different because of the rwd and fwd cars but i might not know more than you about 240's but im no dumb ass when it comes to putting one together


Are you trying to break the record for the most "because" in a sentence? Is this what we've come to in America? Where people are just too damn lazy to do something as simple as correct punctuation in a sentence? Really, I read this and worry about the future generations of our great country and where they're headed.

BTW, this isn't a gripe directed solely at you, I'm just using this to make my point. But you could do with some grammer in there, to save yourself further flaming. Zilvia looks for ANYTHING to ride your ass about. This counts.

Sorry I tend to go off topic, but then again, I'm old and cranky.

12-07-2009, 02:38 PM
Super240S14, close this thread before Zilvians hurt your feelings more.

12-07-2009, 03:44 PM
Man I tell you, I guess the longer you are on zilvia the more pathetic you become, just listen to youselfs. If I had a made a Nickel for everytime someone becomes an ass whole on here I would be rich all you should suck on each others dicks or something. Seems to me you all would want to SNIP. O and don't worrie I won't talk no more to fucken bitches like you. Lates

12-07-2009, 04:56 PM
Man I tell you, I guess the longer you are on zilvia the more pathetic you become, just listen to youselfs. If I had a made a Nickel for everytime someone becomes an ass whole on here I would be rich all you should suck on each others dicks or something. Seems to me you all would want to f###. O and don't worrie I won't talk no more to fucken bitches like you. Lates

Just couldn't ignore them. Had to bust out the slur...