10-13-2009, 10:23 PM
quick question?? i kno a leak down test is the best answer but i figured ill ask before i get around to it.
sr20det built head, multi layer metal hg, hx35 turbo, microtech standalone, this hg has been on the car for about 4-5 years. today i gave my friend a test drive and all of a sudden the car is misfiring, smoking, and oil everywhere. there is damn nere no oil in the car. i get it home add oil and and now when i crank it all the compression is blowing out of the turbo(well thats what it looks like)it spins at first with no compression the puff puff compression blows out the t starts and runs like shit. head gasket or rings or something worst
sr20det built head, multi layer metal hg, hx35 turbo, microtech standalone, this hg has been on the car for about 4-5 years. today i gave my friend a test drive and all of a sudden the car is misfiring, smoking, and oil everywhere. there is damn nere no oil in the car. i get it home add oil and and now when i crank it all the compression is blowing out of the turbo(well thats what it looks like)it spins at first with no compression the puff puff compression blows out the t starts and runs like shit. head gasket or rings or something worst