View Full Version : Which Transfromer toys do you still have???

05-12-2003, 12:13 AM
I just was looking at old school and new school toys sitting on my desk here. Just curious as to what people still have from there youth and what the got recently. Heres me for example:

Sittin on my desk here are the new Megatron and starscream toys. what can I say, Im a little kid at heart. If this thread takes off Ill go look through my old transfromers and see what I still have.

Andrew Bohan
05-12-2003, 01:48 AM
i had a bunch of transformers in the drawer under my bed when i moved out of the parents' place. went back one time and they weren't there anymore. bed wasn't even there. room was completely changed.

05-12-2003, 01:53 AM
I have a bunch of my old Robotech toys. Skull Leader VF-1S, Standard VF-1 (Rick Hunter Veritech), Max Sterling, miriya sterling, Scott Bernard's Alpha Fighter, Zendradi Battle Pod, Invid Shock Trooper.

And ummm....I have a bunch of old star wars action figures and toys like the Milinium Falcon and Slave 1, some old transformers like Soundwave. I still have a bunch of other crap....well, not crap, more like treasures.

05-12-2003, 07:04 AM
I've got the New Optimus, somewhere I have the old one. I have the old jetfire and like hlaf his armor.. umm a couple I cant remember their name, that six changing one.. I think I gave most of the ones I still had to my ex's mom. she retired and got into collecting toys she has like 1000 GI JOE figures and stuff. its crazy I used to help her organize and match up weapons for them.

05-12-2003, 08:09 AM
I've got an old Prowl (280Zx police car), and a G1 Megatron standing on my computer desk at home.

I also just bought another one. I just couldn't resist this one...

JDM Jazz!


05-12-2003, 09:18 AM

my girlfriend gets mad at me cause everytime I go to the store I want to go down the toy isle.

I want to pic up the new robotech max sterling masterpiece, I got the Roy Foker one, but max is blue hehehe

05-12-2003, 09:40 AM
Gold Bug (the new bumblebee) I wish I would have kept all my Transformers :(

05-12-2003, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by DarkRaptor42

my girlfriend gets mad at me cause everytime I go to the store I want to go down the toy isle.

I want to pic up the new robotech max sterling masterpiece, I got the Roy Foker one, but max is blue hehehe

yeah I want Skull 1. I been playing that Robotech Battlecry and I REALLY want one of the stealth models from there. and I'll kill someone to find one of the old transforming Cyclone bikes :D

05-12-2003, 09:51 AM
accidental post whorage... sorry

05-12-2003, 10:39 AM
I know where to get a cyclone bike but it will cost. and for the record battle cry is one of the COOLEST games for PS2

05-12-2003, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by DarkRaptor42
I know where to get a cyclone bike but it will cost. and for the record battle cry is one of the COOLEST games for PS2

that cost is the problem right there lol. too expensive and they cut into my grown up toy funds ;) and yeah battlecry is the shizz. I accidently saved the cheat codes in my game with everything unlocked. and that armored batteloid is MEAN!

05-12-2003, 10:52 AM
none, they all broke.. i've still got a huge collection of beat up hot wheels/matchbox cars and all the He-man figures though :cool:

05-12-2003, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by Steeles
that cost is the problem right there lol. too expensive and they cut into my grown up toy funds ;) and yeah battlecry is the shizz. I accidently saved the cheat codes in my game with everything unlocked. and that armored batteloid is MEAN!

sadly, no really sadly, the end of the game made me cry. But the armored veritech is very vicious. I didnt know there was cheats for it though.

05-12-2003, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by DarkRaptor42
sadly, no really sadly, the end of the game made me cry. But the armored veritech is very vicious. I didnt know there was cheats for it though.

endings that good?!?! crap guess I better quit farking around and inish the game.. ( i keep replaying the space battles :) )

05-12-2003, 04:48 PM
which level are ya on? Ive gone through the game a few times now, Im convinced that theres an alternate ending though.

05-12-2003, 05:40 PM
i know this isn't transformers but yeah i have the orginal voltron mint in the box. the one where they are all seperate and you put them together to make voltron. i think im missing just the sword.

i didnt know there were some robotech fans out on this board. im a huge robotech freak. i have all the orginal comics, movies, and the new dvds. i want to get the toys but they are too $$$$. my bro has one of the big roy folker veritechs. pretty cool but id rather watch then play. haha

05-12-2003, 06:08 PM
I got some transformers toys but... last semester my old roommate gave me a mint black lion from voltron as a house warming present... i think i shed a tear...


05-12-2003, 06:33 PM
my voltron mysteriously vanished, Everytime I think of it i wish I still had it.

05-12-2003, 11:15 PM
Originally posted by DarkRaptor42
which level are ya on? Ive gone through the game a few times now, Im convinced that theres an alternate ending though.

I've bounced around so much I cant really say... theres a couple that still bug me. I can never seem to protect that Cats eye, I skipped that one majorly I think I have like 5-6 left to do in all.. I've tried to stay in order to see the story but when I get bored of one that s frustrating me I skip it and come back later.

Robotech is one of the if not THE main reason I watch anime today. I think my oribinal jetfire toy spent more time as a roboteh Valkyrie than it did as an Autobot. yeah I bought that big assed box collection they put out. I was missing like 8 vhs tapes from the southern cross and invid sagas when they quit making the tapes. now got um all on DVD :)

05-13-2003, 11:16 AM
i hear that,
I picked up the box set, and i watched the whole thing, not all at once but it kicks. I still have to get the 2nd and third ones though.

also. The cats eye mission are pretty hard but there is a secert to each one that makes them really easy, you just have to figure it out on each.