View Full Version : Help! Ka24e problem with motor/exhaust/rough idle

10-05-2009, 01:19 AM
i searched for everything in the title but nothing relevant came up. So today, i was driving my 90 hatch and everything was fine, until i drove home from church. I noticed a ticking noise from my engine, kinda like it makes whenever i start it up. i figured it was nothing big, and was gonna wait till monday to check it out... but then a few hours ago i left to meet some friends and my car BOGS! and idles insanely rough.. i pop the hood and the motor is literally shaking like no other! plus there is no power and that strange ticking noise is back... constantly (instead of only for a few seconds when i cold start the car). i look under the car and the tranny seems to be covered in oil, but there is no leak... and there seem to be fumes coming from the middle of the undercarriage (could have been my paranoid imagination), and i smell oil/gas(once again, perhaps im paranoid)?? im a total noob when it comes to cars so please any help would be really appreciated! thank you!!

11-29-2009, 11:01 AM
i got the exact same thing going except when i rev it up i get water and i believe oil or gas spits out of exhaust so i believe its my waterpump seal idk but scary and it sounds like a diesel car. did u figure out what it was? if its not my waterpuump i think i need an oil change really really bad.... lmfao!

11-29-2009, 11:21 AM
^ if you have coolant, oil, ect coming out the exhaust odds are you have a blown head gasket... could also be a fuel injector is dead making it sound like a subaru/diesel....

11-29-2009, 11:50 AM
yeah i figured it cause i got a tad bit of white smoke... but also black... i need oil change :P
but yeah i checked my fuel injectors and well i didnt really notice a change on any of them... but ima purchase new ones.

11-29-2009, 05:48 PM
To OP...It sounds like you blew your engine. That ticking sound means the engine was not being lubricated properly. In turn causing unwanted friction and then boom.

11-30-2009, 10:50 AM
yeah his thing is a tad bit diff from mine and i have yet to feel a blown engine lmfao ima have one if i dont get an oil change and new hg or water seal

11-30-2009, 11:39 AM
well your missing in one of the cylinders for sure. look at the oil and see if its a chololate milk color, check the rad for oil in it, and check if the water temp is very high when idling. those are the general signs of a blown head gasket.

12-02-2009, 11:30 PM
well i have an update on mine! i got new injector (one was leaking/broken) uhm i replaced yet when i unplug still no difference im guessing i have a fucked up sensor and it wont grab or touch the injectors tabs anyway ima get new spark plugs and wires hopefully i see a change and today i let out a huge cloud of white smoke and then just white smoke coming from exhaust its head gasket but would that be the main prob thats causing my rough idle/ driving?
thanks people!