View Full Version : a guy on here robbed me, i need your help!

10-15-2009, 11:12 PM
okay so my name is Matt, im from Pa, and i am selling parts from my car and a guy from california bought my TDO5 turbo setup and it has been two weeks since i got comformation from Fedex that the package was delivered to a residence in La Palma Ca. it has also been over a week since he has responded to me. i need some of your guys help.

He owes me= $800.00

if anyone is from around that area could you please help me out and atleast have him call me or something cause this just isnt right. thanks.

if anyone can help me get that money, you can keep $100

10-15-2009, 11:14 PM
So you shipped the item with him paying first?

10-15-2009, 11:15 PM
so u shipped him something before you even received the money?????

10-15-2009, 11:17 PM
he said he sent the money and i had 3 people do that before him for other parts and not lie about it so i trusted him and yeah, i guess i shouldnt have. i figured since the other 3 people were honest, maybe he was too.

10-15-2009, 11:19 PM
That was a bad idea.

10-15-2009, 11:22 PM
dude you asked for it - i would suggest making a review thread with his username so everyone will know.. i guess try and open a paypal dispute but i doubt you will get anything.. you cant trust anyone these days..hope things works out

10-15-2009, 11:24 PM
well would anyone on here be willing to help me out, if you help me out you can keep $100

10-15-2009, 11:25 PM
why would u trust someone across the country?...c'mon man not everybody is honest

10-15-2009, 11:26 PM
elaborate on helping you out? what is his username btw?

10-15-2009, 11:29 PM
If he doesn't respond in another week, I live nearby maybe I can help you out. Although I don't exactly know how, I don't wish to get in any sort of trouble but I certainly will stick a note on his door or knock knock and ask him about the situation.

10-15-2009, 11:30 PM
idk his username, he sent me a message like a month before and i ended up deleting it cause the message box was full. all other conversations took place over the phone or through text messages. his number was 714-809-5449

and by help, i mean anything to get me the money. its to much money to just let go.

10-15-2009, 11:30 PM


10-15-2009, 11:31 PM
data, thanks man, il pm you next friday if nothing shows up and yeah a not or someonthing like that would work. i dont want you to do anything that would get ya in trouble.

Mita Orange
10-15-2009, 11:45 PM
Just did a quick google of his name and got this. MySpace - SR20DET - 24 - Male - LA PALMA, CALIFORNIA - myspace.com/jarheadsunited (http://www.myspace.com/jarheadsunited) just keep spamming his myspace lol

10-15-2009, 11:49 PM
haha nice find man

10-15-2009, 11:51 PM
i sent him a message linking him to this thread lol

10-15-2009, 11:55 PM
haha thanks guys hah you guys are quick with this

10-16-2009, 12:02 AM

LOL, im in the background.

good luck with the situation, there is nothing more frustrating than dealing with people you cannot speak to face to face.

10-16-2009, 12:17 AM
lol zomg bbq meet
i remember that donut box. i was gonna get some but i didnt want to lift the lid to find nothing on an empty stomach

anyways to OP goodluck

10-16-2009, 01:22 AM
Damn, I'm pretty sure putting his number on blast is against the forum rules. I say don't jump to conclusions before you get in contact with him. Shoot him a text or PM him on Myspace about the situation and see if he replies, $800 is a steep price to mess around with. Good luck with your situation man.

10-16-2009, 01:31 AM
damn dude i hope u get ur money back thats alot of money esp in the economy were in right now

10-16-2009, 01:33 AM
How was he supposed to have paid?

LimeLite Racing
10-16-2009, 01:34 AM
Damn, I'm pretty sure putting his number on blast is against the forum rules. I say don't jump to conclusions before you get in contact with him. Shoot him a text or PM him on Myspace about the situation and see if he replies, $800 is a steep price to mess around with. Good luck with your situation man.

What the fuck do you mean putting his number on blast is against forum rules?!? Dude jacked 800 bucks and that's not against forum rules?!? I got fucked on here before and could only PRAY I had the dude's number that got me.

LimeLite Racing
10-16-2009, 01:37 AM
idk his username, he sent me a message like a month before and i ended up deleting it cause the message box was full. all other conversations took place over the phone or through text messages. his number was 714-809-5449

and by help, i mean anything to get me the money. its to much money to just let go.

If you want, I'll PM you some numbers of billboards that are available. Put that number up everywhere!

But seriously... I'm so sick of people getting scammed.

Trust no one. Get money first.

Only people I trust on these forums are on my friends list. Hahaha.

And Phlip. Fuck I love that guy.

Should probably send him a friend request.

10-16-2009, 01:45 AM
He said he sent a cashiers check but yeah I guess not. And I have been texting, calling, and anything else I could to get ahold of him for the past week and he won't reply. Haha so now I'm doing this.

LimeLite Racing
10-16-2009, 01:47 AM
Always always always always get the payment first! Cashier's check, money order, paypal, does not fucking matter. If you have the money in your account ready to spend, send the shit out. Bingo. Dino DNA.

LimeLite Racing
10-16-2009, 01:48 AM
How did you fund the ship? Did you go out of your way and use the money out of your checking to "spot" him the shipping cost?

10-16-2009, 01:51 AM
Man, you should have seen that coming from a mile away. Do you buy something from an online retailer, wait for it to arrive, then pay?

LimeLite Racing
10-16-2009, 01:52 AM
Man, you should have seen that coming from a mile away. Do you buy something from an online retailer, wait for it to arrive, then pay?
Honesty policy.

Epic failure.

10-16-2009, 02:58 AM

i saw all your stuff for sale too, i wantd your oil cooler set up.

but hopefully you get this all situated, hopefully you get your money.

10-16-2009, 03:14 AM
I realllllly hope you have evidence and it's not some bullshit "he said this, he said that"

If you have hard evidence, you can do some file a police report/small claims.

10-16-2009, 04:27 AM
no offense but.......

its completely your fault that you got jacked. the same way that if you left your car with a set of keys in the ignition in stockton, ca, with a sign that said "away for vacation" would be your fault once it was stolen.

why would you send the item without being paid for it? only the extremely [trusting/stupid] would do that.

with that being said. i DO hope you get your money back, however if you do not it was your fault. and consider 800 dollars a cheap lesson to learn now in your life. make sure the mods get wind of this so that he may be dealt with. also if you do have evidence you may want to call your local PD. but im going to assume that you will only have circumstantial evidence. and in which case.....your fucked

10-16-2009, 05:08 AM
Well I have text messages with him saying he sent the check, I have comformation emails that the part was delivered. And yeah, I know this was a mess up on my part.

10-16-2009, 05:18 AM
you could have sent it fedex with a COD, but its a little late. posting his address, not a bad idea, maybe someone local can stop by his house and say hello, not many filipeno are dishonest as this guy.

10-16-2009, 08:12 AM
yeah i know, i left him a message on his myspace and facebook now. along with 6 voicemails and two dozen text messages over the past 8 days

10-16-2009, 08:18 AM
no offense but.......

its completely your fault that you got jacked. the same way that if you left your car with a set of keys in the ignition in stockton, ca, with a sign that said "away for vacation" would be your fault once it was stolen.

why would you send the item without being paid for it? only the extremely [trusting/stupid] would do that.

with that being said. i DO hope you get your money back, however if you do not it was your fault. and consider 800 dollars a cheap lesson to learn now in your life. make sure the mods get wind of this so that he may be dealt with. also if you do have evidence you may want to call your local PD. but im going to assume that you will only have circumstantial evidence. and in which case.....your fucked

Way to let the thief off the hook.

The op may be stupid, but the guy who robbed him is actually a piece of shit.

10-16-2009, 08:32 AM
this dudes a dipshit, scammers can suck shit for serious.

10-16-2009, 09:39 AM
Always Always Always do your research when selling/buying from someone on here, see how active they are, what they post about and there attitude in the posts, trader rating, freinds, ect... i never buy anything from anyone that doesnt have atleast 2 good trader ratings on zilvia...

10-16-2009, 09:48 AM
Shit i give props to the guy that got ur parts he got em for FREE,NEVER SEND SHIT IF YOU HAVE NO $$$$./

10-16-2009, 09:48 AM
shipping your item before receiving the money.


10-16-2009, 09:52 AM
lmao ..are you serious??? i could see if it was a $300 part but NOT a $800 Trubo Setup...

agree with prolly EVERYONE else ,you get what you deserve..you can not trust ANYONE out there even if u kno them..

Keep us posted

Drift N Dragg
10-16-2009, 09:57 AM
Wow....... :sadwavey: I got nothing but.. WOW.... :duh:

That being said... I hope you get your money back.

10-16-2009, 10:16 AM
Dude c'mon what were you thinking... someone needs to go put this fool on check. I live in Socal, for a small fee$$$ i can go hit this guy up for you :bigok:

10-16-2009, 10:16 AM
All you guys saying he deserved it are pieces of shit, you guys are just like the guy that scammed him for his parts. You guys act like he did some sort of heinous act to deserve it. He already knows the mistake he made, and I'm pretty sure we have all or know people that have been scammed one way or another.

10-16-2009, 10:31 AM
Someone go fuck this guys car up with a bat.

10-16-2009, 10:34 AM
Yeah, I can't believe how many people seem to be taking the buyer's side here.

The seller does NOT deserve to be ripped off for nearly a grand.
Maybe one day each one of you will get rippedd off for the same amount, then you'll understand and maybe NOT be such assholes.

10-16-2009, 10:43 AM
He deserves it lol how can some of you guys say that? I can go with Zylvia213 to hit this guy up, its just not right what he did and im sure he will pay up...

Drift N Dragg
10-16-2009, 10:48 AM
Wait Up... No one, unless I read wrong, is taking the Side of the Asshole who Jacked him... There are steps on ' Selling Things and Shipping Things ' ... Now I didn't really comment to much on the subject, Partly because alot was already said.. But I mean come on... Item was shipped before payment was made, IN another part of the U.S. .. Now I can see if it was a local transaction and it was a "I know/Know of/Friend of a Friend/ " but it wasn't...

BUT I still think That it sucks that he Got Boned.. It's a lesson, BET he will NEVER do that again...

As for the Asshole who got his Setup up, Karma is a Bitch..

Having Said that: Stupid action + Stupid Action, Does not = Right Action.... It = Stupid Ass Action...

File a Police Report, a Paypal Dispute

People going by this dude's house Might (and might NOT) cause a Conflict which may end up getting someone seriously hurt (Not meaning the Scammer, talking about a Zilvian).. Though the Scammer does need a good ass beating for Ripping someone off, Give the Police a chance to do what they are paid to do.. then if nothing comes of this, THEN Beat his Ass.. LMAO :rawk:

Just My :2c:

10-16-2009, 10:54 AM
Wait Up... No one, unless I read wrong, is taking the Side of the Asshole who Jacked him

Example for you

Shit i give props to the guy that got ur parts he got em for FREE,NEVER SEND SHIT IF YOU HAVE NO $$$$./

Drift N Dragg
10-16-2009, 10:58 AM
^^ Ok, I stand Corrected on the 1st Sentence of my Post...

10-16-2009, 10:59 AM
The guy in California is a Marine, looked at his myspace. Hes got some good Iraq firefight videos up (crazy stuff) So before any of you go rolling up to his house, check yourself and be careful.

10-16-2009, 11:00 AM
sounds like what just happened w my step bro..traded a jeep for a 240..guy transfered the 240 into his name and he doesnt even have a title for the jeep..said he did but he never had one..stupid on sellers side

10-16-2009, 11:01 AM
The guy in California is a Marine, looked at his myspace. Hes got some good Iraq firefight videos up (crazy stuff) So before any of you go rolling up to his house, check yourself and be careful.

maybe he is just Really busy..i had to deal w guys in the service and they usually take along time to get back to me..

10-16-2009, 11:11 AM
haha for the people that said they are gonna go to his house and talk to him or bash his car for money...better use that money to get some medical attention that guy looks big i bet someone bouta get beatup hahaha

All you guys saying he deserved it are pieces of shit, you guys are just like the guy that scammed him for his parts. You guys act like he did some sort of heinous act to deserve it. He already knows the mistake he made, and I'm pretty sure we have all or know people that have been scammed one way or another.

I laugh at people that make dumb deals, make no sense sending something expensive & yet have no money in the account for it nor money to ship it out.

Drift N Dragg
10-16-2009, 11:14 AM
Damn Work computer won't let me on the Links!!!

10-16-2009, 11:15 AM
haha for the people that said they are gonna go to his house and talk to him or bash his car for money...better use that money to get some medical attention that guy looks big i bet someone bouta get beatup hahaha

I laugh at people that make dumb deals, make no sense sending something expensive & yet have no money in the account for it nor money to ship it out.


10-16-2009, 11:20 AM
I laugh at people that make dumb deals, make no sense sending something expensive & yet have no money in the account for it nor money to ship it out.

I'm sorry that we are only human and sometimes we have trust in mankind. Shit happens.

10-16-2009, 11:21 AM
Sounds like a another Evilways(reuben Fuke). I feel bad for you, I hope you get your money back but next time be more careful, for every 1 honest person there are 5 that are not lol.. .

10-16-2009, 11:27 AM
Sounds like a another Evilways(reuben Fuke). I feel bad for you, I hope you get your money back but next time be more careful, for every 1 honest person there are 5 that are not lol.. .

Shady like you.

I know you planted that shit there.:mad:

10-16-2009, 11:31 AM
I really hope this gets resolved for you.

Everyone's pretty much said what I was going to say.

I just hope that you get your money back, and learn not to be so naive next time.

10-16-2009, 11:35 AM
Get a netgun.

Kidnapping is fun. I've done it.

10-16-2009, 11:43 AM
ima roll up regardless

10-16-2009, 11:47 AM
Wait Up... No one, unless I read wrong, is taking the Side of the Asshole who Jacked him... There are steps on ' Selling Things and Shipping Things ' ... Now I didn't really comment to much on the subject, Partly because alot was already said.. But I mean come on... Item was shipped before payment was made, IN another part of the U.S. .. Now I can see if it was a local transaction and it was a "I know/Know of/Friend of a Friend/ " but it wasn't...

BUT I still think That it sucks that he Got Boned.. It's a lesson, BET he will NEVER do that again...

As for the Asshole who got his Setup up, Karma is a Bitch..

Having Said that: Stupid action + Stupid Action, Does not = Right Action.... It = Stupid Ass Action...

File a Police Report, a Paypal Dispute

People going by this dude's house Might (and might NOT) cause a Conflict which may end up getting someone seriously hurt (Not meaning the Scammer, talking about a Zilvian).. Though the Scammer does need a good ass beating for Ripping someone off, Give the Police a chance to do what they are paid to do.. then if nothing comes of this, THEN Beat his Ass.. LMAO :rawk:

Just My :2c:

I agree with you.... so to the OP please do as stated above, then maybe some of us can help you out.

haha for the people that said they are gonna go to his house and talk to him or bash his car for money...better use that money to get some medical attention that guy looks big i bet someone bouta get beatup hahaha

I laugh at people that make dumb deals, make no sense sending something expensive & yet have no money in the account for it nor money to ship it out.

So what if he is a marine or a pretty big dude.... Im not saying im a bad ass or anything but just cause of some Iraq vids on myspace and military background doesnt mean shit. Its not like I said im gona go fuck him up or his car up and get all crazy. Just saying im willing to help out a fellow zilvian and go over this guys pad during the day and just bring to his attention that he forgot to pay homeboy here.

Like I said for a small fee sidedrifts13 and me can go pay a visit to Mr. Rambo.... :bigok:

10-16-2009, 01:33 PM
alot of computer hardware forums have used classifieds, alot of people will request you ship your part to them before they pay you if you dont have any type of credentials like a [ HEATWARE.com ] (http://www.heatware.com/) rating with prior reviews from other forum members since they dont know if your even gonna send the parts, but same shit on both ends. Ive listed parts for sale and had people all wanting me to send the part out first, but i just dont until someone is willing to pay for the part first.

Im pretty strict when i sell stuff, but keep it simple.. Paypal or cash on pick up if local. Everything else can be inconvenient.

10-16-2009, 01:40 PM
i know that guy his sn is mannyloveslian isint it

10-16-2009, 01:53 PM
oh what? There it is there. ^^

I remember asking pics of his girl..lol

10-16-2009, 02:54 PM
damn I live a few blocks from this guy and done business with him before, he seems real cool def not the shady type. Hope everything gets resolved

10-16-2009, 03:10 PM
OP, you only have yourself to thank for this situation.

You never...EVER ship something out without having received the payment first.

Even though there was an agreement for him to have paid you for the parts, it's basically as if you shipped him the parts for free.

So, he didn't rob you. You shipped him parts(expensive at that) without having the money first.

It's like someone said earlier, a store doesn't send you a product first then wait for the payment later.

Yes, the situation sucks(and I hope it gets resolved), but take it as a serious lesson for future reference.

10-16-2009, 03:14 PM
okay rocket lol

10-16-2009, 04:01 PM
Way to let the thief off the hook.

The op may be stupid, but the guy who robbed him is actually a piece of shit.

well that is blatantly obvious. he is a piece of shit. however there will all be con artists out in the world. letting your self be conned is just as bad IMO.

10-16-2009, 04:09 PM
this guy was manning the grill at zomg griffith.

10-16-2009, 04:10 PM
this guy was manning the grill at zomg griffith.

i would never let a con artist handle my meat! :rofl:

10-16-2009, 04:28 PM
Some may say marines aren't tough, but I know first had that their hand 2 hand basic stuff is pretty gnarly . Army and marines I believe do jiu-jitsu, so they aren't to be taken lightly.

10-16-2009, 04:30 PM
Also it might be just a big misunderstanding.

10-16-2009, 04:32 PM
op give me a second, i'm a marine and we have a database/system to look anyone up. fuck him, thieving mother fucker. i'm going to pm you his command phone number and unit he belongs to. call them and politely ask for the company first seargant DONT MENTION HIS NAME JUST SAY, I NEED TO SPEAK WITH THE COMPANY FIRST SEARGANT ABOUT ONE OF HIS MARINES... BE AS POLITE AS YOU CAN BUT DONT COME OFF AS A BITCH. CALMLY explain to him what happend and dont say "he robbed me" , say i cant get ahold of him and he owes me 800 dollars. calmly explain you have have proof he still owes me the money and you have PROOF the item was delivered. i'm deployed right now, give me a second to log into a govt computer and i'll pm you his shit.

also, no one roll to his house, thats just stupidity. op will handle it...no reason to get involved.
HAHAHA, yeah depending on what your job is (i.e. infantry, admin, etc.) you learn different levels of MCMAP (marine corps martial arts program)

10-16-2009, 04:32 PM
"a fool and his money (or turbo) are soon parted"

Drift N Dragg
10-16-2009, 04:33 PM
haha alot of People Posted as I was writing..

Some may say marines aren't tough, but I know first had that their hand 2 hand basic stuff is pretty gnarly . Army and marines I believe do jiu-jitsu, so they aren't to be taken lightly.

Well that depends on the Marine or Solider... I work as a CIV for the Army and I see Army and Marines all Day... Not all are hand 2 Hand awesome.. LMAO .. I think that ThatGuy will agree that The Newer Generation only has Fewer and Fewer "worthly" Marines/Soliders....

But all in all.. This should not be taken into the Matters of a Zilvian as I stated Before...

Drift N Dragg
10-16-2009, 04:36 PM
i'm going to pm you his command phone number and unit he belongs to. call them and politely ask for the company first seargant. BE AS POLITE AS YOU CAN BUT DONT COME OFF AS A BITCH. CALMLY explain to him what happend and dont say "he robbed me" , say i cant get ahold of him and he owes me 800 dollars. calmy explain you have have proof he still owes me the money and you have PROOF the item was delivered. i'm deployed right now, give me a second to log into a govt computer and i'll pm you his shit.

Excellent way to handle things.... and he is right .. BE VERY NICE.. do not become an Asshole.. You will get nowhere!

10-16-2009, 04:37 PM
Like I said for a small fee sidedrifts13 and me can go pay a visit to Mr. Rambo.... :bigok:

Please make a video if you do..:bigok:

I can so imagaine the situation

Zilvian: knock knock
the dude: Yea..
Zilvian: so I heard you....


Zilvian: %&^$**(&....Sorry..nvm
the dude: :)

anyways.. I hope the OP get his money back.

Drift N Dragg
10-16-2009, 04:40 PM
Please make a video if you do..:bigok:

I can so imagaine the situation

Zilvian: knock knock
the dude: Yea..
Zilvian: so I heard you....


Zilvian: %&^$**(&....Sorry..nvm
the dude: :)

anyways.. I hope the OP get his money back.

HOLY SHIT I CANT STOP LAUGHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone is looking at me... I am Freaking Crying here!!!!!!

10-16-2009, 04:55 PM
^^ lmao thats some funny shit. sorry about the situation man. nothing else left to say. karma is a bitch tho

Big Daddy 18det
10-16-2009, 05:03 PM
Let me get this right, at a time like this with no jobs you sent off your item and payed for shipping without getting a penny first man I'm sorry to say this but $800.00 you are a FOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He owes me= $800.00

if anyone is from around that area could you please help me out and atleast have him call me or something cause this just isnt right. thanks.

if anyone can help me get that money, you can keep $100[/quote]

10-16-2009, 05:11 PM
I smell an EPIC THREAD stirring up....

10-16-2009, 05:21 PM
according to his myspace he's a marine, or maybe hes just really really hot for marines, but if he is a marine find out what marine camp is around that area, talk to the MP's "military police" with the information and all that good stuff they should be able to help you out or atleast find out what unit hes in, if you can find out what unit hes in you can talk to his company commander and fuck his world

10-16-2009, 06:58 PM
according to his myspace he's a marine, or maybe hes just really really hot for marines, but if he is a marine find out what marine camp is around that area, talk to the MP's "military police" with the information and all that good stuff they should be able to help you out or atleast find out what unit hes in, if you can find out what unit hes in you can talk to his company commander and fuck his world

I believe the nearest base is Camp Pendleton. I could be wrong.

10-16-2009, 07:39 PM
op give me a second, i'm a marine and we have a database/system to look anyone up. fuck him, thieving mother fucker. i'm going to pm you his command phone number and unit he belongs to. call them and politely ask for the company first seargant DONT MENTION HIS NAME JUST SAY, I NEED TO SPEAK WITH THE COMPANY FIRST SEARGANT ABOUT ONE OF HIS MARINES... BE AS POLITE AS YOU CAN BUT DONT COME OFF AS A BITCH. CALMLY explain to him what happend and dont say "he robbed me" , say i cant get ahold of him and he owes me 800 dollars. calmly explain you have have proof he still owes me the money and you have PROOF the item was delivered. i'm deployed right now, give me a second to log into a govt computer and i'll pm you his shit.

also, no one roll to his house, thats just stupidity. op will handle it...no reason to get involved.
HAHAHA, yeah depending on what your job is (i.e. infantry, admin, etc.) you learn different levels of MCMAP (marine corps martial arts program)

:rimshot: I've almost been scammed by a marine once for $85. Came upon the information of his commanding officer and unit he was in, boy was he fast to return the money :keke:

10-16-2009, 07:58 PM
matt11145, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but dude is NOT a marine...their was no record of that name or even of that last name. so scratch that idea. only thing i can suggest...which will probably work. is call the police department of the city he lives in and explain the situation to them. basically saying. he bought this, said he sent the cashiers check, never received check, and i have conformation that he received part...i need my money. they'll tell you what to do and from here on out i'd listen to them over anyone on here...:( sorry dude, i was hoping he was military because it would be way easier to get your money. turns out he's just a poser bitch

10-16-2009, 07:59 PM
Talking to the 1st Sergeant is a fantastic idea, and certainly the best way to handle it. Showing up at the dude's car/door/etc is an invitation for trouble, and he would be in the right to do something 'painful' if someone did that.

You're an idiot for not waiting for money first, but I think you know that.

People that say the OP 'got what he deserves' though are future scammers in the making.

*epic thread commences*

Edit: Well if he's not a Marine, I'm sure someone will run into him at a local meet or something. Until he says something like "no, fuck that guy, I'm not paying," though, I wouldn't show up at his house/etc.

10-16-2009, 09:26 PM
c'mon now guys we never really confirmed that we were gona go to this clown's house.... thats just something that was said to make the brotha here feel better....

But the truth if somehting like this was really happening to someone i knew or was related to me i would definately go to this guys house... fuck that

10-16-2009, 09:46 PM
op give me a second, i'm a marine and we have a database/system to look anyone up. fuck him, thieving mother fucker. i'm going to pm you his command phone number and unit he belongs to. call them and politely ask for the company first seargant DONT MENTION HIS NAME JUST SAY, I NEED TO SPEAK WITH THE COMPANY FIRST SEARGANT ABOUT ONE OF HIS MARINES... BE AS POLITE AS YOU CAN BUT DONT COME OFF AS A BITCH. CALMLY explain to him what happend and dont say "he robbed me" , say i cant get ahold of him and he owes me 800 dollars. calmly explain you have have proof he still owes me the money and you have PROOF the item was delivered. i'm deployed right now, give me a second to log into a govt computer and i'll pm you his shit.

also, no one roll to his house, thats just stupidity. op will handle it...no reason to get involved.
HAHAHA, yeah depending on what your job is (i.e. infantry, admin, etc.) you learn different levels of MCMAP (marine corps martial arts program)

This is a great way to take care of it.

Keep us posted.

R Drifter
10-16-2009, 10:59 PM
the guys not military :/....and fuck the guys that are talking shit, he knos he fucked up he doesnt need all you fucktards giving him shit. I bet if it happened to you douche bags youd be trying to get you money and posting a thread on here just the same..

10-17-2009, 09:58 AM
the guys not military :/....and fuck the guys that are talking shit, he knos he fucked up he doesnt need all you fucktards giving him shit. I bet if it happened to you douche bags youd be trying to get you money and posting a thread on here just the same..

It wouldn't happen to me because I wouldn't be naive enough to send someone something valued at $800 dollars before getting payment for it.

I guess you're the type of person who would?

10-17-2009, 10:15 AM
It wouldn't happen to me because I wouldn't be naive enough to send someone something valued at $800 dollars before getting payment for it.

I guess you're the type of person who would?

Yup, And the the guy above you is an EEEEEEEEEEEEEDIOT:stupid:

10-17-2009, 10:24 AM
Yeah i'm sure if all of you made a mistake and left yourself vulnerable and someone took your money, and you knew who took it, you'd blame yourself and not go get your $800...

10-17-2009, 10:39 AM
+1 for Falcon Punch.

pics/vids or it never happened.

Drift N Dragg
10-17-2009, 10:49 AM
the guys not military :/....and fuck the guys that are talking shit, he knos he fucked up he doesnt need all you fucktards giving him shit. I bet if it happened to you douche bags youd be trying to get you money and posting a thread on here just the same..

Hey.. I tell you what.. Send me your car.. i will give you far market Value... And I give you my Honest to Gods word I will pay you ..... keke...:wiggle:, what would you like? Cashiers Check? Money Order? You are covering the shipping right? I can't be spending that money.... :cops:

I mean COME ON Really? Pull your head from where you know you just stuck it, get a few more posts under your belt, get scammed a couple times, play the skin flute and relax....

Sorry, had to put that in.... and NO I dont want your POS, so dont Ship it..:)

10-17-2009, 10:57 AM
do u hace a address

10-17-2009, 11:13 AM
Knock it off everyone, we all fuck up and learn hard lessons in life.

whether its this, drunk driving, not backing up to a hard drive or punching a hole in a glass window.

We all do it in one for or another.

And we all should have known better........

lesson learned.

now if anyone in the area can help a brother out and knows this guy, then please do.
nothing tuff, just say, "hey, you owe that guy 8 bills, is he gonna see it anytime soon??"

10-17-2009, 11:29 AM
There need to be more people like the OP in the world - honesty and trust.

10-17-2009, 12:04 PM
This reminds me of family guy
"Im getting real tired of you ducking me man..."

YouTube - Family guy - Stewie beats up Brian part 1 and 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGYXLVFZT2I)

10-17-2009, 03:10 PM
OP, This thread is now closed. As someone already suggested you can report this in the reviews section (without his address/phone number). Posting a request to zilvia members to retrieve the money with an address is against forum rules not to mention illegal. If someone were to lose their life from this situation guess who would be in trouble?

We have a legal system for this situation and I suggest you investigate via legal means. Nothing good will come of asking a community to resolve your issues.

It sucks you lost your money, but this is not the proper way to do so.