View Full Version : The Bad day thread *with pics!!*

10-08-2009, 04:45 AM
SO let me start this off by saying Im not looking for pity or any type of sadness for my situation. Ive had to deal with a shitty life pretty much thus far so its no big to deal with it for a bit longer. I really just wanted to share how amazingly bad some days can be for people. Maybe you can share some stories or at least get a laugh at how bad shit can get.
That said heres my story.....

a little background.
job #1: Dj - under the table and only maybe 10 hours a week at 10 per, so not much
job #2: porn store - just work register at the local porn store, barely been there a month.
I used to work at a local parts store but got laid off three times at 2 locations, from that company. That was about 2 years ago and ive been out of work for the most part since then. I also dont have my own place and couldnt afford one without a job anyway. I havent gotten unemployment for alot of different reasons but Im gonna get into that.

Woke up fine maybe a bit tired from working two jobs, but still apprehensive because my boss at job #2 had taken my keys for improper closing procedure on my first night closing alone. My manager felt that my reasoning was legit but the owner had issues with it. Regardless I felt entitled to second chance, and woke up and called my boss numerous times to no avail. after finally getting a hold of him after at least 10 calls he tells me that the owner isnt budging and he has to let me go. My last check was already ready.

Now at this point Im kinda upset because I was really looking forward to adding to my s13's and I had already spent some money on a diff and some suspension pieces that I may have held off on if I had known I wouldnt be at the job for long.

Anyway on with my life.
and I have to go to job #1 wich is over about 30 some odd miles of one of the most twisty and notoriously dangerous roads in nor-cal.
I was following traffic, minding my own business, my Gf behind me in her IS300. Out of nowhere the lady in the honda accord in front of me decides to come to dead stop on the freeway, the closest car in front of her being about 5 lengths and traffic wasnt even stopped just slowing.
I slam on my brakes (Q45s). They lock and I slide about 20 feet due to bald front tires and going downhill, right into her rear bumper.
Now due to the fact that she was slamming to a halt my silvia front end slid almost under her car and demolished my headlights and taco'd my hood. Of course nothing happened to her car with the extent of her damage being some primer on her bumper.
Now I would really like to tell you that that was the end of this terrible, horrible, no good, very, bad, day but theres one more peice to this pity puzzle.
I get to work at job#1, obviously distraught at the loss of my healights and hood and new curve to mu upper radiator support, and realize I cant get my hood open. With the help of the GF yanking the hood release (insert joke here).
Finally get the hood open.
Survey the damage.
Realize I cant close the hood.
Solution: Zipties
I figured 2 heavy duty zipties would hold for the trip back over the hill home, but apparently I was wrong. So just to spurt a little icing on my cream pie of a crappy day my hood decide to invert itself over my windshield and roof, while Im on the twisty dangerous freeway I told you about before, Yay me!
So due to my James Bond-esque driving skills and pure luck I manage to pull over and back down the freeway into a turnout.`
Zipties to the rescue again.....
This time I put about 16 zipties to anything I can manage to get them through. Just to be sure that I dont have the same incident twice. I make it the rest of the way home without a hitch, half expecting to get pulled over for my cracked windshield or newly missing rearview mirror since my hood knocked in into the back seat.

Now when this first happened I wanted to cry, actually I may have. But know I can look back on it and kinda laugh. I guess it just goes to show what doesnt kill you makes you stronger right? And now I have the chance to do some of the things to my car that I didnt do the first time around.

I Hope this story at least makes some of you laugh or if your having a shitty day maybe it wont seem as bad.
Do what you have to do to make yourself happy. Fuck everyone else.

On a side note this car had zero damage before this day lol

10-08-2009, 06:12 AM
Sooo got into a minor accident and you decided to use ZIP-TIES to hold your hood down while you drive on the freeway?!?! Aint too smart there eh?

10-08-2009, 10:35 AM
Zipties will fix anything right guys?


10-08-2009, 10:39 AM
Why did you open the hood immediately? You should've just left it. Especially if you weren't leaking fluids, or hearing weird noises.

At least your car isn't totalled.

Hopefully your girlfriend was able to turn that bad luck around when you got home that night :naughty: if not, then yeah, that sounds like the worst day ever.

10-08-2009, 11:06 AM
Karma's a motherfucker. You must have done something

10-08-2009, 02:53 PM
onto the job situation........

Sounds to me like you need to set some goals and actually find a job worth a shit. Get out of retail ASAP. Hell man, learn a trade. Now might not be the best time to find a construction job though. I now make great money as a journeyman plumber, and it turned my life around.

10-08-2009, 03:03 PM
lol all that is on you bro.

and if two easy ass jobs are taxing for you, i dunno what to tell you. i have a fulltime job and two part time jobs. keeps me busy

10-08-2009, 03:04 PM
well my situation wasnt as bad but about a week ago i got a clutch fluid leak and i thought it was my slave cylinder..called my pops and had the car towed home with some rope and his truck...was about 4 miles...

anyways i finally got the new slave yesterday i get under the car, any notice that the fork was completely jacked up causing the slave to extend and leak the fluid..so now i either got a bad throwout bearing, bad fork, or something else i cant think of..shit is frustrating cuz i need to get to school and back, i got a shit load of homework this weekend, i mean ALOT, gotta study, and have absolutely no time to fix tha ride..

yea i even considered just selling the thing and buying something reliable..but idk its an easy fix but i just dont want to deal with anything anymore

10-08-2009, 04:37 PM
i pretty much got handed a 2 months notice from work...

on the bright side

i can finally put some work into the car...

10-08-2009, 04:53 PM
well my situation wasnt as bad but about a week ago i got a clutch fluid leak and i thought it was my slave cylinder..called my pops and had the car towed home with some rope and his truck...was about 4 miles...

anyways i finally got the new slave yesterday i get under the car, any notice that the fork was completely jacked up causing the slave to extend and leak the fluid..so now i either got a bad throwout bearing, bad fork, or something else i cant think of..shit is frustrating cuz i need to get to school and back, i got a shit load of homework this weekend, i mean ALOT, gotta study, and have absolutely no time to fix tha ride..

yea i even considered just selling the thing and buying something reliable..but idk its an easy fix but i just dont want to deal with anything anymore

It requires pulling the transmission. It's easy, but takes some time and a friend to help. Could be the pivot point for the fork. Happened to me on my 91' Pivot sheered off.

10-08-2009, 07:41 PM
Sooo got into a minor accident and you decided to use ZIP-TIES to hold your hood down while you drive on the freeway?!?! Aint too smart there eh?

HAHA no:hahano:
not what I was saying at all. Zipties were a bandaid and the only solution I had at the time, my only other option was to drive all that way with nothing holding the hood at all. what sounds better to you? I thought they would hold for some 30 odd miles. I tried to be gentle lol

Zipties will fix anything right guys?


you guys act like im selling stock in fucking zipties, I posted this for a laugh at how epically bad my day was, I wasnt looking for a pat on the back for my solution lol.

Why did you open the hood immediately? You should've just left it. Especially if you weren't leaking fluids, or hearing weird noises.

Hindsight is always 20/20. I obviously didnt think of that afte ri opened the hood and then kicked myself for it.

At least your car isn't totalled.

Hopefully your girlfriend was able to turn that bad luck around when you got home that night :naughty: if not, then yeah, that sounds like the worst day ever.

not totaled which is good.
she always does her job lol
and yeah the only worse day Ive had was when I broke my jaw.
yeah Im full of stupid stories.

onto the job situation........

Sounds to me like you need to set some goals and actually find a job worth a shit. Get out of retail ASAP. Hell man, learn a trade. Now might not be the best time to find a construction job though. I now make great money as a journeyman plumber, and it turned my life around.

ASE certified mechanic, I havent been able to find an auto job int three different counties. I also have extenuating circumstances involving my license that make it hard for me to get a job at a dealer.

Karma's a motherfucker. You must have done something

Brutal Lol
I thought the same thing too but i honestly havent done anything but help people over the past couple years.

10-08-2009, 07:54 PM
well my situation wasnt as bad but about a week ago i got a clutch fluid leak and i thought it was my slave cylinder..called my pops and had the car towed home with some rope and his truck...was about 4 miles...

anyways i finally got the new slave yesterday i get under the car, any notice that the fork was completely jacked up causing the slave to extend and leak the fluid..so now i either got a bad throwout bearing, bad fork, or something else i cant think of..shit is frustrating cuz i need to get to school and back, i got a shit load of homework this weekend, i mean ALOT, gotta study, and have absolutely no time to fix tha ride..

yea i even considered just selling the thing and buying something reliable..but idk its an easy fix but i just dont want to deal with anything anymore

Sorry to hear that bro, Im almost at the same point but i just cant get rid of it.
Its like a STD.

i pretty much got handed a 2 months notice from work...

on the bright side

I can finally put some work into the car...

way to find a silver lining LOL I have the time I just need the money.

10-08-2009, 11:00 PM
I have the time I just need the money.


10-08-2009, 11:24 PM
my wee wee got chopped off.. i would post pics but i dont wana get banned :/

10-08-2009, 11:39 PM
yea see im the other way around...i have the money just dont have the time

10-09-2009, 10:42 AM
my wee wee got chopped off.. i would post pics but i dont wana get banned :/

lol dude me too

10-09-2009, 07:31 PM
yea see im the other way around...i have the money just dont have the time

Well shit it sounds like we need to go into business together lol.

Nor-cal and So-cal we could take over the state.

10-10-2009, 03:14 AM
Nice avatar btw :)

oh yeah on topic, that really does kinda suck. i've been having a lot of shitty days lately, hope things get better for you man.

10-10-2009, 10:56 PM
thanks, she took a whole set of pics for me in that nismo shirt I bought her at D1.

Anyway yeah it seems like more and more of my friends are having extremely bad luck/days. Like impounded cars and lost jobs and shit.

Im sure it can all be blamed on the economy or Obama somehow, lol

10-10-2009, 10:59 PM
Well shit it sounds like we need to go into business together lol.

Nor-cal and So-cal we could take over the state.

haha bro all u need is a job...i mean a REAL job...dj-ing wont cut it, a porn store? c'mon man..start applying there are jobs out there even with this shitty economy

10-10-2009, 11:16 PM
I know its easy to assume im just as lazy as the next dude but I have really been trying. I have even moved to different cities around the bay area and tried there.

I keep the djing job because I work nights there and it puts cash in my pocket three days a week. other that that your are right I do need a real job. just dont really have the resume people require I guess, or because i dont know how to go about looking for a career instead of a job. I thought a degree from Wyotech would help with that but so far all its given me is more debt.

10-11-2009, 12:17 AM
since you got some dj-ing experience, try moving on to bigger clubs.. if you where near hollywood man you could get some serious cash for it. i think its at least 20-50 an hour at some asian clubs i used to hit up when i was a promoter.

10-11-2009, 12:49 AM
Ive actually been wanting to move to So-cal for numerous reasons but as of now im pretty low in the tech dept, but once i get a new comp and couple other things a lot more options should open up.