View Full Version : Need Some Advice

05-13-2003, 08:46 PM
Ok, so I've been perusing, browsing, lurking, call it what you will here for a few weeks now, gathering information and whatnot. I've come to the decision to buy a 240, that being the reason I came here in the first place. Being fairly new to Nissan's, although not cars in particular, I thought I'd go straight to the experts.

I've found this 240 locally, and am planning to go look at it Thursday. Here's the link to the ad (http://www.cars.com/search/used/cc/standard/results/single/ld/detail.jhtml?paId=123972700&aff=national&src=&cid=null) and here's the response he sent to my inquiry:

The car is driveable but has been parked for over a year. I was driving it from Denton to Irving (30-50 miles) everyday to work when I parked it. It needs an inspection sticker and a registration sticker. The gas and the oil have also been sitting for that entire time and need to be changed out. It needs new rear brake pads (which I have but have not installed) and it sounds like it
has developed some noisy lifters (but that may be due to the condition of the oil and gas). It has some cosmetic needs such as a cracked dash, the sunroof latch pin is missing, as well as the antenna (which I have but have not installed).

The part that caught my attention most was the noisy lifters, I'm not sure what kind of cost/effort/time would be involved in fixing it, the rest is easily repairable with a trip to the junkyard.

Also keep in mind that I'm carless at the moment, and need something to get me, for the most part, to and from work reliably, but extensive modifications are planned, depending on budget, etc. Any advice you guys have would be greatly appreciated, and thanks in advance.

05-13-2003, 08:49 PM
if you want a wannabe project car ...then go for it :D ...$1500 seems kinda steep to me though.:confused:

05-13-2003, 09:06 PM
The car you describe in the condition it is in is only worth $500.
It hasn't been driven in a year and the seller can't know everything it needs to run reliably since he doesn't even drive it = red flag. You'll find out too late and it doesn't seem like you have the budget to fix it or deal with that headache.

And the guy probably won't sell that low- so pass it up.
Better to spend $2,000 on a reliable/running/nicer 240. Be patient- you will find your car.