View Full Version : So while I was pinked....

10-19-2009, 08:29 AM
:love:MY fiance and I received the best news ever on Oct. 13 09 were we going to have a baby my fiance wasn't feeling well so she took a home pregnancy test and it came out positive and we were both so excited and so full of life and joy and all these other emotions. Then on Thrs, Oct. 15 we went to the doctor to get a 100% confirmation that she was pregnant and the doctor confirmed that yes she was that she was about a month and a half prego so we were both floating on clouds knowing that we were going to have a baby, knowing that you are going to have a baby is one of the best feeling every nothing can compare to it. But sadly yesterday on Sun Oct. 18 09 my fiance had a miscarriage. she was getting cramps and light bleeding on sat and called the doctor and he said that it can be normal for that to happen in the first trimester so we didn't think much of it but if the cramps and pains continued to go to the er and well on Sunday by fiance ended up having a miscarriage. We set up a appointment to go see the doctor today to have a ultra sound to see if we did lose the baby but were are 99% sure that we did. And now I don't know what to do I feel like a part of me is missing I seriously feel life less like worthless like so down and depressed I don't know what to do. Luckily we didn't get a chance to tell our parents yet we were gonna wait tell the first week of November to do that but we still feel so lifeless this week is most likely going to be the hardest week of my life:cry::cry:

**Cliff Note**

*Found out my fiance and I were going to have a baby:):)
*5 days later my fiance has a miscarriage:cry::cry:
*We both feel so depressed and lifeless and questioning why this happened to us:dead::dead:

10-19-2009, 08:54 AM
Damn man thats hard sorry to hear.

10-19-2009, 09:06 AM
That's rough man... I wish nothing but the best for you guys in your near future...

10-19-2009, 09:13 AM
take it easy man..make sure your wife is ok - it happens more than you think. Sometimes women are more sensitive to this than men and get seriously depressed, so hopefully your fiance is ok and not depressed.

10-19-2009, 09:14 AM
My wife had a miscarriage with our first, way back in 2000. It was tough, especially on her. My wife fell in to a pretty serious bout with depression.

Make sure you are as supportive as you can be to her. It's not her fault, by any means, and make sure she knows that. Unfortunately, these things happen from time to time. Just show her that you are still there for her. Even if you are dealing with your own issues about it, she needs to know you're there.

It took us over two years to try again. Here we are today with 4 kids, though. We still think about what could've been, that life we never got watch, and it still hurts a bit, but we're still here for each other, and we've got a wonderful family now.

I wish you nothing but the best. Stay strong, for her.

10-19-2009, 09:18 AM
Sorry to hear that buddy. That must be very hard to deal with. My wife is now 4 and half months along and we had some stuff to deal with as well.

I guess miscarriages are pretty common with first pregnancies. Good luck.

10-19-2009, 09:26 AM
Glad I read the cliff notes. Boy would my face have been red.

Quite the emotional roller coaster. But everything works out for a reason.

ps. wrap it up.

10-19-2009, 10:04 AM
dang man sorry to hear that.

10-19-2009, 10:06 AM
Wow cant imagine how that must feel....Im sorry to hear that bro, like THATGUY said be very supportive and strong. Tough experience but you guys will get through it. Good luck bro.

10-19-2009, 10:20 AM
sorry for your loss. my oldest brother had a similar story his wife was pregnant and he was very excited and actually it was going so well that the baby was do within a few months so you could definetly tell she was pregnant they also found out that baby was going to be a boy!

my brother was proud that he would be able to have a first child as a boy as he was one too and that he would call him salvador the 3rd since my dads name was sal and his name was sal and so he wanted to pass the name down

but the wife had a miscarriage and we had a burial for him and it was the first time i actually saw my oldest brother cry and it was also my first burial i attended

as of now he has two beautiful smart daughters ages 2 and 5

10-19-2009, 10:57 AM
dang.. thats a tough one to swallow.. but, right now, you gotta put yourself aside man. and, make sure your wife is okay. Coz, it affects them more than men does. Im not saying it doesnt affect you either, but you gotta stay strong. Be that foundation for her to hold on to. If both of you feed off of your guy's sadness and depression, it will really take both of you guys down the drain. (i know i dont have the credit to talk about this subject coz i havent experienced it myself, but, hope i am making sense)

Drift N Dragg
10-19-2009, 11:05 AM
Sorry for your Loss..... Has happened to me and my Girlfriend 2 Twice... and it Hurts alot.. you get alot of mixed feelings.. We actually broke up the second time for a week, But that was because she asked for Space and I believed she needed it.. But I was still there for her when she call me at night.... But like ThatGuy Said.. Be Strong for her.... and for Sure Support is a must.. She will blame herself and it's not her fault, sometimes it just happens.. Dr. told us the Whole "Why" it happens thing.. So keep your head up!

Again Sorry for your loss...

10-19-2009, 12:51 PM
Glad I read the cliff notes. Boy would my face have been red.

Quite the emotional roller coaster. But everything works out for a reason.

ps. wrap it up.

haha, same here...i was about to congratulate...

sorry to hear about that though...tough situation...just remember to be there for her as much as you can and then some...its much harder on the "would to be mother" than the "would to be father"...not saying youre not feeling it, but thats why you have us!

10-19-2009, 01:44 PM
Sorry to hear about the loss man. I wish you and future wifey the best in these hard times.

Mi Beardo es Loco
10-19-2009, 01:59 PM
My wife had a miscarriage with our first, way back in 2000. It was tough, especially on her. My wife fell in to a pretty serious bout with depression.

Make sure you are as supportive as you can be to her. It's not her fault, by any means, and make sure she knows that. Unfortunately, these things happen from time to time. Just show her that you are still there for her. Even if you are dealing with your own issues about it, she needs to know you're there.

It took us over two years to try again. Here we are today with 4 kids, though. We still think about what could've been, that life we never got watch, and it still hurts a bit, but we're still here for each other, and we've got a wonderful family now.

I wish you nothing but the best. Stay strong, for her.
same with mine. My wife had a miscarrage on our first try but was successful on the next try. Our daughter is now 6 weeks old. We hesitated to tell our parents because we were scared that we were going to announce it and have another miscarrage. That kind of news kinda needs to be delt w/ by you and your wife, not the family.

10-20-2009, 05:34 AM
so sorry man.

10-20-2009, 08:33 AM
So just a update my fiance and I went to the doctor yesterday to get her checked up and well the doctor said that its not a for sure that she did have a miscarriage since she was not bleeding a lot so he wants us to go get some blood work don't and a ultra sounds so were gonna go get some blood work done today and see what happens so right now were staying positive and hoping that she still is carrying it

Once again thanks you guys for the positive support. My girl had a pretty bad break down after we got home from the doctor she was just blaming herself for losing it but I was there by her side telling her that it wasn't her fault that it happens to a lot of couples and that we still have a chance that we will still have a baby. SO thanks guys

10-20-2009, 01:20 PM
Damn man I'm so sorry to hear this terrible news....

10-20-2009, 01:28 PM
Women need all the support in the world when it comes to personal situations like this. Good to hear you step as a man should and comfort/support your finacé.


10-20-2009, 01:42 PM
good luck and godbless

as heartless as it may sound for me to say, if she did have a miscarriage, u should let her knwo that the human body knows when something is wrong...and that sometimes misscarriage happens to make sure she stays okay for when its time...

but i really hope it works out for the best...

10-20-2009, 01:50 PM
sorry to hear man. it sucks but like stated everything happens for a reason. also i could have been alot worse. last month on the 20th my sister had her baby. 2 days later due to complications caused by the docters inserting a pic line, her son died....... not that having a miscarrage isnt hard but just keep your head up and know that it could have been way worse.

10-20-2009, 02:23 PM
well it happened for a reason bro it realy does suck...you can always giv it aother try