View Full Version : Paint-Saver Nylon or Polycarbonate Washer Question

10-06-2009, 01:41 PM
I cant remember which part of my aero came with these, either it was the kouki front lip or the chuki side-skirts....

but in the hardware assortment there were various ultra-thin, nylon washers that are almost transparent... slightly opaque. They're designed to save your paint from marring, apparently.

I tried ordering some fucking washers from McMasterCarr only to get fucked with 5 dollars in shipping fees for 5 dollars worth of washers that were the wrong kind. The ones I got were much thicker and more white/opaque.

Someone here should know the answer as where to find these beauties, because they'll save my paint from marring when torque-ing down bolts for the fenders, sideskirts, and various other panels Ide like to use them on.

Throw a dog a bone. The closest discussion i found was this:
Paint-Savers clear nylon washers (http://www.hotrodders.com/forum/paint-savers-clear-nylon-washers-142863.html)

If anyone has anything concrete and has been through this before, please post.


10-06-2009, 02:48 PM
Fastenal has nylon washers. Usually they're used hang delicate glass pieces like mirrors to walls and such. If you don't have a Fastenal nearby let me know and I can source them for you. Also check out some hobby shops they are sometimes used in RC cars to space the body and some suspension pieces.

10-06-2009, 10:23 PM
Check your local paint jobber mike. They usually carry those hard to find clips, fasteners, washers and whatnot for cars since the people that go there are doing what you're doing...

I got some for my bike at my local jobber. I would check if they have the right sizes for you, but I'm not at home right now.

Let me know if you need help finding a local jobber.