View Full Version : Gun-toting Soccer Mom, Shot Dead by Husband

10-08-2009, 09:30 PM
Gun-toting soccer mom, husband found shot dead - USATODAY.com (http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2009-10-08-soccer-mom-gun-murder-suicide_N.htm)


Meleanie Hain wears a loaded Glock 26 to her 5-year-old daughter's soccer game in this 2008 photo taken at Optimist Park in Lebanon, Pa.

LEBANON, Pa. (AP) — A soccer mom who gained national attention when she openly carried a loaded gun to her 5-year-old daughter's game was shot dead Wednesday along with her husband in what appeared to be a murder-suicide, police said.
Meleanie Hain and Scott Hain were pronounced dead Wednesday night at their home in Lebanon, about 80 miles west of Philadelphia.

According to the Lebanon Daily News, several neighbors said they witnessed the children, ages 2, 6 and 10, run from the house shouting, "Daddy shot Mommy!" shortly before 911 was called at 6:20 p.m.

Meleanie Hain made headlines after she attended a children's soccer game in a park on Sept. 11, 2008, with a handgun in plain view holstered on her hip, upsetting other parents.

The county sheriff, Michael DeLeo, revoked her gun-carrying permit nine days later.

Hain successfully appealed the permit revocation, although the judge who restored the permit questioned her judgment and said she had "scared the devil" out of other people at the game.

Hain sued DeLeo in federal court, alleging that he violated her constitutional rights and prosecuted her maliciously when he took the permit away. She said that because of his actions her baby-sitting service had suffered, her children had been harassed and she had been ostracized by her neighbors in Lebanon, which has about 25,000 residents.

DeLeo said at Hain's appeal that he revoked her permit after fielding the parents' complaints. He said he based his decision on a state law that prohibits certain gun permits from being given to anyone whose character and reputation make him or her a danger to public safety.

After Hain sued DeLeo, the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, which says it tries to reform the gun industry through sensible regulations, offered to defend him for free.

"It is a case that calls out for common sense," Brady Center attorney Daniel Vice said then. "It's ridiculous to bring a gun to a child's soccer game."

A court hearing on Hain's $1 million lawsuit was postponed in May after an attorney in the case was involved in a traffic accident.

The Daily News reported that Meleanie Hain had operated a day-care center in her home. Her husband was a Berks County parole officer and a former prison guard.

Debbie Mise, who lives three doors away from the Hain house, told the Daily News she felt something bad would eventually happen at the Hain residence.

"She just wasn't right," Mise said of Meleanie Hain. "You don't bring a gun to a kids' soccer game, and you don't wear a gun when you go shopping at Kohl's."

I'm not sure what to think other than I wouldn't want my kids around someone carrying a gun (I don't have any kids just yet but still) ... and maybe she should have taken the other parents' and children into consideration.

It's fine and all to own guns imo, but is it really necessary to take it to your kids soccer game.

Also, suing for $1M because of your own actions is lulz.

10-08-2009, 10:55 PM
it is a sad day for my home state........

Idiots are everywhere

10-08-2009, 11:23 PM
her husband did us all a favor, even tho i got this image that hes probably a lil sissy bitch and she probably wears the pants in the family, he probably got fed up with her bullshit and took her and himself out of pity lol

10-08-2009, 11:26 PM
She probably thought she was so cool.

Only people with guns get shot.

10-09-2009, 12:17 AM
There surely is something very wrong with that women.
As if it isn't already overkill to bring a gun to a soccer match,
you have to somehow choose to display it like some trophy.

And what the hell for?
So you can shoot some evil-doer hiding in the bushes, from attacking your kids at the soccer game?
How inconsiderate.

10-09-2009, 12:21 AM
While I have mixed feelings about her open-carrying to a soccer game/practice, it's clear that at least one of them let their emotions get the better of them. How stupid.
I'm glad the gene pool is now clear of them, but I feel bad for their kids.
This anomaly of 'stupid gun owner' will only lead to more retarded gun control legislation.

10-09-2009, 12:48 AM
While I have mixed feelings about her open-carrying to a soccer game/practice, it's clear that at least one of them let their emotions get the better of them. How stupid.
I'm glad the gene pool is now clear of them, but I feel bad for their kids.
This anomaly of 'stupid gun owner' will only lead to more retarded gun control legislation.

Agreed, agreed, and agreed. I hate it when stupid people make everyone who carries guns look bad.

Either way, sucks for the kids, but I'm glad they won't be having any more.

10-09-2009, 12:52 AM
This anomaly of 'stupid gun owner' will only lead to more retarded gun control legislation.

More than likely.

10-09-2009, 09:07 AM
This anomaly of 'stupid gun owner' will only lead to more retarded gun control legislation.

The truth, this man speaks it.

10-09-2009, 09:39 AM
Darwinism at its finest.

10-09-2009, 09:50 AM
Darwinism at its finest.

Seriously, let them kill each other so the smarter people can prosper.

She probably thought the other parents would oggle her gun and be like, "Wow, what a nice piece! It really complements your figure."

10-09-2009, 09:55 AM
I guarantee you her kid's team won though.

10-09-2009, 10:24 AM
wow what a dumbass....

10-09-2009, 10:29 AM
i want a glock 26. maybe i can buy hers at the estate sale?

10-09-2009, 10:43 AM
i want a glock 26. maybe i can buy hers at the estate sale?

na get a springfield xd

10-09-2009, 11:06 AM
I guarantee you her kid's team won though.

They still won even though they lost... lol

10-09-2009, 11:23 AM
Hopefully the kids find good foster parents. They will probably be better off now (at least the younger ones).

10-09-2009, 11:32 AM
her husband did us all a favor, even tho i got this image that hes probably a lil sissy bitch and she probably wears the pants in the family, he probably got fed up with her bullshit and took her and himself out of pity lol

i was thinking the same thing lol

10-09-2009, 11:52 AM
i was thinking the same thing lol

I second that

10-09-2009, 12:01 PM
well if she was carrying concealed at the game i dont see the big deal...ESPECIALLY since she had a permit to do so...why the fuck would she open carry?! i carry EVERYWHERE i go...except bars/schools/churchs (were i cant carry by law regardless of permit). especiall considering it was 9/11 and was prob spooked about another attack. but fuck sucks for the kids

10-09-2009, 12:47 PM
I second that

x3. Just look at her. She obviously was starving for attention and probably never shut up about it.

10-09-2009, 03:07 PM
I dont own a gun.

I've never needed a gun.

Why does this fat-arm'ed woman go to a soccer game armed with a pistol?

For the first time in my life, and I cant believe I am saying this....

....but I'm actually glad to be from LA.

10-09-2009, 03:22 PM
na get a springfield xd

I've owned one, and a buddy of mine owned two, and we both had tons of problems with jams. We tried cleaning it after every shoot, cleaning after every few shoots, and not cleaning it for 1000 rounds or so, and we'd still get jams every two or three clips - sometimes more than one jam in a clip!

This was with reloaded ammo, so it's possible they're just really picky on brass, but not likely.

Anyway, I love how they feel and shoot for a mid-frame .40 or .45, but I prefer my trusty S&W Sigma for CC (little smaller, never has jammed, and no externals safeties).

10-09-2009, 03:28 PM
that lady is soo ugly, did she really need a gun to scare people?

10-09-2009, 03:31 PM
Why does this fat-arm'ed woman go to a soccer game armed with a pistol?

nO shit, she was already heavly armed with out the gun.

10-09-2009, 03:40 PM
wow thats fucked up.

EVERYTHING about that is fucked up. Fat chicks with guns, murder suicide, million dollar law suit.

At least it'll save the department some money to deal with other idiots.

10-09-2009, 05:03 PM
nO shit, she was already heavily armed with out the gun.

How ironic.

I'm sorry I just had to. :ddog:

10-09-2009, 05:13 PM
I guarantee you her kid's team won though.

haha. good one.

10-09-2009, 05:25 PM
I think its funny that people think that this is "darwinism" or something of the like. The woman did not do anything to deserve being murdered... She did not shoot anybody, or for that matter HARM anybody. She was murdered in cold blood for no apparent reason.

well if she was carrying concealed at the game i dont see the big deal...ESPECIALLY since she had a permit to do so...why the fuck would she open carry?! i carry EVERYWHERE i go...especiall considering it was 9/11 and was prob spooked about another attack. but fuck sucks for the kids

I don't know her reasoning for carrying her pistol in the open but you carry "EVERYWHERE" you go, so obviously you understand the protection a weapon of this magnitude provides. For all you know she was beaten, mugged and left for dead, and thats her reasoning for carrying. If it were me somebody openly carrying would instantly deter me. What do the kids have to do with anything? Most kids have already been exposed to weapons in both video games, TV, Movies, the Internet, and the News. As long as the parents take proper care of the weapon and keep it out of the POSSESION of the minors whats the big deal?

10-09-2009, 05:35 PM
for all you know she was beaten, mugged and left for dead, and thats her reasoning for carrying...what do the kids have to do with anything? As long as the parents take proper care of the weapon and keep it out of the possesion of the minors whats the big deal?

agree 100%

10-09-2009, 05:44 PM
i wonder if she was racist or something.. Theres a reason why her husband snapped, and he was a parole officer too, so he should be used to seein crazy shit.

Would you trust to leave your kids with a baby sitter who goes around walking with a gun?

10-09-2009, 05:53 PM
i wonder if she was racist or something.. Theres a reason why her husband snapped, and he was a parole officer too, so he should be used to seein crazy shit.

Would you trust to leave your kids with a baby sitter who goes around walking with a gun?

Nowhere in the article did it imply that she wore the gun holstered around the house for her daycare center. The only information is that she wore it to a soccer game, and like I said before there could be infinite number of reasons for that. Maybe in the end it was just to prove a point?

I do agree that something was wrong with the husband obviously.

10-09-2009, 06:09 PM
I came into this thread thinking someone shot Sarah Palin.

10-09-2009, 06:19 PM

one can only wish.

10-09-2009, 06:36 PM
I have no problem with people who decide to carry openly.

I do, however, have a HUGE problem with almost every idiot being able to obtain a firearm.

10-09-2009, 07:26 PM
her husband did us all a favor, even tho i got this image that hes probably a lil sissy bitch and she probably wears the pants in the family, he probably got fed up with her bullshit and took her and himself out of pity lol


na get a springfield xd

win :wiggle:

seriously y does she take it to the soccer games where their is kids and familys?? wtf is wrong with that fat bitch?

10-09-2009, 07:55 PM
seriously y does she take it to the soccer games where their is kids and familys?? wtf is wrong with that fat bitch?

dude you can carry wherever you want, their is no law about that...everyone would be sining a different tune if say a suicide bomber attempted to bomb the game or something. GRANTED i personally would have concealed carried especially since i/she had the permit. i dont get why people spaz about kids seeing guns, cops were their shit open carry, you cant just obtain one their are background checks and shit...and to get concealed carry permit you need to get classes and shit. and to answer your question...because the constitution says she can :)

10-09-2009, 09:32 PM
I think its funny that people think that this is "darwinism" or something of the like. The woman did not do anything to deserve being murdered... She did not shoot anybody, or for that matter HARM anybody. She was murdered in cold blood for no apparent reason.

No one deserves death, but apparently the pendulum swung her way.

One thing is pretty obvious, zillions of people on this planet have morals.. and common sense that makes us say to ourselves "hmm, carrying an exposed gun to a SOCCER GAME is stupid."

And there we have it.

ps: I believe some neighbors thought she was crazy. A possibility that something wasnt right.

10-09-2009, 09:55 PM
I could care less if she carried cause she wasnt out to hurt anyone. Should she have it on display at that time, I think not. But I don't know her situation. Im sure at least 3 kids on the field have held and played with a firearm without supervisor. 50/50 chance that she wasn't the only person in attendance carrying a weapon. Because other people didn't agree she stood out. I own a firearm and when my child is old enough, It won't be a secret its purpose and its not a toy. Hiding certain things from kids is not always a good idea.

The way I see it she carried a gun people didn't like it. She got shot now, she has to be the idiot? Why?

Also I think she didn't have it fully exposed like that, maybe that was just for the media.

10-10-2009, 12:16 AM
I came into this thread thinking someone shot Sarah Palin.

Thread title is 'soccer mom', not 'hockey mom'.

Should she have it on display at that time, I think not.

If she didn't have a concealed-carry permit, that would be the only way she would be legally permitted to carry it. While I believe concealed carry is superior to open carry, I don't feel that those that open carry are any more suspicious or 'scary' than anyone else.

I like concealed-carry much more because you must be QUALIFIED to do so, and it does not draw attention to you. Another reason is that those who hold permits, as part of their training, are ingrained with the notion that conflict avoidance is superior to engagement, and that drawing your weapon is to be used only as a last resort to protect yourself or others.

10-10-2009, 02:59 AM
Thread title is 'soccer mom', not 'hockey mom'.

Tomato, TuhMahTo

10-10-2009, 04:37 AM
If she didn't have a concealed-carry permit, that would be the only way she would be legally permitted to carry it.

i re read it and she had a concealed carry permit during that time but it says her "permit" was revoked by her local pd. (which in my opinion is complete bullshit and i'm glad she won it back)
like another member said i'm GUESSING she did have it concealed and one person prob saw it/noticed and tweaked and then when the media got involved they had here pose with it exposed.

10-10-2009, 06:54 AM
It's because she had a Glock.. I go out there with my 92FS and I'll have all the soccer moms hanging all over me calling me "Riggs" and shit...

10-10-2009, 11:23 AM
The way I see it she carried a gun people didn't like it. She got shot now, she has to be the idiot? Why?

because shes an idiot, thats why shes an idiot.

i mean, listen.. ive never smoked all my life, i didnt smoke when i was a kid and i dont smoke now. people die from smoking. smokers annoy the fuck out of me with their constant light-up bullshit. in the past, smoking was everywhere. now, its turning into a thing of the past.. thank god, lets MOVE ON already. here in burbank, they've passed laws that say you cant smoke 10 feet near a doorway to a business. great.. even better. eventually, it will be phased out I hope.

as i said earlier, i dont own a gun.. no need for it. if they ban it today, i wouldnt give a flying fuck.

its all part of this guns in the air pro-america right to bear arms bullshit. what do i gain from it? the right to protect myself from what? if someone breaks into my house i'll chop that fucker up like michael meyers, butchers knife.. thats all you need.

i mean if i ever need that much protection, i'll just rig my house up with bombs.. go out like a fuckin man and take a few hundred of whoevers fucking with me, with me. hehe guns? thats for children. real men blow shit up, stab, or at the bare minimum... fight with their hands.

"you win some, you lose some.. but you live to fight another day!" haha

10-10-2009, 11:33 AM
So using your logic if you die in a car accident. It's ok for people to think your an Idiot, and it has to be your fault. When it was just your time to go.Because you owned a sports car and probably raced at some point in your life. That means you had to be fault cause of your past history. Right

Sorry the fact she carried a gun to a kids game has nothing to do with her death. Beside the media backstory to cause misdirection. If you think she is an idiot thats yoour opinion just don't see how you can relate that.

10-10-2009, 11:45 AM
dude you can carry wherever you want, their is no law about that...everyone would be sining a different tune if say a suicide bomber attempted to bomb the game or something. GRANTED i personally would have concealed carried especially since i/she had the permit. i dont get why people spaz about kids seeing guns, cops were their shit open carry, you cant just obtain one their are background checks and shit...and to get concealed carry permit you need to get classes and shit. and to answer your question...because the constitution says she can :)

You seem super paranoid. Why do you need to carry a gun everywhere you go? Suicide bomber at a kids soccer game? Okkkkk bud.

I guess that's how americans are. If that guy has a gun... I need a gun. So in the end all the idiots walk around with guns waiting for their big shootout to come.

OH, and MADE. She's an idiot because she thought it was a brilliant idea to carry OPENLY at her kids fucking soccer game. You're pretty fucking stupid to think that's okay.

Good thing she always carried too. Really saved her life... OH WAIT. She's fucking dead.

10-10-2009, 12:33 PM
You seem super paranoid. Why do you need to carry a gun everywhere you go? Suicide bomber at a kids soccer game? Okkkkk bud.

I guess that's how americans are. If that guy has a gun... I need a gun. So in the end all the idiots walk around with guns waiting for their big shootout to come.

OH, and MADE. She's an idiot because she thought it was a brilliant idea to carry OPENLY at her kids fucking soccer game. You're pretty fucking stupid to think that's okay.

Good thing she always carried too. Really saved her life... OH WAIT. She's fucking dead.

Its funny cause people who make comments like these are why America is full of so many ignorant assholes. As I said before you do NOT know the reasoning as to her carrying the gun. Like I said before she could have beaten and left for dead, and this is her way of feeling safe. I also did not read anything about her brandishing the weapon in front of the soccer game just that it was holstered at her side. Its funny you mention all the idiots carrying guns, more people than you think actually carry guns and most of them are very mature about the situation. And back to before I see absolutely nothing wrong with her carrying a holstered weapon whether it be to the super market or the child's soccer game, she is breaking no law and legally protecting herself. So I think your pretty fucking stupid for saying that doing something totally within the law is dumb. If that is the case your a fucking idiot for stopping at a stoplight, its just a way for the man to hold you down son! And lastly talking about the gun saving her life, it would be like your boyfriend coming up to you JVD and shooting you, you sure as hell would not see it coming.

10-10-2009, 12:49 PM
i still think she was probably a bitch since the guy snapped, and her being a fat hippo with a history of gun carrying issues doesnt help her innocent image. The guy probably had more problems, lets not forget, hes the one who did the crime. But we dont know the motive behind it.

Im honestly against the whole gun carrying shit, people can snap just from road rage etc..not everyone is as sane as you would like to believe. Like some of you said, she could have been abused prior before and kept it for protection, but whose to say she didnt build a prejudice against something/someone.

10-10-2009, 01:19 PM
Its funny cause people who make comments like these are why America is full of so many ignorant assholes. As I said before you do NOT know the reasoning as to her carrying the gun. Like I said before she could have beaten and left for dead, and this is her way of feeling safe. I also did not read anything about her brandishing the weapon in front of the soccer game just that it was holstered at her side. Its funny you mention all the idiots carrying guns, more people than you think actually carry guns and most of them are very mature about the situation. And back to before I see absolutely nothing wrong with her carrying a holstered weapon whether it be to the super market or the child's soccer game, she is breaking no law and legally protecting herself. So I think your pretty fucking stupid for saying that doing something totally within the law is dumb. If that is the case your a fucking idiot for stopping at a stoplight, its just a way for the man to hold you down son! And lastly talking about the gun saving her life, it would be like your boyfriend coming up to you JVD and shooting you, you sure as hell would not see it coming.

I live my life just fine here without carrying a gun.

Not an ounce of fear at any point.

I'd rather not be a part of that constant paranoia.

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate)

You should be proud though dude. You're #1!!!


10-10-2009, 01:39 PM
I live my life just fine here without carrying a gun.

Not an ounce of fear at any point.

I'd rather not be a part of that constant paranoia.

List of countries by firearm-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate)

You should be proud though dude. You're #1!!!


It is a shame that carrying a gun has no bearing on whether a person suffers from paranoia or not. I am glad that you have "not an ounce of fear" in your life, its shame you are probably in the minority. Also the link you posted lists America as #2 for firearm homicides which just so happens to be what this is, and #1 for accidental / suicidal acts. I am kinda confused? Because there are lots of people who commit crimes with guns they should not be allowed to carry them? If it was not guns it would just be something else, a knife, a broken bottle, or bare knuckles (all of which can be fatal just like a gun).

10-10-2009, 08:12 PM
So using your logic if you die in a car accident. It's ok for people to think your an Idiot, and it has to be your fault. When it was just your time to go.Because you owned a sports car and probably raced at some point in your life. That means you had to be fault cause of your past history. Right

Sorry the fact she carried a gun to a kids game has nothing to do with her death. Beside the media backstory to cause misdirection. If you think she is an idiot thats yoour opinion just don't see how you can relate that.

Listen maaaaaaan... whaddya want me to tell you? I just dont like the bitch. First of all, shes a woman. I have a hard time trusting a woman behind the wheel, I'm gonna trust a woman with a gun? Get the fuck outta here.

You seem super paranoid. Why do you need to carry a gun everywhere you go? Suicide bomber at a kids soccer game? Okkkkk bud.

I guess that's how americans are. If that guy has a gun... I need a gun. So in the end all the idiots walk around with guns waiting for their big shootout to come.

OH, and MADE. She's an idiot because she thought it was a brilliant idea to carry OPENLY at her kids fucking soccer game. You're pretty fucking stupid to think that's okay.

Good thing she always carried too. Really saved her life... OH WAIT. She's fucking dead.

hahah yeah, seriously bro.. great point. Ironic that the woman with the gun is the woman in the grave.

Proof that its safer in the kitchen. She should've cooked her man a decent meal and gave him some holiday head, maybe he wouldnt have gone to such a miserable extent to "make a point."

Too late, now he's gonna be someones bitch in jail. Shame... could've been a happy man with a fat-armed wifey.

10-10-2009, 08:21 PM
^The husband is dead also.

10-10-2009, 08:58 PM
Mods delete this post.

10-10-2009, 09:17 PM
bitch is crazy

10-11-2009, 12:34 AM
crazy world...

10-11-2009, 01:52 AM
You should be proud though dude. You're #1!!!

God damn right we're #1. America is the greatest and mightiest nation ever to grace the face of the god damn earth.

Regardless of what you think about this particular woman, our constitutional right to bear arms is one of the most important rights we have.

10-11-2009, 03:41 AM
The 2nd Amendment is overrated.

10-11-2009, 12:35 PM
The 2nd Amendment is overrated.

God damn right we're #1. America is the greatest and mightiest nation ever to grace the face of the god damn earth.

Regardless of what you think about this particular woman, our constitutional right to bear arms is one of the most important rights we have.

You do realize that shit was written like 200+ years ago, right? A LOT has changed since then. I find it funny that people still cling onto that. It's our right!!!

10-11-2009, 12:47 PM
if we didn't have guns, the king of england could come here at any time and push us around.

10-11-2009, 02:20 PM
You seem super paranoid. Why do you need to carry a gun everywhere you go?
because either a. you have to be a silver spoon fed sheltered perfect world person or b. a naive hippie to think that guns arent needed. alot of assholes carry guns...thats why i do to, i'd rather have it and not need it then need it and not have it. godforbid you find yourself in that situation and you'll be singing a diff tune

So in the end all the idiots walk around with guns waiting for their big shootout to come.
ok i'm more proficient in ANY firearm then prob most if not all of your local pd...so dont dare compare me to some backwoods hillbilly brandishing a gun. i've been training/using firearms longer then you've touching tits and worrying about finals. i have alot of expertise on just how safe a gun can be and like i said...until you need one your just going to be another tree hugger snubbing your nose at anyone who decides to carry a firearm.
do i think she should have carried openly IF SHE HAD THE ABILITY TO CONCEAL CARRY? no! would i blame her for open carrying where she was legally allowed to? NO

You do realize that shit was written like 200+ years ago, right? A LOT has changed since then
YEAH like crime rates, assaults/rapes, home intrusions, etc. have all gone up

I find it funny that people still cling onto that.
yeah i know, who still goes by the constitution these days , i guess we should just do away with it and all together...but wait then when you get pulled over or anything else doesnt go your way...what can you blame it on, sure "this is unconstitutional" will have lost its ring at that point

honestly, imgaine if you or someone you love find yourselfs in a situation facing rape/mugging/murder/robery/etc. and you dont have a gun...then at the last second, one of the so called "idiots" who do carry, come along and save your ass. then i'd like to see how "anti guns" you are.

10-11-2009, 02:32 PM
if your gonna argue on the internet about carrying a gun, id hate to see you arguing in person about same topic and proving your point lol

10-11-2009, 02:47 PM
hahahah that would be funny, click clack "bet you wish you carried now"

10-11-2009, 03:11 PM
People who open carry all the time have issues. Conceal FTW!

10-11-2009, 03:13 PM
wishing rape/mugging/murder/robery/etc on someone is not cool.

I dont need a gun cuz i never put myself in a situation where i would need it.

10-11-2009, 04:08 PM
Regardless of what you think about this particular woman, our constitutional right to bear arms is one of the most important rights we have.

whys that? having a hard time sleeping at night without one? or is it hard to find a toilet in the mall without having one. they should make guns that double as i-phone + gps etc... that would sell big.

if we didn't have guns, the king of england could come here at any time and push us around.

haha good point.

so dont dare compare me to some backwoods hillbilly brandishing a gun.

you sound like some backwoods hillbilly brandishing a gun...

VA for the win

10-11-2009, 05:27 PM
you sound like some backwoods hillbilly brandishing a gun...VA for the win
ehhh quite the opposite really, i was born/grew up in north jersey and then after a bunch of years in the marines i've found myself hanging my hat in virgina. funny thing is i like it so much when i'm out i might stay...maybe their is some truth to your statment after all

wishing rape/mugging/murder/robery/etc on someone is not cool

telling someone to imagine themselves in that situation and wishing those acts on someone are two TOTALLY diff things. i'm trying to get the point across of the horrible situations that could be prevented with carrying a handgun. imo passing judgment on people who decide to legally carry a firearm and making ignorant comments towards our country's constitution isn't cool either. and to jvd if you take offense to my comment about the scenario i apologize...its merely an analogy

10-11-2009, 05:30 PM
you still sound like an asshole...even if they were "saved"

10-11-2009, 05:33 PM
I dont need a gun cuz i never put myself in a situation where i would need it.
not for anything but thats a pretty ridiculous statement dont you think? do you think ANY of the people who were victums of a violent crime thought they were putting themselves in a bad situation? i.e. the store owner getting robbed, the house getting broken into, the family getting mugged when leaving a mall, etc. etc. some things are out of our control...and hoping/taking precautions to avoid bad situations isn't going to make you 100% safe

you still sound like an asshole...even if they were "saved"
is it better now? re worded it for you...because HEAVEN FORBID...someone on the internet be offened in a debate

whys that?
(in reference to your bearing arms statment)
because if that gets taken away, all the people who carry LEGALLY and use them only for home defense...will be completley vulnerable to the criminals who carry ILLEGALLY and use firearms for crime NOT self defense. its a fact that their are NUMEROUS SELF DEFENSE shootings each year, is it sad it has to happen yes! but i am happy the victim/innocent party came out on top...your damn right!

this thread should probably get moved into "loud noises" since it when from a news story into a gun control debate

10-11-2009, 06:23 PM
[quote=sidewaysil80;3076008]not for anything but thats a pretty ridiculous statement dont you think? do you think ANY of the people who were victums of a violent crime thought they were putting themselves in a bad situation? i.e. the store owner getting robbed, the house getting broken into, the family getting mugged when leaving a mall, etc. etc. some things are out of our control...and hoping/taking precautions to avoid bad situations isn't going to make you 100% safe

is it better now? re worded it for you...because HEAVEN FORBID...someone on the internet be offened in a debate

I think having a gun would make it worse, what if said criminal was mugging someone and you pull your gun out on him. Then instead of getting your shit stolen and maybe an ass kicking he shoots you. Like you said criminals carry ILLEGALLY. So no i dont think my statement was stupid.

And for the record, i wasn't offended i just said you sound like an asshole cuz of your previous statement.

10-11-2009, 06:49 PM
ok so we're going to get into the proper times to employ/draw a firearm in a self defense situation now? this can go all night but heres my .2...i carry a gun concealed (legally) when i'm out and about/keep it in my car, and when i'm home its for home defense for me and my family. if you dont want to carry a gun GOOD FOR YOU, i do though. so who the fuck are you or anyone else to judge me or anyone else for our decision to do so. its not the people who carry legally you should be worried about...and its only "weird" to states that dont allow concealed carry (as in damn near impossible to get)

and i'll be damned if some asshole is going to act as if the constitution is outdated and worthless...just to use that as some half assed argument to press his gun control thoughts on the rest of us.

10-12-2009, 07:46 AM
Nowhere in the article did it imply that she wore the gun holstered around the house for her daycare center. The only information is that she wore it to a soccer game, and like I said before there could be infinite number of reasons for that. Maybe in the end it was just to prove a point?

I do agree that something was wrong with the husband obviously.
She could have done it because she was in a bad neighborhood. Ive been to my little brothers soccer games that were in the ghetto before. Im not saying I agree with her open carry idea, but being armed isnt always bad as long as your a responsible adult. I dont think people would have responded that way here in az, but then again, we just passed a law allowing guns in bars... again. Welcome to 1860.

10-12-2009, 09:41 AM
we dont need gun control

we need some bullet control
