View Full Version : Help wiring problems i think

10-01-2009, 04:08 PM
My 240sx in being very weird my windshild wipers keep studering when i turn them on or sometimes they wont even turn on at all. also my windows wont go down and my tail lights are very dim and it keeps making this tinking sound every time i try to turn on anything thats dosent work i have a new battery so i know it isnt that. but idk if it is falty wiring because everything i see looks good but im not an electrician so i really cant tell you so if you have and ideas on what it might be please your free to speak

10-01-2009, 04:52 PM
i have a new battery so i know it isnt that

"new" batteries have been sitting on the shelves and slowly discharging themselves.

Did you fully charge the new battery before installing? If not, that's an easy way to kill your new battery.

10-01-2009, 05:25 PM
yea i was thinking that was it but i dont get the tink tink noise dose your car do that?