View Full Version : auto pedals to manual ones

05-14-2003, 04:12 PM
well, im getting ready to do the auto to manual swap, and i got bored the other day...i have a full silvia set of manual pedals that im going to put in my s13...anyway, the gas pedal went in nice, and i like it better than the stock one, it cleaned up a lot of the slop in it.

then came the hard part...i looked at my trusty new FSM and find out where all the bolts are for my brake pedal and i then procede to take all the bolts off and that was fine...until it came time for the little ghetto plastic thingy that is on the end of the pin that connects the pedal to the master cylinder... it took me 1 hour to get it off, and i ended up cutting the damn thing off lol

i droped the steering column to try and get the prake pedal/braket out, and had no luck...i spent a ton of time, actually my whole saturday lol (since im an incompetent moron...), trying to get it out. i tried to take off the steering wheel and see if that would lower the steering coulmn even more, but i couldnt get the damn thing off (and yes i took the nut off that attaches it)...

any suggestions about swapping the auto pedals for the manual ones? im totally stumped by this one...

one more thing, i havent looked into this too much yet, but i noticed that there is a little green box about 2"x3"x1" right where the clutch pedal/bracket should go (not on the firewall, but sorta mounted under the dash)...what should i do about this?

who else it would look super sweet to have a clutch pedal w/ an auto tranny? come on :)

05-14-2003, 04:36 PM
The brake just has to get stuffed in there. Move the seat back, lower the steering wheel as much as possible. Use the telescopic thing and make it short, and tilt it up. Yell, curse, throw stuff.. and viola!, it's in.
For the clutch.. I think that's the automatic tranny controller.. and I've ripped mine out.

05-15-2003, 05:39 AM
thanks a bunch, ill try it again this weekend, and do i really need a steering wheel remover to take the wheel off? its what it says in the FSM so...., but i dunno....

i was thinking that removing the steering wheel would make it lower, but i dont know...

05-15-2003, 09:13 AM
It would help.. but I didn't do it. The thought of screwing with an airbag is kinda unnerving.

05-16-2003, 09:31 PM
after many hours of trying to figure what the hell was wrong with my new (well used, but new to me) manual brake pedal, i figured it out.

its off a silvia, and it didnt click right away, but it wont fit with our LHD steering column. our pedal has a bend that goes left around the column, and the RHD one goes to the right...witch sucks, i wasted all that time...just dont buy a silvia brake pedal, the gas pedal works great though...

so i busted out my sawzall and cut my auto brake pedal down to size, and mounted my silvia pedal pad on the auto one. and i mst say that i did a mighty fine job :)

i also made a neat notch in the back of the pedal assembly so that it can go on/off easer, so you dont have to take out the master cylinder, like i had to the first time. the notch i made was on the back of the pedal assembly, between the 2 upper bolts that are attached to the firewall...

anyway, im really just venting about wasting all the time one the pedal not fitting...

05-16-2003, 10:35 PM
Uh.... The Silvia pedal is in my car..... LOL Should have given me a call man I would have helped you out! I have a new cell number though so e-mail me at [email protected] and I will give it to you.


05-17-2003, 06:26 AM
i dunno lol, maybe i just didnt do something hehe, it was at 11:00 pm last night and i was tired lol...eh go figure, ill try it again today lol