View Full Version : racial profiling FTL

10-07-2009, 04:56 PM
Today driving home in my little brothers crap 98 cavaqueer - 2 tone (not willingly 2 tone. so you get the idea) i just drove the car to wash it since he is selling it (he is underage so its under my name again not - willingly ) so coming home. i get pulled over. i look 17 i have long hair a a cap backwards. with music (not loud trust me just normal nice volume) pulled me over telling me there was a problem with my tag's (in reality he pulled me over, i shit you not, 4 seconds after i passed. He had no time to send dispatch my plates. I was going around 10 - 13 on the 15 limit, How do i know? Because i thought my tire was low and i kept hearing noise. The second i made eye contact with this guy he pulled me over. what ever i knew i was gonna get screwed.

apparently car hasnt had insurance in 2 month. i never drive this car its not mine even though its under my name since im the oldest in the family. about now im super worried. i have always been an insured driver. (yea sadly 2 crashes under my belt and a few speeding tickets) but always insured. what should i do? can i go get insurance RIGHT NOW and say to the court "yo here it is " but the thing is he is selling it this week. Thats the only reason i drove this car to wash it and make it look semi decent.

I am super dissapointed in my fam not letting me know. the cop being super rude to me. and i felt dissed super bad. i talked to this guy with respect as if he was a god hoping i dont get in much trouble. then he comes off screaming at me asking me what im doing there, how old im i, what school i go to, why do i go to that school, Whos car is this, Why do i have the title on the glove box, ( i have the title there since like i said he is selling it).

This guy didn't even tell me why i was getting pulled over. (not trying to be an asshole i didnt ask but what ever) you make decisions and you dont look back.

10-07-2009, 04:59 PM
if he wrote it down as an infraction, and is marked under fixable, then, yes, everyone will go dancing, and you will just pay the process fee or some jazz like that.

10-07-2009, 05:00 PM
if he wrote it down as an infraction, and is marked under fixable, then, yes, everyone will go dancing, and you will just pay the process fee or some jazz like that.

yea it was a normal infraction but man :-/

the car is being sold i dont want to fork over to insure this for no reason since its being sold.

will they require me to pay an sr22 for just this?

10-07-2009, 05:03 PM
wait, how is this RACIAL profiling? I dont see anything mentioned about that.

10-07-2009, 05:06 PM
wait, how is this RACIAL profiling? I dont see anything mentioned about that.

im mexican. in a white neighborhood. i was stoped doing around 11 - 13 on a 15.

For no reason. when cars in the right lane were flying by at 25

10-07-2009, 05:18 PM
This sounds really racist and bad, but it's not where I'm coming from, the cop saw and got:

A mexican driving a piece of shit, and it was uninsured through a white neighborhood it sounds like he got what he was looking for.

That sucks, I'm sure you can explain the circumstance in traffic court and get some leniency out of it, especially once you present them with a bill of sale, and have proof you released the liability to the car.

10-07-2009, 05:33 PM
Dam even though you saying the truth about not knowing the didnt have insurance they wont take that as an excuse.... atleast i know for sure they wouldnt here in Cali i dont know about LV. The law is if you are not under the insurance policy then your shouldnt be driving. Even if you were to go get insurance right after the accident on the same day it wouldnt be valid. Law states you have to have had an insurance policy before the date of the accident. But thats how it goes here in Cali might be different over there. I would suggest hire a lawyer or speak with one and ask them, they will have more accurate info on this. Good luck

10-07-2009, 05:43 PM
if you have paperwork from prior insurance coverage... perhaps you could ahmmm *photoshop* one of the numbers on the coverage date and take it to the judge.. hmmm change 1 lil month or year number hahah

10-07-2009, 05:45 PM
This sounds really racist and bad, but it's not where I'm coming from, the cop saw and got:

A mexican driving a piece of shit, and it was uninsured through a white neighborhood it sounds like he got what he was looking for.

That sucks, I'm sure you can explain the circumstance in traffic court and get some leniency out of it, especially once you present them with a bill of sale, and have proof you released the liability to the car.

damn that just made me laugh reading it LOL!

10-07-2009, 05:49 PM
if you have paperwork from prior insurance coverage... perhaps you could ahmmm *photoshop* one of the numbers on the coverage date and take it to the judge.. hmmm change 1 lil month or year number hahah

lol dont do that.... when you go to the court house they will verify, they will call the insurance company and will confirm if your policy is active.... if its not you will be going to jail.... trust me

10-07-2009, 05:50 PM
fuck that shit.

i always drive through that street on a 240 and my old beemer. flying past cops nothing happened.

allthough my windows had limo tint so they couldnt see.

10-07-2009, 05:52 PM
When you go to court, you show them that the car has insurance on it now, as-of such and such date. They give you a reduced fine and you're on your way. DMV will probably fuck you because you cancelled your insurance while the car was still registered, they love to send out these extortion letters a year or so after the fact saying you owe $250 because the car insurance lapsed.

Also you're lucky the cop didn't impound your shit. Not having insurance can easily turn into an impounding.

10-07-2009, 06:01 PM
When you go to court, you show them that the car has insurance on it now, as-of such and such date. They give you a reduced fine and you're on your way. DMV will probably fuck you because you cancelled your insurance while the car was still registered, they love to send out these extortion letters a year or so after the fact saying you owe $250 because the car insurance lapsed.

Also you're lucky the cop didn't impound your shit. Not having insurance can easily turn into an impounding.

i know mello, damn north las vegas is always out staking out people for money. I know im no one to judge but what business do they have doing in an elementary school 2 hours before it lets out. He would of had impounded the car and arrested me if it wasn't for the fact that i told this guy that i live 40 feet away from him. then he's world police face turned to :tweak:. after he realized i lived in the neighborhood and wasn't just your normal leecher on the hood :axe: i always drove the 318ti and nothing happened actually when i did get pull over (yes it was my fault this time for speeding, yea ill admit i did it and was aware. but when that happened they didnt even ask me for license or insurance when i had short hair since i look super asian with short hair. aw man what can you do right? all though he was being super rude


ME: 19


ME: i go to school full time

HIM : Where at

ME: dessert rose high

HIM: WHY ARE YOU GOING THERE (screaming as if im lying)

ME: becuase thats the school i go to


ME : i lied and said NO (even though i spent an overnighter for battery )

HIM: well see how it goes then

i mean he didnt even know what to tell me when he pulled me over. it was a northtown cop with a BMW bike and he pulled me over a second after he saw me.like i said previously obviously he couldnt of had ran my plates as he said he did. but what ever. hopefully i can get this fixed.

I had to call in some favors from the girlfriends parents and i got a somewhat known lawyer to help me out.

10-07-2009, 06:09 PM
don't wear hats backwards. screams hoodlum.

hmmm lemme see here.

19 years old.
Still in H.S.
cant properly spell the name of the school you are going to
been in jail already for battery
have an overall shitty attitude towards cops or "pigs" as you refer to them

seems you are well on your way to rising above the so called racial profiling you are crying about.

10-07-2009, 06:11 PM
Sounds like you're the racist, man.
I'm sure he didn't talk to you the way you talk about him.

Suck it up and deal with it.

Maybe you were going 10mph in a 20 zone, but I HIGHLY doubt it.

After you saw the cop and jumped on your brake pedal and THEN looked at your speedo, you probably saw 10.


best of luck getting out of it as best as possible.
Have a good one.

10-07-2009, 06:14 PM
Maybe since your car is such a "piece of shit" your speedo is off.

10-07-2009, 06:20 PM
don't wear hats backwards. screams hoodlum.

hmmm lemme see here.

19 years old.
Still in H.S.
cant properly spell the name of the school you are going to
been in jail already for battery
have an overall shitty attitude towards cops or "pigs" as you refer to them

seems you are well on your way to rising above the so called racial profiling you are crying about.

1. just turned 19. Im a senior I started my freshman year being 15 i lost a grade when i moved countries

2. I was on my iPhone on the shitter, on the house phone talking to my insurance company

3. who hasn't been in jail now in days wtf

Mi Beardo es Loco
10-07-2009, 06:26 PM
Just an FYI, profiling is necessary in police work. If a cop sees something suspicious he HAS to react. Now, people try to flip profiling and make it a racial thing. To the OP, you broke the law but I wouldnt be too worried about it. But what would have happened if you were driving your insured car and some uninsured jackass that didnt know he was driving an uninsured car hits you? Would it be profiling then? Its pretty obvious to me that the cop ran your plates and seen that your brothers car was uninsured and came up with a way to get you off the road. When you dont pay for insurance the carrier contacts the DMV and it comes up on the comp when a cop runs your plates.

Let this be a lesson though that to make sure ever car you drive your insured. What if the brakes failed? what if you blew a tire and hit someone. You would be 100% financially responsible and it is your responsibility to know if youre insured.

so dont get your panties in a bunch, its not a big deal. its not a felony

Mi Beardo es Loco
10-07-2009, 06:33 PM
i know mello. man fuck north las vegas pigs.

he would of had impounded my shit and arrested me. if it wasnt for the fact that i told this DUMB FUCKING PIG that i live 40 feet away from him. then he's confederate face turned to :tweak:. after he realized i lived in the neighborhood

fuck him :axe: i always drove the 318ti and nothing happened. actually they didnt even ask me for license or insurance when i had short hair and came from school. he was being a major dbag today. asking me


ME: 19


ME: i go to school full time

HIM : Where at

ME: dessert rose high

HIM: WHY ARE YOU GOING THERE in a rude ass way

ME: becuase thats the school i go to


ME : i lied and said NO (even though i spent an overnighter for battery )

HIM: well see how it goes

i mean he didnt even know what to tell me when he pulled me over. it was a northtown pig with a BMW bike and he pulled me over a second after he saw me. obviously he couldnt of had ran my plates as he said he did.
wow wow wow. so a cop is patrolling your neighborhood for people like YOU and you expect fair treatment after knowing THIS is how you think. If you had the balls then you would have spoke your mind to him. But you didnt so now youre talking shit about him on an internet forum. Youre a loser man.
Get your life strait. Stop getting in these situations. Its YOUR fault, no one elses

10-07-2009, 06:47 PM
Just an FYI, profiling is necessary in police work. If a cop sees something suspicious he HAS to react. Now, people try to flip profiling and make it a racial thing. To the OP, you broke the law but I wouldnt be too worried about it. But what would have happened if you were driving your insured car and some uninsured jackass that didnt know he was driving an uninsured car hits you? Would it be profiling then? Its pretty obvious to me that the cop ran your plates and seen that your brothers car was uninsured and came up with a way to get you off the road. When you dont pay for insurance the carrier contacts the DMV and it comes up on the comp when a cop runs your plates.

Let this be a lesson though that to make sure ever car you drive your insured. What if the brakes failed? what if you blew a tire and hit someone. You would be 100% financially responsible and it is your responsibility to know if youre insured.

so dont get your panties in a bunch, its not a big deal. its not a felony

I was following the road laws perfectly, and no actually I would rather want them to send undercover agents to crack houses that are RUN by actual high school students in my high school. how did this guy know i didnt have insurance cos i sure as hell didn't. unless this robocop had built in isight with a database connected to the local Department of Motor Vehicles. hope fully i dont get an sr22 do you think i will? i mean were getting rid of it in 3 or 2 days

10-07-2009, 07:01 PM
i know mello, damn north las vegas is always out staking out people for money. I know im no one to judge but what business do they have doing in an elementary school 2 hours before it lets out. To see if there are any pedos lurking.

Lesson learned, don't put your name on stuff that's not yours. You should be more mad at your bro or family for not telling you and tell them they should pay the fine. Let's see if they'll pay the favor back that you did for them.

10-07-2009, 07:05 PM
To see if there are any pedos lurking.

Lesson learned, don't put your name on stuff that's not yours. You should be more mad at your bro or family for not telling you and tell them they should pay the fine. Let's see if they'll pay the favor back that you did for them.

i know, i know. but that doesnt change the fact that the cop told me "if i ever see you here again im arresting you"

this was before i told him i live there. that is still fucked up in my opinion.

but yea thanks man do you guys think theyll make me have an sr22?

10-07-2009, 07:39 PM
fuck that shit.

i always drive through that street on a 240 and my old beemer. flying past cops nothing happened.

allthough my windows had limo tint so they couldnt see.

sounds like you got what you deserved, I am in no way trying to be insensitive to your " racial profiling" but if you always break the law in other cars and never get stopped, then maybe its about time you finally did. Maybe some day something will break you of your non law abiding ways, like getting locked up again.

You also mentioned " who doesn't get locked up nowa days", people that respect the law. I have never been locked up. Same goes for many other people, like the majority of society. Being locked up does not make you a bad person, but it is not a right of passage. It does not make you a man.

You should be counting you blessings, that you did not get stopped speeding in your 240 or old bmw, because I think that would have been much worse.

I would not write stupid stories and look for sympathy on zilvia. That is what mommies and psychiatrists are for.

Is limo tint legal in Las Vegas? If not You were breakin the law then too.

Also if you have a car in your name you should be responsible enough to know if it has insurance.

10-07-2009, 07:56 PM
3. who hasn't been in jail now in days wtf

Good luck getting a job. :wan:

10-07-2009, 08:37 PM
3. who hasn't been in jail now in days wtf

I'm 23, and have never even seen the inside of a police station.

10-07-2009, 08:39 PM
The week before court Go get some cheap ass no name insurance and cancell it after court. Don't forget to make your brother pay for it when he sell the piece.

P.S. Fuck the police

10-07-2009, 08:48 PM
The week Go get some cheap ass no name insurance and cancell it after court. Don't forget to make your brother pay for it when he sell the piece.

P.S. Fuck the police

except he needs to show proof of insurance for the date the infraction occurred. :smash:

10-07-2009, 09:03 PM
You admitted you lied to a cop on a public internet forum while whining about racial profiling

Fine work.

10-07-2009, 09:07 PM
Yeah I know how you feel. Im a white christian male with a slow, nondescript car... People like me probably have it worst of all. Im always getting pulled over for stuff.

10-07-2009, 09:09 PM
this is noise

10-07-2009, 09:13 PM
The week before court Go get some cheap ass no name insurance and cancell it after court. Don't forget to make your brother pay for it when he sell the piece.

P.S. Fuck the police

Yes, legal advice from the internet.


10-07-2009, 09:37 PM
sounds like you got what you deserved, I am in no way trying to be insensitive to your " racial profiling" but if you always break the law in other cars and never get stopped, then maybe its about time you finally did. Maybe some day something will break you of your non law abiding ways, like getting locked up again.

You also mentioned " who doesn't get locked up nowa days", people that respect the law. I have never been locked up. Same goes for many other people, like the majority of society. Being locked up does not make you a bad person, but it is not a right of passage. It does not make you a man.

You should be counting you blessings, that you did not get stopped speeding in your 240 or old bmw, because I think that would have been much worse.

I would not write stupid stories and look for sympathy on zilvia. That is what mommies and psychiatrists are for.

Is limo tint legal in Las Vegas? If not You were breakin the law then too.

Also if you have a car in your name you should be responsible enough to know if it has insurance.

limo tint isnt illegal here in nevada.

i did not lie to the cop. i never been booked in jail or actually went to a real jail.

i was in a holding cell for 17 hours.

10-07-2009, 09:46 PM
The day has probably come and gone, but you can get insurance on the car literally the same day you got the ticket. Just call an agency and they will give you a valid policy number and issue a bill later. You shouldn't be pissed at the cop, you should be pissed at your bro for not having insurance on the car.

I saw the title of the thread and was expecting something completely different....

10-07-2009, 10:14 PM
Maybe the cop already saw that car earlier but had something more important to do, and then recognized the car.

And if it was "profiling" then whatever, his hunch was right. Sounds like good police work to me.

10-07-2009, 10:23 PM
ME : i lied and said NO (even though i spent an overnighter for battery )

limo tint isnt illegal here in nevada.

i did not lie to the cop. i never been booked in jail or actually went to a real jail.

i was in a holding cell for 17 hours.

This is why defendants have the right to remain silent.

Well, not really.

But it doesn't matter, they usually screw up somehow anyways.

10-07-2009, 10:38 PM
back to the 2nd point of this thread. DO YOU GUYS THINK I WILL BE FORCED TO CARRY AN SR22? after this

10-07-2009, 10:41 PM
your an idiot. its not 15 over, it is 11 over. You brag about speeding passed cops all the time, and then come on here whining and crying that you got caught and OMFG RACIALLY PROFILED! CALL AL SHARPTON QUICK!

Go cry on hondatech or something.

ps....going to jail definitely is not a normal everyday thing for respectable, contributors of society. Grow up.

pss Speeding and assaulting people then bragging about it on the internet, definitely does NOT make you cool. Save that shit for your high school friends.

10-07-2009, 10:44 PM
and yes you will get an SR22. Have fun

10-07-2009, 11:45 PM
and yes you will get an SR22. Have fun

i never ment i sped my cops. i just flew past them when they were parked looking for victims. they just never pulled me over for no reason. i have never been pulled over by a steaked out cop. im sorry if i came off as a teen racer im not.

10-08-2009, 12:59 AM
Looks like a classic case of the stupids.

10-08-2009, 12:56 PM
I really did start to close this for the reason of uselessness last night.
I watched South Park then went to bed instead... I am not pleased with me for allowing it to continue.