View Full Version : Question about cap and rotor (I broke the screw that holds the rotor)

05-24-2003, 07:44 AM
so yeah, I was giving my car a tune-up and accidentaly over-torqued the screw that is inside the cap that holds the rotor in place. There is no way for me to take out the screw cause I broke the head off of it. I am just wondering if that will be a problem if I could never take out the rotor to replace it. This happened about a week ago, and it's been running fine, but in the future I wouldn't want to run into any problems. Will I have to worry about it? Thanks.

05-24-2003, 08:30 AM
eventually, if not sooner, yes, it will be a problem. You'll have to get an easy-out for that screw.