View Full Version : s13 wiring

05-12-2003, 10:20 PM
ok so how many people did your own wiring for the sr20. what was the hard part to it or was it hard at all. a friend of mine has built obdII to obdI conversion harness for hondas and knows his way around with wires. could he tackle this? any certain issues i should look for, or does the heavythrottle diagram say it all? just trying to save some money whereever i can. that $100 can go somewhere else.

05-14-2003, 07:57 AM
The heavy throttle page with the wiring diagram covers what you need. In addition to it, I can't remember if it's covered or not but you'll come across a brown lead from the ignitor box or boost seloniod. It needs 12V power. Aside from that, it's all covered on that heavy throttle post.