View Full Version : rotor break-in period?

05-14-2003, 10:18 PM
OK well I finally put on my brembo dimple-drilled and slotted rotors today. I have two questions.

First Is there a break-in period for the rotors? Any certain routine? I did the thing that i read was recommended for new pads. the drive to 10MPH then brake then to 20 mph then brake and to 30 then brake I did that a couple times and did two or 3 from 40. Any thing else??

Also with the slotted rotors does it matter which way the slots face. For example say the slot looking like / would that go on the top of wheel when put on or the bottom?? Does that explain it kinda. I ask becasue on the boxes it said rear right and left. Is that the right side facing towards the front or right side facing toward the back?
I think I put it looking like that on the rear drivers side. Is that right?

*EDIT* Or better yet should that picture be on the drivers side or the passengers side?? Thanks

05-14-2003, 10:30 PM
i'm not registering there to view that image

05-15-2003, 10:58 AM

Ok sorry I didnt know you were goin to have to register. But on this one which wheel would that go on? The passenger side or the drivers side? Or does it not matter?

Also that site is a pretty good site. Great guys who hold NY/NJ meets every month or so that have been freaking huge!! They also hold biweekly meets in NYC and starting ones in south Jersey. I say anyone in the tri-state area or wherever go check this site out.