View Full Version : Adding a chuki bumper on a 89 FB

05-12-2003, 07:44 PM
I know I remember seeing this being posted, but I did quite a few searches and did not find anything. I posted a screenshot of the searches I did. There were a lot more, but other people search too. ;)

My current bumper zenki with lip is warped and cracked all over. It scraps all the time while I am driving because the lip is broken and hanging on the floor. Because of this, I was thinking of getting an upgrade. I wanted to know if it will bolt right on or do I need any other parts.

Thank you

05-12-2003, 11:04 PM
the chuki bumper will bolt right onto the fenders. there are two small 'rectangular' shaped abs plastic pieces near the bottom of the fender that makes the chuki bumper look more flush. you wil need those too..

05-12-2003, 11:52 PM
ok ok we believe you did do the search eheh no need to prove it hehe...I also wanted to do this bumper swap to. But i also heard that the 91+ had different fenders too?:confused:

05-12-2003, 11:55 PM
The only fender differences were the ones described previously: i.e. the holes where the extra fender pieces clip on to. You can always just drill holes in your existing fenders.

Other than that, assuming everything is in good condition, it's pretty straightfoward.

05-13-2003, 10:15 AM
is your lip warped or the bumper? if its just the lip u can just get another one... or just take it off the 91+ looks pretty naked stock/lipless

05-13-2003, 03:14 PM
The pig nose bumper is warped and sort of wavy. Cannot explain it too well, it looks like the plastic sort of blistered. I will get pics if I can, since I just got it Sunday May 11.

The lip is cracked, probably from scarping the ground since it is lowered. Just found out that one of the bolts holding my sway bar is broken so the driveshaft and the bar rub each other when I hit little bumps.

Thank you everyone, I will see if I can get those plastic pieces and a nice looking chuki bumper.

DRFT: Hehehe yeah the proof was just in case, since this has probably been asked a lot.