View Full Version : ka vs. sr radiators

10-01-2009, 03:09 PM
are they interchangeable?? i was looking to buy a fluidyne off someone who had used it on a sr application, i was wondering if i will be able to use it on my ka. they are both s13 so the chassis are the same, i just didn't know, and of course dont want to buy it just to find i need to buy another cause this one wont fit...
thanks in advance

10-01-2009, 03:21 PM
Search next time! Its been covered for sure. Yes it will work with a different hose setup because the inlet and outlet are on the opposite sides.

10-02-2009, 09:01 AM
i did search this time!! finally (after you had wrote this reply) i had got basically the same reply that you had put, but with no response as to what hoses i should use. ah well, im not gonna use this radiator anyways, just gonna get an isis thats made for the ka, bigga is betta