View Full Version : Need Advice For My Sitchuation

10-18-2009, 05:21 PM
Hello everyone, I'm in a little bit of a pickle. Ill start from day one. We needed to have a car port built. Some one told us about a good worker, we contacted him and he said 800 will get us most the supplies. Later on through the month he would stop buy asking us for money saying i need to buy a few more things. Now its been like 6 months with out any contact from him or anyone. My uncle saw him driving down the road and kinda cussed him out since he was driving around town acting like nothing happend. They got into a fist fight, my uncle won but then he got back up into his truck and ramed the back of my uncles truck. We called 911 the guy was on his 3rd strike so he went to jail i think for life. BUT now we have store owners and other people that know our family telling us that he is telling some of the people he knows that's still out to "find" me. I guess they said that he wants to hurt the youngest member of the family (me) to kind of hurt the rest of us. Cops have told me and my other family members to call imediatly if we have any trouble. and the person that warned us is serious about what he says because hes actually giving my mom a 12g shot gun lol. She already has a 9mm with the clip half way in. And i guess the fam is having me move outta town for awhile. I'm mainly worried for my family. I was wondering what you're guy's take is on this, and any suggestions that would keep us a little safer.

Thanks for reading

10-18-2009, 05:30 PM
Saw off the barrel of the shotgun.

Stick in pants.

Problem solved.

10-18-2009, 05:32 PM
lol this may work. The problem is its more than 2 people i believe. Maybe if they get in a line ill have a chance.

10-18-2009, 05:33 PM
Sad situation, especially since you're not involved. You're too young to CC a pistol, and that's a whole bunch of drama on it's own. I'd carry mace though.

Stay alert, but try not to live in fear ~ that shit ruins your life, leads to depression, etc. Most likely, nothing will happen, but keep you eyes open and your cell phone on you.

10-18-2009, 05:38 PM
Yeah i carry my knife around now. I'm not really scared for my self. But since i'm moving my fam is gonna be the ones that are in more danger than i am. So hopefully nothing will happen and it was just something to scare us.

lol actually i spent awhile taking apart her pistol and cleaning it for awhile because she hadn't used it in awhile.

10-18-2009, 07:09 PM
.......She already has a 9mm with the clip half way in.......
Please tell her to put the clip all the way in, other wise she just has a really expensive brick. I personally believe that a gun w/o a round in the chamber is useless. I she has reservations about carrying it loaded, tell her to have a blank in the chamber, so at least she'll have a chance. I don't know if you are aware, but a man, with a knife, can cover 21' and inflict a critical wound in less time than it takes someone to draw their firearm, chamber a round, determine that something is a threat, and get a decent shot off.
As far as you go, listen to what Jordan said. Take it serious enough to keep you gaurd up, but don't let it control your life. I also noticed that you state that you are carrying a knife, be careful b/c that is considered carrying a concealed weapon, but as the saying goes 'I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6'. If you do carry a knife, carry a fixed blade, b/c if you don't have to unfold a knife, it will be one less thing to worry about if something really does happen. If possible try to get some basic training on close quarters fighting, b/c in most instances a knife is more effective than just about anything else. I say that b/c, if God forbid something does happen, its not like somebody is going to yell from across the street 'I'm coming over there to get you!', it will happen in an instant.

10-18-2009, 07:50 PM
Seeing how the guy just steal and works as a day laborer (nothing bad in that). I highly doubt he knows anyone that will actually do something to you and your family. Most likely what will happen is that, he probably told some of his buddies that stand outside of Home Depot that if he sees you or your family to attack. I doubt this will happen too, because his friends are probably too busy trying to find some jobs to build patios and what not.

Just trying to put you at ease. Seriously doubt this dude has any friends that will do anything.

10-18-2009, 08:11 PM
Believe nothing u hear and half of what u see... Dude I woudnt worry 2 much... If not get some pepper spray lol

10-18-2009, 08:27 PM
What a headache. So you paid him the 800, then he got sent to prison? or you didn't pay at all?

I wouldn't be too worried, sounds like a scare tactic. I mean honestly, how would they even track you down, let alone know who you are.

If you really think he has something in store for you then just keep an eye on your surroundings. Try to stay away from unfamiliar places/ people unless accompanied by others you know. Be careful with that half-loaded 9mm.

10-18-2009, 09:07 PM
Jesus fucking ghetto.

I'd say your uncle did you a favor if it gets you out of whatever shit hole city you're living in. If all else fails get Bear Mace.


10-18-2009, 09:32 PM
Please tell her to put the clip all the way in, other wise she just has a really expensive brick. I personally believe that a gun w/o a round in the chamber is useless. I she has reservations about carrying it loaded, tell her to have a blank in the chamber, so at least she'll have a chance. I don't know if you are aware, but a man, with a knife, can cover 21' and inflict a critical wound in less time than it takes someone to draw their firearm, chamber a round, determine that something is a threat, and get a decent shot off.
As far as you go, listen to what Jordan said. Take it serious enough to keep you gaurd up, but don't let it control your life. I also noticed that you state that you are carrying a knife, be careful b/c that is considered carrying a concealed weapon, but as the saying goes 'I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6'. If you do carry a knife, carry a fixed blade, b/c if you don't have to unfold a knife, it will be one less thing to worry about if something really does happen. If possible try to get some basic training on close quarters fighting, b/c in most instances a knife is more effective than just about anything else. I say that b/c, if God forbid something does happen, its not like somebody is going to yell from across the street 'I'm coming over there to get you!', it will happen in an instant.
i agree here with the fixed blade. since you are over 18 it wouldnt be illegal to carry it on you as long as it is in its sheath. and definitely take some type of hand to hand combat classes cant hurt to be prepared

10-19-2009, 01:03 AM
mace and a sick tazer/asp.

10-19-2009, 02:07 AM
i think pepper spray is a better choice ...

good luck

s13 @ fullboost
10-19-2009, 02:27 AM
add a taser to that mace.

10-19-2009, 04:00 AM
tell a tv network and make it a reality show. i'd watch it.

10-19-2009, 08:58 AM
tell a tv network and make it a reality show. i'd watch it.

i got my popcorn ready...

10-19-2009, 10:14 AM
tell a tv network and make it a reality show. i'd watch it.


kouki fanatic
10-19-2009, 10:24 AM
Seeing how the guy just steal and works as a day laborer (nothing bad in that). I highly doubt he knows anyone that will actually do something to you and your family. Most likely what will happen is that, he probably told some of his buddies that stand outside of Home Depot that if he sees you or your family to attack. I doubt this will happen too, because his friends are probably too busy trying to find some jobs to build patios and what not.

Just trying to put you at ease. Seriously doubt this dude has any friends that will do anything.

u made my day lmao.

just hope for the best bro, and pray to god that you and your family are safe everyday

10-19-2009, 12:10 PM
Please tell her to put the clip all the way in, other wise she just has a really expensive brick. I personally believe that a gun w/o a round in the chamber is useless. I she has reservations about carrying it loaded, tell her to have a blank in the chamber, so at least she'll have a chance. I don't know if you are aware, but a man, with a knife, can cover 21' and inflict a critical wound in less time than it takes someone to draw their firearm, chamber a round, determine that something is a threat, and get a decent shot off.
As far as you go, listen to what Jordan said. Take it serious enough to keep you gaurd up, but don't let it control your life. I also noticed that you state that you are carrying a knife, be careful b/c that is considered carrying a concealed weapon, but as the saying goes 'I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6'. If you do carry a knife, carry a fixed blade, b/c if you don't have to unfold a knife, it will be one less thing to worry about if something really does happen. If possible try to get some basic training on close quarters fighting, b/c in most instances a knife is more effective than just about anything else. I say that b/c, if God forbid something does happen, its not like somebody is going to yell from across the street 'I'm coming over there to get you!', it will happen in an instant.

Yeah I needa get a better knife, its just a cheap one a friend gave me ha. And yeah last night we pushed the clip all the way in and made sure the bullet was in the chamber.

Seeing how the guy just steal and works as a day laborer (nothing bad in that). I highly doubt he knows anyone that will actually do something to you and your family. Most likely what will happen is that, he probably told some of his buddies that stand outside of Home Depot that if he sees you or your family to attack. I doubt this will happen too, because his friends are probably too busy trying to find some jobs to build patios and what not.

Just trying to put you at ease. Seriously doubt this dude has any friends that will do anything.

Well.. I kinda live out in the mountains. There's only little community stores and that's about it. There's literally no street lights, its pitch black at night, cops are kind of lazy and never believe a call because there used to nothing ever happening up here. Its truely a red neck town that i hate a lot. NO lie.. when this who thing happened and we called 911, the person that answered actually said " noooo wayyyyy" and then my mom started screaming at the phone lol. Plus he drove by our house yelling " your family is next" maybe he is just trying to scare us.. But ive heard hes a member of that arian brother hood. idk how to spell it lol.

lol my mom was watching me type that. she said " dont forget to put in there that there meth heads" they really are too

10-19-2009, 01:15 PM
Oh man, that changes up the situation a bit. I don't wanna offer any advice that may get you hurt or anything. But yeah, since he's part of the "brotherhood" and a redneck, he may just forget about the whole thing. He's prolly locked up right about now and his buddies are prolly at the grocery store starring at a box of orange juice that says "Concentrate" for hours on end.

But yeah, I hope that his buddies are some what intelligent enough to leave you guys alone. Most dangerous thing in the world is a Father and Mother that has his/her family threatened by idiots. You dont wanna mess with those kinds of fathers and mothers, they will tear those guys to pieces.

10-19-2009, 04:58 PM
Oh man, that changes up the situation a bit. I don't wanna offer any advice that may get you hurt or anything. But yeah, since he's part of the "brotherhood" and a redneck, he may just forget about the whole thing. He's prolly locked up right about now and his buddies are prolly at the grocery store starring at a box of orange juice that says "Concentrate" for hours on end.

But yeah, I hope that his buddies are some what intelligent enough to leave you guys alone. Most dangerous thing in the world is a Father and Mother that has his/her family threatened by idiots. You dont wanna mess with those kinds of fathers and mothers, they will tear those guys to pieces.

lol that was funny. yeah people up here aren't the smartest. Its mainly like, people that never graduated highschool and stck up there the rest of there lives. But yeah now im down in the city. wayyyy better than up there. anyone that live in valencia lemme know.

10-19-2009, 05:51 PM
Wait, this is in socal? I assumed you were in PA...

10-19-2009, 07:30 PM
i thought he was in PA too.. but i googled Lebec and its closest thing i even recognized up there was Castaic Lake.

10-19-2009, 07:38 PM
if they wanted to do something they would not do it right away, i think but anyways becarefull and stay on the look out i say move out

10-19-2009, 07:51 PM
just be careful man.. i fear the worst is a driveway, happen to my friends house a few years ago cuz his brother is a knucklehead and probably pissed someone off, luckily no one at his house got hit, but still shit is scary.

This girl im talkin to was tellin me how her ex may be facing a few years in jail time and how they are mad at the snitch, im thinking to myself "the fuck you mad at the snitch? you should be mad at this idiot for doin whatever it is he done". lol

10-20-2009, 05:38 PM
1.Get some black friends from the ghetto so they can laugh at you and punch you in the stomach.

2.I was to understand that you could make someone disappear fairly easy in the mountains.

3.Push him off the side of a mountain, you don't have to look over your shoulder anymore, problem solved

10-20-2009, 07:06 PM
You might as well move into Los Angeles or the OC.
It's probably easier to find decent work and/or study in LA anyhow.
Seems like a blessing in disguise, as long as they don't catch you.

It always surprises me how there are still so many rednecks in central CA.

10-20-2009, 08:15 PM
You might as well move into Los Angeles or the OC.
It's probably easier to find decent work and/or study in LA anyhow.
Seems like a blessing in disguise, as long as they don't catch you.

It always surprises me how there are still so many rednecks in central CA.

Yeah its deffinatly nice to get off the mountain. i was raised in l.a. , once i moved there i hated it. yeah i needa job bad. Needa get the S13 finished! i hope they dont do anything to it while im gone. that would ruin me.

drift freaq
10-20-2009, 11:02 PM
You might as well move into Los Angeles or the OC.
It's probably easier to find decent work and/or study in LA anyhow.
Seems like a blessing in disguise, as long as they don't catch you.

It always surprises me how there are still so many rednecks in central CA.

Actually Lebec is not even central California its on the Grapevine right around Fort Tejon. around 25 miles outside of Bakersfield just before the Grapevine hits the Valley.

I would be worried with the fact that they are meth heads. Crystal Meth addicts are the craziest fucks of all drug addicts. They get insanely violent. It turns the personalities into monsters. Unfortunately seen that shit first hand in the bay area.

Ya meth heads are everywhere. Its just the ones out in the boonies are usually fucking rednecks and White Supremacists.

10-20-2009, 11:24 PM
Actually Lebec is not even central California its on the Grapevine right around Fort Tejon. around 25 miles outside of Bakersfield just before the Grapevine hits the Valley.

I would be worried with the fact that they are meth heads. Crystal Meth addicts are the craziest fucks of all drug addicts. They get insanely violent. It turns the personalities into monsters. Unfortunately seen that shit first hand in the bay area.

Ya meth heads are everywhere. Its just the ones out in the boonies are usually fucking rednecks and White Supremacists.

Yeah thats actually spot on. you must pass by there sometimes or somthing. Yeah im not sure but i heard he told a black cop to his face that if his kind keeps trying to arrest white ppl that hell end up getting hurt. I mean hes a big guy, and he doesnt seem to be afraid of anything or anyone. Last time the cops were called on him they had 4 cop cars at his drive way.

And weve had trouble with his wife before. She one time stole my dirt bike when i had it infron my cousins house. and my mom came by to talk to her after she got back home. and she hit my mom in the face with those big mag lights and broke her noes. Im not lieing about that either. I feel bad cuz i wasnt even there to protect her. I was at my friends house right after i got the bike. and then i get a call saying shes on the way to the hospital. the wife didnt even go to jail. idk its all messed up in the mountains. im glad im outta there.