View Full Version : Motorola Droid

10-26-2009, 10:56 PM
Some say better then the iphone. What do you think??


10-26-2009, 11:36 PM
All I can say is that this phone is totally amazing. I've been messing with it for a few weeks now and it's a major contender for the iPhone.

10-26-2009, 11:39 PM
i wonder if it will be exclusively for verizon.

drift freaq
10-26-2009, 11:52 PM
i wonder if it will be exclusively for verizon.

Its another Motorola Android phone. It does have a large screen, though I consider it a little ugly. LOL
Motorola is releasing several Android phones on several carriers. I personally am over the slide out keyboard thing. I have gone to a straight touch screen and I am not unhappy.
Do I think its ground shaking? Meh. Its good but seriously the Hero and the Hero rom on a Mytouch will rock its world.
The one cool thing about Android phones is you can swap roms if you root the phones i.e. If I wanted the Operating system of the droid on my MyTouch I could do it.
I am about to install the Hero Rom on my MyTouch so I have the Sense UI (and the 7 home screen) the HTC equivalent of pinch scroll on the Iphone.
I have also checked out the Samsung Behold II which will have its own adpation of Android. To date besides the Hero Rom the only other Android phone operating system I have seen that rocks this world is the Huwei , Which is marketed in Europe as the T-Mobile Pulse. Not only does it have the whole pinch scroll but it has 9 home screens and a few other really slick things. All in all shit is just warming up in the Android World.

If your on Verizon the Motorola will be the phone to own though.

Oh and honestly the Iphone will always have its followers its established and it works. Also do not expect it to stay with ATT after the middle of next year.

Oh and since Verizon has gone down the road of openly attacking the Iphone, do no expect it to show up on Verizon anytime in the next year or so LOL

10-27-2009, 12:22 AM
wait wait wait...did i see a verizon emblem in the back?!?!?!??!


drift freaq
10-27-2009, 12:36 AM
wait wait wait...did i see a verizon emblem in the back?!?!?!??!


go for it Steve, like I said if your on Verizon its the phone to have.

10-27-2009, 12:37 AM
All I can say is that this phone is totally amazing. I've been messing with it for a few weeks now and it's a major contender for the iPhone.

I'm not drinking the Apple koolade, but isn't this phone like hailed by the 1% of the cell market, whereas the other 99% are wanting to buy the iphone because it's the 'in thing' and it's sleek. This phone is not going to fit into that common market just based on how it looks - clunky.

Google phones kinda aren't what the normal cell market is looking for, Apple has changed the game - it honestly nailed the perfect phone for the average cellphone buyer.

This is coming from someone that loves their G1 with Cyanogen on it. ;)

drift freaq
10-27-2009, 12:47 AM
I'm not drinking the Apple koolade, but isn't this phone like hailed by the 1% of the cell market, whereas the other 99% are wanting to buy the iphone because it's the 'in thing' and it's sleek. This phone is not going to fit into that common market just based on how it looks - clunky.

Google phones kinda aren't what the normal cell market is looking for, Apple has changed the game - it honestly nailed the perfect phone for the average cellphone buyer.

This is coming from someone that loves their G1 with Cyanogen on it. ;)

are you going to put the Hero Rom on? Oh and I happen to like the look of my Black Mytouch.

Oh and the reformed Hero on Sprint actually looks pretty dope. To bad its on Sprint.

10-27-2009, 12:52 AM
I'll flash to a Hero rom when it gets worked out a bit more clean... I don't want a bricked phone as it is. :rofl: The mytouch looks nice, I just need the keyboard for what I use my phone for.

drift freaq
10-27-2009, 12:58 AM
I'll flash to a Hero rom when it gets worked out a bit more clean... I don't want a bricked phone as it is. :rofl: The mytouch looks nice, I just need the keyboard for what I use my phone for.

Actually it already is. Plus there is a trimmed down version so it runs even faster on our phones. I am going to Flash to it very soon.

10-27-2009, 01:01 AM
Well shit, I'm going to go do it now then.

10-27-2009, 01:22 AM
This is my next phone. For real. Time to retire my old Chocolate 1.

10-27-2009, 01:31 AM
looks like the G1 except more squared. ugly as shit


iphone you still havnt found your match.

10-27-2009, 07:20 AM
looks like the G1 except more squared. ugly as shit


iphone you still havnt found your match.

Give it time and the G1 will probably dominate the iphone, not in sales or popularity, but in actual usability and win.

Coming from and Iphone user and lover.

10-27-2009, 08:09 AM
go for it Steve, like I said if your on Verizon its the phone to have.

i think this is the phone my sales rep was tryin to tell me about...
who has this, i wanna know how big the keyboard is to my current xv6800 which i love
my phone must consist of the following:
QWERTY keyboard (fuck ur iphone useless on screen keyboard...its garbage) there will ever be a replacement to actual buttons
touch screen - Iphones system is to over complicated, but i guess the effectiveness comes with time

thats it and im happy

This is my next phone. For real. Time to retire my old Chocolate 1.

God damn retire that dinosaur lol

Give it time and the G1 will probably dominate the iphone, not in sales or popularity, but in actual usability and win.

much respect for sayin the trueth

Update: i went to the Verizon website...type in Droid in the search function and hit enter...it made me giggle...

10-27-2009, 09:19 AM
i'm going to go play with this phone when it comes out. if i like it, i just may have to replace my blackberry... (either way the storm is getting replaced by something - that phone is a pos - and leaving verizon is not an option...)

10-27-2009, 09:22 AM
still not interested in anything made by Motorola less than military grade

10-27-2009, 09:29 AM
Well since Verizon and Apple havne't made a deal yet it looks like this'll be mine and my wife's new phones.

10-27-2009, 09:36 AM
Chibo, I wasn't talking about looks.

Folks, if this phone doesn't convince you get something Android then just wait till the Passion comes out.

10-27-2009, 10:05 AM
Chibo, I wasn't talking about looks.

Folks, if this phone doesn't convince you get something Android then just wait till the Passion comes out.

What's the Passion? Any idea when it's coming out?

10-27-2009, 10:27 AM
What's the Passion? Any idea when it's coming out?

Rumored to be yet another epic phone coming to VZW......

HTC Dragon coming to Verizon as the Passion? (http://www.engadget.com/2009/10/26/htc-dragon-coming-to-verizon-as-the-passion/)


I'm a bit salty that I renewed my contract three months ago, only to see this phone coming out. I knew it was coming out, but man...I wasn't expecting these kind of specs lol

10-27-2009, 11:25 AM
This is my next phone. For real. Time to retire my old Chocolate 1.

Haha... I had that phone for years. Man, those phones can take a beating. So durable

10-27-2009, 11:30 AM
I don't think Apple has sold nearly 25 million iPhones because it is a "trend", haha.

10-27-2009, 11:46 AM
Droid from Verizon Wireless (http://www.droiddoes.com)

drift freaq
10-27-2009, 12:22 PM
Chibo, I wasn't talking about looks.

Folks, if this phone doesn't convince you get something Android then just wait till the Passion comes out.

HTC Phones rock. I love my HTC's and honestly feel they are better than Motorola. Honestly the Android phones that Motorola is putting out is Motorola's last gasp in the cell phone industry. They need these phones to succeed.

I have owned Motorola's in the past. They were good phones but Motorola has a habit of hitting it out of the ballpark with a phone and then failing on the followup.

When it comes to Smartphones HTC is definitely poised to be a huge player. They are currently the number 3 Smartphone maker in the World.
I am in fact watching their stock and hoping they get a listing on one of the American Exchanges.

Android eventually will go beyond Apple in general numbers of in place operating systems on Smartphones. Though Apple will most likely retain the biggest share of the Smartphone pie for a single manufacturer probably followed closely by HTC. Yes I think HTC will surpass its other competitors in the Smartphone business it only has one rung up the ladder to go right now.

Oh and I do know some secrets about T-Mobile that's going to put them right on par with Verizon. I.E. ahead of ATT in all out coverage.

10-27-2009, 12:25 PM
Haha... I had that phone for years. Man, those phones can take a beating. So durable

My iphone is a champ. It fell off the roof of my car going 35mph and still works perfect :)

10-27-2009, 12:25 PM
Share the knowledge Dave. I haven't heard much in the way of coverage lately. Just handset stuff.

drift freaq
10-27-2009, 12:54 PM
Share the knowledge Dave. I haven't heard much in the way of coverage lately. Just handset stuff.

Ok there are a few things going on. First off T-mobile has already bought 4G spectrum at FCC auctions in fact the only other players out there that have done that are Sprint, Metro PCS and Clearwire.

Now first thing is this Deuscthe Telecom is the parent company of T-Mobile the 2 largest telecom in the world. They do not want T-Mobile playing number 4 in the carrier size games.

In that sense they have put in a bid to purchase Sprint which is actually in financial trouble.

Now I know some people feel and say Sprint sucks. Though if you took the Sprint network towers and combined them with T-Mobile towers? You would not only would you have overlap in some areas creating even better coverage but you also would get coverage in areas that each carrier separately might not have had enough of.
It would also leap frog T-Mobile into the second largest carrier in the U.S. right behind Verizon. Between user base and Tower base.

Plus Sprint has their 4 G network up and running already.
Now yes Sprint is CDMA but 3G and 4G are world CDMA and all that needs to be done to the transponders is bandwidth tweaking. Yes Sprint has EVDO but again this is a workable fix. I.E. a non issue, especially for a company the size of Deustche Telecom.

As far as the straight cell signal being CDMA vs GSM ?

Cingular aka SBC did the same thing several years ago when they purchased ATT wireless. They switched the existing TDMA Towers to GSM, which ATT had started to do but was not very far along on.

The final part of this whole thing is T-Mobile is in active contract discussions with both Metro PCS and Clearwire to lease their 4G access as well. Actually this will probably succeed because T-Mobile does have the financial were with all to get this.

Oh and as of right now T-Mobiles 3G has a slightly larger foot print than ATT's 3G and they are not stuck with the clogged data bandwidth ATT is suffering from due to the Sale of Millions of Iphones with out updating there network.
LOL the date network issue is a fact that is actually well documented. The ATT network is currently running slow in the data department.

10-27-2009, 01:08 PM
Thanks for putting all of that into perspective for me. I feel like I've been in my own little pocket of the Mobile industry for the past few months.

It's almost like tunnel vision.

10-27-2009, 01:11 PM
HTC Phones rock.

Minus the touch pro.

Fuck this phone. And I'm stuck with it until it breaks again, and then I get a free downgrade to an htc snap. oh boy.

I want a Hero. (i'm on sprint.)

drift freaq
10-27-2009, 01:27 PM
Minus the touch pro.

Fuck this phone. And I'm stuck with it until it breaks again, and then I get a free downgrade to an htc snap. oh boy.

I want a Hero. (i'm on sprint.)

Now why the fuck did you go with a WinMo phone? Shit I looked at that phone when it came out and said ah no. Flimsy and then when I saw that had WinMo I was like double no.
You should have got the Hero its fucking awesome.

10-27-2009, 01:30 PM
Now why the fuck did you go with a WinMo phone? Shit I looked at that phone when it came out and said ah no. Flimsy and then when I saw that had WinMo I was like double no.
You should have got the Hero its fucking awesome.

It worked great...until it started breaking every three months.

There was no google phone for sprint at the time and i don't like blackberries, so yeah it sucks.

Sucks more that i could get a hero for 180 right now if i wasn't stuck with this phone.

10-27-2009, 01:45 PM
this phone looks awesome. perhaps my reading comprehension fails... but does anyone know a release date?

10-27-2009, 01:50 PM
i still am very pleased with my g1 purchase last year at this time.

10-27-2009, 01:52 PM
Rumored to be yet another epic phone coming to VZW......

HTC Dragon coming to Verizon as the Passion? (http://www.engadget.com/2009/10/26/htc-dragon-coming-to-verizon-as-the-passion/)

but does it have QWERTY ?

I don't think Apple has sold nearly 25 million iPhones because it is a "trend", haha.

after speaking to several people at work, on the streets and friends that ive seen with said phone, yes, its a current trend to own that POS... half of them dont even know half the functions on it, most reply i got from them was "its an I pod and a phone"... :rimshot:

HTC Phones rock.

Minus the touch pro.

agree...i tried my sisters touch pro...HORRIBLE...

and im afraid of goign away from HTC, i love my current phone so mucho...

10-27-2009, 02:30 PM
The fact that the Touch Pro is winmo, makes the phone a royal piece of shit regardless of who the manufacturer is.

10-27-2009, 02:31 PM
The fact that the Touch Pro is winmo, makes the phone a royal piece of shit regardless of who the manufacturer is.
ive never had any issues with windows mobile...thats why i stick to it... :drool:

10-27-2009, 02:57 PM
To each his own haha. :)

Just because you haven't had problem personally, doesn't mean you couldn't be getting an even better user experience just as consistent elsewhere with another platform. Just sayin'

Sometimes the grass IS greener on the other side. ;)

10-27-2009, 03:02 PM
To each his own haha. :)

Just because you haven't had problem personally, doesn't mean you couldn't be getting an even better user experience just as consistent elsewhere with another platform. Just sayin'

Sometimes the grass IS greener on the other side. ;)

and vice versa

ive tried the Iphone, my reasons for hating it was (personally) was low volumn even at its highest...touch screen keyboard response was slow (for me) so easy to break...

uve had ur experience with WindMo i assume or you wouldnt have ur opinions so strong about it...

my grass is just as green and im Happy ;)

10-27-2009, 03:10 PM
My opinions are strong yes, but they come from over 6 years working in the Mobile Industry. Don't take my word for it though, In essence I'm just one of the peons.

But to elaborate on what I said above about to each his own, I think that if you're happy with your phone, then nothing else matters.

Personally I carry a Sony Ericsson w890i. It makes phone calls, and it's small and slim as fuck. No cool features whatsoever. Functional. Works for me. Done deal.

When I'm at work, I use my Blackberry 8900.

Btw, I'm in no way promoting the iPhone. If anything I'd be supporting android over it way more.

10-27-2009, 03:13 PM
But to elaborate on what I said above about to each his own, I think that if you're happy with your phone, then nothing else matters.


and at work i use a Black berry, POS...nothing more

10-27-2009, 03:15 PM
t-mobile g1 is the most personalizing phone.

10-27-2009, 09:48 PM
Considering how Android is making it very easy to develop for, I expect there to be a crap load of apps, and for it to pwn.

"Fatal Exception's Neil McAllister delves into the Android and iPhone SDKs to help sort out which will be the best bet for developers now that technical details of the first Android smartphone have been announced. Whereas the iPhone requires an Intel-based Mac running OS X 10.5.4 or later, ADC membership, (http://developer.apple.com/products/membership.html) and familiarity with proprietary Mac OS X dev tools, the standard IDE for Android is Eclipse. And because most tasks can be performed with command-line tools, you can expert third parties to develop Android SDK plug-ins for other IDEs. Objective-C, used almost nowhere outside Apple, is required for iPhone UI development, while app-level Android programming is done in Java. 'By just about any measure, Google's Android is more open and developer-friendly than the iPhone,' McAllister writes, noting Apple's gag order restrictions on documentation, proprietary software requirements to view training videos, and right to reject your finished app from the sole distribution channel for iPhone. This openness is, of course, essential to Android's prospects. 'Based on raw market share alone, the iPhone seems likely to remain the smartphone developer's platform of choice — especially when ISVs can translate that market share into application sales,' McAllister writes. 'Sound familiar? In this race, Apple is taking a page from Microsoft's book, while Google looks suspiciously like Linux.'"

This coupled with Apples stupidity in sticking with a crippled carrier is going to be a dagger. Also, with growing conflicts of interest Google and Apple aren't getting along very well right now.

Apple / Google relationship being investigated for antitrust violations (http://www.engadget.com/2009/05/04/apple-google-relationship-being-investigated-for-antitrust-vio/)

Verizon Droid FAQ: What We Know So Far (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2009/10/26/urnidgns002570F3005978D80025765900778F81.DTL)

Apple and Google Breaking Up Over iPhone Maps? - Business Center - PC World (http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/172951/apple_and_google_breaking_up_over_iphone_maps.html )

10-28-2009, 11:20 AM
$199 with contract....man I wish I waited lol

Anyways, here's some new info

Motorola DROID first hands-on! (update: video, impressions, more pics) (http://www.engadget.com/2009/10/28/motorola-droid-first-hands-on/)

10-28-2009, 11:33 AM
seems like a sweet phone.

10-28-2009, 11:40 AM
We don't know how much the Moto Droid will cost, or when it will become available. Verizon will likely announce all the details on October 28 when it and partner Motorola will announce their "must-have device of the year." (http://www.idg.com/www/rd.nsf/rd?readform&u=http://www.engadget.com/2009/10/21/verizon-hosting-droid-event-on-october-28/)

ohh wow so the event is happening today...

10-28-2009, 12:10 PM
$199 with contract....man I wish I waited lol

Anyways, here's some new info

Motorola DROID first hands-on! (update: video, impressions, more pics) (http://www.engadget.com/2009/10/28/motorola-droid-first-hands-on/)

Google Maps Navigation is free with it. Awesome.

drift freaq
10-28-2009, 12:11 PM
Considering how Android is making it very easy to develop for, I expect there to be a crap load of apps, and for it to pwn.

This coupled with Apples stupidity in sticking with a crippled carrier is going to be a dagger. Also, with growing conflicts of interest Google and Apple aren't getting along very well right now.

Apple / Google relationship being investigated for antitrust violations (http://www.engadget.com/2009/05/04/apple-google-relationship-being-investigated-for-antitrust-vio/)

Verizon Droid FAQ: What We Know So Far (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2009/10/26/urnidgns002570F3005978D80025765900778F81.DTL)

Apple and Google Breaking Up Over iPhone Maps? - Business Center - PC World (http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/172951/apple_and_google_breaking_up_over_iphone_maps.html )

Ah that anti trust is old news and pretty much dead in the water. Eric Schmidt Google's CEO resigned from his position on the Apple Board.
Also like I said earlier, while Android will end up with a larger market share spread out over many brands of phones over time.Apple will still maintain a single maker market share lead. In other words they will hold the highest percentage of market vs all the competitors.

When Apples contract with ATT comes up in mid 2010 do not expect them to stick around. They are going to start porting the Iphone to other carriers.

Its Only in the U.S. that Iphone has an exclusive contract for such a large geographical area.

I will be honest here, I do like the Iphone it works and works well. I have many friends with them and if were not for the carrier I would probably own one.
The Iphone has useable Apps I am still waiting for someone on Android to develop.

Stuff like the real time Formula 1 app. Which takes telemetry straight from the tracks during the race and feeds it to your phone so you can follow all the drivers.
Stuff like a full Digital Audio Workstation. A sound engineers dream for recording stuff on the fly and transferring it to their studio rig later. In a compact unit.
Stuff like a full software synthesizer made by a top software synthesizer manufacturer.

These are just a couple of examples of killer apps already on the Iphone that are not on Android.

I do not see the Motorola Droid as a Iphone killer. Just one more phone that will increase the spread of Android and keep Apple off Verizon due to Verizon's open attack ad campaign.

Now with all that said I also do like Android. I feel the two platforms are the platforms to beat. This is just a different version of the old Microsoft vs Apple axe.

Now Google does not copy(like Microsoft) but at the same time Google does not want to see Apple go bye bye.

Now competition is good and with Android you have competition.

I like my HTC phone with Android, If I had a Iphone would I abandon it? Who knows application wise I might.
Would I leave my carrier for ATT? NO! Would I leave my carrier for Verizon's higher prices? No. I get fine coverage and the price I pay for it is so cheap that until Verizon lowers coverage costs I will not migrate.

All in All Kudo's to Verizon for getting off their butts and finally getting a decent pair of Smartphones( the HTC Desire is also being released on the 6th of November) Its a step in the right direction for the countries largest wireless carrier.

drift freaq
10-28-2009, 12:17 PM
Google Maps Navigation is free with it. Awesome.

Google maps navigation is free on all Android phones.

10-28-2009, 12:22 PM

the xv6700 i had was a brick, a slab of led if u added the expanded battery...

my xv6800 is pretty legit, has current WINDMO 6.1 and its not bad, a couple hacks later i have Google maps YouTube, and Iphone skin (that i used for a a day got annoyed of lol)

never tried the xv6900 just on looks alon mad me barf a bit

i hope the droid delivers...i wonder if itll have a new WINDMO sys out of the box...

10-28-2009, 12:23 PM
Google maps navigation is free on all Android phones.

I was not aware. I honestly don't know jack (no pun intended) about phones. The iPhone is the only nice phone I ever really wanted to buy, but because I have Verizon and my service has always been stellar with them I refuse to leave just for a phone. This phone seems to be the solution to that for me.

10-28-2009, 12:25 PM
Do I think its ground shaking? Meh. Its good but seriously the Hero and the Hero rom on a Mytouch will rock its world.
The one cool thing about Android phones is you can swap roms if you root the phones i.e. If I wanted the Operating system of the droid on my MyTouch I could do it.
I am about to install the Hero Rom on my MyTouch so I have the Sense UI

Did this on my g1, and yeah the droid is like any other android phone out there, in all essence they are all the same once they become rooted.

10-28-2009, 12:29 PM
I have Verizon and my service has always been stellar with them I refuse to leave just for a phone. This phone seems to be the solution to that for me.

same here...10 year costumer here and never displeased with phone service/coverage/costumer care... i luv it

drift freaq
10-28-2009, 01:26 PM
I was not aware. I honestly don't know jack (no pun intended) about phones. The iPhone is the only nice phone I ever really wanted to buy, but because I have Verizon and my service has always been stellar with them I refuse to leave just for a phone. This phone seems to be the solution to that for me.

Don't blame you one bit for that. I am running on 7 almost 8 years on T-Mobile and have not had a problem with them and I get unlimited minutes for $50 a month. LOL
I am the same way, I refuse to go to ATT which I personally do not like for the sake of the Iphone.

10-28-2009, 01:32 PM
im considering changing my contract for less minutes...70% of my phones usage is txt...20% internet...GPS...5% actually minutes usage...


i think ill drop it from 500mins to 250, but fuck , we all know wat happens when u change shit like that, u start going over minutes lol

10-28-2009, 02:13 PM
Agreed. I changed my plan to 1250 minutes for 50 a month cuz my GF ate my minutes.

Got her to come to Sprint, and we pay 60 a month for both of us.

I have 500 anytime, unlimited web/text/roaming/nationwide/mobile2mobile.

To get the hero, I'd have to "upgrade" and pay 60 bucks monthly for the exact same plan for just myself.


10-28-2009, 02:27 PM
Agreed. I changed my plan to 1250 minutes for 50 a month cuz my GF ate my minutes.

you should tell her to eat something else....giggity :ddog:

10-28-2009, 02:34 PM
for those who don't know, the release date has been announced. it's nov. 6


10-28-2009, 02:41 PM
^ got the alert earlier today...

10-28-2009, 02:59 PM
Yup, and here's another article with a vid at the end...

Motorola Droid gets official on Verizon; arrives Nov. 6 for $199 | The Toybox | ZDNet.com (http://blogs.zdnet.com/gadgetreviews/?p=8979)

Apparently those guys think the Android OS will be a solid #2 platform in the future.

10-28-2009, 03:19 PM
I'm curious to see how this thing plays out. In 3-6 months will people actually be saying this phone is better then the iPhone or not.

10-28-2009, 03:28 PM
I think functionally Android in general is already much better than the iPhone.

The only thing it lacks is the sheer numbers in market penetration the iPhone has. If it had that, then devs would be making all the killer aps for Android instead of the iPhone.

Getting to that point is the hard part.

Here's the thing though, the iPhone is only sold through ONE carrier in the United States and multiple carriers worldwide.

Android phones are sold through multiple carriers everywhere. This is a big advantage here between now and when AT&T loses their exclusivity with Apple.

10-28-2009, 03:55 PM
Android phones are sold through multiple carriers everywhere. This is a big advantage here between now and when AT&T loses their exclusivity with Apple.

id like to see what happens to at&t at that point. through my own bad personal experiences with them, i will never go back to that carrier.

10-28-2009, 04:51 PM
the iphone isnt bad once you jailbreak it
once its jailbroken you can pretty much do what you want to it

10-30-2009, 01:41 PM
Motorola DROID review (http://www.engadget.com/2009/10/30/motorola-droid-review/)

10-30-2009, 01:53 PM
after speaking to several people at work, on the streets and friends that ive seen with said phone, yes, its a current trend to own that POS... half of them dont even know half the functions on it, most reply i got from them was "its an I pod and a phone"... :rimshot:

LOL ok, say what you will, but even the basic functionality of the phone is better than any other phone, for example, the texting.

But you are right, most people dont really know how to use everything on their phone, but there are so many many many awesome things you can do with it.

10-30-2009, 01:59 PM
the one nokia phone hangs with the i phone as well

10-30-2009, 02:03 PM
the one nokia phone hangs with the i phone as well

Oh really? And which piece of shit would you be referring to?

The N96? The N97? The N900? Nope. They're all fail in my book.

The 96 and 97 run symbian which is NOT developer friendly in any way. They're slow, clunky and the N97 touchscreen is crap.

The N900, isn't even out yet but it has a LONG way to go before Maemo comes close to what Android and the iPhone are doing.

Try again.

11-06-2009, 09:07 AM
So I just came back from the VZW store after checking out the Droid and Droid Eris.

The Moto Droid is a nice phone and I actually like the physical keyboard. It was relatively easy to type on and the auto correct feature is a nice plus. I can see where the OS still can use some tweaks, but the fact that it's open source...I'm sure there will be custom ROMs in the near future. Browsing the web was a delight and decently fast.

The one thing that really urks me is the styling of the phone. Sure it has a slim form factor, but it's too "edgy" and already looks dated. I hoping in the next year, Moto follows up with a better design.

As for the Droid Eris, it's a nice alternative to someone looking for a small touchscreen phone. There was a bit of lag at some areas, but the overall package is very nice.

I will stick to my Tour for now and patiently wait for HTC to bring out an Android based phone with a physical QWERTY keyboard (G1 successor?).

11-06-2009, 11:17 AM
Im running a droid/hero hybrid rom on my g1 and its awesome!

11-06-2009, 12:00 PM
well now that we have gone into talking about custom roms, what does everyone run? i ran jesusfreke til he stopped, then i switched to cyanogen, but i have not updated my rom since google informed him that he could not include stock apps. i am ready to upgrade and am curious about hero roms but i quit looking at xda-developers and the like to see what was new and seemed the best

11-06-2009, 01:08 PM
I love my iphone.

That is all.

11-06-2009, 01:29 PM
so i found out today i could get his phone for 100.00 bucks thru verizon online... :-)

11-06-2009, 02:00 PM
I love my iphone.

That is all.

I do too friend :)

I dont like the style of the droid

11-06-2009, 02:36 PM
my iphone 3g still owns, just jailbreak the damn thing and your gold.

11-06-2009, 02:52 PM
I thought this thread was about the Motorola Droid? :roll eyes:

11-06-2009, 03:52 PM

Verizon Still Wants the iPhone (Despite those Droid Ads) - BusinessWeek (http://www.businessweek.com/the_thread/techbeat/archives/2009/10/verizon_still_w.html)

i still prefer the droid...

drift freaq
11-06-2009, 05:06 PM

Verizon Still Wants the iPhone (Despite those Droid Ads) - BusinessWeek (http://www.businessweek.com/the_thread/techbeat/archives/2009/10/verizon_still_w.html)

i still prefer the droid...

The funny thing about this is that Verizon is saying they still want the Iphone and they are talking about making Apple beg? Oh please, Apple does not beg for shit i.e. anything!
Verizon has screwed themselves out of the Iphone by taking a direct marketing campaign against it with the Droid. Apple is not going to dismiss that. I would bet you will see the Iphone on Sprint and T-Mobile long before Verizon at this point.

Back to the Droid. I checked out Motorola's software the other night. Its indeed fairly well executed. I was checking it out on the Cliq.

Anybody wanting to ROM their phone and put Hero on it, if its not a Droid should wait till Android 2.0 is released on the other carriers as Android 2.0 is a lot of what makes the Droid rock.

Oh and if anyone is wondering the Eris is a HTC phone.

11-06-2009, 05:14 PM
the droid rom will soon be ported over to the g1 and mytough/etc if the hardware can run it

JayDee M Rolly
11-06-2009, 05:14 PM
yeah im looking into the cliq or the mytouch for android phones. i love how modable these phones are.

drift freaq
11-06-2009, 05:40 PM
the droid rom will soon be ported over to the g1 and mytough/etc if the hardware can run it

Actually the Motoblur software has already been ported to a G1. The Developer Rom for Android 2.0 was ported to a G1 around 5-6 days ago there is video on youtube about it. Its also on Engadget and a number of other sites as well. Shits starting to hit the fan. Most serious T-Mobile android fans are totally going the rooted custom rom road.

OTA updates for 2.0 will come its just a question of when. T-Mobile is not going to sit around and let Verizon get all the glory on Android OS versions.

This is a really good thing for Android overall as it spurs on competition between the carriers running Android to one up the other. In other words do not expect the Droid to stay in the lead for long in the Android game. Its going to be all out from here on out I am willing to bet.

T-Mobile already sells the Pulse in Europe which has its own version of Android as well. It literally upstages everything out now including the Motoblur software on the Droid and Cliq.

Oh and do not forget the Samsung Behold 2 running their version of Android drops in a two weeks on T-Mobile.

The beauty of all of this, is if you really want any of these versions of Android, you can root and rom your phone for it. I am waiting to see the first person to root a Droid.

11-06-2009, 09:18 PM
yup, leave it up to zilvia....

now we're talking about iphones.... fyi apple originally approached verizon wireless with this phone and verizon told them to fuck off, we're not changing out network for the phone.

hype sells.

hey how is flash running on the iphone these days?

oh that's right it doesn't because that would kill the app store for iphone because people could make their own apps for free.

11-06-2009, 09:23 PM
i have the cliq and i must say its a nice phone especially if your a texter. I have the mytouch as well (which is for sale) and i loved it, but after a while, the texting with the touch screen started to make me mad cuz i have big fingers lol so i was pressing like two letters at a time haha.

But i must say that android is a nice interface and its very accessible. Love it. I think this maybe the last phone i get with Tmobile unless some off the wall shit comes and im like super stunned awwwing over it.

11-06-2009, 09:48 PM
Had a customer that tried to use the locking feature where you have to touch 9 points on the screen in a specific order to unlock the phone. Well after not being able to log in with that he got the error where it won't let you log in to the Droid using the correct gmail login.

The solution is a hard reset. I wasn't able to find it on any website so I ended up calling Motorola for him.

This is the procedure for anyone that needs to factory reset the phone!

-Turn it off
-Slide open the keyboard with it off
-Turn it on and hold the Alt+X on the keyboard
-When you get the "!" in the triangle then you hit the volume up and camera button on the phone and hold till a blue menu pops up.
-select to factory reset


-find the yes and click it (you'll know what I'm talking about when you see it)
-select reboot
-reactivate the phone

W00t. working phone again!

Oh, and I like the phone a lot. lol Don't think I'll be getting one though, I'm one of the few that had no problems with their storm 1 and with 5.0 on it the thing has been a great phone!

11-06-2009, 10:13 PM
yup, leave it up to zilvia....

now we're talking about iphones.... fyi apple originally approached verizon wireless with this phone and verizon told them to fuck off, we're not changing out network for the phone.

hype sells.

hey how is flash running on the iphone these days?

oh that's right it doesn't because that would kill the app store for iphone because people could make their own apps for free.


i love you

11-07-2009, 12:08 AM
another carrier joins the ranks

android army son

get some


that shit's like a baby's toy

11-07-2009, 01:25 PM
screw the phone... thats some badass porn music

11-07-2009, 01:27 PM
Just ordered my Droid :)

11-08-2009, 12:45 AM
so my cousin just won a butt load of money at a house game and bought one. Hes loving it so far. Cant go wrong with the Droid.

got g1 myself

11-08-2009, 01:41 AM
Got it on release. Id have to say I am in love, you can do soo much. Not to mention I can screw around at work and pass time with ease.

Although it put a hole in my pocket, I can't justify having this nice of a phone right now. Id rather have the S13 carbon fiber sunroof delete >_<

11-08-2009, 02:34 AM
so nothing but positive then?
any of you guys have an iphone before you had the Droid?
nice to hear you're all enjoying it. the G1 has easily been the best phone i've ever owned. it's so much better than the phones i've had in the past that it's like an evolution on the genre or whatever.
been playing beer pong for houirs, so fucked up right now.

11-08-2009, 04:28 AM
been playing beer pong for houirs, so fucked up right now.

drinking all night too!!!

lol fuck yeah random lol

droid, i will own you soon :fruit:

11-08-2009, 10:04 AM
oh that's right it doesn't because that would kill the app store for iphone because people could make their own apps for free.

Yes you can but its not as easy as you say it is. Most of us dont have time nor the computer know how to do stuff like this. Shit its hard enough for me to find the internet icon ahahahahahahah.

11-09-2009, 04:04 PM
i really like the phone... but omg! it drains the battery so fast! *cries*

and i don't like the fact that it doesn't have a good chat application like the blackberry...

i have 30 days to decide if i really want to keep this phone or go back to the storm.

11-09-2009, 04:10 PM
wow, the Storm vs the Droid??

The storm is a bucket compared to the Droid haha. But whatever works best for your needs...

11-09-2009, 04:18 PM
Yes you can but its not as easy as you say it is.
anyone with the want and know how can do it, just plain and simple computer knowledge and an internet connection. My buddy doesn't know dick about computers and he jail broke his iphone when he got it and threw 1000 nes roms into it's emulator app.

Most of us dont have time nor the computer know how to do stuff like this. Shit its hard enough for me to find the internet icon ahahahahahahah.
You can weld stuff, so I know you're not a mouth breathing retard, stop trying to act so helpless. :dead:

11-09-2009, 04:31 PM
wow, the Storm vs the Droid??

The storm is a bucket compared to the Droid haha. But whatever works best for your needs...

i'm looking at it from a battery life point of view. today, the battery didn't even last the whole day. (unplugged the phone at 6am, and it's only 3:30pm and the battery is about to die. i read the guide and went off its recommendations on battery saving tips, and it didn't help.) the droid is a LOT faster, more responsive, browsing capabilities are a LOT better, but the battery life just isn't cutting it.

11-09-2009, 06:20 PM
and i don't like the fact that it doesn't have a good chat application like the blackberry...

Are you talking about thread BBM and SMS (texting)?

I'm sure there are chat apps available for the android platform that can spice up SMS.

11-09-2009, 07:12 PM
Are you talking about thread BBM and SMS (texting)?

I'm sure there are chat apps available for the android platform that can spice up SMS.

oh, the bb storm comes with aim, gchat, msn and yahoo already installed. i used to use im+ on my old htc phone. its not quite the same.

11-09-2009, 07:16 PM
i just need money to buy it

11-09-2009, 08:01 PM
i really like the phone... but omg! it drains the battery so fast! *cries*

and i don't like the fact that it doesn't have a good chat application like the blackberry...

i have 30 days to decide if i really want to keep this phone or go back to the storm.

wait, what's wrong with Android's SMS? i've always found it to be great, so i never bothered to look for any apps to fix anything. it threads your texts, does MMS, you can search your texts through universal search... what more do you want? there are a couple apps that'll add popup notifications if you want, and SMS Backup will automatically copy your texts to your Gmail account for you...

11-09-2009, 08:32 PM
oh, the bb storm comes with aim, gchat, msn and yahoo already installed. i used to use im+ on my old htc phone. its not quite the same.

If you download an app called Meebo it will do all of those and moreeeee.

11-09-2009, 08:43 PM
Nice phone gay battery life. If only they would make a solar case to charge the battery or something.

11-09-2009, 09:19 PM
So my friend in cali just got the android today. I guess its one of the first ones out. His only words for it so far are "soooo fresh son" lol He loves it.

drift freaq
11-09-2009, 10:11 PM
i'm looking at it from a battery life point of view. today, the battery didn't even last the whole day. (unplugged the phone at 6am, and it's only 3:30pm and the battery is about to die. i read the guide and went off its recommendations on battery saving tips, and it didn't help.) the droid is a LOT faster, more responsive, browsing capabilities are a LOT better, but the battery life just isn't cutting it.

Download Power Manager from Android Market. Its worth the cost of 99 cents for the pro version. I run it on my mytouch and used to run it on my G1.

11-09-2009, 10:32 PM
+1 for power manager, although around 1.5 it started acting up and instead of updating i just started doing what it does on my own. i generally leave wifi and GPS off unless i need them, and turn off sync once i hit 15% battery. that gets me beyond a day on the G1.

11-10-2009, 12:11 AM
anyone with the want and know how can do it, just plain and simple computer knowledge and an internet connection. My buddy doesn't know dick about computers and he jail broke his iphone when he got it and threw 1000 nes roms into it's emulator app.

You can weld stuff, so I know you're not a mouth breathing retard, stop trying to act so helpless. :dead:

I takes a total of 5 mins to jailbreak a iphone I know cause I did it too. Creating a app takes alittle more then just DL'ing a program and uploading it to your phone.

I know a ok amount of computer stuff but by no means am I computer wizz. Ill try my own apps one day when I have some free time. Im always down to learn something new :)

11-10-2009, 08:13 AM
i was literally to seconds from buyin the droid, but decided against it...for now, i checked up on there soon to be updates in Dec, and i think ill just wait it out till then...

so i order a third replacement for my phone. sigh... i need outlook...

11-10-2009, 08:15 AM
Download Power Manager from Android Market. Its worth the cost of 99 cents for the pro version. I run it on my mytouch and used to run it on my G1.

i'll go check it out! thanks for the info. :)

11-13-2009, 01:35 AM
OMG, this phone is amazing. The Google Nav on it is just incredible. Street View while you're navigating? Yup! So cool. Battery life is pretty good IMO. Pretty much 8 hours of straight data streaming. Lost of Pandora listening going on. And it still had 15% life. Pretty good IMO. I love this phone.

11-13-2009, 08:05 AM
OMG, this phone is amazing. The Google Nav on it is just incredible. Street View while you're navigating? Yup! So cool. Battery life is pretty good IMO. Pretty much 8 hours of straight data streaming. Lost of Pandora listening going on. And it still had 15% life. Pretty good IMO. I love this phone.

you lucky sonava...

DEC 11th soft/firm updates:
Category: Applications
Subcategory: Non-VZW Branded Applications

Google Maps can take several minutes to display the proper location and may be inaccurate when initially started. Accuracy can be improved by enabling GPS satellites by pressing the MENU button, select Settings, select Location & security settings and then select Use GPS satellites.
NOTE: Enabling this setting will have a negative impact to battery life.
Subcategory: VZW Branded Applications
Wi-Fi access for Visual Voice Mail is currently not supported.

Subcategory: Activation/Over the Air Software Upgrades
Customers moving from a BREW device who subscribe to notifications (alerts) will need to have BREW block enabled to prevent notifications from being delivered to the device.
The Over the Air software updates will not display the maximum time required.
When using Factory data reset to initialize the device, it can take several minutes to complete. The reset will complete in the background.

Subcategory: POP3 Email
Yahoo email accounts are not supported.

Subcategory: Exchange Active Sync
The initial sync after an Exchange Active Sync account is created can take up to 15 minutes. In order for the calendar to be synced the first time, the customer must open the Corporate Calendar application.
Exchange Active Sync email cannot download attachments greater than 10MB.

Exchange Active Sync emails forwarded from the device are sent as EML attachments. EML is a common email file format. This may be blocked by some corporate IT security polices.
You cannot search Exchange Active Sync emails and calendar events.

Subcategory: Media
There is no stop button for the music player. Customers must press Pause and then Back or Home to exit.

Category: Messaging

To forward a message, press the message to access the individual message from the threaded view. Press and hold the message you wish to forward. The Message options are displayed which include Forward.
To send videos via MMS, you can use either of these options:
Video Camcorder Options: Video quality set to Low (for MMS messages) and Video duration set to 30 seconds (for MMS).
Messaging Composer: Options => Attach => Capture video.
When entering in message text, the character count is not displayed until the first segment (160 characters) is filled.
Pictures taken in portrait mode are rotated 90 degrees when sending via MMS.
There are no callback numbers extracted for messages received from vtext.com.
EMS is not supported, SMS messages in excess of 160 characters are converted to MMS messages.
JPG images in MMS sent from vzwpix.com are displayed as a slide show.
SMS and MMS message priority indications are not supported.

Category: Operation
The device will power on when connected to a charger.
There are separate volume settings for on call, ringer and media playback.
If a customer places 3 or more calls to the same number, the number will be automatically added into the Favorites contact section. This is indicated by a gold star.
Known Issues

Category: Accessories

If a 2.5 mm headset adapter is connected to the A855, with no wired headset connected, when the adapter is disconnected the Media Player is launched.

Short term work around: The customer needs to ensure that the adapter and headset are removed at the same time.

Planned Resolution: A fix for this issue will be included in a maintenance release of software for this device. The target date for the next release of software is December 11, 2009.

Category: Applications

Subcategory: Non-VZW Branded Applications
Exchange Active Sync Email: Personal folders and subfolders are shown on the same level, e.g. they are not nested.
Short term work around: There is no known work around.

Planned Resolution: A fix for this issue will be included in a maintenance release of software for this device. The target date for the next release of software is January 22, 2010.

Exchange Active Sync Email: Sending is done in the background, but no visible icon or notice is displayed to the customer.

Short term work around: There is no known work around.
Planned Resolution: A fix for this issue will be included in a maintenance release of software for this device. The target date for the next release of software is December 11, 2009.

Exchange Active Sync Calendar: Editing recurring appointments with large invite lists can cause a lock-up.

Short term work around: Have the customer use their PC or web application to edit recurring appointments. The customer can power cycle the device to recover.

Planned Resolution: A fix for this issue will be included in a maintenance release of software for this device. The target date for the next release of software is January 22, 2010.

Exchange Active Sync Email: You cannot accept a calendar appointment received via email.

Short term work around: The customer can accept or decline the meeting invite by accessing it under the Corporate Calendar application.
Planned Resolution: A fix for this issue will be included in a maintenance release of software for this device. The target date for the next release of software is January 22, 2010.

Exchange Active Sync/Google Mail: Messages sent from the A855 only support picture attachments, no other types of attachments are supported.

Short term work around: There is no known work around.
Planned Resolution: A fix for this issue will be included in a maintenance release of software for this device. The target date for the next release of software is January 22, 2010.

Subcategory: VZW Branded Application
Visual Voice Mail: On some occasions, notifications of new messages may be delayed.

Short term work around: There is no known work around.
Planned Resolution: A fix for this issue will be included in a maintenance release of software for this device. The target date for the next release of software is December 11, 2009.

Category: Bluetooth
Videos Transferred via Bluetooth to the A855: The video information screen will contain an incorrect date and/or time. NOTE: To view the date/time, go to the Gallery and select Bluetooth. Press and hold a video until the Video options are displayed and select Details. The time and / or date stamp will be incorrect.

Short term work around: There is no known work around.
Planned Resolution: A fix for this issue will be included in a maintenance release of software for this device. The target date for the next release of software is December 11, 2009.

Category: Call Features - 3 Way Calling
This feature does not work in select markets where the user has to press Send first to initiate a 3 way call. The device currently does not support the Send key FLASH function.

Short term work around: There is no known work around.
Planned Resolution: A fix for this issue will be included in a maintenance release of software for this device. The target date for the next release of software is December 11, 2009.

If a Call Waiting call is received prior to the 3 Way Call, 3 Way Calls cannot be established for the duration of the call.

Short term work around: The customer will need to end the call and retry the 3 way call.

Planned Resolution: A fix for this issue will be included in a maintenance release of software for this device. The target date for the next release of software is December 11, 2009.

When a 3 Way Call is established, the UI still shows an option to + Add call. Selecting this soft key while on a 3 way call will have no effect.
Short term work around: There is no known work around.

Planned Resolution: A fix for this issue will be included in a maintenance release of software for this device. The target date for the next release of software is December 11, 2009.

Messaging Character Count: When entering in message text, the character count is not displayed until the first segment (160 characters) is filled. The display will first display XX/1, until 11 characters are entered. The customer will then see 144/2, which will decrease as characters are entered.

Short term work around: There is no known work around.
Planned Resolution: A fix for this issue will be included in a maintenance release of software for this device. The target date for the next release of software is December 11, 2009.

Incorrect Message Delivery: Very intermittently, if a contact has the area code enclosed with parentheses, the destination number area code maybe replaced with the sender's area code. This can also occur with 7 digit mobile numbers. Message delivery failures can occur.

Short term work around: Remove all parentheses associated with the area code from the customer's contacts. All 7 digit contact numbers must be changed to include the area code.

Planned Resolution: A fix for this issue will be included in a maintenance release of software for this device. The target date for the next release of software is December 11, 2009.

Contact Transfer: Contacts cannot be transferred via Bluetooth.
Short term work around: Customer content (non-DRM or protected) and contacts can be transferred via the Cellebrite tool.

Planned Resolution: A fix for this issue will be included in a maintenance release of software for this device. The target date for the next release of software is January 22, 2010.

Initial Activation & Incoming Calls/Messages: It can take up to 3 minutes before an incoming call can be answered or messages received. Outgoing calls can be placed and the customer can also send messages.
Short term work around: After the activation is complete, power cycle the device.

Planned Resolution: A fix for this issue will be included in a maintenance release of software for this device. The target date for the next release of software is December 11, 2009.

Camera Auto Focus: Intermittently, pressing the camera button half way results in red corner lines. This is an indication that the auto focus was not successful.

Short term work around: Auto focus may take more than one attempt.
Planned Resolution: A fix for this issue will be included in a maintenance release of software for this device. The target date for the next release of software is December 11, 2009.

Far End Echo: The calling or called party to/from a Motorola A855 may notice their voice being echoed back into their earpiece.
Short term work around: The customer will need to power cycle their Motorola A855.

Planned Resolution: A fix for this issue will be included in a maintenance release of software for this device. The target date for the next release of software is December 11, 2009.

link (http://linkgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=95460)

11-13-2009, 03:51 PM
DALAZ_68 - What? Cliffnotes please?

11-13-2009, 03:55 PM
i think the droid just made the iphone look better

11-13-2009, 05:08 PM
i think the droid just made the iphone look better

Care to elaborate?

11-13-2009, 07:40 PM
Care to elaborate?

the droid isnt as smooth and the touch screen dosnt seem to respond as fast as the iphone and dosnt have all the apps like an iphone and there has been alot of reported proublems already and i dont really care for the shape eather if they make a 2nd or 3rd droid it will proubly be in compition with the i phone they got some kinks to work out plus i think verizon has a fetish for slide phones

11-13-2009, 07:44 PM
DALAZ_68 - What? Cliffnotes please?

cliff note - fucking read

i think the droid just made the iphone look better

i think you just proved why ur banned from the market place...lol :w00t:

11-13-2009, 07:53 PM
the droid isnt as smooth and the touch screen dosnt seem to respond as fast as the iphone and dosnt have all the apps like an iphone and there has been alot of reported proublems already and i dont really care for the shape eather if they make a 2nd or 3rd droid it will proubly be in compition with the i phone they got some kinks to work out plus i think verizon has a fetish for slide phones

Grammar and spell check is your friend. :keke:

cliff note - fucking read

I think the second line is all that was needed, along with a follow-up link to lengthy details (imo). lol

11-13-2009, 08:01 PM
I think the second line is all that was needed, along with a follow-up link to lengthy details (imo). lol

wasnt trying to mean, just cant cliff that...:wiggle:

11-13-2009, 08:47 PM
yo steve when you getting your phone

11-13-2009, 10:18 PM
the droid isnt as smooth and the touch screen dosnt seem to respond as fast as the iphone and dosnt have all the apps like an iphone and there has been alot of reported proublems already and i dont really care for the shape eather if they make a 2nd or 3rd droid it will proubly be in compition with the i phone they got some kinks to work out plus i think verizon has a fetish for slide phones

You've really convinced me why I should go buy an iPhone over the Droid. Thanks a lot for being so thorough and clear on all of the advantages I would be graced with by owning one.

11-14-2009, 02:51 AM
yo steve when you getting your phone

when someone buys my stuff lol

11-14-2009, 01:29 PM
The number of apps isn't what shines on Droid.

Its the quality of apps.

I mean, a Street Fighter sound board? BADASS.

11-14-2009, 01:43 PM
The number of apps isn't what shines on Droid.

Its the quality of apps.

I mean, a Street Fighter sound board? BADASS.

There should be alot more apps once the phones been around for alittle. The droid kinda sounds like the storm. With acouple free apps but pretty much they all cost money.

Question: does the droid use a sim's card can it be unlocked??

11-14-2009, 04:03 PM
There should be alot more apps once the phones been around for alittle. The droid kinda sounds like the storm. With acouple free apps but pretty much they all cost money.

Question: does the droid use a sim's card can it be unlocked??

im pretty sure it doesnt...since all verizon phones dont, but i understand were the question comes from since Moto does use SIM cards...

JayDee M Rolly
11-14-2009, 04:13 PM
theres alot of great android phones now.

check ebay, and to look at other phones check out gsmarena.com

drift freaq
11-15-2009, 12:59 PM
im pretty sure it doesnt...since all verizon phones dont, but i understand were the question comes from since Moto does use SIM cards...

The droid does not use a SIM card. It is a CDMA phone. CDMA phones do not use SIM cards.

Now with all that, it is a Android OS phone which means it should have access to the Android App market. Which now has 10k plus apps. That is not a small amount.

Yes the Iphone has over 80k Apps. But hey, I own a Mytouch and 10k plus apps only leaves me wanting for a couple of apps the Iphone has and the Android market does not. YET!

P.S. does your phone have a dyno on it? Mine does :D

I should also add that if you are on Verizon and do not like the look of the Droid look at the Eres its a HTC phone aka HERO, aka Mytouch.

Which means you could Root it and Rom it and drop the HERO rom(HTC's own take on Android OS with sense UI i.e. pinch scroll two finger control) on it which is superior to the Droid or Motoblur software.

JayDee M Rolly
11-15-2009, 01:06 PM
oh wth they dubbed that phone the hero? i know a guy that has the real hero HTC Hero - Full phone specifications (http://www.gsmarena.com/htc_hero-2861.php) pretty nice. the mytouch is called the htc magic.

the mytouch is a nice phone as well. HTC phones are the best. although im waiting to see the Samsung Behold 2 as it looks very sleek for an android phone (what samsung phone doesnt look sleek).

11-15-2009, 03:04 PM
just finished installing the cyanogen 4.2.4 rom and the navigation from the droid on my G1. everything went really smooth and is running way quicker than the previous rom i was running. if you have root i highly suggest you go for it.

drift freaq
11-15-2009, 04:45 PM
oh wth they dubbed that phone the hero? i know a guy that has the real hero HTC Hero - Full phone specifications (http://www.gsmarena.com/htc_hero-2861.php) pretty nice. the mytouch is called the htc magic.

the mytouch is a nice phone as well. HTC phones are the best. although im waiting to see the Samsung Behold 2 as it looks very sleek for an android phone (what samsung phone doesnt look sleek).

Sprint got a reworked Desire but its being Marketed as a HERO . It has the Hero rom on it. I checked it out friday cause I know someone that has it.

Not impressed with the Samsung Behold II their software top for Android is not to my liking.
The Other phone to watch for coming shortly is the Huiwei Pulse. Its going to be the cheapest Android phone on the market. It has a Nine screen system on top of OS thats pretty damn slick. Its coming on T-Mobile.

just finished installing the cyanogen 4.2.4 rom and the navigation from the droid on my G1. everything went really smooth and is running way quicker than the previous rom i was running. if you have root i highly suggest you go for it.

Have you tried a HERO rom? Out of all the research I have done its the only Android Rom besides the Hui Wei Pulse Rom that has the pinch scroll capability like a Iphone. I do not believe Droid has that, correct me If I am wrong.

sacco sideways
11-15-2009, 04:46 PM
Motorola Droid (Verizon Wireless) Smartphone reviews - CNET Reviews (http://reviews.cnet.com/smartphones/motorola-droid-verizon-wireless/4505-6452_7-33783559.html)

JayDee M Rolly
11-15-2009, 04:58 PM
well im hoping that someone flashes the hero's rom on the behold 2, because i love how it looks haha, plus the headphone jack and the 5mp camera is nice as well.

11-15-2009, 05:03 PM
i have not tried a hero rom ever, and if you mean the pinch resize/zoom then no it doesn't have that on cyanogens rom. the google maps navigation is just the app from the droid not the droid rom. the droid rom is version 2.0 (or eclair as google calls it) with verizon app pack. cyanogen has started getting 2.0 working on a G1 and last i heard he had to get the video and sound working right.

11-15-2009, 05:22 PM
im just gonna update my 6800 for WM6.5 for now...sigh

drift freaq
11-15-2009, 05:22 PM
i have not tried a hero rom ever, and if you mean the pinch resize/zoom then no it doesn't have that on cyanogens rom. the google maps navigation is just the app from the droid not the droid rom. the droid rom is version 2.0 (or eclair as google calls it) with verizon app pack. cyanogen has started getting 2.0 working on a G1 and last i heard he had to get the video and sound working right.

ya the pinch resize scroll zoom is the bomb. Ya I want to run the HERO rom on my Mytouch but i am waiting for Eclair to drop on our phones OTA. Word is its coming but no time frame.

11-15-2009, 06:18 PM
yeah i waited for cupcake for what seemed like a lifetime. bite the bullet and root, its worth it and is really really easy if you can follow instructions.

why do you want hero? i have not felt like it had anything i would use

11-15-2009, 09:31 PM
So far, still loving this phone. Can't wait for more updated to polish it up a bit. It is pretty quick though. Only when I'm running a couple of apps will it slow down a little, but for the most part, and for what I use it for, it's just fun. Such a fun phone. Camera could use some work.

11-15-2009, 10:54 PM
P.S. does your phone have a dyno on it? Mine does :D

SEMA 2009: Rev for iPhone reaches 2.0, includes data-logging [w/ VIDEO] &mdash; Autoblog (http://www.autoblog.com/2009/11/06/sema-2009-rev-for-iphone-reaches-2-0-includes-data-logging-w/)

just sayin' :kiss:

11-16-2009, 07:27 AM
The Blackberry Tour and Storm 1 and 2 all work on CDMA and can also operate on GSM networks with SIM cards!! w00t. But no the Droid doesn't.

I have:
DynoStorm « BunsenTech, LLC (http://www.bunsentech.com/projects/dynostorm/)

on my Storm. Pretty fun app. But I need a better holder for my phone.

11-16-2009, 08:06 AM
The droid does not use a SIM card. It is a CDMA phone. CDMA phones do not use SIM cards.

yeah forgot that detail...i gotta stop posting under the influence...:Ownedd:

11-17-2009, 07:44 AM
so finally got around to loading 6.5 wm on my phone, i think ima tinker with it a bit more...lol

im still getting the droid but i think ima wait till my contract is up assuming this phone stays alive long enough

11-17-2009, 08:22 AM
The funny thing about this is that Verizon is saying they still want the Iphone and they are talking about making Apple beg? Oh please, Apple does not beg for shit i.e. anything!
Verizon has screwed themselves out of the Iphone by taking a direct marketing campaign against it with the Droid. Apple is not going to dismiss that. I would bet you will see the Iphone on Sprint and T-Mobile long before Verizon at this point.

Back to the Droid. I checked out Motorola's software the other night. Its indeed fairly well executed. I was checking it out on the Cliq.

Anybody wanting to ROM their phone and put Hero on it, if its not a Droid should wait till Android 2.0 is released on the other carriers as Android 2.0 is a lot of what makes the Droid rock.

Oh and if anyone is wondering the Eris is a HTC phone.
The funny thing about this whole verizon/iphone thing is if verizon gets the iphone they are gonna shut down all the other phone companys. It would be a slaughter.lol:lockd::lockd:

11-17-2009, 08:25 AM
The funny thing about this whole verizon/iphone thing is if verizon gets the iphone they are gonna shut down all the other phone companys. It would be a slaughter.lol:lockd::lockd:

honestly doubt it...

Verizon doesnt have the cheapest plans...but it comes down to how much green your willign to spend...

Drift N Dragg
11-17-2009, 08:48 AM
honestly doubt it...

Verizon doesnt have the cheapest plans...but it comes down to how much green your willign to spend...

You sure? I know Verizon does not have ' Unlimited Minutes Plans ', But my Plan is $50.00 a month for my Girlfriends and my Phone. It just went up 29.99, But that is due to the Data package when I got my Motorola Droid.

But all in all, My end of the Month Bill, including my Unlimited Texts to any mobile, is $68.00.. Now it has increased to 97.99...

But that's not bad concidering I have 4 Phones on my Plan, Just My Girlfriends and Mine are the Upgrades.. (and my whole Family has verizon, so I never really use my Minutes)

I have been a Verizon Customer for about 8 Years.. I have tried the Other services and did not care for them. But Verizon wants to keep there customer's too.. I had a Outrageous bill once, and I called the Verizon Wireless Customer Support, and she made a plan to fit me, Hense the 50 Dollar plan..

Granted I only have like 700 Minutes, But I mostly text, and so does my family (Believe me how amazed I was when my Grandma and my Dad started texting me.. )..

But that's just my .02 Cents

Soup Nazi
11-17-2009, 09:04 AM
I'm not sure which phone I want, Droid Eris or the Droid.

11-17-2009, 09:09 AM
You sure? I know Verizon does not have ' Unlimited Minutes Plans ', But my Plan is $50.00 a month for my Girlfriends and my Phone. It just went up 29.99, But that is due to the Data package when I got my Motorola Droid.

But all in all, My end of the Month Bill, including my Unlimited Texts to any mobile, is $68.00.. Now it has increased to 97.99...

But that's not bad concidering I have 4 Phones on my Plan, Just My Girlfriends and Mine are the Upgrades.. (and my whole Family has verizon, so I never really use my Minutes)

I have been a Verizon Customer for about 8 Years.. I have tried the Other services and did not care for them. But Verizon wants to keep there customer's too.. I had a Outrageous bill once, and I called the Verizon Wireless Customer Support, and she made a plan to fit me, Hense the 50 Dollar plan..

Granted I only have like 700 Minutes, But I mostly text, and so does my family (Believe me how amazed I was when my Grandma and my Dad started texting me.. )..

But that's just my .02 Cents

yeah i hear yah...my phone alone is 101.36 a month, and thats after a 20% discount every month...

i have unlimited data/txt/450 mins...but i love my PDA, and as mentioned b4 i updated my sofware 6.5 so its like a whole new phone in the same shell of my old...

I'm not sure which phone I want, Droid Eris or the Droid.

if u like qwerty - moto droid
if you really dont care for qwerty - aries...

honestly there pretty damn similar minus the qwerty....imho

Drift N Dragg
11-17-2009, 09:19 AM
yeah i hear yah...my phone alone is 101.36 a month, and thats after a 20% discount every month...

i have unlimited data/txt/450 mins...but i love my PDA, and as mentioned b4 i updated my sofware 6.5 so its like a whole new phone in the same shell of my old...

if u like qwerty - moto droid
if you really dont care for qwerty - aries...

honestly there pretty damn similar minus the qwerty....imho

If I am correct, The Droid has a Dual Style Chipset and the Eris has a Single..

The Droids Internal memory is greater then the Eris..

I think this Article is kinda HTC Basis, But here you go, some Info


The HTC Droid Eris is $100 cheaper than the Motorola Droid.
Verizon Wireless is selling the Motorola Droid for $199.99 (after a $100 mail-in rebate or online discount, when signing a new two-year service contract). The HTC Droid Eris is $99.99, (after a $100 mail-in rebate or online discount, when signing a new two-year service contract).

The Motorola Droid is bigger, boxier, and slightly heavier than the HTC Droid Eris. The Motorola Droid measures 4.6 inches tall by 2.4 inches wide by .54 inches thick, and weighs 6.0 ounces.
The HTC Droid Eris, meanwhile, measures 4.5 by 2.2 by .5 inches and weighs just 4.2 ounces.

The Droid Eris owes its slimmer profile and lighter weight to its lack of a hardware-based QWERTY keyboard; it's an all-touch-screen phone.
The Motorola Droid, meanwhile, features a full QWERTY keyboard that slides out from beneath the display. The face of the Motorola Droid lacks any buttons, while the HTC Droid Eris has a trackball for navigation and two hardware buttons.

The HTC Droid Eris sports a 3.2-inch touch screen -- notably smaller than the Motorola Droid's 3.7 inch display.
And the 480-by-320 screen resolution found on the HTC Droid Eris pales in comparison to the high-resolution 480-by-854 screen that Motorola's phone offers.

The Motorola Droid runs the latest version of the Android operating system, version 2.0. The HTC Droid Eris runs version 1.5, and Verizon hasn't said when it will be updated.
The older version of the Android OS means that the HTC Droid Eris does not include the slick new Google Maps Navigation app that you'll find on the Motorola Droid. You will get an updated version of Google Maps, but that doesn't offer the spoken turn-by-turn directions that Google Maps Navigation offers.
Both phones offer access to the Android Marketplace, where you can download apps for both work and play.

Both the Motorola Droid and the HTC Droid Eris offer 5-megapixel cameras that capture video clips as well as snapshots.
The camera on the HTC Droid Eris, features autofocus, but lacks a flash. The camera on the Motorola Droid, meanwhile, offers a dual-LED flash, plus the ability to select from various scene modes, add color effects, and control the white balance.
Music and Video

Both the Motorola Droid and HTC Droid Eris eschew Verizon's suite of V Cast multimedia services in favor of the music and video features offered on most Android phones. You get one-touch access to the Amazon MP3 store, which offers DRM-free downloads for purchase, plus one-touch access to YouTube for video playback. You also get a basic music player for managing and playing back tracks.
Bottom Line

The Motorola Droid is the bigger and flashier smartphone. But it's also more expensive. For $100 less, the HTC Droid Eris offers almost as many features and could be the better bet -- as long as you can live without a keyboard.

11-17-2009, 09:33 AM
The Motorola Droid is the bigger and flashier smartphone. But it's also more expensive. For $100 less, the HTC Droid Eris offers almost as many features and could be the better bet -- as long as you can live without a keyboard.

and update the software to 2.0 at some point down the line

Drift N Dragg
11-17-2009, 09:38 AM
They dont have a Flash for it YET.. But will soon

11-17-2009, 09:41 AM
They dont have a Flash for it YET.. But will soon

yeah i already knwo a few peeps on PPCgeeks who are already on the march to do so...

Soup Nazi
11-17-2009, 10:09 AM
Thanks for that post, after reading that and some other comparisons and reviews, it looks like the Moto Droid is the better fit for me.

Drift N Dragg
11-17-2009, 10:18 AM
Thanks for that post, after reading that and some other comparisons and reviews, it looks like the Moto Droid is the better fit for me.

I have mine and I Love the Shit out of it... I am still earning some of hte more advanced features, but I overall love the crap out of this thing...

drift freaq
11-17-2009, 11:59 AM
Droid Eres is pretty much the Verizon version of the HERO and Mytouch. Outside of a few cosmetic looks the mytouch,eris and hero are all pretty much same phone. I do not know if anyone has rooted an Eres yet but the other two have been rooted extensively and the developers have builds of 2.0 and are working on porting them to rooted phones. I.E. I will have everything the Droid has on my phone shortly.

Also HTC and T-Mobile has confirmed that at sometime in the near future Android 2.0 will be pushed in a OTA upgrade.

With all that said for now the Droid has an edge. I do not expect it to last though. The playing field will be leveled.

If you are on Verizon and like qwerty keyboards the Droid is your game.

11-17-2009, 12:43 PM
While I think all this stuff is great, what if you're someone like me who really never cared about having the best of the best phone? I'm not so much concerned with it having "the edge" as I am with me being happy with the phone for a couple years. I'm sure it will be outdated compared to the new new in 6 months, but will that make the phone any less good? I currently have the Envy 2 and LOVE this phone for that it is.

11-17-2009, 12:50 PM

I am on Verizon and I think I am eligible for a new phone right now.

What should I get?

I don't want a "data plan" or some shit like that. I don't want to get emails on my phone necessarily.

I was checking in on some of the phones on the verizon site. All the normal phones look pretty lame.

I think the Droid (The HTC one I think) has WiFi or something. Does that mean I can get free internet on it or something? I would just have to go to somewhere that has a WiFi?

I don't really know anything about phones or technology.

I use my phone to make calls sometimes.
Text all the time.
Use it as a camera a lot of the time.

That's about it. Maybe if it had Pacman I'd be pumped too. and Tetris.

11-17-2009, 12:53 PM
if it has Wifi, that means you have to be at a place that has wifi for you to get on the internet.

No data plan = no internet access, which comes in handy more times than you think.
also, depending on how its setup, you wouldnt be able to use your GPS without the data package, b/c it downloads the maps from the internet

drift freaq
11-17-2009, 12:56 PM
While I think all this stuff is great, what if you're someone like me who really never cared about having the best of the best phone? I'm not so much concerned with it having "the edge" as I am with me being happy with the phone for a couple years. I'm sure it will be outdated compared to the new new in 6 months, but will that make the phone any less good? I currently have the Envy 2 and LOVE this phone for that it is.

I completely understand your sediments Mel. I have the Mytouch and I bought itonly because I was tired of the bulkiness of the G1, otherwise I am happy with it. Yes there are newer phones coming, but what is cool is all of the features are portable to my phone.
That is sick. The fact that your phone is upgradeable and you don't have to buy a new phone to get the new features.. That is what is brilliant about Smartphones.


I am on Verizon and I think I am eligible for a new phone right now.

What should I get?

I don't want a "data plan" or some shit like that. I don't want to get emails on my phone necessarily.

I was checking in on some of the phones on the verizon site. All the normal phones look pretty lame.

I think the Droid (The HTC one I think) has WiFi or something. Does that mean I can get free internet on it or something? I would just have to go to somewhere that has a WiFi?

I don't really know anything about phones or technology.

I use my phone to make calls sometimes.
Text all the time.
Use it as a camera a lot of the time.

That's about it. Maybe if it had Pacman I'd be pumped too. and Tetris.

Brian, like pank said you have to have the data package to get online. There have been cases of people getting a data plan activating the phone and then dropping the data plan and using only the wifi. Though like pank said it puts you at a severe disadvantage when it comes to the maps and whatnot.

If your using the Camera then the Droid is going be better than the Eres, Also if you like texting and want a keyboard the Droid is it.
If you want the less bulky form factor? Than the Eres is the one.

I suggest you go to the Verizon store and check out both Phones.

01-20-2010, 07:53 AM
I have a question.

Can you sync two separate phone's date books/calenders together?

Like say mye wife and I each have a Droid. I got into my phone to mark an event on the 30th after talking to a buddy about going out that day. Earlier that day I didn't see anything there but now that I go in there I notice my wife signed us up for ________ classes that night. Darn. The buddy and I decide the 4th would be good too, and I see we don't have anything going on that day. So I mark it down on that date. Now when my wife checks out the calender she see's I have plans for the 4th.

Is this possible on a Droid or any phone for that matter?

01-20-2010, 10:20 AM
You can create a calender event using the attached gmail account on your droid, (or any other 'smartphone' with a calender tool) and invite other people to that event by sending it to their email address.

If the wife also happens to have a Droid with an attached gmail account, she will get the invite for the event and can then choose to accept to have it added to her calender as well.

Or another more complicated (sorta) way is to both be signed into the same gmail from two different phones and when you create an event, she can see it too.

FYI - In order to use a Google sanctioned android device, you must either sign into an existing Gmail account, or create a new one. So when I refer to the gmail account attached to the droid, that's what I'm referring to.

Now you can also be signed into a different gmail account on the browser of the phone aside from the attached account. So you could have your main attached account separate from the shared account you and your wife would using.

Confused yet? haha.

01-20-2010, 10:25 AM
No I think I got it. So technically we won't be using the same calender. Just need to send invites.

Sounds like that could be a useful app. ;)

01-20-2010, 10:42 AM
im just gonna wait till May when im due for an upgrade...my current phone is still kicking but...but i think ima downgrade the software back to 6.1... 6.5 is awesome...but internet is slower due to new functions that 6.5 has and my phone's processing speed can't handle it well...

but then again i love my goolge maps and you tube feature...so win...

drift freaq
01-20-2010, 10:47 AM
Daniel what is your take on the Nexus One? I seriously thought about selling my Mytouch on ebay and picking up a Nexus One out of contract.

01-20-2010, 08:07 PM
just picked up the droid about 2 weeks ago and i love it, still figuring out stuff everyday, not to mention discovering very useful apps.

02-04-2010, 10:45 AM
So now that these have been out for a bit I'm wondering about the Eris. I know it's basically a dumbed down version of the regular Droid and has some different featues, but is it worth getting? My wife's work can get them buy one get one free which is nice because I'd like my wife to get rid of her Blackberry. I really wanted a regular Droid, but that's not a bad deal. You guys think I'll regret it? Are there any real shortcomings? etc etc.

02-04-2010, 11:08 AM
shortcomings? etc etc.
no physical qwerty board...for me anyways...lol

02-04-2010, 03:27 PM
So now that these have been out for a bit I'm wondering about the Eris. I know it's basically a dumbed down version of the regular Droid and has some different featues, but is it worth getting? My wife's work can get them buy one get one free which is nice because I'd like my wife to get rid of her Blackberry. I really wanted a regular Droid, but that's not a bad deal. You guys think I'll regret it? Are there any real shortcomings? etc etc.

Have you tired both of them side by side?

I noticed the Eris was a bit sluggish when scrolling and also to touch response. This might be due to the processor and OS version.

If your wife mainly does calls, texting and the occasional browsing it's a good phone.

HOWEVER....wait until the Motorola Devour comes out (next month) and really compare. You never know, the Eris might drop even more in price or she will like the Moto Devour.

The Motorola Devour is placed below the Droid and features the MotoBlur UI.

Here's some info on the Motorola Devour:
Motorola DEVOUR with MOTOBLUR - Motorola USA (http://www.motorola.com/Consumers/US-EN/Consumer-Product-and-Services/Mobile-Phones/ci.Motorola_DEVOUR_US-EN.alt)

02-04-2010, 03:32 PM
I have tried'em side by side, and the Eris just felt like it was less of a phone. I like the flip pit keyboard of the Droid too.

I'm waiting to hear back from her contact at work to see what deals they have on the regular Droids right now. I know Verizon had a deal that if you bought a Droid you got an Eris free. She would be fine with the Eris. And honestly that phone is already way better then my Envy 2, but I know the Droid is a real killer phone.

02-05-2010, 09:51 AM
The GSM droid (aka the Milestone) is looking very attractive to me. Although it costs an arm and a leg to get one. = /

02-05-2010, 11:09 AM
damn you MAY!!! hurry the fuck up so i can get my droid for 50 bucks!!!

02-05-2010, 12:35 PM
damn you MAY!!! hurry the fuck up so i can get my droid for 50 bucks!!!

Wait, what?

02-05-2010, 12:37 PM
when the Opus One rolls out, i'm switching to Boost Mobile. yeah i said it.

02-05-2010, 02:49 PM
Wait, what?

He's probably about the discount with a new contract renew for existing customers.

$50 - $100 I believe

02-05-2010, 02:52 PM
Wait, what?

He's probably about the discount with a new contract renew for existing customers.

$50 - $100 I believe

^ that...mine is 150 i believe in discount...:D 10+ years of faithfull service pays off...

02-05-2010, 03:06 PM
^ that...mine is 150 i believe in discount...:D 10+ years of faithfull service pays off...

Hmmm, I have three lines on my account all with 2 year price would be for me.