View Full Version : How you guys feel when you struggle for your car?

10-23-2009, 07:36 PM
You know, this hobby is dammn expensive and if you don't have a good income it's HELL just to keep your car as you want and enjoying little thing in life lol.

I eat shitty food each day just to save money, don't go out and worst of all stop played WoW LOL :p

Now that Forza3 is coming out in few days...thats represent a 80$ that I have to withdraw from my saving account :(

10-23-2009, 07:45 PM
i would buy the game just to keep you entertained and not go out and waist money... If not just get yourself another job for extra cash.... better yet go back to school get yourself a degree and a good paying job. Hell then you probably be playing and putting money into real cars. Good luck

10-23-2009, 07:51 PM
yeah u should get a good job before really getting deep into cars.
never take a loan for a car modifications

it is expensive, and even more expensive when u track the car

cars are fun and all, but sometimes its the cheaper things that can be even better.
for example my friends like bike riding now

f that.

10-23-2009, 07:53 PM
Yeah, I'm in college ( Mechanic Engineering), yeah, I know I gonna struggle for a few years and when I am out it will be a lot easier but, it's kinda hard you know...you see people ballin, buying nice clothes when you have to wear down the same old...anyway plus it ain't help me I feel like shit cuz of my relationship problem anyway...have to keep going never give up! :D

Yeah I have a job but its part-time...you know only 50 $ a week...cuz I don't have time to work more...I mean I only work 5hours and I can't work more cuz helping my dad with his things on the weekend :( already give up sleep (sleeping like 5-4 hours a night )

10-23-2009, 07:57 PM
i slap myself for wanting an old ass car instead of a nice new one with a warranty...

10-23-2009, 08:18 PM
Worked two jobs while in college to pay for my addiction which at the time was my 350z, traded that off for a Evo VIII, got rid of the evo and went without for a while and just drove my truck. Now that I am out of school I have a house (all to myself) and got my BNR32 GTR and just sank about 14K in parts into that mess in one huge lump.

Greatest advice already given is finish school before you get really into the more time and money consuming aspects of our hobby. Also stay the hell away from females, they are money pits if you let them stay around too long, get in, get what you need and leave. My friend told me once, and I kid you not this is the best advice I got in a long time (mind you this was when I was pretty tore up over an ex) "there are 3 billion vaginas on the planet earth, chances of the end all be all vagina being within a 50 mile radius of you are slim to none"

10-23-2009, 08:38 PM
im at the point that fuckign with cars will get you no where.. no offense to some here, but all these dudes wont amount to a pro racing career.. you cant live off a formula d sponsorship income etc.. you cant get very far with a production chassis, if anything it needs to be race breed, i.e. start with go karts and work your way up.

I wish i didnt get into cars, i would have been financially better today, and probably playing with Porches and high end cars since i dont wanna spend alot of my life playing with inexpensive 80s-90s japanese cars.

Mi Beardo es Loco
10-23-2009, 08:58 PM
yeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Honestly, if it's effecting your life in such a negative way maybe you should turn it down a notch. That's the beauty of drifting. Sell your car and buy something like a 84 s12 for hella cheap and it's just as fun on a more beatupable car. If you're dropping aftermarket parts in your car it's a luxary. If you can't afford that luxary then you need to think twice.

Remember, over the next few years you'll be planning to buy a house, get married, have kids, start a savings. Start now, think responsible. Seriously, to be a drifter you shouldn't be eating Top Ramine every night on your friends couch.

And I'm a guy who started racing at 15 and still am. I regret dropping so much money into my cars. I never became a professional driver and most on here never will be either so you don't have to build a Super Street style car to drift anyways. Just spend what you can afford.

That's the beauty of drifting. It's basically taking stock cars and having fun.

10-23-2009, 09:28 PM
No offense to any of you guys, but I realize something through out the years, oh I am 18 now and I start to get serious with cars at 14 (what I meant by serious is I start to learn how they work, blablablah)

And I realize that most of cars lover, when they have enough to buy the car that they want (s14,s13, 240sx, skyline, etc)they drop all their saving into it...and after that each pennie they make is going directly to the car...and when they realize it, it's too late, they don't have enough for their long-term life (getting married, house, etc) and they work like crazy to catch up.

Now i know I am still young, but I decided that if I want to enjoy my life in the 25-40 y/o I need to work hard. So I start to take school on a very serious way, I try to spend less (keep cash for invest it when times come). And I even start to read a lot about Stock Market, even if I dont play...the only reason is probably because I dont have enough money :P but I still follow some stocks, in other words Im learning what I think its gonna be helpful for my future. And when I will have enough, I will buy my cars...but the condo is a priority!

But the only freakin god dammn problem is freakin girls! I wish I dont have to deal with this...anyway!

10-23-2009, 09:32 PM
^exactly.. im 25 now and would have been better off if i concentrated on school first instead of trying to build up a car while attending school, well i never finished school.. now im going back to school and on the verge of saying to hell with cars, and it really limits u because now a days you gotta worry about theft/laws etc. Theres some guys here who did their school first, than cars later and are doing good.

10-23-2009, 09:36 PM
I graduated and now I want a house to call my own. If you really like cars, that will come with time. In the meantime, be smart with your finances as that is what follows you throughout your lifetime...

10-23-2009, 09:52 PM
The only things I do to my car right now are to make sure it runs properly and efficiently.
I had some designs on "doing" things to it, and I know I will eventually make good on EVERYTHING I had planned, but I decided to buy a house instead.
I feel better being able to tell my high school classmates "yeah, I don't have any kids, and I just bought a house over on Willow Rd." than saying "yeah, I gotta 240 with [this] and [that] and [that too]," but I guess this whole getting old thing is beginning to get to me.

10-24-2009, 01:25 AM
yeah u should get a good job before really getting deep into cars.
never take a loan for a car modifications

it is expensive, and even more expensive when u track the car

cars are fun and all, but sometimes its the cheaper things that can be even better.
for example my friends like bike riding now

f that.
F that, bike riding is just about the same or more then driving my 240. Once you get into it, it aint cheap.

10-24-2009, 01:36 AM
yeah u should get a good job before really getting deep into cars.
never take a loan for a car modifications


I've talked to lots of guys who have taken out bank loans, or borrowed money from their parents, just to make their cars baller.....and then hard park em.

maybe the occasional car show, but 90% hard-park-oustide-coffee-shop-I'm-a-fucking-baller-know-your-role.

I don't get it?

10-24-2009, 01:39 AM
get a reliable daily

10-24-2009, 02:29 AM
i feel ya, but honestly, we wouldnt appreciate it as much if we could could just fix them up fully the next day. Even tho i wish i could at times lol..i just cant wait to get some real money coming in. i have no idea how some of you ballers afford the things you do!

10-24-2009, 02:32 AM
I am now saving up for a nice road bike. Cars sap too much money, and its always diminishing returns.

buy X for 3000 now. Sell it for only 2500 later in same condition. Losing money isn't cool.

10-24-2009, 02:58 AM
i feel ya, but honestly, we wouldnt appreciate it as much if we could could just fix them up fully the next day. Even tho i wish i could at times lol..i just cant wait to get some real money coming in. i have no idea how some of you ballers afford the things you do!

Work, work, work your ass off. It's about all I did for about 4 years through school, albeit I had very nice cars at the time and didn't do much except for hit the track when things were going smoothly. But now that I am actually making some real money I have the luxury to be financially set and poor money into my passion as I see fit.

I am now saving up for a nice road bike. Cars sap too much money, and its always diminishing returns.

buy X for 3000 now. Sell it for only 2500 later in same condition. Losing money isn't cool.

Ha, good luck with that, I tried the same thing but you will see, gas isn't as cheap as you think it will be especially if you get a 600 or 1000, bout as average as a diesel or hybrid econobox worse even is the fact you will be using premium. Secondly you are going to go through tires like a mother, been there and done that. Then it turns out just like the cars you will not be happy and you will start modding, and heaven forbid when you down the damn thing, woops I slid 20 yards on pavement there goes 1500 on parts. Believe me your better off going and getting a yaris or fit.

And to the younger guy that mentioned females, stay away from the ones that get attached, you have your whole life to be controlled so stay single and happy for as long as humanly possible. Keep reserves and just enjoy yourself.

10-24-2009, 03:04 AM
I think it's just a matter of budgeting what you have.
you don't really have to spend a lot to enjoy whatever car you have.

Just pick something thats fun to drive stock.
I had a crx si & miata before my 240sx.
All I had to do was get some wider wheels, nicer tires, pads, & a tune up.
Took the cars on several track events and prob spend $150/month on average on events.
Since it already looked like shit, I could care less if I scored extra dings & dents.

I think owning a 'show-car' is no fun at all.
It costs lots of $$$ usually.
you're constantly fussing about ppl dinging your paint, scraping your wheels, etc.
maybe worried about the copper popping your hood, car theives, etc.
that's not too much fun imo.

New cars have their hassles too.
car payments, higher insurance premiums are inevitable,
but gone (or at least the risks are lower) are the frustrations of having your car break down,
and it is easier to take the boss & girls out.

Like all things, there are good deal and not so good deals.
find whats best for you & go on from there.

10-24-2009, 09:19 AM
get a sugar mommy.

10-24-2009, 12:56 PM
i slap myself for wanting an old ass car instead of a nice new one with a warranty...

I slap myself for having an expensive car payment instead of an old ass one i can fix at anytime for cheaper than my monthly payment and insurance just to keep it :ddog:

10-24-2009, 01:01 PM
^^ I finally got out of a car payment after 4 years. I went from STI, to s2000, to 40k silverado, and ill tell you this, IM MORE HAPPY IN MY 7K DOLLAR 97 KOUKI! lol..

10-24-2009, 01:02 PM
I slap myself for having an expensive car payment instead of an old ass one i can fix at anytime for cheaper than my monthly payment and insurance just to keep it :ddog:

I am in 5000% agreement with this guy.
I started to buy a brand-ass new car a few years back and would be right at payoff about now... I am glad now that I did not.

10-24-2009, 04:40 PM
I'm trying to get it out of my system while I'm young, not sure if thats going to work well though haha.

I have a reliable daily and my project car. i balance two jobs with school and it works out alright, even have time to work on the car a decent amount.

I see it different probably because I'm young, but I loaned a couple thousand to get the car done so I can just enjoy it for a few months of the year until my income grows (car is more expensive on insurance, and way more expensive on gas, not to mention the urge to buy stuff for it all the time when its on stands and the engines out).

According to this thread though, it was a bad idea. I will see how it plays out, small enough amount to not make a big effect on me.

10-24-2009, 05:28 PM
I have a reliable daily and my project car.

Best way to do it.

When I make good money I put some into the car, when I'm low it's no worries because I don't have a payment.

10-24-2009, 09:42 PM
I know how u feel. I had a decent job awhile back when i first got my S13 and i was spending every pay check on parts and the car was comin along nice and smooth. Untill i got laid off and now the car sits for almost a year now.

10-25-2009, 02:43 PM
i pretty much just work and stay home to afford my car... no more modding for me... moneys tight right now... stay away from girls, they drain more money than a car does!!! for a while i even had 2 jobs but some stuff happened and had to leave the second one... keep your head up and finish school...

10-25-2009, 03:01 PM
by Bike, i mean BICYCLE. Not Motorcycle.

Does that make me half a man?

10-25-2009, 06:09 PM
Battlefield 1942 Desert Combat helps me save money as It is free to play online. I also work at the bar where I normally hang out so its a Win/Win for me.......I eat alot of ham and cheese sandwiches....:wan:

Touge Noob S13
10-25-2009, 07:27 PM
If you are going to dd a project car make sure you pick up a clean project car thats not going to be giving you bs problems. Thats what I did and im enjoying it, $20/week on gas and fun to drive.

10-25-2009, 07:39 PM
I dont struggle for my car by choice... A week after I bought it out of state, the engine blew. I was up shit creek without a paddle. Literally the day I got the freshly rebuilt engine into it, I lost my job...

So yeah shit happens. Just gotta move on.

10-25-2009, 08:29 PM
Having a reliable daily helps a ridiculous amount, as was stated earlier.

my current daily is a bone stock TE72 corolla, i got it just so i wouldn't have to drive the Z every day (especially in the winter) for less than $200 and i love it, i have not driven the Z once since i got the rolla lol.

10-26-2009, 03:35 AM
Iv been building cars for 10+ yrs now iv had some fun toys, but i always did things in stages and only once did i go over budget cuz i got a hella good deal on parts. I ate romaine and sat and played video games for a month after that.

I drive a 05 jetta as a daily and I own a 91 nissan you know all the works blah blah, and i got a 91 mr2. Ever since i got the jetta i never drive any of my toys. Do i regret it, i think oh man i could have a nice ass bimmer or benz but F that iv had soo much fun learnin and racing cars than anything!

10-26-2009, 03:55 AM
i dont think, hell, i know i'll never go pro...but drifting is a hobby...its what i do besides spend time with my family. as long as you have a daily and can afford to keep tinkering with cars/drifting i dont see what the big deal is. i'm 23, married with a little girl,i'll be out of the marine corps in 3 years and will be starting my "final" career then...i dont plan on getting out of this unless i HAVE to sell my car because we're in dior financial straights.

10-26-2009, 08:54 AM
Iv been building cars for 10+ yrs now iv had some fun toys, but i always did things in stages and only once did i go over budget cuz i got a hella good deal on parts. I ate romaine and sat and played video games for a month after that.

I drive a 05 jetta as a daily and I own a 91 nissan you know all the works blah blah, and i got a 91 mr2. Ever since i got the jetta i never drive any of my toys. Do i regret it, i think oh man i could have a nice ass bimmer or benz but F that iv had soo much fun learnin and racing cars than anything!

im almost in the same boat. the experience that this scene has afforded me is the only thing that i am grateful for. other than that i think i could have found something different to have done.

10-26-2009, 10:26 AM
i dont think i could ever give up having my car and doing what i love to do. Its my only thing. See here is what i get at. I dont smoke, i usually eat fairly cheap. i do what i can to put money in my car. I do however sometimes go a little overboard and it makes it a struggle to get by but usually thats just periodic, not for long periods of time.

Most of the time im good. But yeah like most said having a daily driver is optimum but not always necessary if you trust in the work you do on your car and make it reliable.

I drive my 550whp B13 Sentra daily, daily driven 60 miles round trip to work every day. I have not had any problems driving it and ive tuned it and set it up to where its not hard at all for me or anyone else to get in and drive my car. But its insanely fast. haha. I wholly trust all my work which is every part on the car and tuning to not have a problem putting miles on it. I get 35mpg on the highway going to work and as long as i dont get on it all the time i can get close to 30 in town.

But as of right now the car is down for upgrades and i really wish i had another daily driver. I sold off the clutch and flywheel setup i had to go twin disk and i had already had a messed up stock trans so im upgrading that to a p11 trans.

It seems as though every time i get a daily driver i find it soo cheap and then bam i sell it and make money on it, like decent money on it, haha. Oops. But i do have my wifes car i can use any time i want.